Selena Frost vs. Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO
The Witches of Alden


Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York
New York City, New York
March 6th, 2023

They had played quite a few rounds of Smash Bros., Tannis and Selena – Selena winning a few (she had learned much from her son, David – Use X or Y to double jump and stay in the game, Mom! – poor boy wanted a challenge from his old mother…) and Tannis winning a few.

“Are you letting me win?” Tannis accused as her character, now Wario, laughed and danced on the screen as he was announced the winner.

“Nope.” Selena shook her head. “And don’t get so cocky. That was a sudden death win. I almost had you.”

Eagerly, the child began setting up another round for the two. “I think I’ll go easy on you and pick a character I suck at but is fun to play.”
“Hey now!” Selena teased playfully. “I don’t need a pity win!”

Quickly, as if trying to hide it, Tannis tilted her head towards the former world champion and SCW-celebrity, and stuck her tongue out playfully, earning a shocked expression from Selena.

“Oh that’s it.” Selena laughed before taking her player-token off Zelda and putting it on Kirby. “David hates when I do this…” she muttered under her breath. “And we’ll just had some CPU players to make it interesting.” She added, opening up the game to 4 characters, two run at level 9 for difficulty and pressing start.

Immediately, the round began and Tannis fell into the same pattern of playing as she had for the other rounds, attacking promptly with Mewtwo against the two characters. Selena, meanwhile, simply moved her character as far right as she could, away from all the action.

“What are you doing?” Tannis asked, trying to fight the two enemies that were now on her.
“Nothing.” Selena remarked before pushing the up button on the D-pad.

“HI!!!!!” Kirby suddenly taunted on the screen, only to do it again as Selena pressed the button. “HI! HI! HI! HI! HI! HI! HI! HI!” over and over again.

“Oh come on! That’s so annoying!” Tannis remarked.
“Well come on over here and stop me!” Selena shot back with a grin, continuing to simply press the one taunt button on Kirby. Immediately, Tannis tried to move Mewtwo over fight but as soon as she got there, Selena was rushing past her to the other side of the battlefield, only to taunt again as the enemies tried to go for her, but then also went after Tannis again. Again, more taunting!

“HI! HI! HI! HI! HI!” Kirby yelled.
“HI! HI! HI! HI! HI!” Selena mimicked, her voice having a mix of a laugh as she did so.
“Stop it!” Tannis ordered, but couldn’t stop the laugh that was escaping her at Selena’s sheer stupidity.
“Never! This is MY strategy!”

And for five minutes, that’s exactly what happened! Endlessly, Selena would taunt with Kirby, only moving it to get the knockout blow on a target. Even when all three other characters teamed up on her to kill off Kirby, she simply reappeared, sauntered to the farthest corner, and kept that damn taunt going until the timer went off:

“THIS GAME’S WINNER IS…” the game announced. “KIRBY!”

“HI!!!!!!!” Selena finished with vindication, earning a groan and a laugh from Tannis!

Falling into the back of the couch to control their laughs, Selena and Tannis took a small break from their game-playing to calm themselves. In that time, however, Selena suddenly felt a gentle hand against the nape of her neck. Turning her head, she stared up into the emerald eyes of her wife, Deanna.

“Need to talk to you for a minute.” She whispered.

“Oh…okay.” The Snow Queen smiled, turning to Tannis. “I’ll be right back. Your choice for next game.”
“Can I play ‘Breath of the Wild’?”

“Sure!” Selena smiled as she pushed herself to her feet, immediately feeling the numbness from sitting for so long. Steading herself a little, she walked a little awkwardly around the couch, her spot replaced with Tannis’ parents, Paul and Sara Park, the parents smiling and playing with their daughter.

It wasn’t until the Frost wives were back near the door, lead by Deanna, before the redhead spoke. “I’ve been talking with Sara and Paul.”

“And?” Selena asked with a tilt of her head. “Something wrong with Tannis? Her treatments?”

“Not exactly.” Deanna sighed. “Honestly, her case is… well, anything can happen.”
“Yeah.” Selena nodded, casting a quick glance at the back of the child’s head as she set up her next game, even catching a few words from Tannis as the girl explained to her parents what she was playing.

“Selena…” Deanna pressed, regaining the Snow Queen’s attention. “Did you know that her parents have to travel 3 hours to get here?”

“They what?” Selena almost shouted, catching herself from speaking too loud and getting unwanted attention.

The younger Frost nodded. “They live in Harrisburg – apparently that’s in Pennsylvania.”

Selena was about to ask why, if that were so, would the Parks travel here, but ‘here’, that being the center, was one of the top 3 cancer treatment facilities in the world, and probably one of the closer ones. Not to mention if they were on a waiting list or something…

With a shake of her head, Selena eyed Deanna after quick glance over to the Parks. “How often do they come here?”

