Kelsai Adamson vs. Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO vs. Kimberly Williams
SCW Underground Championship

2 RP Limit for singles match

No Word Limit

Deadline: FRIDAY, June 16, 2023 (For kayfabe: Act as if the show is still Thursday, June 15, 2023)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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June 4th, 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Off Camera

The excitement, the atmosphere in the America Family Field is electric. The annual Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal has just concluded with Kandis winning it all. And even though the shock of all that has still yet to die down, there is still more to come with the crowning of a new SCW World Champion, either Selena Frost or Adam Allocco. Who will be defending the World Championship against Kandis in the main event of Rise to Greatness XX? One thing we know for certain are the thirty-nine wrestlers who won’t be part of the main event. Among those thirty nine runners up is the reigning SCW Underground Champion Kimberly Williams.

Kimberly, along with Syren, had the toughest road to travel in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. The self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match started the match at number two and she went to the very end. She made it up through the final competitors remaining in the match. She was so very close to winning the battle royal and earning that main event slot and thus earning another opportunity to challenge for the SCW World Championship. She had fought so hard, lasted so long, and endured so much all for the chance to rewind the clock and have a do-over of Body, Heart, & Soul. She walked through hell for all over damn near an hour and a half but it was all seemingly for nothing. She came up short. She came in third place. It was close but close doesn’t count. Kimberly needed to win.

Anyone who started a battle royal such as that, lasting nearly an hour and a half like Kimberly did, only to not finish the job, only to come up just short, anyone else in that situation would be severely disappointed. And perhaps there is a bit of disappointment somewhere in the eccentric head of the demented ginger; but you wouldn’t know it by looking at her right now. The Woman Scorned has just made it up the ramp and back into the backstage area. She still hears Kandis’s music playing in the background, a constant reminder of who won Taking Hold of the Flame. That should bother Kimberly but it doesn’t. Kim probably should be frowning as a sign of disappointment. Kim isn’t sporting a frown. Instead what most people see as she walks through the backstage area of the America Family Field is a great big ear to ear grin. Yes, the SCW Underground Champion is happy.

Eventually the eccentric ginger spots her mother, Angelica Jones, standing nearby. The Matriarch of the Jones family has been serving as Kimberly’s advocate in recent weeks, speaking out on her behalf in front of SCW management as well as guiding Kimberly’s career. Angelica is partially responsible for Kimberly’s two most recent reigns as SCW Underground Champion. Now it is Angelica’s job to guide her daughter into an unknown Rise To Greatness. Angelica had hoped that the journey would be cut and dry, she had hoped that Kim would win Taking Hold of the Flame and just go on to main event Rise to Greatness. That won’t happen, hence why the future is unknown. This makes Angelica nervous as she watches her daughter slowly approaching. Another reason Jones is nervous is because of her daughter’s recent history with losing. She went into a deep depression last year at Rise To Greatness when she lost the Underground Title to Deanna Frost. Then a few months ago at Body, Heart, & Soul when Kim failed to become the SCW World Champion, losing to Owen Cruze, Kim completely lost her cool and went crazy…

…well, crazier than usual for Kim. Angelica had hoped luck would be on her daughter’s side but when she learned Kim had drawn number two and would start Taking Hold of the Flame she had dreaded the outcome, because she knew all too well that going the distance from the opening spot and winning it all is damn near impossible. Angelica watched with anxious anticipation as her daughter fought through it all, the match progressed through all of the entrants, and she was impressed at Kim making the final three. She was finally starting to think Kim could actually pull off the impossible. Unfortunately it didn’t happen. And Kim had put her heart and soul on the line. She desperately wanted to to right the wrongs from Body, Heart, & Soul. But now she won’t get that chance. How will Kim react? Angelica braces herself for the worst as her daughter approaches. She finds it curious that Kim has a big grin on her face. But it is hard to read Kim. Hell, no one really can read Kim.

“Kim…” Angelica says, her voice trailing off for a moment as she tries to think of the right words, the appropriate way to confront her daughter after the loss “...I just want to say…”

“That…was…AWESOME!” Kim exclaims loudly. Angelica is surprised. This certainly was not the reaction that she was expecting. Angelica tilts her head to one side and stares skeptically at her daughter. She certainly seems much happier than expected.

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah? Did you see me out there?” Kim is beaming with pride, at least it appears to be pride. Angelica has her doubts. Kim lost and in the past Kim has not taken losses very well. “I started the whole damn thing and look at how far I went!”

“I know, and I’m…” Angelica is interrupted when her daughter strikes a pose and then begins to shout again…



“You can be Captain Marvel if you want. Wasley says he wants to be Thor. Caligula is gonna be Nick Fury because he likes to swear a lot. Avengers Assemble!”

“KIM!” Angelica raises her voice, to finally quiet her daughter. Kim smiles innocently.

“You don’t have to shout. If you’d rather be Scarlet Witch that’s fine but you DO realize she eventually dies, right? I would rather you not die, mommy!” Kim hugs Angelica tightly. Angelica sighs and pats her on the back.

“I appreciate that but, uh…” she sighs as they break the embrace “...aren’t you upset?”

“And why should I be upset? I mean, I am the SCW Underground Champion. I just put on one of the most impressive performances in the history of this company. I also turned this bad boy into the first ever Death Match style Taking Hold of the Flame, baby! WOOOO! History maker!”

“But…” Angelica sighs deeply again “...but you lost.”

“So?” Kim shrugs her shoulders.

“So you’re completely ok with the result? Even though you started the match, went the full one hour and twenty minutes plus at least, lasting longer than anyone else, arguably having the best performance of everyone in the match, all just to come up short and empty handed. And you’re ok with all of that?”

