Sarah Wolf vs. Kimberly Williams
SCW Underground Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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October 27th, 2022
Washington, DC
Off Camera

The Capital One Arena in Washington DC has been wild with the excitement of SCW Breakdown. It was expected to be a unique night to say the very least with Ducky Kinneck’s Trios Cash in, which started as a onesie wearing birthday bash, transitioned into an underground rules brawl, and then finally finished as an over the top rope battle royal. In this strangest of all matches quite possibly in SCW history, it was the Queen of the Death Match herself Kimberly Williams who was the last one standing in the center of the ring with her arm raised in victory. Interesting times are certainly ahead for Supreme Championship Wrestling. As Adam Sharper pointed out at the end of the broadcast, Kimberly now has a shot at the SCW World Championship and things are about to get crazy around here.

What makes this entire situation interesting and strange is the fact that Kimberly Williams has never truly had a desire to be a recognized World Champion in the sport of professional wrestling. Most observers believe that she just thinks the World Championship is worthless and that she has no respect for it or its prestige. That is only partially true. Kimberly’s view of the prestige of the World Championship is jaded. But the main reason she has no desire to become a World Champion is because she is comfortable in her own skin. She does not need a World Title belt to validate herself as a great wrestler. Another reason Kimberly has been disinterested in holding a world championship is due to the fact that her focus has been on being the face of the Underground Division and the Queen of the Death Match.

Kimberly’s resume as a death match artist is sparkling. She has been HKW Bloodlust Champion for over a year. She held the MWE Chicago Way Championship for over two hundred days and is tied for the longest reigning champion of that division. But when it comes to SCW’s Underground Division, her record is out of this world. She was the driving force, along with Jordan Majors, in bringing back the Underground Championship. Her championship matches against Lucas Knight, Konrad Raab, Deanna Frost, The One, Sarah Wolf, and Autumn Valentine have put the championship on the map as one of the highlights of SCW. The Woman Scorned is a three time SCW Underground Champion.

Being the face of the Underground Division isn’t necessarily a show of pride for Williams. It is about taking this championship and raising its level of prestige. For Kimberly this is about doing everything she can to put the Underground Division in a better place and better position to entertain the fans of SCW. That is her current focus. So while she may have earned a shot at the SCW World Championship, that is on the back burner for now. She knows that she has other priorities and her top priority is to successfully defend the Underground Title against Sarah Wolf at Under Attack in London, England.

“This was the greatest party ever!” Kim shouts happily as she skips through the backstage area, still dressed in her pink unicorn onesie and carrying her stuffed penguin Wasley with her. Following closely behind her is her mother and acting manager Angelica Jones. Jones is dressed in a black knee length pencil skirt, sheer stockings, black high heeled pumps, a red silk blouse, and a black leather jacket. She is carrying Kimberly’s SCW Underground, HKW Bloodlust, and ‘Datura Invented’ Unsanctioned Championship belts with her, primarily because Kim ran off and forgot all about the titles.

“Kim, wait…” Angelica tries to get her daughter to slow down so that they can talk but it is to no avail. Kimberly is very excited about the result of tonight’s Breakdown. Quite honestly, Angelica hasn’t seen her daughter this excited about a match or a victory of any sort in a long time. Kimberly has long claimed not to care about being World Champion but Angelica Jones, who herself is a thirteen time World Champion, is beginning to wonder if Kim really is ambivalent to World Championship glory. Has Kimberly been lying to the SCW fans and everyone else all along? Does Kimberly have them fooled? Does she have secret ambitions? Angelica wants to know, not only as her mother but also as her manager. She is supposed be guiding her eccentric daughter’s career. If her daughter secretly desires to be a world champion, she needs to know.

“You did so good, Wasley!” Kimberly brings her penguin up to her face and kisses it. “I am proud of you! I can’t wait for the big main event…Xander Valentine versus WASLEY for the SCW World Championship!”


“And you said you were retired!” Kim boops Wasley on the nose. “Liar!”

“Kim!” Angelica raises her voice just a little bit, enough to get Kim’s attention and make her stop. The Woman Scorned turns to face her mother. The deranged ginger waves playfully.

