Kimberly Williams - FATAL FORTUNES RP Thread
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November 30th, 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Off Camera

Chaos; it is a philosophy that “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams has lived most of her adult life on. She truly believes that chaos is the most fair way for the business of professional wrestling to operate. In fact, she is a member of a wrestling faction that spans several promotions known as the Queens of Chaos. Kimberly’s philosophy of chaos has brought her great success. Utilizing chaos helped her to resurrect the SCW Underground division, elevate it to new heights, and to become a four time SCW Underground Champion in the process. Outside of SCW she currently reigns as Zion Hardcore Champion and is a year plus long and going HKW Bloodlust Champion. And let’s not forget the fact that she is a thirty time Unsanctioned Champion since she learned of Datura’s vacating of the title. Is her methodology unorthodox? Definitely. But it certainly produces results. And the one result more important to Williams than any piece of championship gold is her desire to entertain her legions of fans, the people she lovingly calls her Kimmymaniacs. Chaos has never done wrong by Kimberly in the past and now chaos perhaps could smile down upon The Woman Scorned once more as SCW brings back Fatal Fortunes. You don’t get much more chaotic than the infamous Fatal Fortunes. Every match is decided by random. Tag team partners could end up as opponents, hated rivals could end up forced to team up and work together as a unit, and every championship is on the line. Anything and everything is possible, anything and everything is fair game, and it all is based upon luck of the draw mixed in with skill and talent.

Kimberly most definitely has the talent and skill in surplus. Her technical wrestling and submission skills were honed at a very young age and as a result she is second to none when it comes to that style of wrestling. She just doesn’t particularly like that kind of wrestling. She finds it too boring for her tastes. Despite her technical prowess, Kim’s real strength is in the death match scene. Whether or not she ends up landing a championship match is beside the point, Kim just hopes she gets a stipulation that allows her to throw the rulebook out the window and maim whoever ends up as the unlucky victim for the evening. And what’s more is that it will take place over the span of two weeks. Two weeks of non stop chaos within Supreme Championship Wrestling; it truly is like a dream come true for the Queen of the Death Match.

Fatal Fortunes is one of the few things that keeps a smile on the face of The Woman Scorned lately. No, she’s not upset over losing the Underground Title to James Evans at Under Attack. She realizes that there will be another opportunity for her in the future to get that back and she can afford to be patient. What does bother Williams is the fact that her identical twin sister, Marie Jones, has seemingly fallen back into the grips of a cult that she had once been a part of a couple years ago. The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat, a shady group ran by the charismatic Raul Alfaro, promised peace of mind and no more stress to its members. Marie was initially sucked in after the suicide of her boyfriend. But upon further investigation Kim learned that the group was little more than a sex cult that Raul used for his own sick deviant purposes. This revelation managed to convince Marie and Marie’s new friend Julianne to leave the organization. Kim had hoped that she had seen and heard the last from Inner Peace and Raul. But now Julianne Buchanan has resurfaced and is back with Raul and Inner Peace. Julianne has also convinced Marie to return as well and, for the life of her, Kim cannot understand why. She cannot understand why someone as smart and strong willed as her sister would want to be used and abused by Raul and Inner Peace? Kim is determined to once again save her sister from that group, and not just for Marie’s sake, but also for the sake of Sean Connor Jones, Marie’s son.

Kimberly Williams is walking along the backstage area of the Fiserv Forum with her nephew Sean. He has some nachos that Kim bought for him at the concession stands shortly before Breakdown came to its conclusion. She has had to take care of him ever since Marie decided to return to Inner Peace. It isn’t much of a change for Kim or Sean. Even before she officially made her decision to rejoin Inner Peace, Marie had made a bad habit of staying away for extended periods of time. This had left Kim to watch over Sean and through this time the two have grown very close. Kim loves her nephew. This is a reminder of why she is willing to do anything to protect him and get his mother back, even if it means murdering every single person within the Inner Peace organization. Kim hopes it doesn’t come to that but she is prepared to do it.

“I love coming to Breakdown with you Aunt Kim!” Sean exclaims. “Mom never would take me to shows with her.”

“Yeah, well, your mom’s a prude. She’s probably worried you’ll get some crazy notion in your head about following in your Aunt Kim’s footsteps.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Sean asks. “The fans love you! Who wouldn’t want that?”