“Uh-huh…” Kim nods her head enthusiastically.

“Forgive my skepticism, but you do have a history of not taking a loss very well. You have a history of pouring your heart and soul into something that you want so very badly only to have it taken from you, and then you not reacting very well to it.”

“Oh please!” Kim rolls her eyes. “You act as if I walked out on SCW or something…”

“You did.”

“Ok, you got me there. But still, it’s not as if I started gambling everything away in a drunken stupor all the while contemplating leaving SCW.”

“You did that too.” Angelica points out. “I had to talk you out of it.”

“Fine.” Kim nods her head. “But you act as if I threw a temper tantrum when someone beat me, tried to injure him out of spite, and then booked the craziest shenanigans in the history of the sport just to get revenge and my title back.”

“Yeah, you did that too.”

“Why do you have to have such a damn good memory?” Kim whines as she sticks her tongue out at her mother. Angelica chuckles softly.

“But you see why I am skeptical, right?”

“I get it, mom. I don’t exactly have the greatest reputation whenever I come up short. And yes, you’re right, I did pour my heart and soul into this Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. I wanted to win it and I wanted it badly. I thought I needed to win this match and punch my ticket into the main event of Rise To Greatness in order to rewind time, in order rewrite history, specifically the aftermath of Body, Heart, & Soul.” Kim’s voice grows a little more serious. “That time period, those weeks in the aftermath of that match against Owen Cruiserweight, that was a dark stain on my career. I wanted a chance to do it all over again. I wanted the opportunity to prove that the person the world saw in the aftermath of Body, Heart, & Soul was not the real me, that was not Kimberly Williams.”

“So why aren’t you upset?” Angelica asks again.

“After Kandis eliminated me I was upset. But only for a few seconds. I looked back in the ring, seeing that only two people remained…just two…and I realized how close I had come, how far I had made it in Taking Hold of the Flame. I realized just how impressive of a performance that was and I realized that there was not a damn thing to be ashamed of, nothing to be upset about. Most importantly, I realized that everyone in this arena tonight, and everyone watching at home, all of them got to see me lay it all on the line and leave it all in the center of the ring. They got to see me put on the performance of a lifetime. Anyone who doubted my guts, my determination, or my skill had been silenced because there were thirty seven other competitors who were unable to do what I did tonight. And anyone who questioned my passion? They got to see me walk away with my head held high.” Kim grins from ear to ear. “I accomplished what I set out to do, mom. That’s why I’m so damn happy right now.”

“Well I’m happy to see that you are taking it so well.” Angelica finally grins herself as she slowly starts to believe that perhaps Kim really is sincere.

“And it’s true. And since Taking Hold of the Flame is over, now that we are officially on the road to Rise To Kimmy…”

“Rise To Greatness.” Angelica says, correcting her daughter. Kim shrugs her shoulders.

“Same difference. Anyway, I’m sure the braintrust in SCW has plans for me and my Underground Championship?” Kim’s grin takes on a more sinister tone. “Who do I gotta maim?”

“I don’t have official confirmation yet…I mean, Taking Hold of the Flame still hasn’t even ended yet…but there was talk of an Underground Title Match, you defending against YUYO and Kelsai.”

“I have to defend against Kelsai AND a Magical Cosmic Princess?” Kim feigns shock. “How dare they stack the deck against me? If I must defend my championship against a MAGICAL COSMIC Princess then I demand the right to use the infinity gauntlet in the match.” Kim folds her arms over her chest. “It’s only fair.”

“You realize the infinity gauntlet isn’t real, right?”

“I don’t care.” Kim sticks her tongue out at Angelica who laughs again.

“Use it as brass knucks I suppose. Whatever, you know Underground Rules are anything goes. So feel free to go all out. Before we leave I’ll try to speak with someone and confirm that this match is taking place.”


“And yes, Kim, I am glad to see that you are taking things so well. Though I do have a surprise that may make you even happier.”


“AUNT KIM!” This voice is immediately recognizable as that of her nephew, Sean Jones. Kim turns her head in time to see her identical twin sister Marie Jones along with Marie’s son Sean approaching. Sean runs ahead and greets Kimberly with a big hug.

“Hi there, kiddo!” She says with a low chuckle. “Careful with me, though. I just got through a war.”

“I know! I saw! You were great, Aunt Kim!”

“Thanks, kiddo.” Kim looks up at Marie and then at Angelica. “How long have they been here?”

“Not long.” Angelica says. “We wanted to keep it a surprise. I felt some emotional support might be necessary but apparently you are doing just fine without.”

“I’m never gonna turn away a visit from my favorite nephew.” Kim ruffles his hair.

“Only nephew, Aunt Kim.”

“Hush. Don’t throw minor details at me. Besides, don’t you have school tomorrow?”

“School is out for the summer, Aunt Kim.”

“Oh…right…” Kim shrugs her shoulders “, uh, wanna go throw things at old people?”


“Uh, Kim.” Marie chimes in. “Why don’t you let mom take him around to MEET with the wrestlers and get some autographs as opposed to throwing things at them?”

“That’s boring.” Kim scoffs. “Wouldn’t Sean rather have a piece of Kelsai Adamson’s flesh as a souvenir? Gimme a week or two or whenever this Underground Title Match takes place and I can make it happen.”

“You know, Kim” Angelica says as she takes Sean by the hand “I know that is your idea of ‘fun’ but I think your sister’s idea is safer.”

“Fine.” Kim rolls her eyes. She watches as Angelica leads Sean away. Once the pair are out of sight, Kim turns back to face her twin sister. “So what’s up?”

“What do you mean?”

“That wasn’t exactly the smoothest way of getting rid of the prying eyes and ears of my nephew.” Kim points out. “There’s obviously something you want to tell me and you don’t want him to hear.” Marie sighs and nods her head, confirming that Kim is indeed correct.

