Happy Farmstead Friends vs. Twin Magic
Dancing Bear & The Hairless Penguin Marie Jones & Kimberly Williams

4 RP limit for tag

3500 word max per RP 

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, January 6, 2022 (SHOW WILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
January 3rd, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Rodney Wells is a financial advisor.  He has worked with the wealthiest of the white collar corporate types and his most recent client was the now deceased wealthy Romanian Sorinah Floreschu.  Wells knew nothing of Sorinah’s past.  He didn’t even know if she had any children or heirs to speak of; so it came to a big surprise to him when he learned that she had left everything she owned to none other than the deranged ginger Kimberly Williams.  Now Rodney Wells is going to be the financial advisor for Ms. Williams and he is on his way to see The Woman Scorned in Boston, Massachusetts at the home of Kim’s twin sister Marie Jones.

Wells may not be a wrestling fan but he knows of Kim and Marie.  They are a couple of local celebrities in the Boston area.  He never knew that his late client Sorinah Floreschu had a connection to them.  And if he knew what that connection was, then perhaps he wouldn’t be so excited about taking this job.  The truth is that Sorinah Floreschu is the sister of Emma Storm, who kidnapped Kimberly when she was born and raised her as her own, off the grid.  Emma passed on her own twisted, corrupt, sociopathic tendencies to Kimberly.  Sorinah wanted to atone for her sister’s sins and took Kimberly under her wing.  She tried to guide her professional career.  Little did Sorinah know that Kimberly had already begun to exact her revenge.  Kimberly had murdered Emma, manipulated her way into being named Sorinah’s sole heir, and then murdered Sorinah.

This financial advisor isn’t even considering the potential ramifications of working with the eccentric mind of Kimberly Williams.  He isn’t even concerned with how she came to become Sorinah’s sole heir.  He merely sees the dollar signs that go along with being closely associated with Williams, a psychopath who has suddenly come into a large sum of money.  He is thinking of how he can use this to his advantage.  Little does he know what he is getting himself into.

Rodney Wells walks up to the front door of a large exquisite home.  He rings the doorbell.  A few moments later and the door opens.  He spots the familiar redhead staring at him, smiling warmly and pleasantly from inside.  She is dressed in a black knee length skirt, black patent leather high heeled pumps, and a red floral print silk blouse.

“Ah, Ms. Williams, you look lovely this evening.”

“Thank you.” She answers with a grin. “But I’m not Kim.”

“You’re not?”

“No, sorry.” She chuckles lightly. “I’m her twin sister Marie Jones.”

“Ah, yes.  Of course, I should have remembered that there are two of you.”

“It confuses everyone.  We call it twin magic.” Marie says with a wink.

“An apt term, if I do say so myself.  But is Ms. Williams here?  We were supposed to meet here to discuss her finances.”

“Yes, she’s waiting for you.  Come inside.”

Marie motions for Rodney to follow her.  He nods and follows her inside the home, shutting the door behind him.  Jones leads Wells down the hall and then through another door into the living room.  Marie then motions towards a sofa in the center of the room.  Rodney sits down on the sofa.

“Do you want some wine, Mr. Wells?”

“That would be wonderful, thank you.”

“I will go take care of that and notify my sister that you’re here.  But before I do, I want to say how lucky she is to have you.”


“You don’t know Kim like I do.  How could you?  I mean, no one alive could possibly know Kim like I do because we are twins.  But despite being twins we were brought up in vastly different environments.  I’m sure you noticed this fine home, the nice furniture, it truly is luxurious isn’t it?”

“It is quite a nice home, Ms. Jones.”

“Thank you, because it is mine.  Kim’s home isn’t like this.  She wouldn’t know how to live in such opulence.  But I was.  I grew up not wanting for anything.  I grew up in such luxury.  But my sister, she grew up with nothing.  For all intents and purposes she was homeless.  Her ‘home’, if you want to call it that, was a shack in the middle of the wilderness because some monster kidnapped her at infancy.”

“That’s horrible.  I had no idea.”

“Few people do.  Most think she’s just acting or that she’s just crazy.  And some of it is an act.  She’s putting on a strong front because deep down inside she is hurting.  But she also doesn’t know how to act around all this because she was raised with nothing.  She needs a mind like yours to help her with her finances, Mr. Wells.”