“What’s up? Do you wanna congratulate Wasley on his big victory tonight?” Kimberly shoves the penguin in Angelica’s face, expecting her to hug or kiss it or show some sign of love towards it. Instead Jones gently shoves the penguin away.

“No, Kim. Just no…” she shakes her head and points at Kim “...YOU won the match tonight.”

“Wrong diddly-o good neighborooni!”


“Flanders from the Simpsons.” Kim says with a cheesy grin.

“Whatever.” Angelica shakes her head. “Point is, you won the match.”

“No, I didn’t. Wasley did.” She says, insisting still that her penguin won. “His feet didn’t touch!”

“Kim, Wasley was not a legal participant in the match.” She points at Kim. “But YOU were. And it was down to you and Selena. And guess who won?”

Kimberly sighs and rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know…”

“You act disappointed. I’m actually jealous!” Angelica exclaims. “I fought Selena many times when I was an active wrestler here with SCW and I never could beat her. But you just beat her.”

“I was lucky. Her feet touched before mine, that’s all.”

“A win is a win, Kim. You won. You beat her…and James, and The Farmstead friends, and so many others. You were great out there! You now have a World Title Match coming to you. Yet you want to make out like your penguin Wasley won?” Angelica shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t get it, Kim.”

“It’s simple! Juneau Frost’s feet hit the floor. Then my feet hit the floor.” She again forces the penguin plushy into Angelica’s face. “But Wasley’s cute little webbed feet didn’t! Therefore he won!”

“Oh I hear what you’re saying, Kim. I just don’t believe any of it. Ever since you were announced the winner you have been on cloud nine. You have been excited, thrilled, happiest you’ve been since regaining the Underground Title at Apocalypse.”

“Yeah, I am happy. Happy for Wasley.” Kim hugs her penguin tightly.

“Really?” Angelica places her hands on her hips and stares at her daughter skeptically. “Are you REALLY just happy for the penguin who you know damn well was not a legal participant because, well, it is a toy?”

“Oh mom, do you have to be a killjoy?”

“I don’t mean to be a killjoy.” Angelica takes Wasley away from Kim. Then she taps Kim on her head. “I just want to know what’s going on in here. That’s all. You have managed to convince the entire world that you don’t care about being World Champion. Yet here you are thrilled that you won a match that gave you a World Title shot. So please, Kim, explain to me what is going on in that head of yours.”

“Do you really want the truth?”

“Yes, I want the truth.”

“YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” Kim shouts loudly. Then she starts laughing ecstatically. “I love that movie!”

“Kim…” Angelica rolls her eyes.

“Sorry! I’m being serious now…” Kim sighs and shakes her head “...look, I know back when Marie and I were feuding with Juneau and DeeDee McFrosty that I said a lot of things about the world championship. I did a lot of things that I maybe should not have done. But the reason I said and did those things were because of people like you…” she pokes her finger at her mother who looks on shocked.


“Yeah, you…and Syren…and Sienna…and Bree…and so many other people who have been willing to do anything and everything in order to become win as many world championships and keep those world championships. You were all willing to do cut any and all corner, cheat, and steal to win and keep that title. It’s supposed to be the championship that signifies who is the one true best in this business. Yet how are you supposed to be recognized as the best when you are willing to break any and all of the rules under the sun?” Kimberly reaches out and snatches the SCW Underground Championship away from Angelica. “This championship…the Underground Title…there are no rules. So there are no excuses. Everything is fair. But more than anything else, you don’t fight for this championship to prove anything. Do you really need to roll around on barbed wire, get thrown into thumbtacks, and damn near end your own career to prove you are a certified lunatic? I can do that without the championship.”

“So why do you defend the Underground Championship?” Angelica asks curiously.

“Because the fans love the violence. They love it and I want to give it to them. I do it selflessly. I do it for them. The SCW World Championship has and always been a championship of selfishness and greed. Everyone who challenges for the World Title has done so for themselves, not for the fans.”

