Owen Cruze vs. Xander Valentine
SCW World Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

No word limits

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, December 7, 2022
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
+++ Mercy Hospital Miami – 3rd November 2022 +++

Owen had been discharged the same day as Charlotte had come to visit him and given him the news that it was her who had started the fire at her bar. Initially it had been a shock to him, but the more he remembered conversations that they had previously, the more he felt guilty for not seeing it coming. She’d become desperate, she didn’t see a way out, and ultimately it had almost cost both him and Scott their lives. That was no doubt a lot of doubt to deal with, never mind the fact that there was the threat of an investigation that was hanging over her head. Owen found himself in a difficult situation whereby he wanted to help but couldn’t. And he was fearful for how this was going to pan out. All that said, and with there being only so much he could do, the world didn’t stop turning, and he still had Under Attack just a few days away. Having been discharged, he was still having difficulty with his breathing, and so Jennifer had persuaded him to go back to the hospital and ensure that there wasn’t anything ominous waiting in the wings. The Chamber itself was a test of stamina, and if he ran out of steam, there was every chance he wouldn’t be able to get it done. This being the most important match of his career, even more so perhaps than the United States Championship match against Josh Hudson, Owen knew he couldn’t leave anything to chance. And so, after a few tests and poking and prodding, Owen found himself in front of the Doctor, a stoic man with seemingly very little emotions and even less bedside manner. Owen had tried to read him, but had come up short, a fact that Owen had found frustrating, even though he knew he wouldn’t have long to wait. The Doctor tapping information into his computer frustrated Owen even more, to the point that he is the first to engage in conversation.
Owen: So, what’s the story Doc?
The Doctor, who’s name was apparently Foster, a fact that amused Owen greatly, seems genuinely annoyed by the interruption, and scowls before going back to this computer, seemingly ignoring Owen and his question. Owen decides not to press any further, as a report to the SCW Management could result in him being pulled from the Chamber, and he’d worked too hard for that to happen. Finally, the Doctor completes his notes, and turns to Owen, clasping his hands on the table.
Doctor: I hear that the Bar was destroyed… seems like you had a lucky escape.
Owen nods, not really recognizing why he had opened with that sentence, but not wanting to be rude.
Doctor: I’ve been told you were quite ‘heroic’ running into the flames and rescuing your friend. I have a friend who’s a fire chief and attended the scene.
Owen: Guess I didn’t really think about it.
Doctor: Do you consider yourself reckless Mr. Cruze?
Again, Owen was surprised by the question, and it seemed like the Doctor was judging him. But this time he does respond, perhaps with a little too much ‘edge’.
Owen: No, I wouldn’t say I am reckless. I’d like to think that I did what anyone else would have done knowing that Scott was in there. I certainly believe that he would have done the same for me.
Doctor: Well, there is no doubt it could have been a lot worse. For you both.
Owen: So, they’ve said, but I don’t see what that has got to do with anything going forwards?
Doctor: Just making conversation that’s all. I’m told I don’t engage with the patients enough.
Owen: Perhaps there is a reason for that?
The sarcasm in his voice is obvious, and the Doctor most certainly picks up on it, judging by the look on his face.
Doctor: Perhaps, but it’s my belief that it is more important to get the diagnosis right than be able to engage in conversations. Pointless chit chat seems a little, pointless if you ask me.
Owen: Well, I don’t need your life story, so why don’t you tell me if anything is going on and then I’ll get out of your hair.
Doctor: Indeed.
Owen shakes his head; he really couldn’t wait to get out of here and was now regretting doing as Jennifer had asked.
Doctor: Ok, so judging by what you have told me, and the tests I have conducted, there is no doubt that you have suffered damage to your lungs, which is causing the current restriction on your breathing. The mucus you are coughing up is a sure sign that your lungs have been damaged by the chemicals that are found in smoke.
Owen: But it’s only temporary right?
Doctor: Right now, there is no real way of telling until the mucus has cleared and we can get a proper look at your lungs. My educated thought at the moment are that your issues with breathing right now are a mixture of that damage, and potentially the onset of Bronchitis.
Owen: So, nothing life threatening?
Doctor: On its own, no. But of cause Bronchitis can bring its own problems, so I’m going to prescribe an inhaled bronchodilator to try and lessen those effects.
Owen: So, I can compete on Sunday?
The Doctor pauses, and looks back towards his computer, obviously not having noticed what Owen did for a living.
Doctor: Ah yes… you’re the ‘professional wrestler’.
He says it with such scorn that Owen finds it hard not to react. This belief that wrestling was a lesser sport had always gotten to Owen, when in fact he considered wrestlers fitter than any other sportsman in the world. Once again Owen nods his head but makes a mental note that he was going to complain about this guy. Even when making it, he scolds himself knowing that he probably wouldn’t.
Doctor: Well, the Bronchodilator will work, of that I have very little doubt, but there is no question that you should be resting, and I would tell that to any sportsman. Fact is, you won’t be at one hundred percent, and from what I’ve seen of your ‘sport’ you will be risking further injury never made working at a reduced capacity. Personally, I would advise that you give it a miss this week and concentrate on getting better, but no matter what I say it’s not going to make a difference.
Owen shrugs his shoulders, he couldn’t deny that if a report wasn’t sent, he was going to compete anyway.
Doctor: As I said, it seems like you are a reckless individual who’s going to do what he wants no matter what I say. All I can do Mr. Cruze is give you my professional opinion. You probably need rest, but that is going to happen, is it?
To Owen, this was even worse that the Doctor saying that he couldn’t compete, because it meant in the biggest match in his recent history, there could come a time when his stamina let him down, something that he had always regarded as his greatest strength. He’d need to be more measured in what he was doing, he’d have to adapt and rely on his wrestling ability which was playing to many of the competitor’s strengths. It was what it was, however, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. For a moment, he blames Charlotte, but quickly gets rid of that notion before the familiar feelings of guilt set in.
Owen: No, it’s not. But thank you for your time.
Owen gets to his feet; he’d heard enough for one day. Even as he gets to his feet, he realizes that even if he got to the match, this was going to affect any training that he could do and put a dampener on his preparations that were usually as meticulous as they come. He was in a better position than he was before, after all, he was no longer a one trick pony, Daisy Lee having given him the skill’s he’d been lacking before his hiatus. But this wasn’t just anyone he was stepping into the Chamber with. He was walking in there with some of the best ‘wrestlers’ in the world, notwithstanding Adam Allocco who has already outwrestled him not that long ago. The Doctor doesn’t offer him a handshake and has already apparently moved on, Owen shaking his head and walking out the office and back onto the corridor. Once out there he see’s a familiar face, the nurse that had treated him in the immediate aftermath.