“Your grandmother…” Kim shrugs “...well, I suppose she doesn’t mind me being cheered, but the things I do to myself and to other people in order to get cheered…” she chuckles nervously “...yeah, that’s kinda different.”

“Well I don’t care.” Sean states defiantly. “I’ve enjoyed meeting some of the other wrestlers and stuff. Seeing all this up close is totally cool! In fact, I’d love to be a wrestler myself someday!”

“Maybe.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “We can have that discussion later with your mom or your grandmother.”

“What about with you?” Sean asks.

“Look, kiddo.” Kim stops and ruffles his hair. “There are a lot better mentors, role models, and trainers out there than your Aunt Kim. Trust me on that.”

“Y’know she’s right about that.”

Kim smirks. She and her nephew turn in time to see Angelica Jones, the Matriarch of the family, approaching. Sean grins from ear to ear. “Grandma!” He runs over and gives her a big hug.

“Nice to see you too, sweetie.” Angelica says as she gives him a kiss on his forehead. Kim watches this with that same smirk on her face and her hands on her hips.

“What’s up…grandma?”

“Laugh it up, Kim. You’ll be old one day and be called a grandma and you’ll enjoy it.”

“Not gonna happen.” Kim shakes her head. “First I’d have to have a kid and that’s just not in the future for me.”

“You may say that now but things might change. I wasn’t exactly planning for you and Marie.”

“Yeah…that was God’s plan, huh?”

Angelica rolls her eyes at Kim’s joke about how she and Marie were conceived as a result of Angelica, a Catholic nun at the time, having an affair with then Father Sean Williams, a Catholic Priest at the time.

“Right. There are some things outside of our control. Which is ironic because that’s exactly how the next two Breakdowns will work. I’m sure you’re excited about Fatal Fortunes, huh Kim?”

“You bet!” Kim jumps up and down and claps happily. “No way to strategize! No way to plan or prepare! No way to know what the hand of fate will bring down upon you! Its all based upon chaos and that, my dear mother, is my domain!”

“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.” Angelica warns. “Chaos may be your domain but any and every possible stipulation is fair game. You might end up in a handicap match. Or you might end up in a tag team match with someone who hates your guts and then it might as well be a handicap match in that scenario too. As great as you are with chaos, you might not survive in some of these possible stipulations.”

“But the same holds true for each and every other person in the back.” Kim says with a sinister grin. “That’s what makes chaos…and Fatal Fortunes…truly fair. Everyone has an equal chance of being screwed over or being handed the brass ring on a silver platter!”

“Well I’m glad you’re so confident because for the next two weeks. I still suggest that you prepare for this.”

“Prepare for what?” Kimberly asks with a shrug of her shoulders. “I could end up facing anyone! Or anything! Maybe I’ll fight Wasley?”

“You won’t fight your penguin.”

“Says who?!”

“Says me.” Angelica says, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, we can discuss this more when I get back. I’m going to find CHBK. I have a few questions about Fatal Fortunes. Maybe I can get some idea of what specific stipulations are on the table for the next two weeks.” She points at Kim and Sean. “You two stay here.”

“Sir, yes sir!” Kim playfully salutes. Angelica laughs as she turns and walks off. Kim notices Sean has wandered over to a nearby chair and is sitting down. He is eating his nachos, and he appears to be fine, but Kim senses that something is amiss. Kim furrows her brow, studying him closely. She approaches and places a hand on his shoulder.

“You ok, kiddo?”

“Huh?” Sean asks, somewhat startled by Kim. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m cool.”

“If your grandma upset you that’s ok. I’ll tell her to take a bath next time.”

“No, its not that.” Sean says, laughing despite himself. Eventually he regains his composure and sighs. “Look, its nothing.”

“Y’know, kiddo, before you even begin wrestling school, you need to learn how to lie. Because you are one terrible liar.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Sure you are.” Kim winks. “I am the master of deception. I know lies. And you are not being honest with me when you claim that you’re ok, that nothing is wrong.” She kneels down so that she is eye level with her nephew. “Look me in my eyes, kiddo. Are you really ok?”