“Yes, you’re right. But it isn’t as if Sean doesn’t know. It’s more that he just doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“What’s wrong?” Kim’s face grows a little concerned.

“Maybe we should have a seat.” Marie points to two chairs set up nearby. Kim nods her head in agreement. She follows Marie over to the chairs. Marie sits first followed by Kim.

“Alright. Tell me what’s wrong with my nephew? First it was bad grades, then that turned out to be outright skipping school, then he’s getting into fights, then he’s breaking and entering with the three school bullies. Don’t tell me they’ve moved onto bigger and better crimes?”

“Oh God no.” Marie shakes her head. “Quite the opposite, actually. Sean has definitely shown a great deal of improvement in his behavior lately. I owe you one for that, sis.”

“Don’t mention it.” Kim says. “Like I’ve said before, I just don’t want him going down that same path I went down. That’s all. But uh, did you have a talk with him about…uh…you know…”

“How he was conceived?” Marie asks. Kim nods her head. “Yes, we had a long talk about that. He’s getting through it slowly but surely. He’s healing from the emotional and mental pains of it slowly.”

“That’s good. So what’s wrong then? Why do you need to talk to me?”

“Me and Sean met with the authorities. And they are willing to drop all charges against him. Sean will have a perfectly clear record, all of it will be wiped from the record books.”

“That’s even better news!” Kim says happily. “Apparently the family name Jones does carry some weight!”

“Yeah, our family is rather well known in Massachusetts and that may have helped. But that doesn’t mean the authorities were willing to grant us that kind of pardon without a price.” Marie states. Kim sighs as she immediately knows what Marie is talking about.

“They want him to roll over on his friends. Don’t they?”

“Yes. They suspect Kyle, Jackson, and Max have committed other crimes before, they just need Sean to confirm it.”

“I get it.” Kim says, nodding her head. “You know what they say? Snitches get stitches.”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims angrily. Kim feigns innocence.

“Sorry! Just trying to lighten the mood!”

“Well this is serious. Sean is having second thoughts about cooperating. He’s afraid of what his pals will do in retaliation.”

“And I really do get it, sis. I understand. He’s afraid of what might happen. It’s natural.”

“But if he doesn’t take the deal, if he doesn’t cooperate, this will stay on his record.” Marie says, almost pleading with Kim. “You have to talk to him.”

“You are his mother.” Kim points out with a grin.

“Yes, and I have said everything I can think of, but he’s still wavering.”

“Oh alright, you don’t have to beg.” Kim smirks. “I’ll see what I can do.”

June 5th, 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Off Camera

Rise To Greatness concluded less than twelve hours ago and now Kimberly Williams wakes up still in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, inside her hotel room. She has already received confirmation from her mother that she will, indeed, be defending the SCW Underground Championship against Kelsai Adamson and The Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO on the next Breakdown. This will be a challenge for The Woman Scorned; a triple threat match means that Kim does not have to be pinned or made to submit to lose her championship. Still, beating the odds is what Kimberly does best. Just last night she overcame overwhelming odds to damn near go the distance in Taking Hold of the Flame. After that impressive performance, The Woman Scorned is feeling enormous momentum as she heads into her second Underground Title defense of this reign and her first match on this journey towards Rise To Greatness. Kimberly would love nothing more than to walk into Rise To Greatness as Underground Champion for a second straight year. To do that she will have to get past Kelsai and YUYO. She will have to defeat two very game, very tough competitors. But this is the Underground, this is Kim’s type of match, and Kim is feeling all of the confidence in the world about her chances of retaining the title.

The one thing she isn’t so certain of is her nephew, Sean Jones. Last night she learned that he will not be charged with any crimes. That is a good thing. However that bit of good news comes at a price; Sean must fully cooperate with authorities and fill them in on anything and everything that Kyle, Jackson, and Max have done, namely the illegal acts they have perpetrated. In street lingo, Sean must become a snitch in order to have his record wiped clean and go free. Needless to say, Sean is having his doubts about this idea. Betraying a friendship is one thing, but betraying three feared kids like Kyle, Jackson, and Max is something else entirely. Sean fears the possibility of retaliation more than he fears losing their friendship.

Sean’s mother, Marie Jones, has done everything she can to convince him to stand up to his fears and cooperate. Still he wavers. Still he has doubts. Now it falls upon Kimberly to try and talk some sense into the young kid. And Kim is lying on her king sized bed in the hotel room, staring up at the ceiling ready for that inevitable confrontation, dressed in her pink unicorn onesie.

Because of course when you are talking to someone about a topic as serious as crime and punishment, of course if you are going to attempt to “scare someone straight”, you want to look intimidating. And what’s more intimidating than a pink unicorn onesie?

A knocking at the door startles Kimberly to attention. She quickly sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed. More knocking is heard. Kim leaps up to her feet and hurriedly rushes to the door. The Woman Scorned opens the door and smiles upon seeing her nephew Sean standing there.

“Morning, Aunt Kim!”

“Yep, good morning, kiddo.” Kim steps aside and motions for him to come inside. Sean enters and shuts the door behind him. “I still don’t have a clue how the heck you and your mom managed to not only get here without me knowing but stay at the same hotel without me knowing!”

“We had help.”

“Yeah, from your grandmother.” Kim rolls her eyes.

“And you were kinda distracted with Taking Hold of the Flame.”

“Don’t try to give me excuses.” Kim sighs. “Face facts, I’m losing my touch.”

“No you’re not.” Sean says as he hops onto the edge of the bed. Kim follows and sits down next to him. “And you did great last night.”