Nurse: Hey, if it isn’t my favorite patient again. How have you been?
Owen: Been struggling breathing… the Doc thinks it’s Bronchitis. Seemed like he was fobbing me off though to be fair.
Nurse: What? Old Foster… yeah, he’s renowned for that. Proper old school that one. But he wouldn’t ruin his reputation that’s for sure.
Owen: OK, well that makes me feel a little better.
Nurse: What about your friend… Scott was it?
Owen: He’s still under observation, his lungs got pretty messed up.  
Nurse: I’ll check in on him at some point today. But he’s lucky, not many people would run into a burning building and bring someone out that’s for sure.
Owen: Doctor Foster seemed to think I was reckless.
Nurse: Really? Well, everyone else on the ward you were a hero Because of you, Scott is alive and not many people can say they have saved a person’s life
Owen: Except for you guys
The nurse laughs.
Nurse: That’s my job. You’re a good guy Owen, and don’t let a fossil of a Doctor tell you anything different. But anyways, I’d better get on, these bedpans won’t empty themselves. See you around yeah?
Owen: Yeah and thank you again. For everything.
Nurse: My pleasure
The nurse walks away, Owen feeling a little bit better about himself.  He wasn’t reckless, he was methodical. He wouldn’t have gone into that building if he didn’t truly believe he couldn’t get out. Just like he wouldn’t enter the Chamber, if he didn’t believe he could win. And regardless of his issues, that was exactly what he believed.
+++ Miami Beachside Cafe – 8th November 2022 +++
No matter Owen’s fears, no matter his concerns about his health, somehow Owen had slayed the first of two demons by winning the Chamber match at Under Attack. What had been the moment when everything had started to unravel, when his dreams had disappeared before his eyes, and he’d lost the World Championship. Which he placed quite possibly the lowest point of his career. He had flip turned that on its head, and now Under Attack could be remembered for much more positive reasons. The moment when he placed himself just one step away from his proudest moment. That moment being. standing atop of the company once more, and this time much more prepared and mature to handle it. He’d not had time to dwell on that however, the World Championship now only a month away, he had to make sure he was fully focused on that. But there were also things in his personal life that needed to be dealt with. Namely Charlotte, and any potentially fallout from that. So, making his way from London, he’d flown straight back to Miami, unsure of the new he was about to face. After agreeing to meet Charlotte at a beachside bar, they already have their drinks and are engaging in small talk.
Charlotte: Thanks for this Owen, I really needed to talk to someone. And Scott… well he’s not up to it.
Scott was still in hospital, and for the past few days had been on a Ventilator to help him breathe. He wasn’t in the best shape, and this obviously wasn’t helping Charlottes mood any.
Owen: Any time, you know that.
Charlotte: Didn’t even get to see you win… the Motel I’m staying at didn’t cover the show.
Owen: I’ll see if I can get hold of a copy for you… though it will all mean nothing if I don’t win in a months’ time.
Charlotte: I’m sure you will
Owen laughs, which catches her a little off guard.
Owen: Have you seen the size of the guy? If you had, you wouldn’t be so certain.
Owen takes a sip of his drink, recognizing that Charlotte was avoiding the obvious subject and for good reason. He was a firm believer however that things like this should never be ignored, and most certainly never went away on their own.
Owen: So, have you heard anything else with regards to the investigation?
Her face drops, and although she knew it would come up, she thought she would have longer not to think about it.
Charlotte: Not yet, other than a few questions and handing over the bars financial records.
Owen: I guess no news is good news.
The comment is supposed to make her better, but it is clear from her face that it misses the mark.
Owen: Sorry… that didn’t come out how I meant it.
Charlotte: No, you’re right Owen. But to me it just seems like it is delaying the inevitable.
It was a tough situation for Owen, knowing that Charlotte was indeed guilty of what she was being investigated for. Part of him just wanted to tell her to just admit it, and take whatever consequences came from that, but he knew that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.
Owen: You don’t know that they might not find anything.
Charlotte: Come on Owen, I appreciate the support, but you know that won’t be the case. These guys are good at their job, they will find out what I did, I know they will. And after what I put you and Scott through, I’ll deserve whatever I get.
Owen: I’m fine Charlotte.
Charlotte: Maybe you are, but Scott isn’t. He’s still in the hospital and breathing by a machine because of me. I may as well just admit it was me and put an end to it.
Owen: That’s up to you Charlotte, I only know what I’d do.
Charlotte: And what’s that?
Owen takes a deep breath, this not being how he’d wanted the conversation to go.
Charlotte: That bad huh?
Owen: Way, I see it Char, like you say, the likelihood is the Investigation team are going to find out where the fire started and then it will only be a matter of time before they start asking more awkward questions. If you get ahead of the curve and admit what you’ve done. Explain to them how you felt you didn’t have any other choice and were backed into a corner, perhaps then they will let you off lightly. I don’t know how the system works Char, but I do know that the courts are more lenient with those that admit their guilt.
Charlotte: Do you think I’d go to prison?
Owen shrugs his shoulders and puffs out his cheeks.
Owen: Honestly, I don’t know. But knowing you the way I do; anything would be better than you are living with this guilt. That’s the thing with guilt, it drags you down. I know that more than most.
To Charlottes credit, she wasn’t dismissive of that advice, and seemed to be listening to what Owen had to say. She wasn’t a bad person in the slightest and had just been backed into a bad situation.
Charlotte: I think you’re right Owen. This is killing me right now; I’ve not been sleeping. And it doesn’t help that I’m having to stay in a Motel.
Owen: Well, I can help with that.
Charlotte: What do you mean?
Owen: I’ve got plenty of room at the house, too much if I’m honest. Why don’t you come and stop with me while all this is sorted out?
Charlotte: You mean that? But what about Jennifer?
Owen: Jennifer is more than secure in herself than having to worry about that. I’m marrying the girl next year, and you can’t get more committed to someone than that. And anyway, she likes you, and she would want me to help you. And she sure as heck wouldn’t want you staying in a grubby hotel.
Charlotte: I mean, if, you’re sure?
Owen: Yeah, I’m sure. And if you want to go to the police and fess up, I’ll be right by your side every step of the way. We can get through this.
Charlotte: Thank you Owen
Owen: It’s what friends are for. You made a mistake. And take it from me, mistakes don’t have to define who you are. Whatever you decide, I’ll be with you I promise.
Due to the time of year, the bar was mostly empty, that being the reason why Owen had chosen it so that they could talk properly. However, as Charlotte holds out her hands and Owen takes them, they both become aware that two people are walking over to them. Owen is the first to see the badge attached to the man’s waistband, clearly recognizing it as a Detective badge. Not long after, Charlotte see’s it too, her eyes widening. Owen plays dumb to begin with as they reach their table.
