Bianca Evans vs. Gigi Steward
Bianca Evans vs. Gigi Steward

2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, October 9, 2018
SCW's Brat Club | Giovanna Steward | "An Old Score Settling."

{The episode starts in the middle of the day at the arena where SCW is having their next Breakdown show at. The SCW crew are there early getting things ready for the show. The scene opens to Maddy Steward walking to the arena with her bag behind her being wheeled. She is dressed in her dark causal clothes as pre usual and she looks over out front of the arena noticing something a bit odd. A big white tent set up in the parking lot of the arena. Like something you’re see at a fair. It has Maddy’s interest as she walks over to check it out. She walks over to the closed opening of the tent and goes to look inside, but before she can pull the tent back someone walks out. Maddy jumps back getting out of the person’s way and almost falls over her bag behind her.}

{Bianca Evans steps out of the tent and in front of Maddy. She sizes the youngest Steward, but doesn’t come at her in a threatening way.}

Bianca Evans: Oh hello Madison, did you come to hear the words of our heavenly father? I’m really happy to see your interest in the New God after being dragged down by the Old God, Katie for so long.

Madison Steward: Are you the New God you’re talking about? I mean, no. I just wanted to see what this was. Is this a traveling church thing?

Bianca Evans: No. It’s an invitation Madison and I want you to be apart of it. I like you. I see a lot of potential still left inside of you. Let’s face it, Giovanna is too far gone. She’s fully engulfed in the shadow of her mother. I’m offering you a way out. Madison Evans could be the next big thing. Possibly even Star of Tomorrow.

Madison Steward: How did you know about that? I’m not doing the Maddy Evans thing again. I should be heading inside. Gigi is probably waiting for me.

Bianca Evans: Wait, don't go. If you leave then you’re walking out on everything. I’m the good one. The nice one. I offered Katie a chance. She drop the ball. Gigi wants to settle this score and it’s going to be done. You’re walking away on a fresh start. To be apart of the New Gods.

Madison Evans: I can’t. I won’t. B, I’m just too sweet for you. I’m Brat Club. For Life. G and I got our date with you tonight.

{Maddy turns around and walks away. She tries super hard to sell her bad ass attitude to Bianca. Though Bianca seems to be disappointed in Maddy’s decision.}

Bianca Evans: You’re annoyingly sweet.

{Bianca turns back around and walks back inside the tent and the scene fades.}

{The scene opens inside the Steward’s dressing room where Maddy rushes inside finding Gigi there. Gigi is dressed in her jeans and a black top with her Brat Club leather jacket. She is in the middle of messaging Katie on her phone.}

Madison Steward: G, we need to talk. You won’t believe what Bianca is up too.

Giovanna Steward: It can’t be anything worst than talking with Katie. I think she’s stoned right now.

Madison Steward: Really? What makes you think that?

Giovanna Steward: Because Katelyn messaged me beforehand saying Katie ate some of Autumn’s brownies meant for her shop. Apparently she had some kind of weird dream she’s telling me about seeing her Goddess and she’s scared and nervous and… well really, really stoned.

Madison Steward: Oh my Goddess, is she going to be ok?

Giovanna Steward: Autumn said she’ll be fine after she sleeps it off. Anyways, what did you want to say about Bianca?

Madison Steward: She just propositioned me.

Giovanna Steward: What?

Madison Steward: She wanted me to join her and this New God thing she’s talking about. She’s really wants Katie’s crown and she’s not shy of making you a causality in her war with her.

Giovanna Steward: I’m sure everyone knows she’s not shy about anything and I fully expect her to try and finish the job she started.

Madison Steward: That’s what I told her. I told her I was too sweet and I was Brat Club for life. Then I walked away all bad ass liked. You should’ve seen me. You would’ve loved it.

Giovanna Steward: I’m sure you did great.

Madison Steward: I know. She was trying to get in my head, but it didn’t work. I’m not going to be Maddy Evans again.

Giovanna Steward: That is really good to hear actually. Now though I got unfinished business to take care off.

Madison Steward: Good because it doesn’t matter if you’re an Old God or a New God. What matters is that we’re Brat Club.

{Gigi and Maddy smile at one another and hi five as they’re both look excited for Breakdown.}

{The scene opens backstage in the gorrilla position for SCW Breakdown. Gigi is ready to head to the arena when the SCW camera catches up to her.}

Giovanna Steward: Tonight this isn’t about anything or anyone, but myself. This isn’t about Katie and Bianca Evans’ problems. The Tag Team Titles. Lohan Country. Maddy. Being a Goddess. Bianca returned and she just attacked me in what was just a random attack. No reasons ever given. No one bothered to ask. No one said a word about it. I was a moment that haunted me for weeks after it happened. Watching Bianca what appears to be mind games with Katie I don’t know. Bianca is off doing whatever she wants. Everything is still working as intend in SCW and I’m standing her. Still feeling the same emotions as I did when Bianca attacked me. Now I’m going to go out and I’m going to get my pretty little hands on Bianca and I’m probably not going to win. I don’t wanna win. I just want to beat her ass like she did to me weeks ago. No reasons given. I’m not doing this for Katie. I don’t care what Bianca’s mind games are. This is all about me and my Brat Club. Bianca can’t escape my cross hairs.