“Thanks, kiddo. Your support means the world to me.” She pats him on the head. “Now what did your mom send you over here for? If its wine she wants she can get drunk on her own dime.”

“Uh, no…” Sean looks a bit confused “...she said you needed to talk to me about something.”

“I did?” Then it’s like a lightbulb goes off over her head. “Oh yeah! I did need to talk to you about something, kiddo. And it is very important so I’m glad you stopped by.”

“What is it?”

“Your mom told me about that you’re gonna turn stool-pigeon, that you’re gonna become a snitch, that you’re gonna tattle tale, that…” Kim sees her nephew’s eyes grow wide with surprise and realizes she’s going a bit too far, again “...uh, yeah, you get the point.”

“Right.” Sean sighs. “I guess she wants you to convince me to cooperate, huh?”

“That’s the plan. So why don’t you just go ahead and agree to cooperate and make it easier on both of us?”

“I’m afraid, Aunt Kim.” Sean admits. Kim sighs and shakes her head.

“You’re not gonna make it easy on me, are you kiddo? Well that’s fine. I strike fear into the hearts of juvenile delinquents, kiddo. I can make you squeal.”


“What?” Kim asks. “Don’t I look mean? Intimidating? Do I look like the toughest cop on the block?”

“You look like a unicorn.” Sean says. Kim rolls her eyes.

“Sure…but I look like a mean, intimidating, and tough unicorn that happens to be a cop! Haven’t you seen zootopia?”

“In Zootopia the cop was a bunny.”

“There you go with those meaningless details again, kiddo. Giving people meaningless details get you in trouble.”

“But that’s what the police want. They want all kinds of details on stuff Kyle, Jackson, and Max did in return for wiping my record clean.”

“Oh I see.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Well that sounds like a pretty fair deal to me. I mean, you did break into a school and help vandalize the place. If your mom wasn’t a filthy rich snob and if your grandmother wasn’t a FAMOUS filthy rich snob then you would be in just as much trouble as those three clowns. Plus it’s only your first offense. They’re giving you the benefit of a doubt and the chance to change your life but you have to be willing to make the deal.”

“I’m not sure I can, Aunt Kim.” Sean says quietly.

“What are you afraid of?”

“I’m afraid they’ll beat me up.”

“Oh is that all?” Kim scoffs. “Kiddo, sometimes you have to stand up to your fears.”

“That’s what mom said.”

“Oh right. I really should stop stealing her material. Her material sucks.”


“Let me put it to you this way.” Kim stands up. “You think my outfit right now is pretty damn ridiculous, don’t ya?”

“Uh…kinda…” Sean says uneasily.

“Did you know I wore this on national television? I wore it on Breakdown when Ducky Kinneck cashed in her Trios Contract. Had a onesie wearing birthday thing that broke down into a battle royal.”

“Seriously?” Sean’s eyes grow wide. Kim nods her head.

“Yup. And guess who won that match? The crazy bitch wearing the pink unicorn onesie, that’s who! And if I go out there, people might mock me, that’s true. But if anyone tries to take me down, what do you think will happen?”

“You’ll probably maim them.” Sean says. Kim nods her head.

“Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, folks! And on Breakdown when I defend my Underground Championship against Kelsai and YUYO, I’m gonna wear this pink unicorn onesie. Does this face look like the face of someone who is worried about anything?”

“No…” Sean’s voice trails off “...but you do admit that you’re a little crazy, Aunt Kim.”

“Quit with the details.” Kim shakes her head. “Your details are ruining my propaganda! But you know what? Maybe there’s a better example of bravery and standing up to fear.”

“What’s that?”

“Your mom for starters.” Kim says. “Remember that deep dark secret you discovered? She had no one to help raise you. She did that practically all by herself…just her, her and her alone responsible for a new human life. Imagine who scary that must have been for her.”


“But she faced her fears. And when I lost my Underground Title to Owen Cruiserweight, I admit that I went a little crazy. I damn near burned down every bridge I had built up while in SCW. I nearly ruined my career. I could have walked away from it all but I faced my detractors, my critics, my doubters. I went back and look at me now. I am the iron woman of the 2023 Taking Hold of the Flame, I am the SCW Underground Champion, and hopefully I’ll walk into Rise To Greatness STILL the Underground Champion.”

“That’s true.” Sean says quietly. Kim pats him on the back.

“So what do you say? I know those three may be scary to you, but I think if you face your fears everything will turn out ok.”

“Are you sure?”

“I promise.” Kim says. Sean nods his head.

“Alright, Kim. I’m still scared but…I’ll cooperate with the authorities.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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June 12th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

In a few short days Kimberly Williams will be defending her SCW Underground Championship against Kelsai Adamson and the eccentric Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO. The Queen of the Death Match is now officially on the road to Rise To Greatness and while her path and destination are both currently unclear, she knows she built up considerable momentum with her performance in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, lasting nearly an hour and a half in the match itself, making it to the final three before being eliminated by Kandis, the match’s eventual winner. The Woman Scorned is certainly being tested in a big way as she will be defending against not just one but two competitors on Breakdown but Kimberly is ready, willing, and able to do whatever is necessary to overcome her challengers and, hopefully, make it to her second straight Rise To Greatness as the reigning Underground Champion. She has the momentum behind her, she has the experience of the Underground working with her, and plus, Kim has a reputation of overcoming multiple opponents. She feels very confident heading into her first next championship defense later on this week in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Before the demented ginger can make the trip to Raleigh for her Underground Championship defense, she has another very important appointment to keep; an appointment with her nephew, Sean Jones. Kimberly has taken a keen interest in her nephew’s life as of late. He had been seemingly going down a dark path towards juvenile delinquency which would inevitably lead to a life of crime. What started as small, insignificant acts such as letting his grades slip, skipping class, and getting into fights at school eventually lead to an actual crime; breaking into the school and vandalizing it. Kimberly and her twin sister, Sean’s mother Marie Jones, would learn that all of his misbehavior boils down to the influence of his new friends; Kyle, Jackson, and Max. Apparently those three have always been trouble makers, they have always been going down that dark path and perhaps there is no hope for them to get back on the right path. But it appeared as if they were primed to bring Sean down with them. It was their idea to skip school, their idea for Sean to get into a fight, their idea to break in and vandalize the school. Kimberly managed to get through to Sean and help him realize that this relationship with those three boys was nothing but toxic and that he needed to end it.