“Then change the system.” Angelica insists. “You have made a reputation for yourself as an individual who makes an impact, who shocks the system. Change things. Win the World Title and represent the people. Be a people’s champion.”

“I tried that.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I wasn’t meant to win that insane Double Jeopardy Match.”

“But this would be one on one.” Angelica points out. “You and Xander.”

“No…” Kim shakes her head furiously as she turns and starts to walk away. Angelica immediately gives chase.

“Kim, wait!” It isn’t long before Angelica manages to catch up with her daughter. She steps in front of her to block her path. Kim sighs with frustration.

“What is it?”

“You don’t get off that easily. What’s wrong?”

“Look you and everyone else around me, the talking heads like Sharper, Knots, and I’m sure Cruze, they will all try to push this notion of being world champion in my head all because of what happened tonight.” Kim shakes her head. “But I’m not letting any of you distract me from my priority.” She holds up her Underground Title belt. “THIS is my priority! The Underground IS and always WILL BE my number one priority! And I have a defense against Wolfie.”

“Yeah, that’s right…” Angelica’s voice trails off. She begins to realize why Kim is trying to avoid the subject of a world title match. That is still to come. The threat of Sarah Wolf to her reign as Underground Champion is imminent and very real.

“Wolfie has been a pain in my ass ever since Rise To Greatness. She blames ME for her own shortcomings and failure to flay the farmstead friends. She tried to get her revenge on Breakdown and couldn’t get the job done. She tried to get revenge at Apocalypse and couldn’t get the job done. But do you think that crazy bitch is going to stop coming after me?” She shakes her head. “I know crazy and I know she won’t stop until someone puts her down. I have to put her down for good, mom.”

“I hate to admit it but you’re right about that.” Angelica nods her head. “I’ve had my own fair share of arch rivals. They never stopped coming after me. Sarah probably won’t stop unless you stop her.”

“You and everyone else can go on believing the world title is the end all be all. And hell, maybe one day I will be world champion and I might feel that way. But right now I could give a damn less. My focus is on this.” She pats the Underground title belt. “My focus is on defending this from Sarah Wolf, defending MY territory, MY underground division, from that sore loser. I hope you understand.”

Kimberly turns and walks away. Angelica sighs deeply as she watches her. A part of her wants to see her daughter ascend to the throne. Being world champion in SCW is something Angelica never could do. Seeing her daughter win that title would be incredible. In a way, Angelica could live vicariously through her. Yet she knows Kimberly has other priorities. The Underground Championship is her daughter’s top priority and Sarah Wolf is coming for the title. Kimberly knows what she must do and Angelica must deal with it.

October 31st, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

In all of Boston, Massachusetts there is one home that definitely stands out; creepy orange and purple lights are strung outside the home, there is an inflatable Beetlejuice, Michael Myers, and Freddy Krueger outside as well as an enormous inflatable black cat. Speakers are hidden in trees that are playing spooky music. If you are among the kids going out Trick-or-Treating, this is one house you definitely want to visit. If this individual is in the Halloween spirit this much, surely they have some great candy.

A group of three kids are brave enough to make their way up to the front door of this spooky home. Perhaps their bravery comes from their costumes because all three are dressed as courageous super-heroes. One is dressed as Batman, the other is dressed as Superman, and the third is dressed as Spider-Man. Their bags are already full, having completed a good haul for this Halloween evening already, but they want more. The trio reach the front door and “Batman” is the one to knock. After a moment’s pause the door opens and they are greeted by identical twins, namely Marie Jones and Kimberly Williams who are dressed as the creepy twin girls from The Shining.

“Trick or Treat!” The three kids say in unison.

“Oh you look so yummy!” Kim says in her creepiest voice possible. “I’ll get you my little pretties and your little dog too!”

Marie elbows Kim in the side. “That’s Wizard of Oz, Kim.”

“Sorry.” Kim says, smiling sheepishly. Marie then produces a small tub of candy. She takes some candy and drops plenty of pieces of candy in each of the kids bags.

“Thank you!” The kid dressed as Superman says.

“Have a Happy Halloween!” Marie responds. “Stay safe!”