“Well, I shall I do my best.” Rodney says with a warm smile.

“Thank you.  I will go get my sister.” A fake look of sincerity forms across Marie’s lips.  She plans on listening into the meeting between Rodney Wells and her sister.  She cannot wait to see how this turns out.  She hopes it will turn out in her favor.  Jones turns and exits the living room.  While Rodney sits and waits for the arrival of what he thinks will be his new client.

The wait for Mr. Wells is not a long one.  Just like a sudden storm coming out of nowhere, Kimberly Williams comes hopping and skipping into the living room followed closely behind by her trusty and loyal Dalek.  Kim is wearing torn denim jeans and a black t-shirt with the phrase “I Groped Ace Marshall” printed on the front.  The mechanical menace is dragging a bag of who knows what behind it and the Dalek also has a tray attached to it, a tray that has a glass of wine on it.  The Dalek rolls up to Wells and comes to a stop.




“Uh…” Rodney reluctantly takes the glass of wine.  Kimberly giggles as she sits down on the sofa next to Rodney.

“Sorry about the Dalek.  He tends to be cranky at this time of day.  Come to think of it, he’s always cranky.”

“Does your toy have to be here, Ms. Williams?”

“That is not a toy.  It is a drone and it has feelings.” Kim states sternly. “Now apologize to the Dalek for implying he was a toy.”

“Apologize to the toy…err drone?”

“Yes.  Apologize or I fire you on the spot.”

Rodney sighs with frustration. “Fine.  Uh, I apologize Mister, uh, mister Dalek.”


“Alright.  Not being exterminated is good, I suppose.” Rodney chuckles uneasily as he tries to be positive about all of this.  He figures it is best to play into Kim’s eccentricity for now.  She is quite wealthy and this could work out for him if he can just tolerate her. “Now then, shall we begin by discussing…”

Rodney is trying to talk but he stops when he realizes that Kim isn’t listening to a word he is saying.  Instead, Williams is rummaging through the bag that her drone brought with it.  Kim eventually produces a party hat and a thing of lipstick.  Kim places the party hat on Rodney’s head and then applies lipstick to his lips.  She stares at her handiwork and smiles approvingly.


“What…why did you do that?”

“I wanted you to look beautiful.  But come to think of it, you need something else.” She reaches over with the lipstick but Rodney starts to push her away.

“I would really rather you not do that, Ms. Williams.”

“Look Roddy, this is MY money.  I’m the rich one, not you.  So if you want in on this, if you want to work with me, then that means I call the shots. Got it?”


“Hey, I get it Roddy, my methods may seem unorthodox to some.  But they are MY methods, just like it is MY money.” She grins nastily. “And if you aren’t up to dealing with my methods and my terms then I can always hire someone else.”

Rodney is a greedy bastard but he isn’t sure that this is worth it.  Still, Kim is quite wealthy.  Maybe he can still use her in some way.  He reluctantly nods his head, agreeing to whatever unorthodox terms she may have.  Kim then giddily begins coloring all over his face with the lipstick.  This goes on for nearly a minute and by the time she is done his face is almost completely red with it.

“There…” she puts the lipsticks back in the bag.

“Are you quite done?”

“Not yet.” Kim goes back through the bag.  She pulls out a pink tutu. “Put it on.”

“What?!  Why?!”

“Because I’m rich!  That’s why!  Rich people get to do whatever they want…at least that’s what I understand from watching so much television.  Now put the tutu on or I fire you…or maybe Dalek here exterminates you.”

“It can’t really exterminate me…” he looks nervously at the robot “...can it?”

“I’m honestly not sure.  We can try if you want!”

“No, that’s fine.” Rodney sighs as he stands up and takes the tutu out of Kim’s hand.  Then he steps into it and pulls it up and on.

“Now you are perfect!”

“Can we please get the meeting started, Ms. Williams?” Rodney’s patience is being tested to its limits.  Lucky for him, Kim has had her fun.  She nods her head. “Good. Let’s first discuss investments.  Ms. Floreschu never seemed interested in stocks but I believe proper investments can grow your wealth exponentially.”

“Like what?”

“Well social media platform Meta for one.  There is also Amazon, which is always popular.  And in this day and age medical stocks are huge.  So I would suggest Pfizer or Moderna.  Perhaps Johnson & Johnson.”

