Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
I of the Storm

“The Secret of the Wonderland”

”Owen!” she called out as she rushed down the hall, trying to duck and weave her way through the people that stood there – watching the aftermath of the carnage. It was hard enough to run along the cold floors while she was still in her bear feet – she hadn't been allowed to replace the shoes she had broken the heels of earlier – but with each wrestler simply standing in the way – it was like an obstacle course for the platinum-blonde. 

Be that is it may, however, she could still see the bright red stretcher that was being wheeled down the hall a few yards ahead of her – long as she kept that in her sights, she could keep track of Owen...

Keep track? You sound like you care about him. How is that possible when you did nothing? her thoughts mocked bitterly, but she did her best to push them to the side. Yes, she had accepted that it was her fault that this had happened – but what could she do about it now? 

Angrily, she picked up the pace of her march, feeling her feet stinging with each step. She had done as she was told – been in Owen Cruze's corner tonight as he had challenged for the World title against Syren. And for the shortest of time, Selena had believed that Owen was going to succeed and actually pull off the upset. He was certainly in the position to, and Selena had known he had the talent for it-

But the Wonderland was not so kind – or at least Wonderland Championship Wrestling. The moment the young boy had something set up? Well, what was a loss when the title stayed in place? Dark Fantasy's philosophy and Selena had had to watch it unfold, starting with Crowe, then Ravyn, then CHBK and, finally, Christy Matthews, all coming out at different times to add in the assault on Owen, even after the bell was rung.

She felt the bile rising into her throat, the burning sensation migrating from her stomach, past her chest, to settle there, keeping her voice horse and in pain. All CHBK and Ravyn had had to do to keep Selena in line was wag their fingers and remind her that the boss had given her an order – she could watch but she could do nothing to get involved.

”Don't want to be fed to the Creature of the Wonderland, do you?” Ravyn had mocked. The brilliant psychopath had been one of the bigger names that had thrived under this new regime of disorder – mostly because it was how she had tried to function in SCW, so it wasn't much of a stretch or transition for her. Especially when it was getting her everything she wanted for her wife. Probably why she was the first person to sign up for Taking Hold of the Rabbit...

Biting her lower lip to realign her focus, Selena was just in time to spy the stretcher carrying the young Owen turn a corner. Aside from the few gasps of pain from him, the secretary had not heard much from Owen. Did he blame her for not jumping into the ring to help him when he was being mauled and ambushed? Did he understand that she didn't have a choice and that, by not getting involved, she was actually sparing him a far more dangerous encounter from Xander Valentine? Yes, it was sad Owen was not the World Champion – he deserved it, and if this were SCW, Selena was certain that he would have at least gotten a fair chance at the title. But this wasn't SCW – something even she found herself wishing wasn't true every day. Her job – even if it often got her in trouble - was to try to keep as many people alive as possible – keep people from snapping like James Evans or breaking like Konrad Raab... 

And maybe Owen would need an injury leave like Sienna – but at least he'd be safe from the Wonderland for a little bit. Safe from Giovanni.

The stretcher slowed as it reached the parking lot, the medical staff waiting until the back doors to the large ambulance parked there opened. Once they did, and as Selena finally caught up with them, she saw them lift everything – Cruze, stretcher, and all – into the back. “I'm sorry, Owen!” she was able to blurt out as she stood there. 

There was no reply. Either he hadn't heard her or he simply didn't want to. He has to understand... Selena thought, perhaps the most determined she had had on this horrible of days. He has to keep his hope...

But as she reached for metal bar that lined the inside of the back, and currently opened, door, wanting to pull herself in and go to the hospital with Cruze so she could tell him everything, her pale hand was snatching, painfully, by another who ripped the platinum-blonde away form the vehicle with a swift jerk.

“Where the hell do you think you're going?!” the voice was sharp, full of authority, but it was a voice Selena instantly recognized as fake in power – empowered only by her association with Giovanni Aries. She believed herself untouchable, much like Syren and the rest of Dark Fantasy. 