The kids turn and begin to walk away. Marie shuts the door behind them and then she and Kim make their way back to the living room.

“Y’know, Kim, usually your ideas are insane but this one, dressing as the twin girls from The Shining, it was a great idea!”

“It’s just not having the desired affect.” Kim says as she sits down on the sofa, pouting. Marie nods her head.

“Yeah, you told me you were hoping to scare the kids so bad that they would leave their candy behind so you could steal it.”

“Trick or Treat is not JUST about giving treats to the kids.” Kim points out. “Its also about TRICKING them! And I haven’t tricked a single one! We’re not scary enough!”

“Scaring people and giving kids candy isn’t the only meaning of Halloween, you know?”

“Well what else is there? Haunted Houses? Oh, I know! It’s the stupid Michael Myers movie remakes they keep schilling every year, the ones that get more and more awful each year! It’s scary that people would waste their money on crap like that!”

“One good thing about Halloween this year is the fact that you and I are spending it together.” Marie says with a warm smile on her face. “After the way we ended our partnership in SCW, I wasn’t sure you would ever give me the time of day. And to be honest, I wouldn’t blame you if you decided not to talk to me again. So yes, I am very thankful to still have you in my life, Kim.”

“Don’t get the thankfulness crap going.” Kim snaps back. “That’s Thanksgiving! Don’t get ahead of yourself!”

“Sorry.” Marie responds. “But still…” Jones is interrupted with more knocking at the door. Marie looks over at Kim. “Looks like we have more trick or treaters. Are you ready?”

“Always!” Kim says excitedly. “Hopefully this time we’ll scare the crap outta them!”

Kim leads the way this time, with Marie following closely behind. They get to the door and Kim motions for Marie to open it. Marie nods and she opens the door. But before they can say anything, or even wait for the sound of “trick or treat” from their visitors, Kim leaps out of the door. “BOO!”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims as she rushes outside to see Kim has accidentally tackled their visitor to the ground. She is momentarily worried that her twin sister has inadvertently assaulted a kid. Marie breathes a sigh of relief when she sees that Kim just tackled their half-sister Jessica Lasiewicz to the ground.

“Get off!” Jessica pushes Kimberly off. Marie reaches down and helps Jessica to her feet. Jessica is wearing a black and white suit and her hair is dyed green, completing her Beetlejuice outfit. “What the hell is wrong with you, Kim?”

“I’m just trying to get into the whole TRICK part of the Trick or Treat!” Kim says grinning from ear to ear. “Did it work?”

“Idź się pieprzyć.”

“I have no idea what you said but I’ll take that as a yes!” Kim says, clapping loudly and happily at her achievement. Marie sighs and motions towards the front door.

“Want to come inside?”

“Sure.” Jessica follows Marie inside with The Woman Scorned bringing up the rear. Kim shuts the door and then follows Marie and Jessica into the living room. Marie and Jessica sit on either side of the sofa while Kimberly makes herself comfortable on the floor sitting with her legs tucked underneath her.

“So what brings you here, Jess?” Kim asks with a look of mischief on her face. “I thought you and Kyle would be conjuring dead people or something.”

“Zaprosiła mnie.”


“I invited her.” Marie answers quickly. “I just thought it would be a good idea if the three of us could spend Halloween together.”

“That sounds great!” Kim exclaims. “Maybe Jess knows how to scare people? I mean, her dad is pretty scary.”

“Nie bez powodu.”

“Huh?” Kim asks, still confused with her half-sister’s use of the Polish language.

“You seem to have the scary thing, covered, dear sister.” Jessica answers. Kim winks.

“Damn right I do! I knocked you for a loop didn’t I?”

“Something like that.”

Marie decides to chime in. “Well what I was TRYING to tell Kim just before you arrived was that there is more to Halloween than just scares and candy and people in costumes.”

“Ah yes.” Lasiewicz nods her head. “Did you know, Kim, that Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain? People would light bonfires and wear scary costumes to ward off ghosts.”

“Right and tomorrow is All Saints Day, a celebration of the deceased Saints of the Church. And the day after that…”

“Dia De Muertos.” Jessica states. Marie nods her head.