Owen: Err, kind of having a private conversation here guys.
The man taking the lead is the first to speak
Detective: My name is Detective Peters; this is my colleague Detective Cooper. Really sorry to intrude, but are you, Charlotte Byers.
Charlotte lowers her eyes and nods her head ever so slightly. She knew perfectly what was going on here.
Detective Peters: Ms. Byers, you are under arrest for insurance fraud. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questions something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. If you would like to accompany us now to the station, please.
Owen feels Charlotte squeeze his hand, her realizing what is happening, and her opportunity to go to the police first now gone. She gets to her feet, realizing that the patrons in the bar are watching, now even more thankful that it wasn’t full. Owen opens his mouth to say something, but Charlotte stops him in his tracks, not wanting him to get himself into trouble.
Charlotte: It’s OK Owen…
Owen nods his head, feeling as helpless as he ever had before. He wanted to help, but know he couldn’t, knowing that he may get himself into trouble for withholding information.
Owen: I’ll ring my Lawyer Char; I’ll get him to come straight down.
Charlotte shakes her head
Charlotte: It’s fine, I’ll tell them everything they need to know.
And before Owen can say another word, they walk away, Owen never taking his eyes off them until she is placed in the car, and they drive away. The look on Charlotte face showed him she had already accepted her fate. There was even an element of relief in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. For Owen, all he could think of was what was to come, and how if he’d moved quicker, he could have done something about it. There it was again, that old fateful friend. Guilt. Owen knew him so well.
+++ ‘Level Up’ New York – 15th November 2022 +++
In the days that followed, Owen had paid Charlotte’s bail, and she was stopping at his house, under orders not to leave Miami. She had been charged and pending further investigations she was due in court in the next few weeks for a judge to deliver sentence. She had already been warned that jail time was a possibility, but she was trying to stay positive, whilst at the same time knowing she deserved whatever she got. Owen felt more than a little guilty leaving her, but Jennifer stopping over for a few weeks had lessened that burden. He couldn’t wait until she moved to Miami for good, they had already decided that this would be their marital home. In the interim however he was glad Charlotte at least had someone to talk to and wasn’t stewing in the house alone. For Owen though, life went on. And during the SCW’s hiatus, it gave him the opportunity to check in at Level Up, that was currently going from strength to strength. The offer had been made and accepted on next door, and Owen had already got someone drawing up plans for the extension. But Owen wasn’t really concerned about that, or at least it wasn’t his primary concern. Truth was, he was more interested in how Reed had been getting on having been ‘released’ into the big wide world. And so, walking into the gymnasium part of the building, it is with great anticipation and a lot of positivity that he walks over to Finch, the two of them sharing a fist bump.
Finch: Brother… good to see you.
The first bump turns into a hug, the two of them haven’t seen each other for a while. Finch was probably his best friend away from the business, if you didn’t include Chloe in that equation, his school friend from New York.
Finch: So, how’s things? Two weeks and you’ll be a World Champion again.
Owen: That’s the plan, though given who I’m facing its far from a foregone conclusion.
Finch: Xander Valentine… that’s the big guy, isn’t it?
Owen: Yep, goes by the nickname ‘The Executioner’… historically not a guy to be messed with.
Finch: Got a plan?
Owen: Finchy my boy, I always have a plan. Whether it works or not remains to be seen. But I’m confident, which is more than I can say I was after the last time I ended Under Attack, perhaps the lowest I’d ever been. I just got to stay out the big man’s way and stay in the match if I can. Then hopefully I can grind him down. Least this time I’m not under the intense pressure I was before… because no one expects me to pull this off. No one.
Finch: Well, we do bro… we expect it. It would be amazing publicity for this place as well.
Owen nods his agreement, it would be. The SCW World Champion owning a gym, wrestling school whilst also running a shelter for the homeless of New York. It was the epitome of giving back and paying one forward.
Owen: Do you want to nip into the office, so we can talk in private?
Finch: Sure… not bad news, I hope?
Owen: No nothing like that. Shall we?
They walk across the gym and towards the office, Finch entering first and Owen following. Finch takes a seat behind the desk, Owen in front of it.
Finch: So how you feeling? No aftereffects from the fire?
Owen: Touch of Bronchitis, seem to be over it now. Docs reckon I may develop Asthma though in the coming years.
Finch: And the guy you pulled out?
Owen: Still on a ventilator… not great.
Finch: But better than the alternative, least he has a chance.
Owen: True… anyway, not here to talk about me. How’s Reed been doing?
Finch: Reed? Reed’s been going from strength to strength.
Owen: In classes?
Finch: In classes, and in his personal life. Can you believe he’s gotten himself a girlfriend?
Owen’s eyes widen in surprise.
Owen: Really? Christ, he didn’t hang around.
Finch: He invited me around his apartment, and the kids really made it into a home. I mean, the grant from us helps… but you never know what they are going to do with the money do you?
Owen: Yeah, guess not… so, all in all, our first success story.
Finch: It’s early days Owen, but I reckon all Reed needed was a break, and you gave him that. He works hard, he trains hard, and he’s a credit to level up. So yeah, I’d call that a success.
Owen: So, what happens next?
Finch: Well, it’s a little different because Reed is working here, but in three months we’ll have a review, see if there are any problems, Andy will give him a final evaluation and then he will be signed off the program.
Owen: Great stuff… mind if I have a word with him?
Finch: Sure, go ahead. Do you mind if I get on with some paperwork? The boss is a tyrant and needs his reports.
Owen laughs, not missing the joke
Owen: Bro, you can do one.
Finch laughs, Owen heading back out into the gym, and walking over to Reed who is wiping down one of the weight benches.
Owen: Hey Reed, how’s things?
Reed stops working, throwing the towel over his shoulder
Reed: I’m good. Very good in fact, thanks to you.
Owen: Nah, you did all this yourself. I just gave you a push. Hear you have a girlfriend, when do I get to meet her?
Reed: What, like meeting my parents?
They both laugh… Owen mockingly pretending to be annoyed
Owen: I’m only a few years older than you sunshine.
Reed: But you are older.
Even now Owen could see the confidence Reed had in himself. A million miles away from when Owen first met him.
Owen: But seriously, Dad or not… I’m proud of you bro. It’s a fantastic advert for this place, and exactly how I wanted it to go. How’s your public speaking?
Reed: Huh?
Owen: How would you feel speaking with anyone who joins us, share your experiences. After all, you know more than anyone of us what it’s like.
Reed: I’d love to… dunno how good I’ll be at it though.