“I'm going to the hospital to look after Owen.” Selena replied coldly, yanking her hand away from the brunette. “I did what I was told, the show is over, so I am leaving, Sam.”

“Oh really?” the former valet/manager, turned partner/associate of the boss of WCW laughed, clearly amused. “I don't recall Giovanni giving you permission to leave.”
“I don't recall needing it when there's no more show.” Selena countered. “My free time is my free time.”

“Oh, and what are you going to spend that free time on?” laughed the shorter woman. “You got a family to go home to?”

The brunette always went this route – the nerve that irked the platinum-blonde. She knew – hell, everyone knew, thanks to Giovanni's tweets and promos where he slandered “failings” like Selena – that the young Frost had no family. No partner, no children, only SCW – and Giovanni delighted in the knowledge that he had even taken that from her.

For Selena, she hated being reminded of it – not so much that it was true, but rather... it didn't feel true. I mean, when you're single – you know it. You feel it. When you're alone, you know it. You feel it! she had often thought to herself. But Selena had never felt that way. Not entirely. To her, it felt like there could be a family out there for her. There could be someone out there for her. She had spent all her time here in SCW, but she was still conscious enough to recognize when she was attracted to someone – but quiet “rendezvous” with various superstars – men and women (as Selena had discovered about herself) – could only scratch an itch. She knew there had to be more.

Problem was, every time she tried to leave work. Every time she tried to go away for a time, there would always be the Wonderland, ready to pull her back in. While others were being driven out of the beautiful home that was SCW – now the wasteland of WCW – the Snow Queen found herself unable to leave it.

“You're just mad that I have standards.” Selena countered. “And my 'wonderland' is one you'll never visit, Sam.” reaching up, she pulled her glasses down to give the assistant a teasing wink, which earned a look of disgust from Sam.

“Right...” she pointed her finger inside her mouth, simulating a vomiting sound at Selena's antics.
“Catching something?” Selena tilted her head. “Maybe it's fatal! Wouldn't that be great?!”

She heard the doors to the ambulance slam shut behind her, quickly turning around, feeling the tight bun of her platinum hair barely shift. “I'm going.” she stated.

“No, you're not.” Sam countered. “Because Gio has more work for you to do.”
“He can't do that.” Selena stated. “My contract-”
“You want to take that up with him? Maybe this is for the new network he's got planning. Some 'extra bonus feature' for the Youtube channel? But, hey! If you're that worried about the kid, I can have Xander visit the hospital for you and give you updates on Owen's condition...”

Selena closed her eyes at that, taking a sad, deep breath. It was always the same threats from them – but why would they change when it always worked? And as she opened her eyes, the platinum-blonde could see the smug smile on Sam's face, the shorter girl equally as sure that she had won the argument.

“What is it he wants?” Selena asked, readjusting her fake glasses to their formal position on her face. It was only when Sam moved her one arm that was behind her back that Selena had realized it had been there the whole time. Yet, as Sam did, Selena was surprised when she spied what was in the woman's hand.

“Alice needs her exercise.” Sam stated flatly.

In her hand, a stark-white rabbit looked up at Selena and, immediately, the secretary could see the sapphire eyes, filled with fear as it beheld her.

“You've got to be kidding.” Selena huffed.
“Hardly.” shrugged Sam. “She's going to need to be in great shape for the big Pay-Per-View match.”

The stupidest match idea I've ever heard! Selena's mind roared. Like everything else in SCW, Giovanni had taken the notion of the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale – something that had been symbolized as the epitome of stamina, talent, luck and strategy (defining characteristics of SCW) – and twisted it until it was a damn joke! Now, the match was “Taking Hold of the Rabbit”, where, for an hour, superstars would run around the ring and even the arena (if necessary), trying to catch this poor creature. The person holding it at the end of the hour was declared the winner. Course if the rabbit died from being trampled or if no one was holding the title, well... Giovanni wasn't afraid to have no one be the number one contender for the World title. Not like he owes the fans anything... Selena thought bitterly.

