SCW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contendership
It has been a trying time for the trio known as Har Megiddo. Brought in by Damian Angel to wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting Supreme Championship Wrestling, the three have become something of a toothless threat: They are big, they are chaotic, they are dangerous in non-competitive scenarios, but introduce rules and a referee and their limitations become evident. And why not? These are not trained professional wrestlers. These are not people who were brought up through any reputable school. These are, indeed, a trio of psychopaths imbued with a loyalty to the Devil Himself, unleashed as though they were children set upon a playground without rules. Their mission, as it had been, was to bring chaos and leave destruction in their wake. In their time, they have been responsible for much: Adrenaline Rush saw their promise and aspirations for Tag Team Championship success snuffed out by the trio, with them landing on the shelf for an indefinite period of time.

But the win-loss record doesn’t reflect that and, in an environment such as SCW, that is what measures success. And although Damian was never one to prattle on the wins and losses, he finds himself in a strange position: Tied to a trio who is not doing as they should. This weighs heavily on the mind of Kali, the de facto head of the trio. While Behemoth and Malphas pace and snarl behind her, Kali finds herself in front…

“Well…” she stammers out, attempting to find excuses for what happened. She, in particular, found herself embarrassed at the Fatal Fortunes Breakdown events as she submit to one of the Truelove Twins, the complete antithesis of Har Megiddo. The Beauty Factory as a whole act as the opposite of them - highly photogenic, highly charismatic. Kali was at a loss for words. “She caught me… the little bitch caught me!”

She laughed. It was a game to her. And, like Tom and Jerry, the mouse caught the cat unaware and escaped intact.

“I just want to take them by their pretty little necks and SQUEEZE the life out of them until…” Kali cannot control her laughs. “POP!”

Behemoth and Malphas both laugh as well… imitating Kali’s “POP!” repeatedly as she leads the laughter. However, Helena Evans is not impressed. The concubine of Damian Angel, showing approximately five months of pregnancy on her stomach, has a stern look carved onto her face.

“Is that so?” she says to them in a clearly condescending manner. “You want to “POP!” their heads off?”

Kali excitedly nods, which draws further ire. Helena reaches out, striking Kali across the face, her ring carving a slight piece of flesh out of Kali’s cheek. Blood trickles down, but it doesn’t phase the disturbed woman.

“How are you going to “POP!” anything when you can’t fucking BEAT them!?” It was the tone in Helena’s voice that caused Kali to steps back a half-step, bringing her cumulative steps back since debuting in SCW up to approximately one-half. “THIS is not a game. Damian is not a game-master. Damian is losing faith in you. And do you know what happens when the Devil Himself loses faith in you?”

Behemoth runs his thumb across his throat.

“I see the big oaf gets it,” Helena says, again with derision in her voice.

“We don’t…” Kali speaks up, drawing the gaze of the woman Damian confides in above all others… “We don’t liiiiiiiike you.”

“Awww… is that so?” Helena mocks Kali’s initiative. “Well I don’t caaaaaaare. You are making a mockery of Damian and the entire Order. Do you know where you would be without Him? Do you know where I can make sure you go? You would be cast aside, probably locked away in some God-forsaken mental institution where even the slightest outburst would result in you becoming so heavily medicated, those who didn’t know would think you suffered from absolute retardation. Do you understand? All I have to do is SNAP my fucking fingers and…”

“Poof!” Malphas steps forward, snapping his own fingers and watching Helena, expecting her to dust away. She just rolls her eyes.

“This isn’t a fucking movie,” she says, as Malphas steps back. “If you want to impress me… if you want to impress Damian… you need to wake the fuck up. This is not a game to us. You think because LOSING doesn’t end your life that there are no real stakes for you, But that is not true! Every loss weakens you. And sooner or later, when you are shown to be worthless and weak like I knew you were from DAY FUCKING ONE, Damian will see it and you three will be REPLACED!”

Helena’s words cut through Kali, and she lowers her head, almost sniffling. Helena lowers herself to Kali’s face. “Does that upset you? I know all about you three… cast away by your parents, all you had was each other. But then you found us and finally… FINALLY you found a place you thought you belonged. And oh, how you wanted to belong. You found a place for broken people just like you and felt as though you found kin. And maybe in some way, you did. You found kin among the freaks of the Order. And you rose above them to the point where you caught the eyes of your Master. But…” Helena shakes her head.

“You’re still. Just. Freaks.” She steps back, a sadistic smile on her face. Kali looks up, and the pacing and frantic actions of Malphas and Behemoth has come to an end. “You may have served a purpose, but you are proving yourself to be limited in that purpose. That will cost you EVERYTHING, I promise you.”

“Why?” Kali sneers at Helena before stepping right into her face. “WHY!?”

“Because you have no value!” Helena retorts, all the sharpness and venom simply oozing out of her voice. “You are NOTHING to us. You are PAWNS. Damian wouldn’t tell you that Himself because he cannot see beyond his focus. But if SCW is a cancer, then soon He will be forced to see that you three are not the scalpel that cuts the cancer out. You three are NOT the chemo that kills the cancer. You three are the cigarettes that inflames the cancer. You three are every single vice that exacerbates the problem. You want to make a difference? You want to show that you actually HAVE value?”

Helena scoffs. “You’ve failed every time you’ve tried before. And if we’re honest, I don’t trust that you won’t fail again and again and again!”