“Whenever Tannis has an ‘episode’ or needs treatment. Apparently, it’s been more and more often.”

“Can’t they…” Selena sighed. “What about residences? Can’t they stay here?”

“That’s…what I was getting to.” Deanna slowly breathed. “Apparently, Tannis treatments and residence here during that time is taking all their resources. They can’t afford to do anything but just visit as per absolutely necessary.”
“What about insurance companies and-“ Selena stopped when she saw her wife shake her head slowly.

With a turn of her head, Selena gazed at the Parks once more. “Wow… and here I was sad because I couldn’t follow Tannis idea of buying SCW because we weren’t rich enough. They can’t even…”

The idea came to the platinum-blonde in a second, jerking her head back to stare at Deanna. “We can do it!”

“Do what?” Deanna asked, though her eyes seemed to be already figuring that out.

“We can pay for them to live here or on residence near by. There must be some kind of charity house or something for them to stay!”

Biting her lower lip, a smile graced Deanna’s features. “I knew you’d say that.”

“You’re not mad?” Selena checked. “I can’t imagine it will be cheap paying out of pocket.”

Biting her lower lip again, it was Deanna’s turn to cast a glance at Tannis as she sat on the couch. “She reminds me of Elsianna.” She admitted. “And I… the idea of being that far from her…”

“Frankfurt?” Selena asked, earning a nod from Deanna from the prison reference.
“No parent deserves that. Especially if her time is…” Deanna sighed. “Can we help them?”

Slowly, Selena gave a nod. “Don’t tell anyone.” She whispered. “We’ll talk to the residence and say they received an offer or some kind of program or something. Don’t let Tannis or the Parks know. Last thing we won’t is for them to feel indebted to us.”

“I’m on it.” Deanna scampered out of the room to find the proper office/front-desk to get the ball in motion for that. Selena, meanwhile, turned to lean against the doorframe, keeping her eyes on Tannis.

This wouldn’t solve all the poor girl’s problems, Selena knew that much. She believed in many things and was considered one of the top wrestlers in the world, if her place in SCW and the World Series of Wrestling was any indication. But she was not arrogant enough to believe she could cure cancer, anymore than she believed she was rich enough to buy SCW and keep it a semblance of what she believed it could be.

But… she could do this. She couldn’t save the world or undo much in her own world… but she could do this.

Maybe, this was much for her as it was for Tannis and the Parks. Maybe, Selena thought, this was something she needed to.

Because, after so many months of watching things spiral out of control… she was tired of having so little of it.

The Royal Letter

Dear SCW Universe,

I know many of you want me to talk about the elephant in the room. “How does ‘The Face of SCW’ feel about the idea of SCW being sold?”.

Because it’s an honest question. For a few years now, I have represented the values I want SCW to be known for, both inside it and outside it with companies like TIA productions, XWF and the World Series of Wrestling. And obviously, I believed in an SCW filled with integrity and honor. The idea of ‘supreme championship wrestling’ actually meaning just that. But can I be ‘The Face of SCW’ when it’s changing ownership?

It's a series of honest questions and I’m not mad that the True Believers and SCW Universe want to talk about it. But truthfully, I don’t want to. I don’t want to talk about that just yet. And that isn’t a fault of yours, guys. It’s me.

I’ve been here for almost 10 years and, while I’ve seen some great and… not so great… people try to run this place (I think we all remember the D. daughters finding over this place like cats and dogs), the idea that this place would not belong to O. D.… it’s just hard for me to imagine right now. It’s hard for me to process it. Because it was the SCW he built that changed me. D.’s vision of there being a place of supreme championship wrestling is what changed me.

When I first started in this company in 2013, all I cared about was making enough money to change my life for the better. To fully escape the snowy hell that was Nome, Alaska. And you can ask anyone there, they know that it is. You won’t find a single person that hasn’t, at least once, longed to move out of that isolated town. And I was young, desperate and trapped in a rather bad place with my own demons and the reputation of a small-town pariah. I didn’t care about anything but getting out of there forever and making the money to change my life forever…

To put it another way, I was so scared of believing in anything but being a cold ‘Ice Queen’, that I blamed a superstar’s uniform of having ‘too much padding’ because he beat me. That was how pathetic I was and desperate I was to get a paycheck. I didn’t believe in accountability. I didn’t believe in learning from my losses. I didn’t believe in anything.

But this place… SCW… it grew on me. It taught me so much and slowly, I started to believe in what it seemed to stand for. More than that, I wanted to embody what it stood for. I wanted to protect it. I wanted to make it better. I wanted to see what all of you saw and then help it be what all of you believed it to be. I won’t bore you with a ten-year recount of my career and accolades, but more important than those is that now? Now, I know what that “SCW” is. I know it exists and all I want is to protect it and make it better for me, my family, the Frost legacy and for each and every one of you! And that’s because of the SCW that O. D. created, the man that’s always been there in some form or fashion.