“That doesn’t sound very convincing.” Kim remarks. “If you won’t tell me then maybe I can guess. Can I at least guess?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Sean answers. Kim claps her hands happily.

“Good! I love games! So…are you worried about the geopolitical landscape of New South Wales?”

“Huh? I don’t know…”

“Oh ok.” Kim scratches her chin to think for a moment. Then she snaps her fingers. “I got it! You are worried because The Texas Star Horned Lizard can spray pepper spray like liquid from its eyes!”

“What?” Sean shakes his head. “No!”

“Darn, I thought for sure that was it! Ok, one more guess and then I’ll leave you alone.” She grins. “Is it about your mother?”

“No…” Sean says it very quietly and very unconvincingly. Kim nods her head.

“Like I said, you’re not a good liar.” Kim pats him on the back. “Look, kiddo, you need to talk about anything that bothers you, ok? Bottling it up inside is NEVER a good idea. It becomes like an ulcer and ulcers suck. You don’t have an ulcer, do you?”

Finally, despite the situation, Sean finally laughs. Kim laughs as well. “Now there’s that smile I’ve been looking for!”

“Alright, I admit it.” Sean sighs. “Yeah, I am worried about mom. I mean, I do love spending time with you, Aunt Kim, but I also miss my mom. Why would she leave? I mean, is she sick or something?” Sean asks with a seriously confused expression on his face. Kim thinks about it for a moment before nodding her head.

“Yeah, she is sort of sick. In a way. And for now she left you with me. She doesn’t want you to catch the illness or get infected with what she’s got. Do you understand?”

“I think so.” Sean says, nodding his head.

“She loves you, kiddo, and she doesn’t want to see you get hurt. That’s why she left you with me. And I promise you that she will be back.”

“How long will she stay gone?” Sean asks. Kim wishes she could give him an answer but she cannot. She sighs and shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t know. But I promise you that when she gets better she will be back.”

“Can I see mom?” This is another question Kim has no real good answer to. She bites her lip.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea…” before she can finish her thought, she hears her cell phone buzzing. It isn’t the ringer, its her text notification. “...hold that thought, kiddo.” Kim stands up and reaches into her jean pocket. She produces her iPhone and looks at the text message. She is surprised to see it is from Marie. She is even more surprised to read what the text says…

“I want to meet. Call me.”

Kimberly stands there, staring dumbfounded at her phone. She can hardly believe that her sister has contacted her. The last time she had any contact with Marie was back on November 5th when Marie had informed Kim that she would be leaving to rejoin Inner Peace to be with Raul and Julianne. Kimberly had not heard anything from her twin sister since that day and had become convinced by this time that she may never hear from her again. Kim was convinced that she would have to take drastic measures, burn the Inner Peace organization to the ground, and drag Marie kicking and screaming back home. But now this text message changes everything. Marie wants to meet with her. Marie wants to sit down and talk with Kim. This must mean that there is hope, that she could finally get through to her and convince her to return to her son.

“Who is that?”

Speaking of Marie’s son, Sean speaking up draws Kim’s attention. She looks up to find Sean looking at her intensely. “Is that mom?” Kim has to admit that Sean is quite smart. He seems to sense, based on Kim’s reaction to the unexpected text, that this is, indeed, his mother who has reached out. Kim was once scolding Sean about lying. But now she must lie to her nephew. Its for the best. She cannot get his hopes up, not until she is certain that Marie is ready to return.

“That was Wasley.”

“Your penguin?”

“Not THAT Wasley!” Kim rolls her eyes. “He can’t text…”

“Because he’s a penguin?”

“No, because I took his phone privileges away. He was using it to look up porn sites. That horny little bastard. I meant Wasley as in my boyfriend Wasley!”

“Oh yeah!” Sean brightens up a little. “Didn’t he wrestle in Emerge when it was a thing?”

“Yup, sure did!” Kim smirks. “That’s where I met the handsome devil.”

“Really?!” Sean is seemingly distracted and forgot all about that text Kim had just received. Kim nods her head.

“Yup! Now come on, kiddo, let’s go find your grandmother. I’ll tell you all about how I met Wasley in Emerge.”