Still, there was the issue of the breaking and entering and vandalizing that Sean was a party to; ordinarily such actions would lead to any other individual’s child facing serious time in juvenile hall. Luckily Sean belongs to a famous and influential family and the authorities are willing to drop the charges and completely wipe his slate clean, as if he never did anything wrong, but only under the condition that he roll over and inform on his pals Kyle, Jackson, and Max. Needless to say, Sean was concerned about the prospects of potentially making enemies out of the three intimidating boys. He was wavering on whether or not he would cooperate. But Kimberly again stepped in, she again got through to her nephew and convinced him that it would be in his best interest to cooperate with the authorities and tell them everything they need to know.

It takes guts to do the right thing, especially when you are afraid. Sean did the right thing and cooperated with authorities. Therefore Kim wants to reward her nephew. She wants to take him to get ice cream, go see a movie; make a day out of hanging out with her favorite nephew…only nephew…whatever. This is why Kimberly has rolled up in her car in front of Marie’s home in Boston, Massachusetts. The Woman Scorned is wearing torn denim jeans, sneakers, and a black “Queens of Chaos” t-shirt. Her long red hair hangs straight and unrestrained, looking rather unkept, as it rolls to past her shoulders. Sitting in the passenger's seat next to her is her beloved plush penguin lovingly named Wasley.

“You better behave for Sean when he gets here.” Kim says in a scolding tone directed at the toy penguin. “He’s been through a lot lately.” The penguin just stares blankly up at her. Kim rolls her eyes. “No, Wasley, I’m not going to move you to the backseat. Sean is my nephew but you are my precious baby!” Kim lovingly pats Wasley on his head. “You think I should invite Sean to Breakdown this week?” Kim looks down at Wasley as if waiting on the plushy to respond. Kim sighs and shakes her head. “Good point, Wasley, I mean unlike Taking Hold of the Flame, this is gonna be Underground Rules. And I know Kelsai and YUYO aren’t exactly known for their Underground skills, they are still facing the Queen of the Death Match and I always kick things up a notch each and every time I defend the title. Should I really subject my sweet nephew to watching his favorite aunt roll around in barbed wire, bleed out quarts of blood, and all other types of barbaric brutality?” Kim pats Wasley on the head. “You’re right. I don’t want to be a bad influence on the poor kid. I’ll wait until I’m wrestling in something that isn’t a death match before I invite him to an SCW event again.” She picks Wasley up and kisses him. She sets the toy penguin back down on the passenger’s seat. “I’m glad we had this talk!”

Just then this rather odd one-way conversation is interrupted when a knocking is heard on the passenger’s side door window. Kim looks up to see her nephew Sean standing there. He is wearing a t-shirt, denim jeans, sneakers, and a wide brimmed stetson hat. His eyes are covered in dark sunglasses. He tries to open the door but it is locked. He points at the door.

“Aunt Kim! Open the door!”

“Sure kiddo, but you’re sitting in the back.” Kim unlocks the door. Sean opens the passenger’s side door and looks down at the Wasley penguin and then back up at his aunt Kim.


“Sit in the back. Wasley insisted that he sit up front.”


“Yes, seriously. Wasley was traumatized at Taking Hold of the Flame. Did you see how Ace Marshall treated him? Who knows where those hands have been! Wasley deserves better. Now sit in the back, kiddo.”

“Alright…” Sean says as he shuts the passenger’s side door. Then he goes to the backdoor and opens it. He gets inside and sits down. Kim turns and looks at her nephew and smirks.

“Three questions. First, what flavor ice cream do you want?”

“Chocolate!” Sean answers quickly. Kim nods her head.

“Good answer. I read somewhere that vanilla flavoring is made from beaver ass droppings. Second question, what movie do you want to see?”

“Spider Man Across The Spider-Verse!”

“Spider-Man?” Kim sighs deeply with disappointment. “Why watch that when you could watch a classic film about a sweet old lady trying to cope with the death of her only child?”

“What movie is that?” Sean asks curiously.

“Friday the 13th.” Kim says with a devilish grin.

“Oh…yeah, you wanted me to watch that for awhile, but mom says I shouldn’t.”

“Yeah and your mom’s a prude.” Kim points out. “But I suppose I shouldn’t upset anything between your mom and I. So Spider-Man it is. But I promise that I am going to roast the movie with rapid fire commentary throughout the film.”

“Ok.” Sean nods his head.

“Good. So are you ready?”

“Yeah but…” Sean shrugs his shoulders “...I thought you said there were three questions?”

“Oh yeah, there is a third question.” Kim says as she points at his wide brimmed stetson hat. “What’s with the hat?”

“Uh, I liked it. So I had mom buy it for me.”

“You never liked hats, kiddo. I bought you an official Kimmy hat and a Queens of Chaos logo hat but you don’t wear either of them. You’ve never worn hats.” She snatches the hat and takes it off his head. Then she points at the sunglasses. “And what about those?”

“It’s bright out.”