“Right. Day of the Dead. Where we honor the memory of all those who have passed.”

“That’s nice, I guess.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “But what do you want me to do about that?”

“Look, Kim, you have been focusing a lot of time and energy into researching your past…which is my own past too. Thanks to your own research I have learned so much about our dad that I never would have imagined.”

“Some of it I’m not sure I wanted to know.” Kim says with a frown. “He was a serial killer. What’s there to honor about that dead guy?”

“Maybe nothing? But you just stopped with that. And you have only begun to scratch the surface of mom’s family.”

“What are you suggesting?” Kim asks curiously. Marie reaches out and places a hand on Kim’s shoulder.

“Maybe you should dig a little deeper into mom’s family?”

“Marie has a good point.” Jessica states. “What do you even know about mom’s family?”

“Uh,” Kim shrugs her shoulders “they were Russian?”

“Our grandmother was, yes. Beyond that what do you know?”

“Nothing I suppose.” Kim shakes her head.

“Well why don’t you start there? Why don’t you talk to mom about your grandmother?”

“Nooooooo way!” Kim shakes her head vehemently. “I know even mentioning her mother’s name sends mom into hysterics. The water works get going and you can’t stop her from crying. And why? Just because she was tied up and forced to watch her mother get murdered?” Kim throws her hands up in frustration. “Hasn’t that happened to everyone at least once?”

“Głupi.” Jessica says in Polish, with a smirk on her face.

“Kim, maybe you don’t necessarily need to talk to mom about it. I mean, it would be a good topic to approach at some point, but maybe not right away. But you could at least visit grandmother’s grave.”

“Maybe I will.” Kim says, nodding her head. “Though trust me, if I want to find out about mom’s family, I think I can do that without bothering to approach mom at all.”

“I’m sure you can.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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November 2nd, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

November 2nd is the Day of the Dead. Catholics view this as a very solemn day of remembrance of those who have died, passed on from this earthly life and moved onto the next, a day to pray for the souls still suffering in Purgatory. Other cultures do not view the day of the dead with such a solemn view but instead look at it as a joyful day of celebration. Instead of a day of mourning they view it as a day of celebrating the honor and memory of those who have passed on. One individual focused on the past and the memory of her deceased family members is none other than the reigning SCW Underground Champion, “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. In fact, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match has spent the past few years doing much research into the past of her deceased family, primarily in an attempt to gain some understanding of who she is and why she has come to be the eccentric, deranged individual she is today.

Her initial research led her to rediscovering and reuniting with her paternal family, the Williams family, those connected to her late father, Sean Williams. Those she managed to find didn’t really want much to do with her. Her aunt, Cynthia Williams, had gone as far as to change her name and move to Alaska to stay off the grid so that no one would find her. While her uncle Douglas Williams was easy to find due to the fact that he was in prison, he too did not want much to do with his niece Kimberly. Furthermore, Kim would learn that her father, Sean, was more likely than not guilty of the same crime that put Douglas in prison; the crime of murder.

Next, Kim’s research would lead her to a reunion with her mother, Angelica Jones, who is very much alive and well. This reunion also allowed for a tighter, closer bond with Kimberly’s sisters, Marie and Jessica. And while growing closer to her mother and sisters is good and while she does enjoy having a family that truly does care about her, Kimberly still feels as if she is missing something. She still craves knowledge of her past, of her family, of what makes her who she is today. It was upon the suggestion of Kim’s identical twin Marie Jones that she go and do some research into her maternal family’s deceased relatives. Specifically, Marie suggested that Kim go visit the grave of their grandmother, Kelly Jones.

Perhaps trying to learn about her mother’s family would be a good idea? The Woman Scorned knows little about her maternal family, therefore there is a lot to learn. She knows her grandfather, Bartholomew Jones, was an FBI agent and her grandmother, Kelly Jones, was a Russian whose family escaped the former Soviet Union. That’s all Kimberly knows. Beyond that is a complete mystery.