“So you think I should start playing the stock market.”

“It would increase your wealth, Ms. Williams.”

“Yeah, I could get richer.” She points a finger at Rodney. “And as a result it would make YOU richer.  That’s your endgame, isn’t it Roddy?  Use me to help make yourself wealthier.”

He sighs and nods his head. “That is how the game is played.  I get paid by you.  So the more you make, the more I make.”

“I figured.” She grins nastily. “And I’m inclined to let you invest my newfound money but I have a few requests of my own.  A few demands you need to meet.”

“Haven’t I done enough?” He says with a sigh, looking down at himself still wearing the tutu.

“Oh that?  That was just a game.  No more games, no more humiliating you.  These are serious requests.  First of all, I am not some snob.  I am not some wealthy fat cat abusing her wealth at the expense of others.  I want to use my money for a good cause.”

Rodney realizes that Kim is being serious.  He nods his head and then sits back down on the sofa. “Very well.  I can help with that.  What did you have in mind?”

“I want to set up a group that rescues exotic animals.  Maybe even set up a conservation reserve, sort of like a zoo, to help preserve these animals for future generations to enjoy them. Can we do that?”

Rodney nods his head. “Oh of course.  Many wealthy entrepreneurs have donated to causes such as the ASPCA, PETA, and…”

“No, no, no.  I don’t want to just donate.  I want to start my own.”

“Well…” he sighs “...it will be difficult but with your wealth we can certainly do that, yes.”

“Great.  Also I want to buy some land.”

“Land?” Rodney arches his brow. “How much?”

“A LOT!” Kim exclaims loudly. “I want to purchase a plot of land large enough to place a large medieval style castle on it!”

Wells rolls his eyes. “You have to be joking…”

“I am NOT joking!  I wanna live in a castle, damn it!  And I want a tank!”

“A tank?!” Wells motions to the Dalek. “Isn’t that damned robot good enough?!”

“It is a drone!” Kim growls angrily. “And I want a tank!  Not just any tank, a Sherman Tank!  I want one!  Now will you help me get my castle and my tank?”

“No…” Rodney shakes his head vehemently as he stands back up.  He takes the party hat off and throws it back in her face.  He takes off the tutu and throws it back at her as well. “I have had enough of this!  I was willing to help because I thought you were serious, but it is clear that you are not taking any of this seriously.”

Williams gets up and glares angrily into Rodney’s eyes.  The financial advisor is beginning to think he made a mistake in challenging her like this.  “No, Roddy, the mistake that was made was on my part.  I made a mistake in thinking that you ever had my best interests at heart.  This is my money, not yours.  And I want to use it for a good cause…”

“Yes!  Rescuing wildlife is a noble cause!  But a castle and a tank?!  You don’t need that!”

“No, but it’s fun.  And what’s wrong with having a little fun?  Don’t act like you are all Mr. Nobility, either because I can read you like a book.  You just want to manipulate me and use me, you want to get your hands on MY money.”

“It is how the game is played!” Wells exclaims.  Kim smirks.

“And I don’t feel like playing your game.  You’re fired.” She presses a button on the Dalek. “Get rid of our guest, Rusty.”

Rodney’s eyes grow wide as the Dalek comes back to life. “EXTERMINATE!” The Dalek shoots a liquid at Rodney…it turns out to be ghost pepper hot sauce. “EXTERMINATE!” The ghost pepper sauce is doing its work, burning the eyes and face of Rodney who begins to bolt out of the living room.  The Dalek is giving chase.  As soon as she hears the front door open and slam shut, signifying Wells has left, Kim slumps back down on the sofa.  As Kim sits there in silence she doesn’t notice her twin sister Marie returning to the living room.  Marie had been listening in closely to the proceedings.  A grin forms on the face of Marie Jones.  This went exactly as she had hoped.  She wants Kim to herself.  She didn’t want to share Kim’s wealth with Rodney Wells.  Marie walks over and sits down next to Kim.

“So, I take it based on the look on your face things didn’t go well with Rodney?”

“I drove him to quit.” Kim says with a sense of disappointment in her voice. “I mean, I didn’t think my requests were too much…”

“What did you ask for?”