Things are looking up for The Woman Scorned. Her favorite event, Fatal Fortunes, is coming up these next two weeks of Breakdown. And now it seems that she may finally get another crack at convincing her sister to return home from the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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December 4th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

This small, yet popular, biker bar just within the city limits of Boston, Massachusetts is having yet another busy evening. Kimberly Williams is no stranger to this particular establishment. She has frequented this bar when she needs to get a few drinks and unwind after a long hard day of stress. Yes, despite the strong front she puts on, even the beloved psychopath Kimberly Williams has her fair share of stresses every now and then. One such stressor that The Woman Scorned has had to deal with lately has been the reemergence of The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat. This is the second time Kimberly has had to deal with this organization. She dealt with it one more time when they tried to convince her twin sister, Marie Jones, to join their group. Williams was able to expose the organization as a fraud, as nothing more than a cult, and she convinced Marie that this organization and its leader, Raul Alfaro, were not looking out for her best interests. At least, she thought that she had Marie convinced. As soon as Inner Peace returned, Marie almost immediately began to drift back into the sinister organization’s orbit. Things only got worse from there. Marie insists now on being called “Annabelle”, her given middle name and the name that Raul prefers to use. Marie has also moved out of her house and back into the Inner Peace compound. Marie has been sucked back in so much that she has even abandoned her own family, but more importantly her own son, without even a second thought. Kimberly was at a loss at what she should do, but she was determined to make sure Marie’s son Sean was taken care of and that he got his mother back, one way or another. The Woman Scorned was prepared to take drastic measures if need be to restore her family back to full health.

Luckily, it seems that there is hope that Kim will not have to resort to any drastic measures to save her twin sister. It had been nearly a month since she had heard from Marie. She hadn’t heard from her since she left home and moved back into the compound. But then, November 30th, Kim received a message from her twin sister insisting that she wanted to meet. Is Marie prepared to come home? Has she seen the error of her ways? Kim can only hope and pray that this is the case. She is trying to think positive. Hopefully Marie is here to apologize and return home with Kim. But whatever the case may be, whatever Marie wants to talk about, Kim is ready to meet her and is ready to talk to her, and hopefully bring her back home; home to her family, home to her son Sean.

It is this meeting that brings Kimberly Williams to this biker bar on this Monday evening in Boston, Massachusetts. Williams is dressed in a black leather skirt, black boots, and a black t-shirt with a penguin emblem on the front and “WASLEY” written underneath. Kim is wearing her “Queens of Chaos” black leather jacket and her long hair hangs straight and unrestrained to just past the shoulders. She sits on a stool at the bar with a look of sheer mischief etched across her face. A half empty glass of beer sits in front of her. A short male, a biker, approaches Kim and sits down next to her at the bar.

“Want me to buy you another drink, sweet thing?”

“I don’t know.” Kim shrugs. “I mean, its pretty obvious that I’m not done with this one yet.”

“Yeah, but you will be.”

“True. But see, I think you really don’t care about my drink. I think what you’re really asking is whether I’m gonna let you into my pants.” The biker smirks knowingly.

“Well, are ya?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“How this conversation goes.” Kim winks. “What’s your name?”


“Kim.” She holds out her hand and Jerry kisses it. “Nice to meet ya.” he motions to her jacket. “Nice jacket. Do ya ride?”

“I do.”

“A harley?”

“No.” Kim chuckles. “I ride a penguin.”

“Kinky.” Jerry says with a bit of a chuckle of his own. “I like kinky.”

“Do you now?” Kim asks playfully. “Do you prefer to be a dom or a sub?”

“I’m whatever you want me to be, Kim.”

“That’s just what I wanted to hear.” Kim takes her half empty bottle of beer and smashes it over Jerry’s head. “Now you can buy me another beer.”

Jerry groans in pain. Blood starts to come from his head where the glass cut him open. Surprisingly, Jerry doesn’t seem too upset. In fact, he takes some cash and places it on the bar so that Kim can buy herself another drink. Jerry staggars away. Kim looks at the cash and shrugs.

“Wow…I didn’t think it’d actually work…” Kim slides the cash to the bartender, who then in turn gives Kim another bottle of beer. Kim snickers. “I need to try that again sometime.” Kim takes a sip of her beer and sighs. “Now where the hell is my newly culted sister?”