Thus Williams finds herself in the cemetery of Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church, the familial church of her mother’s family. It is here that her grandmother Kelly is buried. Williams is dressed in torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a t-shirt with a penguin on the front and “Wasley” printed underneath the penguin. Tomorrow she will catch a flight overseas to London in preparation for her Underground Title defense against Sarah Wolf. But for now she has unfinished business here in Massachusetts.

“Ok, dead people! Don’t mind me!” Kim says in a happy go lucky voice as she skips through the graveyard with literally not a single care in the world. “I know today is your day, DAY OF THE DEAD, and I’m sure you’re gonna party all day long! But I gotta go visit one of my peeps!” Is this disrespectful? Some may view it that way. But Kim doesn’t mean it that way. She’s just having fun in her own demented way. She continues skipping happily and carefree through the graveyard until she makes a turn and comes to a particular headstone. She stops dead in her tracks and grins from ear to ear.

“There you are!” The Woman Scorned immediately sits down in the grass before the headstone, sitting atop her crossed legs. She begins to read the headstone. “Kelly Ford Jones, beloved daughter, wife, and mother.” Kim smirks. “Well shows what they know. Ford wasn’t even your real maiden name, now was it? It was an assumed name. Am I right, Kelly Kurinsky?” Kimberly shrugs her shoulders. “But when you consider that your parents were refugees running from the Soviet Union, hell, your first name could be in question too.”

She pats the headstone, almost as if she petting a dog or a cat. “You see, grandma, I want to find out all that I can about my family heritage. And I’ve done some great research thus far. You’d be proud of me…I think…actually, I never got to meet you so I have no clue if you’d have been proud of me or not!” She snickers. “But uh, yeah, I found out about my dad’s family…or what’s left of them anyway. One is in prison, one is trying her damndest not to be found, my dad of course is dead, and from I have learned, he was quite the bastard.”

Kimberly leans back and sighs. “I admit, I was left kinda disappointed. I felt that I was hopeless. If that murderous jerk was my father and my mom, who spent time in a mental asylum, then is there any hope for me to be redeemed? But then I found out about why my mother…your daughter, by the by…went crazy. I learned about the events in her life that drove her to the brink of madness. And like the Joker says, madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push. So maybe my mother wasn’t just born insane. Maybe she was just pushed too far? And maybe that means there is hope for me? But to know for certain, I have to do more research.” She again pats the headstone of her grandmother. “I need to find out about you. I need to find out about my grandfather. What sort of people were you anyway?”

“May I help you?” The voice startles Kimberly. She doesn’t recognize it. She quickly stands up and turns around to find a nun in the traditional black and white Catholic habit standing there. She is smiling politely, though Kim must know how strange this must look. Kimberly also does not recognize this particular nun. This isn’t any of the sisters from the convent she visited recently.

“Oh, well I’m Kim. Kim Williams.” She says, deciding that honesty may be the best policy in this circumstance. “I’m just visiting my grandmother’s grave. That’s all.”

“I see.” The nun steps forward so she can get a closer look at the grave. “Ah yes, Kelly Jones. The Jones Family have always been such good parishioners and such generous givers to the parish.” She looks up at Kimberly. “Haven’t I seen you before at Mass?”

“You’re probably thinking of my twin sister.” Kim says with a knowing grin. “We’re identical twins. People get us mixed up all the time.”

“Oh I see, so do you not attend church?”

“No, I don’t.” Kim shakes her head. “I haven’t decided to put my faith in the good Lord yet.” There is a hint of sarcasm in her voice. The nun nods her head.

“I understand, my dear. If you ever do decide to join, we would love to have you and I am sure your family would love to have you.”

“Thanks.” Kim says quietly, uneasily. The nun smiles warmly before walking away. Kimberly watches her get smaller and smaller as she gets farther and farther away. Once the nun is out of sight, Kimberly turns back to face her grandmother’s headstone.

“Maybe this is a sign? Maybe I should dig a little deeper? Peel back the layers and see what lies underneath?” Kim pats the headstone one more time. “See you soon, grandma.” Kim turns and walks off.