{Gigi throws up a hand gesture to the camera and then pulls her hood up hearing her music play in the arena and the scene and episode fades.}
[Image: 3zThvbB.jpg]
ooc: blah blah first part off cam second on. first part is after b's fatal fortunes match second is whenever people do those little pretapes.

After Breakdown not the show my match the rest of it...doesnt fucking matter i never watch any matches that dont concern me thats not my fucking problem. I am frustrated pissed off i was disapointed from the get go. The Tv title? I dont want the fucking tv title. But i failed i failed again fatal fortunes was suppose to be about me and after the tag title non sense this was suppose to be my real coming out part this was suppose to be my moment to set up every thing going forward instead i screwed it up. Instead it was like before Chad before i had a place in the world before i had direction. I lost all the time then i tried to justify it but the truth was i wasnt good enough that i barely deserved to be in SCW. But then i met Chad then i met my husband and it all changed then i mattered then i was able to win matches consistently....but it had all gone to shit so quickly.

Ophelia: its ok sweet heart everything will be fine.

My mother was trying to make me feel better she was trying to make me feel like i wasnt a failure. I just wanted to find a quiet place alone and do some cocaine. I had been clean for months now but the anxiety of losing of being proven wrong about who i believed myself to was getting to be i needed an escape. 

Ophelia: Bianca its just one match...everything will be fine.

Mother doesnt understand shes not a competitor one match is everything. The only way to be relevant is to be consistent to have momentum if you arent you are just at the back of the line treading water. I dont want to be at the back i dont want to be where i was over a year ago.

I am walking backstage at a brisk pace trying to get back to the room i changed in then i was going to find some escape maybe that was in coke...if i could score some maybe something else i dont know i just needed away from all of the people back stage chattering and talking and having a good time with their friends. I hated them all so much especially in this moment. I really dont have friends in this business outside of Channel and Lenore I sure as hell dont go around talking to people or spending my free time with others. I've always been this way isolating myself being alone in my thoughts. Socalizing has never been my thing. And right now i was miserable that things hadnt turned out my way. This was a even bigger version of that if you will its my nature to be alone except for those i allow in my inner circle. I wasnt the type to hang out back stage and play video games or laugh and have a great time with the girls. Thats not me and especially now I wanted to be mother though she wasnt having any of it she some how was keeping up with me for every step of the way.

Ophelia: Bianca this isnt the end of the world...i know your frustrated but you are amazing sweet heart you are going to rule SCW. 

She has no idea what shes talking about she doesnt get it at all she doesnt get that for me. Its all about the perception of how i am perceived how i am looked at. And right now it is as a loser a loser with a big mouth that cant back up a thing she says. Am I even truly Bianca Evans or am I still that little twat Lexi Von Aaron just wanting to find a place in the world. Just wanting to be accepted. I cringe at the thought i cringe at the thought that i hadn't evolved but instead gotten worst. Reaching my locker room which was actually just a small office i took over....i still didnt change with every one else. Earlier in my career i had been disrespectful and kicked out of the locker room and forced to change on my own. Now i had just gotten use to it and usually arenas are big enough one can just find a small office or room that isnt being used that they can get ready in.

I glance to my mother she looks concerned which shocks me usually she just cares about her self. i guess its because of i am her meal ticket and she is broke. We've never had a close relationship or any sort of bond so its strange to me and even feels fake when she tries to show that she cares about me. In my youth she was always quick to leave me with a nanny or forget about me all together till it suited her till she had a use for me.

This thing she was doing i didnt get it. I wasnt raised with a mother that cared about me. So it just seems so fake so unnatural that now she cares that now she wants me to succeed. I see the truth she never really loved me i was just something she created that she just assumes exists to make her life better. Since I am married to Chad who is rich she can use me to leach off of to survive because thats what shes always done. Leach off of those who are successful using what ever she can when she was younger it was her looks and sex. Now its the simple fact that i am her daughter and she gave birth to me and apparently that means i owe her something...What a crock of shit.

