DEADLINE ONE - 1x 3,250 word RP 17th May 2019 2359 EST

DEADLINE TWO - 1x 750 word shoot / segment 19th May 2019 2359 EST
(OOC: I didn't have as much time to work on this RP over the past few weeks, so hope this is enough. Also didn't get any collaboration going with Kas for this, so it seems a lot shorter this week. :-6)

4:52 PM
Emerge Studios

There is an air of confidence about Sabrina Bello as she looks up at the camera and smiles briefly. The smile disappears as she quickly grows serious and begins speaking in a confident, measured tone and cadence.

"I proved only one thing at the latest Emerge show. That all my hard way has amounted only to being better than Tyler Jackson. Don’t get me wrong, it felt damn good to finally get a taste of an honest to goodness victory. None of that moral victory shit, you know? My only regret is that I was unable to lock in the Gran Finale and make Jackson tap out."

She shrugs and continues.

""All in all, it was my best night in a while and that feeling of true victory, of has me thirsty—no, DESPERATE for more! I need another hit of that feeling. And the way I see it, the euphoria of that one victory against a person who is clearly not of championship caliber, so I can only imagine how absolutely exhilarating it would be to leave that cruise ship with the RUSH Championship wrapped around my waist. I don’t feel like leaving that up to my imagination. I plan on making that a reality and after all these years, I feel I am finally ready to climb that next rung on the ladder."

She slowly nods.

"It used to be I just expected to win when I first started in this business. I just assumed that if I kept at it, the wins would come in time. And for a while I was able to achieve middling results with a minimum effort. I had no idea then just how important it was to just keep on working and eliminate anything that works to distract me from putting in the required amount of time and effort that is required to be a champion. And do I have it all figured out now?"

She looks up at the sky and smiles when looks back the camera.

"My dear mother always used to tell me, “Si dice sempre il lupo più grande che non è.” That means the wolf is made bigger than it is, which then pretty much means that lying a little might make the story better. I’m not going to lie to you or to myself. I have no fucking idea whether or not I’ve figured out the secret to success in this business. I only know that I’m getting closer."

Sabrina holds her hand over her heart and looks up again and sighs sadly.

"Mama also used to pound this idea into my head. “Senza tentazioni, senza onore.” And that means that you have to overcome a few obstacles to achieve real success. Boy, did she hit the nail on the head with that one, huh? Only, in my case it’s a bit more than a few. I suppose something I’m more aware of now is how to no longer create self-sabotaging obstacles. Or at least minimize them anyway. There are so many temptations in this world that can keep one from focusing on the goals one sets for oneself. One of those temptations for me has always been alcohol."

She slowly shakes her head disappointingly.

"I know it’s hard to tell by looking at me, at least superficially, that I’ve had any issues dealing with alcoholism. I’ve never been one to just drink myself blind or get absolutely shit-faced, but I’ve definitely leaned on the crutch of alcohol far too often in my life to deal with my problems. I mean, the whole time I was spending time with Mika Kozlov, I always had a pretty good buzz going on as she was a bit of a drinker herself. I enjoyed drinking with her as she was a good person to drink with. As it turns out, however, that was the only thing about her I enjoyed. But I’m not going to sit here and blab on and on about Mika. Nobody wants to hear about that. That chapter of my life is closed forever and the only thing it was good for is a reminder of what path I am not meant to travel. There are definitely a fair amount of creeps on the internet and likely watching from the crowd at these events that think I need to start showing off my skin again in order to get where I need to be. Dexter Schmidt, my former boss, is likely the most well-known creep who brought up this...I guess maybe it’s this theory, and that is maybe giving it too much credit. I guess it’s more like this pervy idea that Dexter has that if I go back to posting scantily clad pictures of my body on social media that I will go back to having some level of success again."

Sabrina shrugs and her face is full of a mix of disappointment and frustration about having to deal with this behavior.

"It’s really sad, isn’t it, that in the year 2019, where women have moved way past the notion that we have to show our skin to be happy and successful, that there are people who still believe this? Believe me, there are some absolute beauties that are involved in this business that I wish would maybe show a little more skin...but not because it would make them more powerful in the ring somehow. No, because let’s be honest, here. I enjoy seeing those pictures because I am a lonely bi-sexual woman who gets excited when...well, we gotta keep this PG’ish so I will leave the rest up to you. The point I am trying to make is that if I do decide to show off this body of mine that I work so very hard to keep looking in phenomenal shape, it will be because I am proud of it. It won’t be because I feel like it’s going to give me some of an edge in the ring. Having said that, I might occasionally give all of you fans out there who support me through all of my endeavors a little visual treat when I deem it worthy. I know that y’all are out there and I appreciate the support. I won't let you down. I will only work to lift your spirits one way or another."

Sabrina winks at the camera.

"Lindsay Morrison has taught me more in the past few months than Daniel Ashmore did in years and it’s time for me to take what she has taught me and use it to become a champion for the very first time in my career! I’m talking about Symphony Of The Sea, of course. No doubt it’s going to be extraordinarily difficult given the nature of both nights of that competition, but nothing in life worth having is ever acquired without great much difficulty. I’m fully aware of the challenge before me and I feel as though I’m finally on the precipice of being ready to overcome that challenge. After this weekend, I will know whether I’ve passed that threshold or whether I still have a bit further to go.

That is because I face Ryan Singer, one of the competitors involved at Symphony Of The Sea, of course. He is an interesting dude, right? It looked like he might be on his way out the door and hanging up the boots for good. Or as much as any wrestler ever really does, anyway. But it seems as though something changed in his brain and now he’s back in the swing of things and getting himself involved in all sorts of fun and games. I know he mixed things up with Jenni Helms and ended up pretty much embarrassing himself when it comes to her, which is something he and I have in common. I got a lot of respect for his abilities and I’m sure he’s forgotten more about this sport than I’ve ever known. It’s legends like him that I must prove myself against in order to get to where I NEED to be. And if I can defeat him after having also facing down the challenge of Tyler Jackson, then hell, I might very well be ready to take that next step on that cruise ship.

The one thing I can promise is that no matter the results at Emerge 23, I will be ready to get right back to work next week. I’ve been here from the start and no matter who owns Emerge, I’ll be here until the end. You all don’t know it yet, but you’re looking at a future Emerge Hall Of Famer. Every legend starts somewhere, right? Sometimes it just takes longer for them to get going…

That’s it for now. Gotta keep it short and sweet as I’ve got to get back in the gym. I’ll be seeing you all very soon."

She blows a kiss at the camera before the scene slowly fades.

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