“Doesn't he have any respect for the royale?” She suddenly blurted out. “For Odin's sake, he won it last year! Doesn't that mean anything to him?!” 
“Yeah, that's why he's made it better!” Sam countered with a smirk before thrusting the poor creature into Selena's hands. Fortunately, the young Frost was quick to take him, but it was only when the rabbit was being held by her that she could feel it's small form – and how much it trembled.

“Poor thing is scared to death!” Selena balked. “What did you do?”
“Nothing.” Sam shrugged in reply. “He's Gio's pet.”

Biting her lower lip, Selena looked away. “Where's her leash?” she asked.
“What leash?”
“The one that allows me to take her on a walk so she doesn't run away.” Selena replied, annoyed.
“Pfft! No leash.” Sam laughed.
“What if she runs?!” Selena asked in disbelief.
“Better catch her then. No rabbit, no match... think of all the people you'll let down... because I'll be sure to tell them who's to blame.”

“You guys are unbelievable...” Selena huffed.
“Believe it!” Sam teased, her mouth hanging open in a wide smile. “And think of it as practice! Cause Giovanni signed you up to take part in the pay-per-view match!”

“He what?!” Selena's spine went stiff and her mouth hung open for a moment before her anger regained control. “I don't want to be in it! I don't want to be in the main-event at Rise to Grea- Wonderment.” she quickly corrected herself, knowing what trouble a slip of the tongue could get her. 

“You don't want to be World Champion?” asked Sam.
“No!” Selena spat.

Deep down, she only wanted to be the SCW United States Champion. It had been her dream to hold that title, a dream that she had finally achieved a few weeks before Giovanni took over – now? There was no United States Title. It had been abolished and destroyed by Gio and Selena turned from Snow Queen to Snow Secretary. All to hurt her – the supposed 'general' of the Lizard king army.

“Well, too bad.” Sam shrugged before turning on her foot and skipping away. “Have fun!” she offered insincerely before she was out of sight.

“Son of a whore...” Selena growled under her breath, wanting nothing more than to plant some kind of wrestling move on that woman – something painful like her old “Frost Bite” submission. Her body tensed, but she forced her hands to remain loose, due to the small creature in her hands.

With that thought in her mind, sapphire eyes met sapphire eyes as Selena looked down at the small bunny. The little thing was so small, it could almost fit inside Selena's one hand. It was curled up in a ball, still shaking, and terrified.

“Poor thing.” Selena whispered, lowering her head to give the bunny a small kiss on the head, if only to try and tell it that she wouldn't hurt it. The bunny, Alice, shifted a little but otherwise didn't move. “I guess we're both prisoners here, huh?” Selena offered before she started to walk, her feet still stinging from walking barefoot all night. She remained silent as she walked throughout the arena, only making a sound when a step hurt a bit too much and made her wince. 

“Sorry.” she whispered to the bunny. “I'm usually faster on my feet- AH!” she gave a short cry as she felt a shooting pain in her arm. When had she injured her arm?! No one had laid a hand on her. Not even Dark Fantasy during Syren's match with Owen Cruze – they hadn't needed to. Still, there was no denying aching pain that gripped Selena's right arm, causing her drop to a knee and her sore arm to go limp...

Sadly, it was the arm that had been holding the bunny, and whether Selena had been kind to it or not, the creature was not going to throw away a chance at freedom! With barely a look at Selena, the white furball scampered off, running down the hall and down the stairs – having no idea where it was going, just knowing it needed to escape.

“No!” cried out Selena! She couldn't let the bunny escape! Who knows what Gio would do if that happened! And not just to her, but to anyone else that was still here that Selena cared for! Taking a deep breath to steady herself against the sudden pain in her body, the secretary pushed herself up and gave chase to the creature. “Alice! Get back here!” she called out, running as fast as her sore feet would allow, but it was like the rabbit was mocking her. It would dash a few yards ahead of Selena, look around a bit before putting on a burst of speed to regain it's distance from the platinum-blonde, forcing Selena to keep running nonstop after it.

