Dogifight in Dussledorf Card
SCW World Championship
Konrad Raab vs. Josh Hudson vs. Xander Valentine

Tactical Warfare
The Fall of Man (Waylon Creek, James Evans, Giovanni Aries & Billy Heaven Jr.) vs. The Light in the Darkness (La Pequena Luz & Amelia Nevado) & Dangerous Minds (David Striker & Chris Dumont)

Selena Frost vs. Blake Mason

SCW Adrenaline Championship
Dexter Grant vs. Glory Braddock

Asher Hayes vs. Syren

Simon Lyman & Ryan Lyman vs. Gavin Taylor & Andrew Raynes

Kirsten Scott vs. The Enigma

SCW Underground Championship
Brittany Lohan vs. Colleen MacDonald

“Wolfsbane” Adam Brock vs. Clyde Sutter

Chris Lawler vs. Wil Pierce

Underground Rules
Kimberly Williams vs. Brilliant Sun Princess YUSA

SCW Television Championship
Ryan LeCavalier vs. Polly Pingotti

Shining Maidens (YUYO, SAWA & NEMO) vs. European Fiery Nation (Ludvig Eriksson, Oskar Theron & Dakon Theron)


2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP limit for tag; 8 RP limit for Tactical Warfare (No word limits)
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, January 30, 2025
I'll double-check tomorrow, but matches added and the card should be complete.

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