Leroy Adams

Wrestler's Alias:Leroy Adams
Wrestler's Real Name: Leroy Adams
Twitter Handle (if applicable):
Pic Base: Struggle Jennings
Height: 6’0
Weight:  265lbs
Birthdate: 07/24/1986
Birth Place: Pascagoula, Mississippi
Current Residence: Pacagoula, Mississippi

Physical Description: Your tattoo’d white trashy meets muscular farm boy.

Wrestling Style: Brawler
Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Years Pro: Rookie
Theme Song: “Trailer Talk”by FJ Outlaw

Finishers: The Garnashing of Wages
Finishers Descriptions (If Needed): Jackhammer
Signature Moves: Natty Light Lariat; Some Buckwild Bo’s
Signature Moves Descriptions (If Needed): Clothesline From Hell, Two Elbows to the top of the head followed by a huge Bionic Elbow.

Common Moves:
Body Slam
Gutwrench Suplex
Bear Hug
Knee Lift
Back Elbow In the Corner
Running Bulldog
Vertical Suplex
Full Nelson

Strengths: Country strength and a hard head almost Samoan level

Weaknesses: Inexperience


‘Trailer Talk’ by FJ Outlaw rings out over the arena as Leroy Adams walks out behind the curtain as he stops on the stage. He head bobs to the music a minute before bobbing his whole body as he really gets into the music. He then begins focusing on the ring. He marches his way the ring slapping hands with fans, taking a swig of a fans beer. He makes it the ring and rolls in. He staggers up to his feet and walks over to the corner, takes off his wife beater and climb up the turnbuckle. He throws his hands up before jumping down and getting ready for the match.


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Welcome to SCW. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I will plan to have your debut match on the May 2 edition of Breakdown; if this doesn't work, please just reach out and we can figure this out. Until then, please get to know others (or join our Discord) and I look forward to what comes from the character!
Added one signature and changed theme

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