“A medieval castle and a Sherman tank.  Oh and I also drew all over his face and made him wear a tutu.  But doesn’t everyone do that to their financial advisor?”

“I thought they did.” Marie says, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe he just doesn’t have an appreciation for your sense of humor?”

“Maybe that’s it.  But that was just for fun, and now that I ran him off I don’t have anyone to help me with my actual goal.”

“What was your goal?”

“I wanted to start a rescue for exotic animals.  You know how some people illegally keep exotic animals as pets?  I want to rescue them and place them in a preserve.  Maybe eventually turn it into a zoo of sorts so people can visit them.  Y’know?  I thought it was a good cause.”

“It is a great cause.” Marie says in agreement.  Kim sighs and shakes her head.

“Maybe it is, but it won’t happen because I ran Roddy off…or rather Dalek is running him off…” Kim pauses “...I should probably find Dalek…”

“We can find Dalek later.  But you don’t need Rodney Wells.”

“Who is gonna help manage my money?  Roddy was even talking about investing money to help grow my money.  More money means more finances I have to pump into my rescue.”

Marie nods her head. “He’s right but he’s not the only one who can help you with your money.  I know a thing or two about money as well, Kim, and it would be my honor to help you.  It would be my honor to be your financial advisor.”

Kim’s eyes light up like a tree on Christmas Day. “Really?  You’ll help?”

“Of course.” Marie takes Kim by the hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “Like I said, I am here for you.  Everyone else may have abandoned you but I will always be here for you, Kim.”

“Thanks, Marie!” Kim leans over and embraces Marie in a tight hug. “You’re the best!”

“Of course I am.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]
January 4th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been twenty four hours since the catastrophe that was the meeting between Kimberly Williams and her potential financial advisor Rodney Wells. Kimberly’s eccentric antics scared off Wells, leaving Kim with no one to turn to for financial advice; well, almost no one. For Marie Annabelle Jones, Kim’s identical twin sister, this so-called ‘catastrophe’ was a blessing because it puts her even closer to Kimberly. Marie wanted to be in Kim’s ear, not quite ordering her around and telling her what to do, but definitely whispering advice, guiding her, and indirectly using her to her own advantage. Now there is no one else to influence The Woman Scorned except for The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling. And that, in Marie’s mind, is exactly how it should be. If you ask Marie, there isn’t anyone more qualified to help and guide Kimberly Williams than Marie Jones. And guide Kim she will, because Marie knows that when the two of them are on the same page they are unstoppable. As Twin Magic they have been three time world tag team champions, including one reign as SCW World Tag Team Champions. As Twin Magic they have helped one another to collect singles gold. The success of The Order of Chaos, Lucas Knight and Christy Matthews both winning singles gold and the tag team titles together, did not go unnoticed by The Phoenix. Jones hopes to have similar success with her twin sister Kimberly by her side.

The End of the Year Special was just the beginning and while Marie did not win the open invitational, a clear statement was made in the match itself; Twin Magic is back and are here to stay. Now on Breakdown they have their first official match back as a unit against The Happy Farmstead Friends, also known as The Hairless Penguin and Dancing Bear. They operate under the tutelage of Lexy Chapel, who is on a major roll as manager of the year. She has managed Ace Marshall and Autumn Valentine to the SCW World Tag Team Championships and Autumn herself to a lengthy reign as SCW Television Champion. Marie knows better than to underestimate anyone managed by Lexy, even if they are a ridiculous pairing like the penguin or the bear. She knows that the focus needs to be on winning this match and so Marie is intent on distracting Kim from the ‘catastrophe’ from yesterday and focus on the new task at hand. But getting Kim to focus on anything can be a difficult task for anyone, even her twin sister.

Still, Marie did manage to convince Kimberly to come with her to their mother’s private gym in Boston. The Phoenix is over at a heavy bag and throwing punches and kicks at it, honing her own unique striking ability that she plans to utilize against Penguin and Bear. Over on a blue wrestling mat is her twin sister Kim and she is sparring…or at least, attempting to spar…with her trusty Dalek. Kim is hopping up and down as if she were Muhammed Ali, throwing her fists at the trash can looking robot.

“Put ‘em up, Rusty!”


“Your Dukes! Put up your dukes! Fight like a man!


“Fine…then fight me like a Dalek!”