How long she chased that damn rabbit, Selena was not sure – enough time for her to make a dozen or so Elmer Fudd references, that was for sure. In fact, she had switched to Wile E. Coyote by the time she had realized that she was, once again, backstage in “the depths” of the arena. “Super genius...sure you are...” Selena huffed, mocking herself as she looked around, her eyes desperately seeking any flash of snow-white that wasn't her hair. 

Fortunately, she spotted Alice scampering over some wires and under a skyjack, which Selena rushed too just before the creature slipped under the skyjack and out the otherside, going down another hall... which lead to a dead end.

“Oh, thank you.” Selena whispered, now standing at the hallway's exit, effectively cornering the white bunny. “Okay, Alice.” Selena huffed. “No more games – I'm taking you back to Giovanni.”

The rabbit seemed to look at Selena for a moment before turning its head to look behind itself. Seeing its focus elsewhere, Selena followed Alice's gaze to the pair of wooden doors – the same ones she had fled from earlier today.

“No...” Selena warned, holding up her hand as she slowly approached the bunny. “Alice...don't even think about it...”

But it seemed that Alice was done thinking about it. In a flash of white, she had, somehow, slipped under the door, using the space between it and the floor.

“Dammit!” Selena yelled in a panic, rushing over to the doors that had that same snake-thing put into it. “Alice!” she called out, banging on the wood. “You come out of there this second! You understand!”

No answer.

“I'm not kidding around, Alice!” she warned again. “You think I'm coming in there after you? Hell no! You want to get eaten by 'The Creature of Wonderland', then be my guest!”

Again, no answer and, for a moment, the platinum-blonde feared that the poor bunny had been eaten by 'The Creature'...

Not that Selena had any idea what the creature ate... in fact, there was little known about the creature, other than it was the ultimate punishment for those that defied Giovanni and The Wonderland. A creature supposedly more terrifying than Xander and – well, Selena had heard enough rumours and tales from the roster, staff and even Giovanni – enough for her to believe that there was a chance Alice was part of a rabbit-stew (speaking of Looney Tunes).

“What do I do?” she thought in dismay. She couldn't go in there! No one ever went there! But if she didn't, there would be no PPV main-event. The roster that was here would kill her and Giovanni... what the hell would he do to Owen? To Regan when she came back?

Frustrated, she wrung her hands together till her fingers hurt from the twisting of her digits. “Dammit!” she muttered. “Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!” she continued to mutter under her breath-

Come back to me...

The voice wasn't hers... but it was the same voice she had heard the last time she had passed this door!

“Great...now I know I'm crazy.” she sighed, resting her head against the cold iron of the door handles, which were black rings attached to the door. Perhaps it was that “insanity” that spurred her next move: as she pulled one door open with all her strength (for it was heavy). 

There was nothing before her that she could see. Only darkness.

“Alice?” she called out from the doorway, hoping the bunny would see the light from the door and come scampering out. But when she didn't, Selena slowly took a bare-foot step into the room and into the darkness. “Come on, girl.” Selena called out, her eyes desperately trying to adjust to the dark room. Reaching out, she kept her hand along the side of the wall, sticking to the outline as she continued to move further inside. With each step, she felt her heart leaping into her throat.

Slowly, her eyes began to adjust to the darkness, but what she saw...baffled her.

Nothing. First and foremost, the room was massive, like a section of an underground parking lot – in fact, that was what the space reminded her of most, with the pillars near her and off in the vast distance and a concrete ceiling that looked like both the ceiling for her and the floor to the level above. Was this room the shortcut to the parking lot of the arena? Selena had been sure she already had passed that space earlier.

Still, she was able to take a calmer breath before taking actual steps into the full interior of the room, her eyes scanning the ground for any sign of white. It made sense that this room was empty – wasn't it Giovanni's M.O to play to people's fears and uncertainties? He had broken people like James and Konrad by making them doubt their place in SCW – and it had been enough to amass a force that had gained him control... 

Thanks to my mistake... Selena sighed glumly, running her hands through her platinum hair. As she did, however, her eyes spotted the bolt of white that scampered across the floor, darting past her foot and heading right for the doors! “Hey!” she called out, spinning around just in time to see the white rabbit take what, she guessed, was a left turn at Albuquerque and was gone from sight – not because the bunny had slipped down another hall, but because as Selena ran towards it, the doors slammed shut in front of her!