Owen: You’ll be fine… and anyway it will be good practice for when you’re doing interviews in MMA, which I’m hearing you’re not a million miles away from being able to compete.
Reed: Jason is a good trainer.
Owen: Yes, he is. You’re going to have one heck of a story by the time you are through that’s for sure.
Reed: You think?
Owen: Guy from the street done good, it’s a classic. Keep doing what you are doing Reed, work hard and there isn’t anything you can’t achieve. That’s my mantra now, and hopefully it’s going to take me to where I want to be. It might be cliché, but it could do the same for you.
Reed: Thank you again Owen, for everything.
Owen: It’s a team effort bro… anyway, I may as well do a workout why I’m here. You fancy spotting me?
Reed: Sure thing, let me just finish up here.
Owen: No worries, I’ll get changed and meet you at the weights.
Reed nods, and goes back to his work, a work that he did with such pride. As Owen reaches the training room he smiles, Level Up had done that for Reed and he couldn’t be prouder. But as far as Owen was concerned, Reed was the first of many. Many people who wouldn’t let their flaws stop them from achieving whatever they wanted to. The same journey Owen had travelled and come out the other side.

 +++ ‘Level Up’ New York – 18th November 2022 +++
Having completed his workout, Owen had hit the showers and as the warm water had soothed his already aching muscles, his thoughts had turned to Xander Valentine, and the intense challenge he was about to face. Xander had been an anomaly throughout his entire career, he had done things that others could only dream of. Even in claiming the World Championship, he had said quite openly he was going to take it from Adam Allocco, and he had just done it, without any fuss. Owen knew full well the expectation, that Xander was going to steamroll over him without any real trouble. Yet again, Owen found himself cast as the underdog, a tagline that he had always reveled in. But Owen wasn’t of that mindset, HE didn’t see himself as an underdog, and neither did the people who truly mattered, those in his bubble that had been with him through thick and thin. This match, this Championship, it was just as much for them as it was him, and he would move mountains, even mountains the size of Xander Valentine to get it done. The thoughts continue to go through his mind even as he leaves the showers and gets dressed, and only when he walks back into the gym does his mind wander… to what he was going to have for lunch. That thought process is immediately interrupted though, as he see’s Bradley, Pixie’s new boyfriend stood talking to Finch. Finch noticing him and calling Owen over. Owen walks over, knowing exactly why Bradley was here.
Finch: Owen, someone here to see you, says you know him?
Owen holds out his hand, Bradley reciprocating the offer.
Owen: Hey man, what you doing here?
Bradley: Just wondered if you’d given my offer any thought?
Finch looks intrigued, wondering what this ‘offer’ may be, and it being none of his business, Owen decides privacy would be best.
Owen: Can I use the office, Finch? Five minutes tops.
Finch: Sure thing… you do own the building so you can do what you want.
Owen nods his appreciation, turning to Bradley and motioning towards the door. They both enter the office and take a seat, Owen opening his mouth, but Bradley cutting in.
Bradley: So, the investment, can I count you in?
Owen: I honesty don’t know bro, it’s a lot of money.
Bradley: Yes, it is, but you’ve seen the figures and you know the profit on offer.
Owen: It certainly is tempting.
Bradley: Thing is Owen, opportunities only come along like this once in a lifetime and when they do, you must take them. This is a chance to make a lot of money… you do like money, right?
Owen: Of course, but I’ve got a wedding coming up next year. And Jennifer is quite set on a huge party.
Owen laughs, but Bradley only scowls, seemingly not buying into the joke.
Bradley: You can get married in a couple of years when money will be no object for you.
Owen: I don’t want to get married in a couple of years, and to be honest…
Bradley: What’s more important, paying loads of money for people to eat that you don’t really know, or financial security for the rest of your life.
Bradley leans forwards, and has gotten far more aggressive in his sell, perhaps even a little desperate. Owen can sense the temperature rising so as Bradley leans forwards, Owen slumps back into the chair, pausing for a moment before he responds and trying to take the heat out of the situation before speaking again.
Owen: Bro, I’m not being funny here, but I am twenty-two years old and thanks to my Dad and the success and sale of my clothing brand, I have more money than most my age.
Bradley: But surely…
This time it is Owen’s turn to interrupt.
Owen: As such, some things are more important than having a bigger number in my bank account. I know this is time sensitive, I know you need an answer, but right now I need to give it more thought. If that means that I miss out, then so be it. I’m sure you have plenty other potential suitors who would love to snatch your hand off for such a chance.
Owen expects Bradley to accept that, but he was seriously mistaken.
Bradley: Then you are nothing more than a fool.
Owen: Excuse me?
Owen notices Bradley’s face starting to redden, and even a bead of sweat forming. He seems to be getting angrier, and angrier as the moments pass, as if he’s trying the best, he can not to lose his cool, but losing that battle.
Bradley: I did this as a favor to Pixie, and you are throwing it back in my face. How arrogant are you?
Owen: I think you should leave bro.
Bradley: Well, Pixie is putting her faith in me, even if you want.
Owen: It’s not a matter of faith…
Before he’s even finished the sentence, Bradley is on his feet, Owen watching wide eyed.
Bradley: You’ll regret this Owen
Owen: How you’ve reacted bro, I don’t think I well. In fact, seems to me you were desperate for my money. Not a good look.
Bradley runs his hand across the desk, sending various papers flying, and a photo frame showing Orlando. The glass smashes on the floor, Owen jumping to his feet, but holding himself back. Finch opens the door, hearing the commotion, Owen calmly turning to Finch.
Owen: Bradley is leaving now… if you could show him out, please.
Finch: Sure thing.
Bradley takes another look at Owen, and then storms out the office and through the gym, Owen walks around the desk and picks up the frame, shaking away the glass before standing it back up. He then picks up his mobile phone and dials a number, waiting for a moment for answer which comes within a couple of seconds.
