SCW World Championship
Amy Chastaine vs. Josh Hudson
Finals of the 2024 Trios Tournament
Xander Valentine, Billy Heaven Jr. & Amelia Blythe vs. Selena Frost, Polly Pingotti & Andrew Raynes
SCW United States Championship?
Unsanctioned Match?
The Enigma vs. Deanna Frost
SCW Adrenaline Championship
Bree Lancaster vs. Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO
SCW Underground Championship
Radiant Sun Princess YUSA vs. Leroy Adams
A Mystery Opponent vs. “The One” Kirsten Scott
Kimberly Williams(?) vs. Waylon Creek
SCW United States Championship Number One Contendership
Scott Reed vs. Marie Jones vs. La Pequena Luz
SCW Underground Championship Number One Contendership
Brittany Lohan vs. David Striker vs. Konrad Raab vs. Chris Lawler
Ryan LeCavalier vs. Gavin Taylor
The Shinigami Foundation vs. The European Fiery Nation vs. Hollywood
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit per team for tag; 6 RP Limit per team for Trios
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, September 29, 2024
Amy Chastaine vs. Josh Hudson
Finals of the 2024 Trios Tournament
Xander Valentine, Billy Heaven Jr. & Amelia Blythe vs. Selena Frost, Polly Pingotti & Andrew Raynes
SCW United States Championship?
Unsanctioned Match?
The Enigma vs. Deanna Frost
SCW Adrenaline Championship
Bree Lancaster vs. Magical Cosmic Princess YUYO
SCW Underground Championship
Radiant Sun Princess YUSA vs. Leroy Adams
A Mystery Opponent vs. “The One” Kirsten Scott
Kimberly Williams(?) vs. Waylon Creek
SCW United States Championship Number One Contendership
Scott Reed vs. Marie Jones vs. La Pequena Luz
SCW Underground Championship Number One Contendership
Brittany Lohan vs. David Striker vs. Konrad Raab vs. Chris Lawler
Ryan LeCavalier vs. Gavin Taylor
The Shinigami Foundation vs. The European Fiery Nation vs. Hollywood
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit per team for tag; 6 RP Limit per team for Trios
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, September 29, 2024