“No it’s not. Its cloudy. In fact, they’re calling for rain today.” Kim reaches over and snatches the sunglasses off of his face. Once the sunglasses are gone the two blackeyes are revealed in their gruesome glory. Kim is taken aback by this sight.

“Aunt Kim, I can explain…”

“Oh kiddo, didn’t your mom tell you that lying is not only bad but trying to lie to me is downright stupid? You can’t do it! Seeing you dressed like that raised all sorts of red flags. I knew something was wrong and now I see this…” she points to his face where he sports the black eyes “...did you get into another fight?”

“Aunt Kim…”

“Did you get into another fight?” She asks again, more sternly this time. Sean sighs and nods his head.


“Kiddo, I thought you had learned your lesson? Don’t you know the consequences of this kind of stuff? The school already spoke to your mom about fighting once. If this had happened on school grounds again you probably would have been suspended or worse.”

“I know.” Sean nods his head. “And I remembered what you said to me, how you said to only fight when I have to, if I’m defending myself.”

“Oh really?” Kim arches her brow. “Were you defending yourself?”

“Uh-huh…” Sean’s voice trails off. Kim thinks on it for a moment. It is hard to earn back trust after betraying it, Kim knows this. Still, she senses that he is telling the truth.

“Tell me about it, kiddo.”

“Well, I did what you and mom told me to do. I cooperated with authorities. They asked me questions and I answered each and every one of them. Almost all of the questions had to do with Kyle, Jackson, and Max.”


“And this…” Sean points to his face “...Kyle, Jackson, and Max found out that I snitched and they attacked me. So I guess it was more of a beat down than an actual fight.” He sighs. “I didn’t stand a chance of really defending myself three against one.” Sean is clearly distressed. Kim pats him on the shoulder.

“It’s ok, kiddo. You did the right thing.”

“Yeah, I did the right thing but still got hurt in the end.”

“Doing the ring thing isn’t always easy, kiddo. Sometimes it hurts. And as much as we like to believe that tv shows and movies are right, that the good guys always win in the end, sometimes the bad guys get the last word. That’s a sad reality about the world today.”

“I suppose I just have to learn to accept it.”

“Well, look on the brightside; your record is clean now. You have a fresh start. But your pals, once the authorities are done, they may end up in juvenile hall. They’re gonna be in big trouble.”

“That won’t stop them from coming after me again.” Sean says, shaking his head. “Or coming after other people.”

“True.” Kim smirks devilishly. “But you know what? Good guys don’t always win, that’s true. However I do believe in something called karma.”

“Karma?” Sean asks curiously.

“Yes, karma. She’s a bitch, kiddo, and so am I.”

June 14th, 2023
Raleigh, NC
On Camera

The camera begins to roll. We are out in front of the PNC Arena. Everything in the scene is empty at this moment, the sun is shining bright overhead and the sky is a bright Carolina blue. Eventually we see Kimberly Williams entering the scene from the right. The SCW Underground Champion is wearing a blue and soft pink vintage plaid a-line dress with sleeves that extend to the elbows, a hemline that stops just below the knees, black stockings; Kim is perched atop simple black flats. She has her SCW Underground Championship title belt draped over her right shoulder, the HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt draped over her left shoulder, and she is carrying her beloved penguin Wasley in her right hand.

“Well my hands are certainly full!” Kim sets Wasley down on the ground next to her. She pats him on his penguin head. “You sit there. Mommy has to trash talk some peeps.” Kim then stands back up and turns to face the camera. She waves at the camera.

“Greetings to all of my Kimmymaniacs! Taking Hold of the Flame has come to its end and we are now heading like a damned runaway train straight towards Rise To Greatness! This is that magical time of year when everyone in SCW takes their game up a notch, where everyone in this company fights just a little harder with just a little more passion and fire in their heart and soul, knowing that this time of year is what separates the mediocre from the great. And really, that’s why I entered Taking Hold of the Flame in the first place. Despite what some people may think of me, I am passionate about what I do. I love to do this job, especially when it comes to bringing glorious, lovely chaos into the hallowed halls of Supreme Championship Wrestling. And what kind of lunatic would I be if I didn’t enter Taking Hold of the Flame? More importantly, what kind of JONES would I be if I didn’t enter Taking Hold of the Flame?” She points at the camera. “You have all seen me bleed. You have seen me suffer from barbed wire, chair shots, and more. You have seen blood pour from every single part of my body! You have seen me a bloody mess in that ring! And that blood you see…it is Jones blood. I don’t talk about it much because God knows there are too damn many people already in this damn company talking about famous families, but don’t forget that this business runs through my veins. I am an entertainer, I am a bit of a clown, and I love to have fun and make all of my beloved Kimmymaniacs laugh! But make no mistake about it, I am proud of what I do and I am proud of what I am. Do not look at me and make the mistake that I am just a glorified cartoon character.” A look of intensity washes across her face.

“Taking Hold of the Flame…I didn’t win. But I said I would shock the world, I said I would prove that I not only deserve to be a part of the famous Jones wrestling legacy but that I also have earned the right to call myself one of the best professional wrestlers to ever do it in this damn company! And I started this match with Syren, the so-called greatest ever, and I outlasted her. Hell, I lasted longer than anyone else. I went nearly an hour and a half in the damn match before being eliminated.” Kim throws her head back and laughs. “I guess you can just call me Iron Kimmy!” The Queen of the Death Match strikes a superhero pose. She laughs as she returns to her normal stance. “Taking Hold of the Flame was my redemption.” She adjusts the title belts over her shoulders. She takes a quick glance at her Underground Title belt before looking back at the camera.