Owen: Chris? Yeah, I’m good man… I need you to do me a favor. Yeah I know, another favor, I’ll owe you lunch. Could you look into someone for me, find out everything you can? Cool, his names Bradley Comer…
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1 of 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15tWp...sp=sharing
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Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

Xander Valentine
Overall: 138-44-8
Singles: 124-35-8
Tag: 13-8-0

- 3x SCW World Champion
- 2x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW Underground Champion
- Conquered the Thunderdome
- Main Evented Rise to Greatness (2005,2007)
- SCW Hall of Fame 2009
- 2005 SCW Male Wrestler of the Year
 - 2006 SCW Male Wrestler of the Year
- 2006 SCW Match of the Year (Elimination Chamber)
-  2007 SCW Stable of the Year (New Blood Rebellion)
- 2012 SCW Return of the Year
- 2012 SCW Match of the Year (RTG12, Vs. Shawn Winters)
- 2014 SCW Return of the Year
- 2019 SCW Feud of the Year (Xander Valentine vs. Selena Frost)
- 2019 SCW Match of the Year (Under Attack 2019, Selena Frost vs. Xander Valentine, Unsanctioned Empty Arena Match)
- 2021 Trios Tournament Winner
- 2022 SCW Co-Male Wrestler of the Year (Shared with Adam Allocco)
- 2022 SCW Shocking Moment of the Year (Xander Valentine returns and attacks Adam Allocco)

2 of 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W_Wq...sp=sharing
[Image: xanderforumbanner22.png]

Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

Xander Valentine
Overall: 138-44-8
Singles: 124-35-8
Tag: 13-8-0

- 3x SCW World Champion
- 2x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW Underground Champion
- Conquered the Thunderdome
- Main Evented Rise to Greatness (2005,2007)
- SCW Hall of Fame 2009
- 2005 SCW Male Wrestler of the Year
 - 2006 SCW Male Wrestler of the Year
- 2006 SCW Match of the Year (Elimination Chamber)
-  2007 SCW Stable of the Year (New Blood Rebellion)
- 2012 SCW Return of the Year
- 2012 SCW Match of the Year (RTG12, Vs. Shawn Winters)
- 2014 SCW Return of the Year
- 2019 SCW Feud of the Year (Xander Valentine vs. Selena Frost)
- 2019 SCW Match of the Year (Under Attack 2019, Selena Frost vs. Xander Valentine, Unsanctioned Empty Arena Match)
- 2021 Trios Tournament Winner
- 2022 SCW Co-Male Wrestler of the Year (Shared with Adam Allocco)
- 2022 SCW Shocking Moment of the Year (Xander Valentine returns and attacks Adam Allocco)


+++ Los Angeles – 5th December 2022 +++
With Breakdown having returned to the air on the 1st of December, and Xander Valentine making it clear he wasn’t going to relinquish the World title without one heck of a fight, Owen had made a point of visiting Shaun at home, especially since he’d not really had the chance to catch up at the show. Shaun had recently been dismissed from his post as General Manager, and not a lot was known of the reasons why. It only seemed right that Owen should catch up with him away from the cameras, where Shaun could reveal his true feelings. When he’d arrived at the house however, Shaun wasn’t there and was at a meeting, so Owen had taken the time to catch up with Angyalka, and Dorothea, their daughter. After about half an hour, Shaun finally arrived home and seemed pleased to see Owen.
Shaun: Sorry I wasn’t here Owen… got a bit more time on my hands now and you know I can’t stand still.
Owen: What happened there, it all seems more than a little mysterious?
Shaun: Nothing major, not really. I mean SCW probably made it more dramatic than it was.
Owen: Backstage arguments seems dramatic to me.
Shaun: I just felt like I was a General Manager with very little power, and that all the major decisions were made over my head. Take the Chamber for example, I know you won and all and I’m happy for you. But there were people not in that Chamber than deserved that spot more than those that got one. Sometimes I felt like I was nothing more than a pretty face…
Owen: Pretty face? Really.
Shaun: Watch it you. I guess I just got fed up with it all and started making my feelings clear. And yeah, I may have raised my voice a few times, but people just weren’t listening. Then, what I did to Glory, which I accept was wrong by the way, well the writing was on the wall wasn’t it? I told them that I’d leave the position and they took me up on it.
Owen: Well, it’s a shame… considering the shit you had to put up with I think you did a good job.
Shaun: I appreciate that. When I was promised operational control of SCW, I saw it as one heck of an opportunity, but it all went to shit once people started meddling and making decisions behind my back. The more the deal changed, the more I knew I had to leave and let someone else work under those circumstances. I didn’t need it, so what the hell right?
Owen: I know you’ll have your supporters Shaun
Shaun: But probably not Glory Braddock, right?
Owen: Right… but who cares about her?
Shaun: Exactly. SCW doesn’t need anyone in control of it, anyone who takes the position will be nothing more than a face. Done with that, and going to throw myself back into Impact Media, something I do have control over.
Owen: I get that bro… and you’re good at that too.
For just a moment, Owen realizes that now more than ever before, he and Shaun are speaking like they used to, before Owen went off the rails and started blaming everyone else for his problems. Shaun had been such a rock to him in the past, but they’d never spoken as equals in Owen’s opinion. But now he firmly believed that was exactly what they were doing.
Shaun: Anyway, enough about me. What this I hear about you running into a burning building prior to Under Attack, and how come I was only informed by the medical staff and not by you.
Owen: It wasn’t a big deal
Shaun: It wasn’t? What taking on enough smoke to perhaps jeopardize one of the biggest opportunities you’ve had in recent memory?
Owen: Well, if I hadn’t, Scott would be in the morgue right now and not in the ICU with a decent chance.
Shaun nods his head; he could see that logic.
Owen: And anyway, are you telling me that you wouldn’t have done the same, knowing that someone was in the building? If you are then bullshit, because I know full well that you would have. And not only that, so would Dad.
Shaun: Ok, OK… point proven. It was just a bit of a shock that’s all knowing that the Chamber could have been too much, too soon. You being twenty-two, I sometimes forget that your mind works with a lot more maturity than most that age. Next time…
Owen: To be honest, I don’t plan on doing it again
Shaun laughs, Owen joining him.
Shaun: Fair point. But anything like that, if you’re carrying an injury, please tell someone. If Allocco would have picked up on it…
Owen: But he didn’t, and anyway, no one was any the wiser. I won the match after all. I felt good Shaun, probably better than I’ve felt since Rise to Greatness, and I firmly believe I can get it done against Xander, no matter his size, strength or technical ability. I just need to stay in the match as long as I possibly can, I do that and I’m in business.
Shaun: I hope you can see it through Owen…
He couldn’t try and match Xander in any of those attributes, this match would be all about speed and durability versus size and technique, and even then Owen knew there were no guarantees and he would still need to put him away.
Shaun: So, did they find out how the fire started?
Owen: Unfortunately, yes.
Shaun: What do you mean unfortunately?
Owen takes a deep breath, knowing his next words were going to shock
Owen: It was Charlotte, she started the fire and planned to claim on the insurance.
Shaun: Shit… really?
Owen: Yep, she came to the hospital and told me, obviously racked with guilt. We were in a bar the other day and two Detectives frog marched her out of the place. And now they have charged her with fraud. Worst thing about it was, I think I’d just persuaded her to come clean and go to them and admit what she had done. Those Detectives beat her to it. She’s out on bail now and stopping at my place… but she’s in a bad way. She blames herself…
Shaun scoffs, Owen aware of the meaning.