“Hey!” she yelled out, banging on the doors before reaching down to check for the same rings that had been on the other side. There weren't any. Nothing she could grab and when she pushed against the door, it would not give. “Sam?!” she called out. “Anyone?!”

There was no answer – except for:

Come back to me... but this time, Selena didn't hear it in her head. She heard it right behind her, as if the words were being breathed on her very neck, causing the small hairs on her skin to stand on edge. Almost as if... as if there was something behind her...

The panic and fear she had initially felt before entering this room was back with a vengeance, almost winding her. Slowly, she turned herself around -

“Oh gods...” she barely squeaked at the creature that seemingly appeared before her. It was so beyond anything real that she had to shut her eyes – but it was like someone was pulling her eyes open to flash a light into them, for the creature's glare went right through, blinding her for a few seconds.

“Conceal... Don't feel...” she whispered desperately to herself, trying to calm nearly out of control heartbeat. Her hands were clenched into fists at her side and all rational thought was put into repeating her mantra.

Yet, after a minute of nothing happening to her, one thought slowly emerged in the platinum-blonde's brain. Why hasn't it eaten me yet? even the bright lights that had been blinding her from its gaze were dimmed.

Slowly, she cracked one eye open. It was still there, looking at her – and it hadn't really moved, but then again... it hadn't really moved. Opening the other eye, Selena was able to see all of the thing before her. That's all she could call it – a thing. Not to be rude or anything but because there was no animal that even remotely resembled it.

It had a muzzle and a gilly fan that surrounded its face, like a catfish meeting a samurai-fish, if that made any sense. It had the longest neck she had ever seen and a round, almost plumb body with wings that were strapped to its form by long straps. Looking beyond it, she could see a rather long tail twisting left and right as it sat there, its emerald-green eyes locked on her. But the one thing that stood out to Selena were the massive claws that the creature held in front of it. The digits were long, but slender and sharp-looking and each one was connected to the next by some kind of webbing that ran up to just below the first knuckle of each claw. The two claws both looked like they could hold her entire frame within – deadly weapons not of this world...

“What the hell are you?” her breath hitched as she whispered, the creature tilting its head at Selena's voice. 

Come back to me...

It was that voice again – and Selena could not hear the softness in it, the allure of it, the same allure she had felt to go into this room the first time she had stumbled upon the doors earlier today after her meeting with Giovanni and his horde. “Was...was that you calling me?”

The creature merely rolled its head as an answer – what that meant, Selena had no idea. But again, she heard that voice say the same thing. “Come back to you?” she asked, hesitantly taking a step closer. “What do you mean? I've never been here before.” she stated. “And we've never met.”

A huff and what sounded like a cry came from the beast as it leaned closer to stare at Selena, causing the young woman to almost jump back to the wall. If she had, however, she might have missed the shimmer of light that bounced off the tears that were running down the creatures face. Selena had seen a similar look before – on the face of Alice, the bunny, that had scampered away.

“Are...are you trapped here too?” Selena asked. “Is it Giovanni? Xander?”

The creature turned its head, motioning towards the straps that wrapped around its back before turning back to look at Selena. While the space was certainly big enough for her, she saw that the creature – though she was unsure where it had come from when she had seen this room empty moments before – could barely fit within its heights. It had to remain on all fours to keep itself from banging its head on the ceiling.

What...what do I do? she thought to herself. Do I... do I let it go?
Oh there's an idea! Then it can eat you as a 'thank you'!
If it wanted to eat me, it could have done so with those claws and teeth!
Come on! This is 'The Creature of the Wonderland'! There's a reason Gio had this thing locked up!

Despite the inner way within her mind, Selena's legs seemed to move of their own volition as she walked around the creature, her hand shaking as it reached out slowly to place itself on the creature's side. The beast didn't move or even stir as Selena felt its, surprisingly, soft skin. Yet, as she did, there was something oddly familiar about it – as if she had felt this skin before. 