Marie watches them out of the corner of her eye. She rolls her eyes. She wishes Kim had kept the Dalek at home but her eccentric twin insisted that the toy come along. Kimberly says Dalek can be a good asset to the team. Marie isn’t as sure of that as Kim is. The only thing Dalek could be good for is to serve as a distraction. It certainly isn’t helping Kim much right now. But at least having the Dalek here convinced Kim to come along.


“Yes, I’m sure! You are the most dangerous warrior race in the galaxy! If I can beat you, I can certainly beat a damn penguin and a damn bear!”

“Uh, Kim?”

“What is it sis? I’m trying to convince this rust-bucket to fight me.”

“I’m fairly certain that Hairless Penguin isn’t an actual penguin and that Dancing Bear isn’t an actual bear.”

“Really?” Kim stops her bopping and jumping to turn and face Marie. “They’re not?”


“Then damn it we should sue Lexy for false advertisement! Or would we sue SCW?”

“SCW would be liable for false advertisement, I think.”

“Then let’s sue SCW!” Kim says angrily. “I was excited about wrestling a penguin and a bear! I was gonna work my way up to wrestling an alligator!”

“If we do well against these two then I’ll see what I can do about arranging a match for you against an actual alligator. But first we need to win this match against Lexy’s cronies and that means right now we need to get ready.”

“Well I’m trying but…”


“...huh?” Kim hears her Dalek and turns to face it. Kim is sprayed by a steady stream of ghost pepper hot sauce. “AAAAAAAA!!! Damn it! Son of a….AAAAAAA!!!!”

Kimberly falls over on the mat clutching her face which is obviously burning having the hot sauce sprayed on it. Marie sees this and sighs out of frustration. Luckily she had suspected that bringing this stupid Dalek along could lead to trouble so she came prepared for just such an emergency. Jones rushes over to her gym bag that is lying against the far wall and it has a half gallon of milk to the side. Marie picks up the milk and brings it over to her twin sister who is flailing around on the mat.

“I’m dying! I’m dyyyyyiiiiiinnnng!” Kim screams.

“You’re not dying.”

“I can see the pearly gates! I can see Saint Peter Parker!”

“It’s Saint Peter. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. And you don’t see anything, let alone pearly gates, because the hot sauce is blinding you.” Marie pops the top off of the milk jug and kneels down next to her sister. “Hold still.”

Kim nods her head and stops flailing. Marie then pours the milk over Kim’s face. A few moments later and Kim starts to sit up. Marie hands Kim a towel, which Kim uses to wipe her face.

“Feeling better?”

“My face still burns a little but it’s much better now.” Kim remarks. She turns to face the Dalek. “No thanks to you!”


“You could have killed me you stupid tin can!”


“Stupid machine!” Kim remarks, rolling her eyes.

“Look, Kim, I know you wanted to bring your…uh…friend along with you, but I think it’s obvious that he is proving to be a detriment to our cause right now.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Kim sighs. “But he’s fun! Can I still bring him to Breakdown?”

“Sure.” Marie says with a grin. “I mean, he can distract our opponents.”

“You want to use Dalek to distract our opponents? Like, distract the penguin and bear?”

“If we have to.”

“But isn’t that wrong?”

“Only if we get caught.” Marie smirks knowingly. “Like your friend says, Daleks only care about victory. That’s what we should care about. Victory.”

“Still, it is wrong…” Kim says, her voice trails off. Marie reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder.

“Maybe it is, but look at other people in SCW. Like, uh, Holly Adams for instance. She isn’t exactly a saint in the wrestling ring but the fans still rewarded her with an SCW World Title Match. The Connection aren’t saints either but they won tag team of the year. See what I mean?”

Kimberly sighs and nods her head. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Don’t worry about right and wrong, Kim. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. Just trust me. I have never led you astray, have I?”

“No, you haven’t.” Kim says smiling.

“Great. Then let’s get to work. We have a match to win.”

January 6th, 2022
Philadelphia, PA
On Camera

The cameras begin to roll. We are in front of a plain gray backdrop. Standing there in the center of the screen is “The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling” Marie Annabelle Jones. Marie is dressed in a tight form fitting red dress, red high heeled pumps, and her signature black leather jacket. A smug, confident smirk is etched across her lovely features as she stares into the camera.