November 5th, 2022
London, England
On Camera

The camera begins to roll. It is a bright day in London, England and the sky is a bright baby blue. Sitting off in the distance, in its imposing and impressive majesty, is the Tower of London, a place that has held many prisoners back in the day. A few seconds pass before Kimberly Williams steps into the scene from the right. The demented ginger is dressed in purple dress pants, an orange button up silk shirt, a green tie, and a purple suit coat. Her long red hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. Her SCW Underground Championship title belt is wrapped around her waist, the HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt is draped over her right shoulder, and the ‘Datura Invented’ Unsanctioned Title belt is draped over her left shoulder.

“Is there any doubt that this year has been The Year of Chaos? Is there any doubt that I have led SCW like a crazy pied piper into a wonderful beautiful era of chaos? I don’t mean to sound like I’m gloating. It’s just a fact. I was in the main event of Retribution competing for the world title, but not so I could win it but so I could purify it, so I could shed some light on the problems that has permeated the SCW World Championship picture. Hollywood of the South I kicked Oktoberfest’s ass then I would go on to beat him again to win the SCW Underground Championship. I competed not once, not twice, but THREE DAMN TIMES at Rise To Greatness! And Rise To Greatness, by the way, was the LAST defeat I have suffered since. Because from thenceforth I have been undefeated and I regained the SCW Underground Championship for a third time!” She holds up three fingers.

“Just look at the beautiful examples of chaos that have reigned supreme in SCW just this year! The Double Jeopardy Match for the World Title. Weapons Cage Match. A farmstead fight. Five Way Underground Rules Match. And we capped it off just this past Breakdown with Ducky’s birthday bash. You don’t get much more insane and chaotic than a brawl with everyone wearing onesies, no one is certain of how to win the damn match, and yet look who walked away successful, look at the Queen of the Death Match who successfully defended her throne of chaos…” She points at herself.

“That’s right! Me! I won and now I have a guaranteed shot at the SCW World Title.” Kimberly shakes her head. “But I didn’t do that out of some obsession over being world champion like the selfish, greedy little pissants in this company. In fact, none of what I have done this year has been out of selfishness or greed. Everything I have done, from the Underground Matches to the songs and the pure joyful chaos I have wrought, all of it has been for the people. All of it has been for the entertainment of the people because that is what this business should be about. It is about the people and if I do happen to become SCW World Champion, I won’t be SCW’s World champion, no, no, no, just like everything else I have done, I will do this my own way. I will be a champion for the people.” Williams smirks as she points at the camera.

“Just like I do what I do for the entertainment of the people, that is exactly why I gravitated towards you, Wolfie. When you debuted in SCW I gravitated towards you because you entertained me. I laughed my ass off watching you chase down Penguin and Bear in an attempt to flay them, as you so eloquently put it. It was so much fun and maybe, in an attempt to create more entertainment not only for myself but for the fans, maybe I did get a wee bit too involved in that situation. I admit that I can be a little too exuberant at times. I admit that I do lose control and just do things on a whim. Perhaps I should have thought it out a little better, because then that loser Shaun Cruiserweight would not have forced us to team together at Rise To Greatness.” Williams shakes her head.

“One agent of chaos creating a stir is enough but you add TWO agents of chaos creating hysteria everywhere they go? Well it was bound to go wrong. Our partnership was doomed from the start because we are too much alike. Opposites attract, Wolfie, and as much as you may hate me, you cannot deny that we are really much more similar than we are different. Let’s look at your recent modus operandi…you have been attacking your enemies from behind, whether it was Autumn Valentine, Penguin, Bear, whoever it was, you blindside them. But face it, Wolfie, I’ve been doing the same damn thing before you even got to SCW. Just ask Oktoberfest about how I made his damn life miserable to goad him into an Underground Title Match. Or ask the four people who I kidnapped and tormented live on Breakdown! So yeah, I have been doing this a lot longer than you and BETTER than you with more STYLE than you. Face it, Wolfie, you’re just a Kim Williams Wannabe.” She throws her head back and cackles maniacally.