Come back to me... the voice urged, but Selena heard no measure of coaxing from the voice. Rather, it sounded urgent, as if it needed Selena to return to it – as if it couldn't live without the Snow Queen... almost like a...like a...

Like a lover... Selena's heart swelled inside her chest. Was that it? Was this voice the missing piece she had longed for outside this damned Wonderland? Was that what this creature was trying to show her?

Casting her eyes away from the creature's face, Selena spied the straps entrapping the creature's wings, limiting its ability to – Selena assumed – fly. For a second, the platinum-blonde scanned the straps, looking for a release or harness. The buckles of bronze and silver were not hard to find against the creature's green and brown colored skin. 

The second you do what you think-

She silenced the voice with a mean shake of her head, inadvertently undoing her hair bun and freeing her braid. She felt the long hair tumble out and she almost trembled and wept at almost forgotten feeling of her platinum-blonde hair swishing against her. Yes, she was taking a gamble, risking everything... but what was left for her here? Her destiny denied day after day? Watching those she cared for suffer? A life alone? 

Risking it all... that's what SCW had meant before Giovanni. That's what Taking Hold of the Flame meant before Giovanni! Risking everything for a single shot at something incredible! Something... something of greatness! 

“And I'm...” Selena said with a shaky breath before ripping at the strap buckles. “I'm taking it!” she roared as she yanked the straps loose, undoing them and hearing the leather fall to the floor with an odd sound. Immediately, the massive wings, once confined, stretched out to fill a large section of the room, the creature turning its head and body to squarely look at Selena. It bore its emerald-green eyes straight into its liberator.

“N-n-now what?” stammered the Snow Queen as she stood there. But her question did not immediate receive an answer as there was a loud banging on the door.

“Selena!” she recognized that voice. It was Giovanni. “The hell are you doing in there? Where's my bunny?!”

There were a few more strong bangs on the door causing Selena jerk back – startled. Quickly, she turned back to the creature, her own eyes pleading. “He's going to kill me – maybe you -” she said. “That's what he does. He doesn't care if this place burns or thrives. Long as he's ruling it!” she tried to explain. “Please if...if you're that voice... take me with you!”

The creature shook its head from side to side before it lowered it to stare into Selena's eyes – emerald meeting sapphire. But the way the creature's eyes were – so beautiful to the young woman – she could see wisps of white, like stars there, and...and something else... the white mixing together to form a face and form...

“Look, I don't care why you did it.” the beautiful redhead pleaded. “I don't care if you were stupid. I don't care if you have to do it again! I don't care if you have to get revenge! I don't care if we have to delay the wedding. I don't care if you have use a wheelchair to go down the aisle because you're so stupid and stubborn and loving and caring that you'll just do it anyway rather than cancel it – I don't care! I just wish you could come back... Just please... Selena... come back to me...”

Loving and caring?

Selena's eyes widened as suddenly, as if pulling one's head out from the mist, she remembered – she knew where she had met this creature before... what she had been trying to come back to.

“Deanna...” Selena whispered. She had been trying to get back to Deanna! Her wife! The thought filled her with a mixture of need and rage just as the door was kicked open, the fur-coat wearing Giovanni Aries storming in.

“SECRETARY!” he roared, holding out his LSD cigarette. “I gave you a job-”
“Where is she?!” Selena roared back. “Where's Deanna, you son of a bitch?!”
“Who?” Giovanni asked.
“My wife!” Selena spat.
“How the hell should I know?” the owner asked with a shrug of her shoulders. “I didn't think you had a wife – or swung that way...” he teased. “But it seems you've lost my bunny!”
“But I found your little secret.” she pointed her thumb at the creature that had been beside her.

Giovanni, however, turned his head to look before looking back at Selena. “What secret, Selena? There is noone here but you and me.”

Turning her head, Selena was shocked to see that the winged beast was gone – not a trance of it remained. The entire room was empty except – as the boss had pointed out – for him and her. And my memories...of her... Selena thought as she took a deep breath and turned her head back to her 'boss'.