“Supreme Championship Wrestling had a ton of huge, monumental moments in 2021. But the biggest and most monumental of them all happened at the end of the year special, specifically in the Open Invitational.” The Phoenix shakes her head. “And no, I’m not talking about the return of Alexis Quinne because let’s be honest, no one really cares about that now do they? The biggest moment in SCW’s 2021 was the return of yours truly, The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling! Face it, the company has taken a huge nose dive ever since I left. You desperately needed The Phoenix. You needed my greatness to return. And if you don’t believe me just look at the state of the tag team division in 2021. For all intents and purposes it was just three teams most of the year. The mere fact that one of your teams is made of a guy who thinks he’s a penguin and another who thinks they’re a bear is proof of how far this division has sunk. But I’ll get to those two clowns in a moment, because SCW hasn’t just had problems in its tag team division. Its singles division has fallen on hard times. Teams went after singles gold because apparently there just isn’t enough talent available.”

Marie shakes her head. “But we know that wasn’t true. Am I right, Kim?” As if on cue we see the Dalek rolling into view. Marie’s identical twin sister Kimberly Williams is riding on the Dalek. Kimberly is wearing torn denim jeans and a plain black t-shirt. She hops up off of the Dalek and smirks nastily.

“Lucas Knight already had this tag team championship thing going on with Christy Matthews. There were other competitors out there who were singles competitors, who didn’t have any gold, but for some reason SCW in its infinite wisdom saw fit to give Lucas a title shot he didn’t deserve. Konrad Raab, Drake Hemmingway, the list goes on and on. I may not like them but why weren’t they granted a shot at my Underground Title? What made Lucas worthy of being a dual title holder? For that matter, why the hell did Christy deem it necessary to go after the tag titles with Lucas when she already had the United States title? And why the hell did SCW allow it? Do you really have no one else in this damn company you faith enough in to give a title shot to so you feel you have to give a title shot to someone who already holds a tag title?”

Marie chuckles. “So if that’s the new status quo for this company then fine. Yours truly, The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling, is here to take my share of the pie. And my sister, someone you have mistreated, someone you have overlooked and did not appreciate, she is going to take her share of the pie too. The End of the Year Special was not a one time only deal. Twin Magic is back, SCW, and whether you like it or not we are taking over.” Marie points over at Kim. “And by all rights, SHE shouldn’t have to jump through any hoops. She should have her rightful opportunities that she has EARNED. But SCW is overlooking her. Just like it overlooked me. And now you are in dire, desperate straights, your company is in a nose dive and you need talent like ours in order to pull you back from the depths.” Jones nods her head. “We will start from the bottom and work our way up. That’s fine. If beating the crap out of a pair of flunkies like The Happy Farmstead Friends is what it will take to get the attention of management and put ourselves in contention, then that’s what we will do.”

“The Penguin and the Bear happen to be aligned with Lexy and company, the same Lexy who manages the reigning SCW World Tag Team Champions and SCW Television Champion.” Kimberly states with a cackling, evil laugh. “So I just wanna know from the bear and penguin if they are ok being Lexy’s flunkies? Are they ok being second class citizens in Lexy’s little empire? Because the fact is that’s all they are. They are pawns. They are cannon fodder. Lexy could care less what happens to her cronies so long as her two meal tickets, Ace and Autumn, survive and keep the titles.” Williams points at herself and Marie. “But we’re back and unlike our opponents we are NOT ok being second class citizens. We are not going to sit back and just accept our spot on the roster. We see what we want and we want championship gold. Your little manager happens to have her grubby little paws on some championships. So if maiming a penguin and a bear will get us what we want then that is exactly what we intend to do.”

The Phoenix nods her head. “Kim’s right, The Hairless Penguin and Dancing Bear have been little more than a comedy act. They are comic relief for Lexy’s group. They are just a bunch of extras in a major play orchestrated by Lexy Chapel. But Kim and I are not content to play a minor role in anyone else’s play. We are the stars of the show because we deserve it, we have EARNED IT. And on Breakdown we are going to take Lexy’s comic relief and knock them out in impressive, decisive fashion. When we are done wiping the floor with the penguin and the bear, SCW management will have no choice but to sit up and take notice of Twin Magic. They will have no choice but to give us what we want.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x


[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]

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