“You may not see it but I do. We are two peas in a pod. Therefore our partnership at Rise To Greatness was bound to fail. Another thing you do not see and do not accept is the fact that you win as a team and you LOSE as a team. We lost to the Farmstead Friends. Big deal. It isn’t the end of the world. You could have continued in your quest to flay those children’s show stars if you wanted. But did you do that?” She shakes her head. “Nah, instead you decided to act like a child. You threw a monumental temper tantrum and took out your frustrations on the person you blamed for your own failure at Rise To Greatness.” She pats herself on the chest. “That’d be me, by the way. Instead of accepting responsibility for your own defeat, you pinned the blame for losing that match entirely on me, acting as if your shit didn’t stink, acting as if you were entirely and one hundred percent blameless. Try looking into a mirror, Wolfie. Look in a mirror and you will see the person who you should blame for your inability to beat a fucking children’s show host.” Kim points at the camera.

“Yourself. Blame yourself, Wolfie. Don’t blame me for failing to become tag champions. Don’t blame me for failing to maim Penguin and Bear. Blame yourself. But if you want to look at someone to blame for your failure to become the SCW Underground Champion at Apocalypse…” she grins from ear to ear, pausing for dramatic effect, then she poses “...TA-DA! Yeah, you can blame me for that! That one was definitely my fault because I kicked your ass, I kicked The Onesie’s ass, I kicked Autumn’s ass, and I kicked DeeDee’s ass to regain my championship! But most importantly, the one thing I want you to remember, is the fact that I kicked your ass, Wolfie. I won and you lost. Which has become a trend for you, hasn’t it? You wanted to make a big splash and shock the world at Taking Hold of the Flame…you got eliminated by a damn penguin. You wanted to get revenge on said penguin and his Bear pal at Rise To Greatness…and YOU got your ass kicked by the two children’s show hosts. You blamed me for that loss and wanted to get revenge against me, and maybe win the Underground Title in the process, but instead you got BEAT again!” Williams shakes her head. She almost looks disappointed.

“Your entire run in SCW thus far has been one of failure and disappointment. You had a chance to prove that you still had the chops, that you could still hang, you fought my good friend Oktoberfest in an Underground Rules Match. Sure, I may have got a little exuberant and involved myself in your affairs. I took advantage of the Underground Rules so that I could legally whip your ass again. But you can’t blame me for your loss, because after I kicked your ass, I knocked Oktoberfest on his ass for good measure. Chaos is fair, Wolfie. You and I both know this. And you had your fair chance against Oktoberfest. And you FAILED yet again.” The Queen of the Death Match points at the camera.

“Yet you keep coming back for more. You want another chance to get your long sought after revenge and finally make an impact here in SCW. You don’t want your run in SCW to be remembered as a dismal pathetic failure so you want this one last chance. Honestly, Wolfie, the only place you and your career in SCW belong is in a place like the Tower of London behind me, somewhere dark, damp, where careers go to die.” She chuckles softly. “Lucky for you, I am a generous giving soul. And I am not like some of those puffed up holier than thou idiots who want to decide amongst themselves who is and who is not worthy. Plus, you have been great entertainment for me! Like I said, I enjoyed watching you torment Penguin and Bear. Then after that I continued to enjoy watching you painfully and dismally fail to get any sort of revenge and look ridiculous in your attempts. All of that has been entertaining! So out of the goodness of my heart, and because you have been so entertaining thus far, I am willing to grant you this one final opportunity…this one last chance to entertain me.” An evil grin forms on her face.

“Yes, Wolfie, you will entertain me. Oh believe me, I will be very much entertained as I maim you, batter you, and completely and utterly destroy you with no limitations, no restraints, and absolutely none of those pesky rules to get in my way. I am going to enjoy taking you apart in front of the entire world, not just for my entertainment but for the entertainment of all of my Kimmymaniacs! And I promise you, Wolfie, you will be sent back to whatever hole you crawled out of…you will be sent back in many pieces…because you like to play the part of bully. What you are going to find out is that in this Underground playground there is ONE individual that even the bullies are afraid of and that person is ME! You are going to learn first hand why I am the Queen of the Death Match and that you are just a Kim Williams Wannabe.”

The scene fades to black.
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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