“I quit!” her voice caught him off guard.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“Yeah, I heard you. I just didn't think I'd ever hear 'The Face of SCW' quit it. Oh, this is amazing!” he rejoiced. 

A sad smirk graced Selena's lips. “Yeah, I quit being the Face of SCW – because you made me realize there was something I needed to be more than that?”
“Oh?” grinned Giovanni. “And what exactly is that?”

It was the last time Selena would see the man grin like that, for in less than a second, she had lunged towards the bastard that had taken so much from her – that had stolen everything but her love for Deanna – pinning him to the wall with one arm while the other cocked back, preparing to strike. Before her eyes, she saw Giovanni – the bastard that had smiled at the destruction of Mr. D. and laughed at the fear of her darling wife... 

Now, for the first time, it was his eyes that were showing fear, their gaze locked onto Selena's cocked arm. Following his gaze, Selena was shocked to see not the pale-white skin of her arm, but a green and brown claw with webbing between each digit. She flexed the claw that was her appendage before turning back to Giovanni.

“What is that, you asked?” she smiled. “What do I need to be more than The Face of SCW? I'll tell you...” she whispered. “The Destroyer of Wonderland!”
“Let go of me! I order you!” Giovanni roared, trying to use his authoritative power to control Selena.

“Jibber jabber...” Selena whispered, flexing her claw. “Jibber jabber – it's all jibber...it's all jabber..”

Those were the last words as she gave in, and struck the damn bastard – far more evil Vixen Cain, far more egotistical than Sienna Swann, far more dangerous than Red Rayne – 

She gave in and released her claw upon him before her vision went black.


Hennepin Healthcare Clinic – Patient Resting Rooms Wing
June 15, 2019

Sapphire eyes shot open and Selena almost ripped herself up to sit. But a staggering pain ripped through her entire body. Her arms, her back, her legs, nothing felt safe. Nothing felt good. She wanted to scream at such pain but there was no voice in her throat. She felt something there, silencing her, as if it was rammed in there, filling her lungs with air to keep her alive! 

Fear gripped her. Where was she? What the hell was going on? Desperately, she reached up within the dark room – the only illumination coming from the streaming moonlight from a nearby window – to try and feel the thing that was stealing her voice and filling her throat - 

And she almost screamed at what she saw. For in that moonlight, her own hand looked twice as big! It had thicker fingers and something between each one!

Is it still here?! she asked. What had happened to the WCW? Had she lost to Giovanni? Had the weapon from that creature – the claw that had morphed itself onto her hand – failed her? Was she to become a broken one like Konrad and James or join those that had failed like Owen and Sienna and be put on injury leave?

Wait... her mind snapped. That last part didn't happen... Owen is fine!

And as she thought that, staring up at her altered hand, her other senses – at first overwhelmed by the pain she was in, came back. And she could feel a warmth on her 'deformed' hand, as part of it moved and flexed, the webbing revealing to be another set of fingers that squeezed her hand tightly before drawing it back to the bed. Selena watched its journey, fascinated, as her hand lowered to be held tightly by the sleeping woman beside her, the glowing moonlight showing the bright red of her hair.

Selena's eyes widened. Deanna! her mind screamed. She tried to speak the name but could not. With that name, though, came the flood of memories – the events of what had happened. She had been falling, heading to the ground, thrown off the scaffold by Giovanni – meaning she wasn't the United States Champion anymore... Selena didn't allow herself time to morn that, instead focusing on what her thoughts had been as she had crashed to the earth.

Xander...attacking my bus... going after Deanna...

Carefully, Selena lifted her hand that Deanna held in her sleep, using it to stoke her wife's cheek. At first, Deanna only stirred a little, but as Selena continued, her young wife seemed to blink her eyes open. “Stop moving.” she moaned, taking Selena's hand back into hers. “I just want to hold you.”

Selena would have giggled if she could have. Deanna, meanwhile, needed a second to fully awaken and understand what a moving hand from Selena would mean. The redhead's head shot up – emerald eyes meeting sapphire eyes.

“Selena!” Deanna gasped, pulling herself up out of the chair by Selena's bed to lean over it, her hands cupping Selena's face. “You're awake!”