So, an SCW without him? Like REALLY without him? I’m just not ready to talk about that. I can’t. Because there is nothing I can really do about it outside of talk to O., which we all saw last week how ‘well’ that went. I am not a billionaire, people, nor do I pretend to be. If Mr. Dracheywch is so determined to sell SCW, there really isn’t anything I can do about it. And, like I said, I’m not ready to talk about something I don’t know how to change or how to control or even how to handle.

So instead, I want this episode of Breakdown to be about what I can control. Because this is a singles match for me. As in I am not Selena Frost, tag-team champion, here. Tonight, I step back into the world I am most familiar and comfortable with. Selena Frost, Face of SCW, Snow Queen, and longest reigning world champion in the history of SCW. The woman that has beaten both the current world champion and its next challenger and a plethora of other superstars. The woman that remains one of the best wrestlers in SCW today!

And speaking of things being in our ‘control’, let’s talk about my opponent. The Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO. Now, let’s be honest here, YUYO, this is almost like ‘poetry’, isn’t it? You and the Rebel Princess Cassie Wolfe? Forming a tag-team? Cassie faced Deanna last week and now, to complete the image, you are facing me. It’s as clear a design as a 90’s sitcom trope. And that’s alright with me, because I want something of normalcy here. I want this to be about proving something for you. I want this to be about ‘making a statement’, ‘proving yourself’, ‘showing your place in the tag-team division’ or as a singles competitor. I want this to be about ‘avenging your friend’s loss’ and maybe scoring the ‘upset of a lifetime’.

Why? Because these are worthwhile goals! These are goals that will force you to bring out your A-game against me, YUYO, and THAT is precisely what I want! I WANT your A-game, princess. I want your best. Know why? Because that’s the SCW I know. That’s the SCW I believe in! Goals like that is part of the SCW that I love. Striving to be the best through skill and ability and sheer will. Integrity? I want to see that – scratch that – I need to see that here in SCW with the ownership up in the air because I need to see that such things can survive in SCW without Mr. D. there. I NEED to see it, to prove that it can! So I want nothing less than your bravado and your arrogance and your ‘superpower’, YUYO!

Know what I don’t want? I don’t want whoever’s been running around SCW the last few weeks spewing that overhyped, overexcited gimmick and then celebrating when she draws a guy over a double countout, treating it like she won the main-event of Rise to Greatness!

You think I didn’t see that, YUYO? And don’t tell me this was some ‘misunderstanding’, because I know you’ve had more than enough experience here and in Emerge to know the rules of a countout. You got counted out in your match with Chance Owens, a draw between the two of you and while he showed frustration – clearly wanting that win like anyone with passion and love for this sport would want – you jumped up and down as if a draw was good enough for you. As if it was good enough for SCW. Good enough for the SCW Universe and the True Believers…

Yeah, I don’t want THAT Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO. That woman, YUYO, is settling. That woman, YUYO, is desperate and a narcissist. That woman needs to celebrate draws as if they are victories because she can’t do what she says she will do and learn from her mistakes and get better. That woman, YUYO, won’t fight for her supposed ‘place’ on that ‘pillar’ you bragged about last week. That woman, YUYO, is not a ‘savior of SCW’ or purveyor of ‘justice’ but a sham just like The One and Adam Allocco! People that promise the world to the SCW Universe and give them crap and say ‘It’s gold!’.

I know because, like I said, YUYO, I began just like that. I began my career as insecure and uncertain. And it took seeing all that SCW was trying to be to get me to turn it around – to accept my shortcomings and strive to better myself for my own sake and the sake of what SCW truly is. And if THAT is the difference between you and me, YUYO, that refusal to settle that runs in me? Then I can promise you that you are not ready for what I can bring to the ring. You are not ready to be even considered for the tag-team titles if your ‘plan’ is to take another countout and celebrate it. Because I refuse to settle like that when it's my name on the match card and it’s the SCW Universe and True Believers that paid and gave their time to see us!

That’s why we’re not going to have any of that tonight, YUYO. No draws, no ‘hoping for a countout’ like your last two singles matches. No! No, you and I are going to have a damn good wrestling match that will provide the people of San Diego and those watching at home around the world with the integrity and true meaning of SCW that they deserve. And you will, I can promise you, YUYO, get nothing but my absolute best. Because the SCW Universe needs to see it just as much as I do. They need to see that at least someone will still be here, should those contracts of sale be drafted and the ink dries – they need to see that someone is still here, regardless of the new owner, fighting for what SCW truly, and has always, stood for.

Integrity. Honor. Being the best by just that – being the absolute best! And tonight, YUYO, more magical than even you… will be the look you see in all their eyes when I show them just that! With or without your help!

Believe it!
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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RE: Selena Frost vs. Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO - by SnowQueenSCW - 03-12-2023, 12:40 AM

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