Owen: And I know, she is to blame Shaun, and I get it. Doesn’t change the fact that she’s a friend that was having financial difficulties and I could have helped her if I knew sooner.
Shaun: You can’t help everyone Owen.
Owen: No, but I could have helped her. Now she might go to jail when it needn’t have come to that.
Shaun: She’s got no one to blame but herself Owen. Look, I know she’s your friend and all, but she made a mistake and two people nearly lost their lives because of it. I like Charlotte, I really do… but if she really wanted your help earlier, she would have asked for it. And like I said, you can’t help everyone, and you are already doing amazing work with the School and the Shelter. It’s not your job to sort out everyone else’s problems.
Owen: I don’t try to?
Shaun: Don’t you Owen? Because from where I’m sitting that looks like precisely what you are trying to do. I’m not saying the Shelter isn’t a good idea, because it most certainly is. What I am saying is that you can’t blame yourself for what happened to Charlotte, and nor would anyone else expect you too.
Owen nods his head, knowing that Jennifer had been another than had raised this ‘flaw’ with him, this ‘need’ to help anyone and everyone when the fact was, he couldn’t, no matter how much he tried.
Shaun: I’m sure she’ll be ok when the judge understands the situation, she was in. But if she isn’t, it’s not for you to share the blame. This is solely her mess, not yours.
Owen: OK, I get… not my fault.
Shaun: No, it wasn’t. I’m so sorry… I haven’t even offered you a drink.
Owen holds up his hands and gets to his feet.
Owen: Nah, I got to be off anyway, promises Mom I’d go see her next time she was in town to tell her how the wedding preparations were going.
Shaun: And how are they going?
Owen: Expensive.
As Shaun laughs, Owen’s mobile phone goes off, Owen retrieving it from his pocket. He looks at the name on the display, and immediately takes the call, putting the phone on speaker and placing it on the table.
Owen: Hey Chris… do you have news on our friend?
Shaun scowls, not knowing what was going on.
Chris Clay: Actually Owen, I do… and it wasn’t very difficult to dig up.
Owen: Oh?
Chris Clay: Our friend Mr. Comer has quite the rap sheet
Shaun: Comer? Pixie’s new boyfriend?
Owen: The one and the same
Chris Clay: He’s well known for putting together ‘investments’ that are never going to come to fruition, and fleecing people out of their savings. The Hotel you were talking about in the Maldives?
Owen: Yeah…
Chris Clay: The lands is already owned by a Saudi Arabian consortium and get this… a hotel has been on that land for the last FIVE years. He’s selling a dud bro… and you’d do well to stay well away from it. In fact, breaking the habit of a lifetime and inform the cops Owen, this guy has about as much morality and a wooden plank.
Owen: That’s great mate, thank you.
Chris Clay: No worries, I’ll add to the million and one other free jobs I’ve done for the Cruze family yeah?
Owen: That would be great mate… and thanks again.
Chris Clay: Anytime… but I don’t mean that obviously. See you, Owen.
The line goes dead, Owen picking up the phone and putting it back in his pocket.
Shaun: What’s going on?
Owen: Comer came to me with that investment… I’d not had time to look into it, but he started harassing me. Almost threatening me to part with the cash. So I got Chris to look into him.
Shaun: Good idea so it seems.
Owen: But bro, you’ve not heard the worst part. Pixie has put pretty much her life savings in, and backed him to the hilt. When he screws her over, she’s going to lose an absolute fortune.
Shaun: Then, we make damn sure that doesn’t happen.
Owen: And how do we do that?
Shaun smirks, his eyes narrowing.
Shaun: By showing Bradley Comer that you do not fuck with anyone with the surname Cruze.
Owen: I like your style.
Shaun goes on to say what they should do next, a visit to see Pixie the first port of call for Owen’s Uncle. Being on the same page as his Uncle, without him being Owen’s boss, was just like old times. A part of his past that he was happy to retrieve. And long may it last.
+++ Chicago - 6th December 2022 +++
If there was one thing that Owen knew heading into his match with Xander Valentine, it was that ultimately, hitting the weights wasn’t going to do him any favors for this match. Sometimes, Owen saw the point, that extra bit of power giving him the edge of someone that was of similar size. But no matter what he did in the coming days, he was never going to make Xander with strength, so it was pointless trying. No, instead Owen had focused on his ring work with sparring partners of a similar size to Xander, trying to find a strategy that could work. He’d done countless miles on the treadmill, to give his stamina and speed a hit. And at the same time, he had been working on his finishers, knowing that if the opportunity arose, he HAD to take it, and couldn’t let Xander off the hook. That was the strategy that he had locked in, and thankfully he had one of the most durable and effective wrestlers that ever lived helping him. His Uncle, and former SCW General Manager, Shaun Cruze. And as Owen pushed himself to the limits again, as the treadmill started to lift, making it seem like he was sprinting up a hill, Shaun wasn’t going to go easy on him.
Shaun: That’s it, keep going…. Push it, Owen.
Owen feels his legs start to burn as the lactic acids fills them. Thankfully, just as he feels he is about to keel over from the sheer exertion he is putting himself through, Shaun calls a halt, and the treadmill starts to slow down and begins to lower. Eventually, and thankfully for Owen, it then comes to a stop, Owen almost collapsing onto the handrails.
Shaun: Absolutely amazing Owen… never ceases to amaze me how quick you are.
Owen catches his breath, which eventually starts to regulate, Owen finally able to stand without assistance.
Owen: What choice do I have if I don’t want to fall flat on my face?
Shaun: You asked me to come to Chicago and help you train.
Owen: Yeah, but I didn’t say that you had to damn near kill me.
Shaun: But you did it though didn’t you… not many in the SCW could have coped at that pace. I know you’ve said since you returned that you’re not a one trick pony, but in this match, that trick is the one you are going to need. You move at that speed, and he won’t be able to cope. Can’t hit what you can’t catch right?
Owen: That’s the plan. Didn’t work with Hudson though.
Owen steps off the treadmill and grabs a towel off Shaun, before wiping the sweat off his face.
Shaun: Hudson is a different animal Owen, he’s no slouch either. Don’t get me wrong, Xander isn’t slow, but it certainly isn’t his best attribute. This is the one match where you’ve got to forget about what your opponent can do, and focus on what YOU do best. And barring Selena, there isn’t anyone in SCW quicker.
Owen grabs a bottle of water and unscrews the top, taking on a long hard gulp. Shaun was right of course, if anything was going to get him through this, it was his speed. But he also needed to be elusive, and know exactly what to do if he got caught.