Williams hops up off of her bar stool and starts to scan the area for signs of her sister. She hasn’t heard from Marie in over a month now and is anxiously looking forward to seeing her again. She can only hope and pray that she can convince her to come home with her this evening. It is Kim’s sincerest hope that she can reunite Marie and Sean. As The Woman Scorned looks around the establishment she eventually spots Jerry, the biker she had just assaulted, staggering over drunkenly towards another pair of females. Upon a closer look Kim can see that one of those females is none other than Marie Jones. The female with Marie is Julianne Buchanan. Kim certainly wasn’t expecting Julianne to be here for this meeting and she certainly isn’t happy about this turn of events.

“Hey! How’d ya get over there so fast?” Jerry says to Marie. Obviously in his frazzled states from alcohol and the bottle being smashed over his head, Jerry has confused Kim and her identical twin sister Marie. Kim smirks as she folds her arms over her chest and watches from afar. “I paid for ya drink…now can we go back to my place and…” before he can even finish his sentence, Marie punches him in the face, knocking him right on his back. Kim claps her hands giddily as she skips over to her sister Marie.

“Hi there, sis!” Kim says happily. “I see you met Jerry!”

“Friend of yours?” She asks with a hint of annoyance. Kim shakes her head.

“No way! He was hitting on me so I cracked a beer bottle over his head!”

“That explains the blood.”

“Now he probably has a broken nose thanks to you.” Kim winks. Then she turns her attention to Julianne. Julianne has been scowling at Kim this entire time. Obviously she isn’t happy about this. Neither is Kim. The feeling is definitely mutual. “What is she doing here?” Kim asks. “I thought this was supposed to be a meeting of two sisters. Last I checked she wasn’t our sisters.”

“Annabelle and I are spiritual sisters, thank you very much.” Julianne answers. “And for your information, we were out on a date. Annabelle insisted upon speaking with you.”

“Really?” Kim grins. “Ok, first of all, you two are spiritual sisters? If so, that makes you and I spiritual half-sisters at least. And also is it still incest when two SPIRITUAL siblings are fucking each other?”

“You are disgusting.” Julianne remarks. Kim beams with pride as she curtsies.

“Thank you! I try my best!” She laughs. “But uh, seriously, Marie had set up this meeting between her and me. What are you doing here?”

“Her name is Annabelle.” Julianne insists. “And yes, she told me about this meeting. I insisted on coming along.” Kim rolls her eyes and then looks over at her sister.

“Hey, sis, have you lost your voice or something?”

“Do NOT disrespect Annabelle!” Julianne says with sharp venom in her voice. “I am warning you!”

“Well now…” Kim chuckles “’s obvious who the submissive one is in this relationship.”

“It’s ok, Julianne.” Marie says as she gets in between the two. She turns to face Kim. “Yes, it was Julianne’s idea, but I agreed because I felt we could make a date night out of it after I had my time to talk with you.”

“Right then. Let’s talk.” Kim walks off and motions for Marie and Julianne to follow her. “Come on, lets take it outside before Jerry recovers and thinks I’ve managed to clone myself.”

Julianne isn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of following Kim outside. But Marie knows and trusts her sister. Marie follows Kim and Julianne, reluctantly, follows along as well. Once the three are outside of the bar they are free to talk more openly about more sensitive subject matter, namely about the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat.

“So tell me, what is it that you two are really up to here?” Kim asks. “I kinda doubt that you girls are just on a simple date.”

“It is none of your business.” Julianne says sharply.

“Oh c’mon, you can tell me!” Kim answers cheerfully. “I am your spiritual half-sister now! Tell me the truth, are you two here to recruit more women for Raul’s harem?”

“You are a pig!” Julianne exclaims.

“I know you are but what am I?”

“Kim, stop.” Marie pipes in. “Look, the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat lost a great deal of members when you exposed it.”

“Awww, poor babies.” Kim smirks. “But don’t forget about your involvement in that.” Kim applauds playfully. “Give yourselves a round of applause! In fact, let’s do that again, huh?”

“Yes, we recall our involvement.” Marie answers with a nod of her head. “In fact, as part of our penance, Julianne and I are now tasked with rebuilding the membership. We are tasked with spreading Raul’s message of Inner Peace to other poor lost souls like us who failed at life but can have a greater purpose and meaning by serving Raul.”