“And this right here, my SCW Underground Championship, I have made this my own personal legacy. The Underground Division for the longest time was left to rot, left to be forgotten, and why?” She shrugs her shoulders. “I hear it all the time, people talk as if this kind of violence, this kind of brutality in the Underground or any other death match style of wrestling, I hear people call it garbage, that it should be banned. I not only forced SCW to resurrect this championship but I also forced this company to sit up and RESPECT this championship. I came within a hair of winning the SCW World Championship at Body, Heart, & Soul. And at Taking Hold of the Flame, I was THIS CLOSE to winning it all and main eventing Rise To Greatness as the SCW Underground Champion! Now I may not be going to the main event of Rise To Greatness but I do plan to go to Rise To Greatness as the Underground Champion and I plan to continue to reinforce the respect and prestige of this championship that I proudly carry.” Kim pauses for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

“Which brings me to Kelsai and her Magical Cosmic Arch Rival.” Kim starts laughing maniacally. “Kelsai, you sweet little thing, I do not understand you. For starters, you really don’t seem like the type who would succeed in this kind of environment. You may be a former World Champion in GCW…but we won’t mention how you needed an army of outside interference to get anywhere near the title and that you couldn’t win a damn thing on your own in that company, we won’t mention that.” Kim winks at the camera. “But that was one thing, Kelsai. What you are about to set foot in is something entirely different. This is another animal altogether, one you cannot possibly comprehend. Do you understand what you are getting yourself into, Kelsai? This is the Underground. Anything goes. And when you’re facing me, that whole phrase ‘anything goes’ is taken to a whole new sadistic extreme. You don’t see me calling myself the Queen of the Underground. I call myself the Queen of the Death Match because that’s what I am and that is what I bring to the table each and every Underground Match…the chaos and ultra violence of the death match environment. A true blue ANYTHING GOES environment because there are no silly rules to stop me from doing whatever the hell I want to you.” Kim shakes her head.

“I am NOT the type of person who arrogantly thinks that she can judge anyone’s worthiness of the Underground. That’s not who I am. But when I look at you, Kelsai…when I look at your history in this business and what you have done…I just don’t see it in you.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe I’m wrong? But it’s on you to prove me wrong. It is up to YOU to prove to me that you belong in MY Underground! And maybe you can prove it? Maybe you can prove me wrong? The only way you can prove me wrong is by surviving the barbarity that I throw at you and YUYO on Breakdown.” The Woman Scorned smirks devilishly. “But Kelsai, sweetie, that’s ALL you can hope for. All you can hope for is proving me wrong. You might prove to me that you belong in the Underground but that doesn’t mean you walk away with my championship. In fact, I can just about bet the house that you will not walk away with the SCW Underground Title.” A sinister grin forms on her face.

“However The Magical Cosmic Princess is another story altogether.” Kim starts laughing hysterically. “My God! If there is anyone truly built and suitable for the Underground it is someone like YUYO! My darling YUYO, the brutality and violence of the Underground may seem foreign to you but trust me when I say that you have the potential. I mean, the number one thing you MUST be in order to achieve success in the Underground…” she pauses, mainly for dramatic effect and nothing more “...batshit crazy. You have to be batshit crazy and my Magical Cosmic Princess, you are batshit crazy enough to maybe give me a run for my money, and maybe with the wild card, the x-factor of Kelsai’s involvement in this match, you might get lucky and take this one.” The SCW Underground Champion sighs with a hint of disappointment.

“You really are adorable, YUYO. I mean it. You are so freaking adorable.” Kim strikes another superhero pose. “FOR JUSTICE!” Kim then throws her head back and laughs. “I love you to death! I wish I could give you a big hug and I swear I wouldn’t have a shank to stab you in the back when I did hug you! That’s how much I adore you. But unfortunately you are coming to Breakdown with the intention of taking my Underground Championship away from me. Furthermore, I actually think you have a shot at getting the job done. So YUYO, darling, I am going to have to rearrange that sweet, adorable face of yours! I am going to have to maim you! Your introduction into the Underground, Magic Cosmic Princess, is going to be a very bloody and violent introduction.”

“What I do NOT understand is where do I fit into all of this?” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “I didn’t even eliminate either of you from Taking Hold of the Flame. Kelsai was eliminated by YUYO. That’s where this beef is…I suppose I’m just caught up in the crossfire? But I love it because being caught in the crossfire is where chaos thrives, and as a result I THRIVE because I thrive upon chaos. Kelsai, YUYO, if you two want to bring whatever hard feelings you have for one another into MY Underground then by all means, come on down! You two are the next guests on WHO WANTS TO GET MAIMED BY KIMBERLY WILLIAMS!” Kimberly cackles nastily. Eventually she regains her composure. Then she turns back to face the camera.

“Kelsai…Princess YUYO…you will enter into my world, you will set foot into my Underground and you will be introduced to the pain, the violence, and the bloodshed of it all. You will be given a first hand lesson in chaos. And when it is all over, when I have retained my SCW Underground Championship, you will both bend the knee to the one and only Queen of the Death Match.” Williams waves playfully at the camera. “By now!” Then Kim bends back over to pick up Wasley. Kim then skips away happily. The camera fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: My internet crapped out, and this probably wasn't going to win anyway, but must move the story. Enjoy.

Ins and Outs

Thinking about everything in my life it’s hard for me not to laugh at myself and the state I am in just a little bit. No, I am not talking about my new home in Colorado either, though I have to admit that the Rocky Mountain State is really beautiful, and nothing to laugh about at all. The state I am talking about is that state of my mind, or headspace if you prefer. Yes, if you know you I am going to be facing this week on Breakdown then you might find it rather ironic that I would bring up my mental, but more on that later.