Owen: One thing I can’t do is get reckless. I did that against Hudson, and he ended up making me tap out. I can’t take it to the wire too early this time, and I have to wait for my opportunity.
Shaun: Stay in the match for as long as you can, make him chase a ghost and then strike, and strike hard. At that point, you’ll still have something in the tank, and he won’t
Owen: So, you’re coaching style is basically Rocky’s against Ivan Drago?
Shaun: That is exactly what it is… except for the montage.
Owen sits down on a bench, and puffs out his cheeks. All he wanted now was to hit the showers and let the warm water soothe his aching body, but he wasn’t sure his legs could carry him that far right now. Shaun takes a seat next to him, Owen turning to face him.
Shaun: I’m guessing the date isn’t lost on you?
Owen: Nah, I got that straight away.
Shaun: Kinda feels like destiny doesn’t it?
Owen: A little… I’m sure Xander won’t look at it that way.
Shaun: Either way Owen, you know he’d be proud of you don’t you? Of everything you have achieved in the last year since you returned to SCW?
Owen: I like to think so yeah.
Shaun: Don’t sell yourself short Owen… there are far more grizzled veterans that would have thrown in the towel for good after what you’ve been through since you were a young kid. Every single time you have faced challenges, you’ve come out swinging, and that’s all your old man every wanted for you. You pull this off, on his birthday, none the less, and it’s the perfect ending to this journey of redemption you’ve been on. And he’ll be there Owen, right in your corner supporting you all the way.
Owen: He’d be forty-five Shaun… can you believe that?
Shaun: I know… the times passed so quickly hasn’t it?
Shaun points a finger into Owen’s chest, and in particular his heart.
Shaun: But he’s still here isn’t he? Right in there.
Owen nods, agreeing wholeheartedly.
Owen: He is
Shaun: And he’ll get you through this, no matter what happens.
They both hear the muffled ringing of a mobile phone, Shaun checking his first but no call. Shaun throws Owen his sports bag, Owen rummaging in it before pulling out his phone, recognizing the number as ‘Level Ups’
Owen: Hello this is Owen… Oh hey Finch, is something wrong? No, I’m training with Shaun but I got a minute what’s up?
Owen listens intently, Shaun trying to hear the call but unable to. Shaun watches, as Owen’s face goes through a mixture of emotions and none of them good.
Owen: Thanks Finch… thanks for letting me know.
Owen hangs up the phone, and puts it on the bench, biting at his bottom lip.
Shaun: Everything OK?
Owen shakes his head, not genuinely troubled.
Owen: The Nurse that treated me called Level Up… Scott died a couple of hours ago
Shaun: Fuck… does that mean…
Owen: Yeah…
He pauses, knowing what this latest news meant
Owen: Charlotte’s situation just got a whole lot worse.
Shaun puts a hand on Owen’s shoulder, knowing that at the very least Charlotte would more than likely be charged with Manslaughter, which could in itself carry a long sentence. All Owen can think of, is that Charlotte wouldn’t be able to live with herself, jail time or not. She’d already taken things into her own hands once. Was she now capable of taking her own life to escape what she’d done?
Scene fades.
+++ Chicago – 7th December 2022 +++
The preparation was over, there was nothing more that he could do now other than step into the lion’s den and take on someone who many thought unstoppable. Owen didn’t think that way, he didn’t think that way about anyone, but there was no question that right now, Xander Valentine was the pinnacle of this sport, and Owen had to knock him from that lofty perch. Owen had thought about filming this in the arena, hopefully the scene of his greatest success. He’d even thought about taking this to one of Chicago’s many rivers and speak in a Zen like way to show how relaxed he was facing one of the very best. Instead, he had decided to keep it basic, a simple room, with a simple table and chair, a glass of water readied on said table. It is in that situation that he takes the glass and holds it towards the camera before taking a sip, and then starting to speak with his usual undiminished confidence.
“Well Breakdown was… interesting, wasn’t it? If it wasn’t Adam Allocco being his usual hypocritical self, I mean can you imagine what he would have said if he was the last entrant and won. The luck of the draw, precisely how I put it, no question about it. It’s not surprising, Adam always needs something to feel better about himself. I know how much it must rankle being put in his place by a Cruze… yet again. But no matter, if it wasn’t Adam getting antsy because Xander obviously has a hold on him, it was Xander bringing the old ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff’ routine, something I’ve heard a million times before, whilst at the same time expecting me to run away? Yeah, I left SCW under a cloud and some could see that as ‘running away’, but the fact is I have never shied away from anyone in my life, and I’m not going to start now, on the eve of one of the biggest nights of my life. The commentators stated that Xander seemed ‘impressed’ by the fact I fought back? Man, if he was impressed by that, just wait till I get started. I’m not stepping into the ring overawed, regardless of his size, strength or intimidatory tactics. Xander, you asked me a question, you asked if I am ready? Xander, I can assure you, with one hundred percent clarity, I have never been as ready as I am right now. Ready to ascend to the top of the tree once again, by taking down perhaps the most dominant man in professional wrestling today. And the thing is Xander, I don’t say that to blow smoke up your ass, or to over egg my situation walking into a World Championship opportunity. I just don’t see the point in claiming anything different. I know full well I am outmatched in so many ways. Your strength, your size, both probably double what I possess. And yet I still maintain the same confidence I had when I stepped into the Chamber, I still believe I can win. Why? Because this is everything I have strived for, the end game I started when I made my way back to this company almost exactly one year to the day. Redemption, redemption, redemption, it’s been the buzz word of my life for those twelve months, and I still maintain that course even now. Did you really think I was going to lose track of that, simply because of who you are Xander? Did you think I was going to forget my time in the Slaughterhouse, because the clear and present danger is that I could be overpowered. IF I allow it to happen. I’m not going to come out here and claim that this is one of those moments when the stars align, and my destiny comes to fruition, because we will only find out of that is the case on Breakdown. But, if I did allow myself to stand down, to change tact because of who you are, I would be cheating every single person who gave me a chance at that Redemption. I would be cheating you of a bona fide challenge, a five-star match worthy of any marquee show. But more than anything Xander, I’d be cheating myself. I’d be cheating myself of quite possible the most defining moment of my life. More defining than that fateful Chamber that I wasn’t ready for, or the 2022 version that I conquered. Xander, you came to the ring with a purpose last Breakdown, and I truly hope you got what you came for. An idea of what YOU face on December the 8th. Because rest assured, I have every intention of claiming what I’m coming for this week. Every intention of becoming the SCW World Champion for the second time.”