“By ‘greater purpose and meaning’ you mean spreading your legs for Raul and sucking his dick, right?” Kim asks.

“You disrespectful animal!” Julianne exclaims.

“Look, as fun as this back and forth has been, Julie, I am about to lose my patience with your sass. This is between me and my sister.” She reaches into the pocket of her leather jacket and produces a sharp shank. “You say one more words and I swear to God I will cut your fucking throat. Are we clear?” Julianne meekly nods her head. Kim smirks. “Good.” She puts away the shank and turns back to face her sister. “Now then…is this really what you want to do with the rest of your life? Be her little bitch? Be a glorified sex toy for some cultist crackhead who is probably on the feds radar screen?” Kim nods her head. “Yes, i know all about how Raul has been in hiding, how he’s kept off the grid because of the investigations by authorities into Inner Peace.”

“I’ll have you know…” Julianne starts to speak but then Kim brings out her shank again and starts approaching menacingly.

“What did I tell you about speaking?” Kim is about to lunge for the jugular but Marie steps in between them.

“Kim. Don’t.” Marie states. Kim rolls her eyes and backs away.


“The movement has faced false accusations, it is true.” Julianne quips. “But it will ultimately be seen in a better light in time.” Kim throws her head back and laughs.

“So that’s what this is? You two are the PR squad? You two and Raul are going to try and improve their image and reputation before returning to the limelight.” Kim turns back to face Marie again. “Is this really what you want?”

“I…don’t…I don’t know…” Marie shrugs her shoulders “...I just know that I love Julianne. And I love being Raul’s pet. Obeying him feels…” she sighs “ feels right.”

“Is that so?”

“Its all I know right now.” Marie answers softly. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.” Kim remarks. “Just remember this, there is a little boy back home who wants to be with his mother, who needs to be with his mother. And I swear to God I will make sure he gets his mother, and if I have to burn the whole fucking retreat to the ground to give it to him then so help me God I will do it.” Kim answers angrily. “Think long and hard about that before you come to talk to me again.”

With that Kimberly turns and walks off. Tears are flowing down her cheeks. This was not the result she had hoped for.

December 6th, 2023
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
On Camera

We open outside in the crisp cool Canadian air. In the center view of the camera we spot “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. The Queen of the Death Match is wearing a gothic style lolita black and burgundy ruffle open shoulder long sleeve one piece dress, long black tights, and black boots. Her HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt is draped over her left shoulder, her Zion Hardcore Championship title belt is draped over her right shoulder, and her Unsanctioned Championship title belt is wrapped around her waist. Her beloved penguin, Wasley, rests on the ground next to her.

“Oh Canada!” Kim winks at the camera. “I think my Canadian Kimmymaniacs know the rest! Let me tell you, me and Wasley are absolutely thrilled to be here in Canada! It’s usually cold up here and Wasley loves the cold. But as fun as it has been being here in Canada, there is one thing that I love even more than that…” she grins from ear to ear, the word slowly comes out of her mouth “...CHAOS!” Williams throws her head back and laughs. “That’s right! Chaos, boys and girls! Chaos is the name of the game! It is my game and no one does it better than me! Chaos is a philosophy I have based not only my professional wrestling career upon but my entire adult life on! See, chaos is the reason I became the person I am today. Chaos brought me into the sadistic arms of a sociopathic foster mother, chaos put me in mental institution, chaos ultimately reunited me with my family. I have chaos to thank for me being the well rounded psychopath that I am today!”

“It isn’t just my life that I owe to chaos. My entire career I owe to chaos. I didn’t get my foot in the door thanks to who I accidentally might be related to, I got my start in the wrestling business thanks to the chaotic drive of wanting revenge. Every career achievement I have earned since then has come about thanks to chaos. Even here in SCW. Despite what some idiots may claim, I am a damn good wrestler. I am a former United States Champion in this company and I beat little miss Bree for it. I wasn’t even supposed to challenge her for the title but chaos stepped in and granted me an opportunity that I never expected to get. And as for the Underground? I brought it back, I elevated its prestige to never before heard of heights, and I became a four time Underground Champion all thanks to chaos! This little so-called “child” who the snobs in the back think can’t wrestle is an Adrenaline Championship and World Championship win away from becoming Supreme Champion in this son of a bitch. And it is all…thanks…to chaos!” Another sinister laugh escapes Kimberly’s lips.