I look at her fake concern for a moment as we enter the room i changed in. I notice she actually is holding the black fur coat i discarded during my entrance. She didnt need to i could swear they have people that do that. But there she was. I look through my bag hoping that i had left one little baggy in my luggage hidden cause you dont want these things to be easy to find but nothing... i just wanted to escape to step away from this reality for a moment to step away from the feelings of failure of just not being good enough. 

Mother is about to say something but i just scream at her to get out to leave me alone and then i slam the door behind her and lock it i check again...nothing. I hadnt really thought about getting high in months. But i was distracted i guess with getting married with becoming some one that i thought was more. But maybe i was just that pathetic girl still. 

With that i start to cry. I cry because i cant escape i cry because i failed my return. I cry because i feel alone in my failure. I want release i want to just step away from this place in my mind but i cant. I cant escape this feeling of utter shit i am in. I pick up my phone trembling i want to call him... i want to talk to Chad. But in truth we werent in the best place i did what i did at the wedding. And then i focused on training we saw each other...but it was quiet we werent fighting or anything i missed fighting with him i missed him in general for the first time in awhile. I need something and i didnt have i call chad...

He picks up

Chad: Yea...

Bianca: Chad...I...miss you.

I say trying to hide the fact i've been crying.

Chad: What?

Chad says in a surpised tone.

Bianca: I lost tonight...again...i dont know whats wrong.

Chad: Really are you seriously calling me for sympathy you do realize who you are talking to.

Bianca: Fuck you...your my husband part of your fucking job is to support me asshole.

Chad: No thats not my job im not your fucking keeper. And the woman I married isnt a little girl that fucking whines and cries over a loss. The woman i married is a cut throat bitch that takes what ever she wants. She doesnt let any one stand in her way. She may get knocked down or beat up but she keeps getting up over and over again. And she sure as hell doesnt blame herself for loses. What the fuck is this a prank call did some one steal Bianca's phone because this whiny little cunt isnt my wife. My wife is a cruel vicious cunt even to me and thats why i married her thats why she has my name. She takes whatever she wants fuck the consequences i dont know who the fuck you are. 

I think for a second then bliirt out...

Bianca: Give me that fucking phone! 

I pretend a scuffle and then i get on the phone.

Bianca: Oh hi Chad. Your right that was some twat pretending to be me. I'll see you soon baby.

Chad: Shut the fuck up. 

Bianca: You shut the fuck up you fucking prick. 

Chad: Love you you twisted bitch. 

Bianca: I love you to you fucking prick.

He hangs up the phone. That did fixxed me from this pit of depression or whatever the hell you want to call it. Maybe not for good but it set me straight i think my problem is that i just have this level i expect myself to be on. And when things dont turn out the way i think they should i just fall apart. But that isnt Bianca that is Lexi. Bianca isnt a submissive little bitch she is strong she doesnt take peoples shit she definetly isnt to blame for any of these loses. Katie...shes the one to blame this is all her fault. She is unworthy of the title of Goddess. 

Yes she is unworthy she doesnt deserve to be the goddess of SCW. Its time for a change in SCW its time for...a New Goddess. Not one of desire or lust or whatever. But a goddess of contempt of hatred of spite...a Bitch Goddess if you will...and that Bianca Evans.


We open on a shot of Ophelia Von Aaron she is wearing a black dress she is all made up like she is going to a big hollywood premiere. She looks at the camera and begins to speak 

Ophelia: Ladies and- 

Ophelia is quickly cut off by the appearance of her Daughter Bianca Evans

Bianca: Shut the hell up mother. I have something to say and we do not have time for your idiotic rantings. 

Bianca appears on screen wearing black sunglasses and a black fur coat with a black top beneath it she looks at the camera with an intense expression on her pretty pink lips. 

Bianca: Things have not worked out for me thus far and its not my fault the blame goes entirely on the shoulders of Katie Steward. That old decomposing bitch cost me my return i handed her the chance to make history and she screwed it up. And fatal fortunes that- that that is-

Bianca sputters with her word trhying to string together her excuse. 

Bianca: That was her fault to its all her fault. She is old and WAY past her prime and clearly the only mistake i made is thinking that Katie Steward had anything left in the tank. Katie Steward is a shell of the woman she once was lets face that. And I am the future of this company i saw making Katie Steward a supreme Champion a chance to get my name in history but you know the old saying you cant teach an old  dog new tricks...Well the exact same thing can be said about Old...bitches. 

Bianca says with spite and then a bitter evil smirk appearing accross her face.