Kali has finally heard enough, lunging forward and grabbing Helena’s throat in her hands. She pushes the pregnant woman back against the wall… “I. Don’t. Like. You.” A sick, twisted smile crawls onto her face. “POP!”

“Do… it…” Helena says between coughs. She smiles herself, resting her head against the wall and closing her eyes. Kali presses forward, but releases her hands. She steps back with a grin on her face.

“POP!” she says with force, almost as if she was showing Helena just how close she was… or just how easy it would have been to to the job. “POP! POP! POP!”

Malphas and Behemoth both laugh as well. Helena’s scowl begins to form a grin on her face, and she nods her head. “Okay… Show me.”

She exits the room without another word, leaving the trio behind…


“My charges are… interesting. They are simple-minded. They run on orders. And their orders are simply to cause chaos wherever they go. See? Simple. And the destruction left in their path is indelible.

But they are not the only ones who have simplicity in their minds. There are those among you who do not take my monsters seriously. There are those among you who do not consider them to be… threats. Their hubris allows them to believe that they are superior to my monsters. And while the confines of the rules may not show it, one cannot simply dismiss them based on the frivolity of wins and losses. Such primitive thinking will get people hurt.

That is where my monsters excel. They are not the types to carry on wins and losses. They are the types who seek to hurt people. They do not care for your safety. They do not care about your plans or your ambitions or your desires. They care about hurting you, and that is what they will do better than anyone else. They will hurt you.

Mark my words: This Elimination Chamber is not an event where a tag team will rise through the ranks and earn an opportunity to become Champion. It is a fight where the survivors might have a trinket but they will suffer immeasurable harm in attaining it. If not my monsters, then the victors will experience pain the likes of which they had never experienced before.

The emergency room in Salt Lake City shall be filled with the bodies of those who stand against Har Megiddo. There will be a reckoning. I promise.”
- Damian Angel


“What are we going to do?” Malphas asks, almost with a sense of concern in his voice. Truly, their encounter with Helena Evans had startled the trio known as Har Megiddo. “If she speaks ill of us to our Master… POOF! All this would be gone.”

“She hasn’t…” responded Behemoth. The typically silent big man offered only the most minute, yet obvious, of observations. His eyes shift from Malphas to Kali, he shows no signs of prolonged thought, which is typical of him. “She won’t.”

“How do you know?” Malphas responds. For reasons not known, he has typically shown to be the most inquisitive of the trio. His thoughts often ran to the pessimistic side of the ledger.

“Because her brother is God,” Kali cuts in knowingly. “She doesn’t want to risk a loose cannon tracking down her brother and throwing a wrench into things. She knows that he is dangerous. She knows that his wife has little-to-no regard for her own well-being and she could become a thorn in our sides.”

“And what does that do?” Malphas asks, a little more assured of himself. “If she doesn’t trust us to succeed anyway…”

“She doesn’t trust us in general…” Kali responds, a smile forming on her face, followed by laughter. Instinctively, Malphas and Behemoth begin to laugh as well. “She doesn’t trust us NOT to throw a wrench in the machinations we have undertaken.”

“So what then?” Malphas says. “Do we keep doing what we’re doing?”

“Then we hurt people,” Behemoth cuts in. “Everyone who stands in our path we mow down without impunity.”

Behemoth smiles, followed by smiles from Kali and Malphas… the scene shifts…


“Har Mediggo… we are the armageddon! You THINK… hehe… you think that we are the type to be dissuaded. You think that you can break us… ohhh, honey… you’re never going to break us! You’re NEVER going to DE-MORALIZE us to the point where we quit. All you are going to do is INCENSE us to the point where WE. DON’T. STOP! All you are going to do to us is dig DEEPER and DEEPER under our skin until we’ve SCRATCHED and CLAWED at ourselves for so long that we are RAW underneath! See, we aren’t like everybody else! Everybody else wants to WIN. They want the shiny gold trinkets so they can look in the mirror and pretend that they are WORTH just as much as the trinkets they carry! They are so DEPENDENT on being SEEN and HEARD as WORTHY that they cast themselves to be DEFINED by it… to be KNOWN for their accomplishments!

But WE are not bound by your pathetic little conventions. You listen to the Trueloves… to Redemption. They talk about being CHAMPIONS. They WANT it so much! They NEED it to prove their worth! Raine and Gardner. The Stewards. The Red Empire. They want to show that they, too, can be something here in SCW. All we want is to HURT EVERY LITTLE HAIR ON THEIR PRETTY LITTLE HEADS! Every one of them WANT to be the best. We WANT to give them the BEST need for medical treatment available! They want the shiny. We want to destroy the shiny!

Damian says… hehe… Damian says that SCW is a cancer that needs to be cut out. Out of the wrestling landscape. We say this place is fun! SO MANY bodies for us to BREAK and BATTER and BLEED OUT! So many unsuspecting minds. So many who think a little bit of losing is going to be enough to deter us. But OH NO! No… not Har Megiddo! Not us! Not today! NOT EVER! WE ARE GOING TO BRING DESTRUCTION WITH US! There isn’t a person amongst you who is going to be able to STOP! US!

We end. When SCW ends! When all of you END! We are coming… the Elimination Chamber is going to be the playground and I promise you that WE WON’T PLAY NICE!”
- Kali

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RE: SCW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contendership - by Corner G - 10-20-2018, 03:58 PM

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