“Chaos is where I do my best work. Chaos is me at my absolute sick and sadistic best. Its because I feel at home in a world of chaos. I feel safe and secure within the confines of chaos. Chaos is beautiful! Chaos is absolutely wonderful! And absolutely no one can stop me within the world of chaos!” Williams winks at the camera. “That’s why I felt like a goddamn kid on Christmas day when I learned that the first two editions of Breakdown in December would be Fatal Fortunes.” The Woman Scorned again throws her head back and laughs. “I mean, come on! You don’t get much more chaotic than Fatal Fortunes! Every single member of this roster is fair game! Any and every possible match type or stipulation or gimmick is fair game! And every single championship is fair game! And just like chaos, Fatal Fortunes is fair.” She nods her head.

“See, ordinarily the high and mighty who turn their nose up at chaos would be able to plan and scheme for ways to survive whatever the night of Breakdown may bring. Little James “Jim Jones” Evans might scheme up a way to keep his title like the chicken shit bastard he is if he had a week or two week’s knowledge of who he was facing. Simon “The Home Invader” Lyman might be able to plot and plan a way to steal a win or steal a championship. My ol’ pal Datura might have a week to plan all of her cutesy little wristlocks and arm bars for her opponent if she knew who it was. But therein lies the gag. You won’t know what the hell to plan for! How the hell can you scheme or plot your little trickery and mischief if you don’t even know the opponent or the match type until the fucking bell rings?” The Woman Scorned holds up two fingers.

“Only two people really isn’t affected by Fatal Fortunes. The only two people who truly embrace chaos. That would be myself and Oktoberfest. You think Oktoberfest is gonna lose a wink of sleep over who he is facing or what kind of rules he’ll be in? Shit, the German weiner schnitzel will throw the goddamn rulebook out the window and burn everything to the ground regardless of the opponent or the match if he gets a chance! And the same goes for me! I thrive in the unknown. I thrive in the mystery of not knowing what to expect or when to expect it. I thrive in chaos and I know damn well that I will thrive in Fatal Fortunes.”

“Now if I have already written to Santa hoping that the big fat elf will get me an early Christmas gift at Fatal Fortunes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that a shot at the Underground Championship and a chance to rip James Jim Jones Evans’s head off his fucking shoulders is in my future for Fatal Fortunes. But then again, I might just get an opportunity to take one step closer towards Supreme Champion; I could get an Adrenaline Title shot or even the golden calf itself, the World Title shot.” Kim waves playfully at the camera. “Hi CoCo! Hi Asher! Maybe I’ll see one of you two shortly?” Williams winks.

“Maybe I’ll get a tag title shot?” She shrugs her shoulders. “I know that’ll piss off Breester, Datura, Glory, Lohan, and everyone else and their mother who seems to be crawling up from outta nowhere lately looking to get those tag titles. And unlike Selena, I won’t run away if I can’t stand my tag team partner. I’ll just look at it as a fun opportunity to annoy the piss outta them and win championship gold to boot. Or maaaaaaybe I could get drawn for a United States Title Match? I never did get a rematch for that title, come to think of it.” She smirks knowingly. “Deanna, love ya, girlfriend!” Kim shrugs her shoulders.

“Then again, I might not even get any title match. I just might get a match against Oktoberfest. Or against Religious Wright. Or Ace Sky. Or any number of people in the back. It could be Underground Rules. First blood. Last Kimmy Standing. It could be a submission match and I will get the chance to show off my mean submission skills.” Kim throws her head back and laughs nastily. “But who knows? No one knows! That’s the brilliance of it all! It is all in the hands of luck! It is all in the hands of fate! Fate…and chaos…will be the ruling force for the next two Breakdowns and because of that fact alone I am hellaciously confident. Hell, call me arrogant if you want, but this is chaos, this is MY WORLD, and I know that whoever or whatever Fatal Fortunes has in store for me, I will be a winner and my unlucky victim will be gutted and quartered.” Kim bends down and picks up Wasley. She skips away happily as the scene fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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