Owen doesn’t waiver, and his eyes remain fully focused on the camera in front of him, the intensity and determination obvious with every single word. Being the World Champion and claiming his Redemption was everything to him, the closure on a part of his life, and the beginning of his new era. He needed to know Xander was aware of that, it was the reason he didn’t back down and hit the dropkick that reverberated around the world. Xander didn’t go down, but neither did Owen. If anything was a precursor to their match, it was that moment. Strength versus Athleticism.
“And Xander, you may not realize this, but the date of our match most certainly isn’t lost on me, though I accept, it may well just be another day in the office for you. December the 8th is one of the more special dates on the calendar for me, and this year it seems even more apt. If my Dad would have still been alive, he would have celebrated his forty-fifth birthday on that day and I don’t think I have to tell you how much more that places on this outcome, considering the last eighteen months of my life. Before I got my head straight, I would have probably called it ironic, how I was competing on the birthday of a man who at that time I hated, and I would have probably waxed lyrical about how a victory would be sticking it to him. But now my feelings have changed very much for the better, I cannot think of a better way to honor a man who did so much for this industry. A man who was part of a generation that changed the industry forever. How poetic would it be for his son to claim the biggest prize of them all on THAT day? I know full well you don’t need the answer to that question. The title is incentive enough, no question, but what you also probably don’t need explaining, is how much more incentive that gives me to fight till my very last breath, and somehow, someway get this over the finish line, and put the Cruze name back at the top of the industry. I’m tough to break at the best of times, I’m just about as resilient as they come thanks to the Slaughterhouse and Daisy Lee. But when I understand my reality, and how much this would mean for not just me, but for also all those who stood by me and somehow kept my head above water, I’m not going to pretend that I’m indestructible, I’ll leave you with that moniker, however false. But it will give me that extra edge, a willingness to take this further than I ever have before. With so much on the line Xander, that is when I do my best work. And Xander, I don’t just feel like I can beat you, I believe I know exactly HOW to beat you. You asked me if I’m ready, but the question must be, are you? Because you have NEVER faced someone like me Xander. And you probably never will again. This is my last piece in the puzzle, the final act. Complete Redemption for all that I did in the past, for almost throwing my career, a career that I loved, down the toilet. And I know, all the will in the world may well not be enough… I’m not naïve, not any longer. But yes Xander, YES, I am ready. Ready to beat you, ready to shock the world, ready to rock SCW to its core. And you only have to look into my eyes to see it for yourself. The resolve, intensity and determination to get this done.”
Owen’s eyes narrow, the emotion bubbling under the surface, but very much under his control. He’d have to channel that emotion at Breakdown, and not get reckless as he did against Josh Hudson. That being the only reason he wasn’t in this moment the United States Champion.
“Why am I different Xander? I’m different because I believe that no one can move around that ring with the speed that I can. I don’t want to overegg it too much, after all I have spoken already about how big and strong you are in comparison to myself, but the exact same could be said about the way we move between those strands. Yes, you have your power, yes you have your experience, but ultimately, you’re slower, I will see you coming, it’s the way you wrestle, full steam ahead. The same cannot be said for myself, as I could come at you from literally anywhere. And possess an offense, that could take full advantage of your biggest weakness. Those concussions that will forever now be a problem. Yes, I didn’t take you down on Breakdown. Yes, you shrugged off the drop kick like it was nothing. But if I can ground you Xander, if I can take you off your feet, you can rest assured the Cruze Stomp WILL render you unconscious. See, with that experience has come a whole world of damage. What goes on in your head with every impact, could be my means to an end. I hit that move Xander, if I get that opportunity, you will stay down I promise you, even if I have to hit it once, twice or even three times. And maybe before I would have had remorse, but not anymore. Why should I, when you have all the tools necessary to take me out for good, and perhaps more importantly, consider it your duty to this company? You hold that title so that Adam Allocco cannot get his hands on it. You hold it because you see no future for this company unless you carry that title forwards. But if you wanted to see the future Xander, you didn’t have to look very far. I’m right here, and on December the 8th, you’ll be staring YOUR future dead in the eyes. You can’t dismiss that… I won’t let you. Can you remember what you said so poetically to Gavin Taylor. How ‘one day’ Gavin might ‘outshine us all’ and ‘guide professional wrestling into the future’, and then concluded that day wasn’t THE day? You were right, it wasn’t that day. That future you speak of, arrives on December the 8th.”
Owen takes another sip of the water, taking a moment to fully comprehend the enormity of his task. He knew he was an underdog here; he knew that some expected him to be squashed by a man who had been called a monster on more than one occasion. He couldn’t allow himself to think the same. He wouldn’t allow himself to think the same. As such, all the warnings, posts on social media, he’d treated as nothing more than white noise. He places the glass back on the table, and leans forwards, clasping his hands in front of him.
“So, Executioner, I will bust a gut to ensure that I totally justify my billing as the Number One Contender to the SCW World Championship, by putting myself well and truly in the path of the ‘wildfire’ you promised and delivered to Gavin Taylor. The ‘fiery inferno’ that destroys anything placed in its way. I won’t pay attention to the almost Shakespearean way that you promise my destruction, and I sure as hell wouldn’t expect any mercy. In this case, your reputation more than precedes you Xander. It’s that reputation that defines you. I don’t need your apologies for what is to come, I openly embrace it. You can’t let this responsibility fall into anyone else’s hands but yours… I’m not going to leave you with any choice. Xander, you are everything that you say you are and more, and I’d never dispute that. But this is my time, my moment, my opportunity… and I’m going to take it. Or die trying.”
Owen gets to his feet, not to intimidate, as Xander would surely laugh. He stands, simply because the promo is coming to its natural end, and there was not much more to say and if Xander didn’t realize the situation now, he never would. With those three words hanging in the air, he places his hands in his jeans pocket, and for the first time a smile forms on his face. A knowing smile… a confident smile even. A smile that didn’t betray his emotions, and instead laid them all bare for all to see. He knew he could do this, now it was a case on making good on that belief.
“And when that New Era is ushered in, and you walk up that ramp, looking back over your shoulder as I raise that World Championship aloft, you’ll be forgiven for affording yourself a smile. As that disappointment sets in, and the realization of what has happened takes a hold, you will have reasons to console yourself Xander, I promise you. You’ll look back and see, that unlike Gavin Taylor, this wasn’t too big for me, and in fact this was what I was born to do. You’ll understand that I am more than capable of not only shouldering the burden but thriving with it. That’s the future Xander, that’s what you wanted. You wanted someone to show you that this company future was secure.
I AM that person.
And in beating you, the behemoth, the absolute epitome of this industry, and quite possibly the most feared man on this roster, I will have proven that tenfold. And claimed not only the title, but the most important thing of all. Say it with me Xander…”
He pauses, saluting the camera.
He winks at the camera and walks out of shot, as the scene then slowly fades
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