Personally, my life could not be in a better place right now, considering all the things that I have been through. I have a certain opportunity, no, a Chance to thank for that. If you don’t understand what I am talking about with that one, I guess I would tell you that you just had to start paying closer attention. Let’s just say that from a personal perspective things are definitely looking much better than they have in quite a while. I hope that everyone can find something or maybe I should say someone who makes them smile the way I have been smiling recently.

However, my life just wouldn’t be my life if it wasn’t yet again another amazing roller coaster ride would it? Just as everything couldn’t be headed in a more right direction for me personally, professionally things continue to frustrate me. Don’t get me wrong, just like it has been for as long as I can remember tagging along with my Daddy to the arena, wrestling is still a passion to me, a passion that I am so fortunate to make a living in. That is and probably will never change.
I love doing this even if it has never been easy for me, and I’m not going to lie to you- it hasn’t.

Think back to the beginning for a moment if you will please, to a place called EMERGE. EMERGE was special, because everyone in that company was on their way up at the same time. She’s certainly not my best friend by any stretch of the imagination, but Kandis has worked her ample ass off until finally she won Taking Hold of the Flame. She is going to go on to main event Rise to Greatness XX and she got her start in EMERGE, just like I did. In EMERGE, I was a rising star, despite being run down by another wrestler away from the ring, a person who was trying to take me out of wrestling permanently.

That person, who I won’t say her name, couldn't take me out permanently because no one could and after a little while in EMERGE, I followed my dream and I became an SCW star. In fact, I was one of the most beloved stars on the SCW roster, but there was no denying that my time here was perplexing because it seemed no matter what I might try, I couldn’t buy a win. So, rather than continue to lose I made the decision to try something different, signed a contract to wrestle for GCW as well and became a star in both companies. Again the idea was to do something different and help revive a career that in the win/loss column had become less than flattering. Instead, I became a mega star in GCW, while barely an afterthought in SCW, where I couldn’t even remember my last win at this point.

So, despite the fact it was my dream to be here? I left SCW altogether, and eventually became the biggest star- the World and Global Champion simultaneously- in GCW. To do that though, I sold out everything and everyone. My Momma God rest her soul, and my Daddy wouldn’t even speak to me for the longest time. I was beating everyone! Yet, I was, little by little, hating myself more all the time, and it was quietly starting to show in my personal life again because my marriage was crumbling.

When I lost my championships (and was booed out of the building off camera) I was really ready to hang my boots up….but the SCW came calling again. After a lot of convincing by my sister Jaina that I did deserve another shot here, I decided to sign another contract and look ahead to what might be, instead of reflecting on what happened before.

Now, even as things are starting to go so well personally, professionally things are becoming very frustrating again, because I can’t seem to buy a win one more time. The difference is though, I am not going anywhere this time, unless I have somebody with me, and I doubt he is going anywhere anytime soon. We have had discussions, I know what he wants, and I know that you don’t get what he wants by leaving.

So, I am prepared to stay here and fight, and wouldn’t you know it just as I say that I am in for the biggest fight I have had since my return in SCW, and for a title no less as I take on Kim and possibly Marie Williams and YUYO, a triple threat for the SCW Underground Championship. At first when I heard about this match, I will admit that I thought it was some sort of a cruel joke. I have wanted a shot at an SCW singles championship shot for sometime, but the Underground Championship? Being bloodied or bloodying other wrestlers is not exactly my forte.

But this is an opportunity to prove that just like my life has personally, that I am ready to turn the corner professionally as well. Kim, you actually are insane, everyone knows this. You won’t be offended by my saying so, you might even like it and you are making a tremendous mark with that championship. YUYO I know that I am very boring according to you, but thats ok. I don’t need to have your respect, and I don’t care if I have the respect of either one of you two ladies, insane or not.

All I need from the two of you is your blood. Because this is the Underground Championship, and if there is one thing that I know that is true it is that no matter which one of us wins, blood will be spilled by everyone in the ring that night. The fans? They might not like what they see from me during this match either. There are some things that I might do in the ring that night that will remind people of the person that I became in GCW, but hey, it's the Underground Championship baby, and anything goes, so I’m not taking any possibility off of the table.

I will do whatever it takes to walk out of the arena with my first singles championship in SCW, the Underground Championship and I don't know what I need to do to either of you two ladies to win it.

Most importantly though? I know that no matter what I need to do, that someone is going to like what he sees from me, and that is really all I need to know.

Taking a Chance.

After answering his front door following being woken up out of a restless sleep in the early morning hours, all Chance Owens could do is shake his head, with a slight smirk.

Chance: “We are really going to need to work on your ability to sleep at night, so that on the rare nights that I sleep, you won’t wake me up coming from 4 states away.”

Normally much more polite, Kelsai Adamson tries to push her way through the front door. Chance immediately knows that something is not quite right.

Chance: “Alright, now you have me a little worried, what’s up?”
Kelsai: “I need to talk to you alright? This couldn’t wait….because if it did, I might lose my nerve.”

Chance leads Kelsai out to the front porch.

Chance: “My brother is sleeping, you know that. What is going on Kelsai?”

Kelsai: “Can we sit down on the bench?”

Chance offers up a seat on the bench before taking one alongside Kelsai himself.

Chance: “Ok partner, spill it.”

Kelsai: “Well it’s just that condo, you, three houses from yours that you were telling me about. See, you are my partner Chance, and I couldn’t just have anyone buy that. Someone might be trying to do something awful to you, and I couldn’t have that. So…I bought the condo.”

Chance: “You bought a condo in Denver? You live in New Orleans.”

Kelsai: “I’m moving to Denver.”

Chance: “What? Why?

There were a lot of things that Kelsai could say to explain why at this point, but leaning over and passionately kissing Chance on the lips for the first time, the first time she had ever kissed a man other than Victor pretty much said it all.
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