Bianca: See I know I am not with out blame here I know that i am partially at fault here. And that is because I was ignorant to the fact that Katie Steward now is not the Katie Steward of years ago. I tried to bring her up to the level of todays talents i tried to push her up to my level. And Katie she just cant...that not saying she couldnt no. Its that like so many old people. She isnt motivated shes entitled. And believes things should just be handed to her. She believes that she should be the center of attention with out doing any of the work. I wanted to believe that kharma would work out in my favor that i could do this one grand noble jesture and then by paying it forward everything would work out for me. How could i be so damn stupid how could I believe in something so stupid. Helping others doesnt get you anything Kharma is a make believe concept. Designed so goody goody tight ass losers are given the hope that if they keep being a good person if they be good to others things will turn out good for them. 

Bianca spits in disgust

Bianca: That is just crap. the idea that something like that actually works in a world like this. In a world where just about everything is a crapshoot. Where every one is completly self serving. If your life is shit there is no magic fucking wand thats going to be waved if you be a good person and cross an old lady across the street. That shit life of yours it isnt going to turn around. After marrying Chad I thought that i could change i thought that i could turn my life around and become a better person.

Ophelia: Bianca you are a great person.

Bianca: Shut the fuck up mother.

Bianca says with an annoyed expression.

Bianca:But no I am not a good person I am a bitch. I have learned recently that being charitable that doing nice things for others. Only costs you in the long run. I have learned the hard way that to get what you want. to move ahead in this world you have to take what you want by any means necessary. And in this case Katie...What i want is the most important thing you have. But I dont just want to beat you in the ring in some wrestling match no that isnt quite enough. No I cant just beat you in the ring i have to beat your spirit. Katie I need to make you care i need to make you better then you are. I need to make you as good as you were at your very best. And to do that i have to make this mean some thing to you. I have to make this fight between us matter in your eyes. I know i can beat you Katie that goes with out saying. But I need to know i beat you at your best.

Bianca: And now to do this to beat you when your at your best to push you to a level that you havent found necessary to go to in years. I am going to have to hurt you. But not just Physically but mentally. Thats why i asked for this match on Breakdown Katie. against your "daughter" you are so proud of her... See she and Maddie are probably two of the few people in the world that you care about as much as you care about your self. So obviously the necessary action for me to take is to hurt her. To hurt Gigi just like i did your little mouth piece. Just like i will any one that even thinks of even being assoicating themselves with you Katie. Because if you care about them if you hold a place for them in your heart they will be in my crosshairs. I am going to get your attention Katie. I am going to make you want this more then you've wanted any match in years. You are going to need this...You are going want this more then anything.

Bianca says flicking her tongue with that last word Ophelia stands behind her daughter nodding in agreement.

Bianca:I am going to make your little girl scream. Not just beat her not just knee her in the face a couple times. Make her tap that isnt enough what I am going to do is hurt her to the point. That she screams for you Katie so that she screams for the goddess herself to bring her salvation but. Katie...there will be none not for her....not if you dont come and play my game. Its really a simple game...i hurt maim destroy things you love to the point you want to hurt me...more then anything....Till all you desire Katie...oh great goddess of desire. Till all you desire is me...Bianca Evans...Gods...bitch...wife.

Bianca: Now Gigi im sure this is getting you a little angry im sure you werent to happy when i came back to SCW. But you should be happy because i found a use for you. And lets face it its been years since that was a thing. You once were one of SCW's top prospects you were once the best blue chipper scw had on its roster....but that was years ago and time has not been kind to you. I've beaten you before Gigi and I am going to do it again. Last time with my husband this time all by myself. Sure you got that win in that tv qualifier match but i didnt even make it to ringside so does that really count? Whatever if it gives you some little light of hope i'll give it you. Hope you see is one of the most beautiful things in the world. And for a sadistic cut throat bitch like ,my self it is just the crush hope. To stomp it out. just like how you were once the hope for the steward Legacy. Lets bring this thing back now...because Gigi you are a good person....A kind person a sweet person. And me I am a bitch a vile self centered spiteful bitch. You may have been the hope that the steward legacy will go on. But this week on breakdown its my job to crush that hope. To snuff out the flame that is that glowing spirit of yours. This isnt the part of the story where you finally get it together and its your big moment to shine. ITS MY MOMENT ITS MY TIME TO SHINE! ITS ABOUT ME! ME ME ME!

Bianca screams as she seems to have completly lost it. But then she stops calming her adjusting her sunglasses she takes a moment composing herself takes a deep breathe and then continues.

Bianca: Gigi you are the message for Katie. You are how i am going to get her attention. You are the first step in my quest to take what Katie Cherishes most. This world isnt made for people like you...Gigi the hope you have the hope you bring to Katie for the future...I am going to snuff it out.  Because at the end of the day you are going to see that nice girls...finish last...But Bitches...we rule this shit.

Bianca says with a sly smirk as her mother continues to nod on in approval behind her.

Writer of Dillusion, David Helms, Katelyn Buehler, Kordy and Bianca Evans

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