Desperately, Selena's hands cupped Deanna's as well, the platinum-blonde checking every part of her wife's face that she could see. She tried to speak, but could only get a few groans and moans out from the tube. She wanted to rip it out! Angrily, with hot tears stinging her eyes, she tried to speak through it, but again, got no where, causing more tears.

“Easy...easy...” Deanna tried, taking Selena's shoulders to secure her to the bed. “Hold still and still relaxed.”

Despite herself, Selena closed her eyes and obeyed, breathing deeply to try and calm herself. At first, nothing happened, but suddenly, she felt her wife's gentle hands graze her face before the cord that was clogging her throat was pulled out, as gently as possible, in as swift a movement. Selena felt her throat burn and she immediately turned her head to cough and gag a little, but her stomach, fortunately, did not release its contents. She felt a small hand rubbing soothing circles on her back as her breathing calmed and the shock of having the breathing tube removed left her.

Turning herself back to lie on the bed, the Snow Queen gazed up at the redhead leaning over her, caressing Selena's face. “D...Deanna...” she whispered, her voice horse. “I'm so...so sorry...”

“For what?” Deanna asked in alarm. “I'm just glad you're okay.”
“I put...” her voice cracked a little causing Deanna to quickly reach over the nightstand to grab pitcher of water and paper cup. She poured a little into the cup before cupping the back of Selena's head with her free hand to help her. 

“Drink slowly.” she told Selena, aiding her as Selena sipped the water. A few cups later, Selena nodded her head and was set back on the pillow – though she used what strength she had (despite it hurting to move) to shift as far to the side of the bed as she could, hoping her wife would notice. Throwing the paper cup in the garbage, Deanna turned to see her wife... and the new space that was available on the bed. “Subtle.” she teased before crawling onto the bed. “I don't want to hurt you.” she suddenly said in alarm.

Instead of a spoken answer, Selena reached out to gently pull Deanna down to snuggle beside her, the bruised wrestler wrapping her arms around her wife as best as she could. 

“I put you in danger.” she finally said. “I'm sorry.”
She felt Deanna shake her head. “You didn't do that. Xander did.”
“Did...did he hurt you?” she felt a rage fill her at the question.
“No. Staff and Regan made sure he never got close.” Deanna whispered. “Just scared me.”

Instinctively, though it hurt a little, Selena squeezed her wife tightly. “I'm going to kill him.” she stated through her horse voice.

There was a moment of silence before she heard Deanna's voice. “I hope you do.” she admitted. “He's a monster...”

It was that word that made Selena re-remember her dream, lifting her right hand to gaze at the slender fingers and pale skin, feeling her wife drift back to sleep. You have no idea what a monster is, my love... she thought as she leaned down to kiss her wife's crown, her last thought a dark one as she, too, drifted back to sleep – this time away from her fears of a Wonderland company. 

But they all will know... soon enough...


The Royal Letter

The camera opens up to the sound of bells chiming loudly as they tell the hour. They ring loudly from where the camera is, which is actually quite close. These are the bells of the Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal, Quebec, which stands by a few yards away from the nearby Maisonneuve Monument, the camera catching several different shots of the fountain/statues and the basilica. Yet, as the bells toll, another sound is heard, that of woman singing. 

Now... here is a riddle to guess if you can... sing the bells of Notre Dame...

The camera doesn't focus on the source of the song right away, but rather on two of the four mascarons, sculpted, chimera faces, and the faces of Charles Le Moyne, Lambert Closse and finally, of Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve... the words synching to their display.

What makes a monster and what makes a man?

The camera changes, finally, to a shot of the singer as she sits on the edge of the fountain, her gaze is towards the basilica and she wears a pair of tight blue jeans, a white, flowing blouse with long sleeves, and her hair is in its iconic braid. 

The bells of notre dame...

The singer, Selena Frost, takes a deep breath, before turning her head towards the camera. I know it's not much of a stretch. Me, singing a tune from Disney. But, given the weeks I've had, it's been something that's been running through my mind. And with tonight being...well Taking Hold of the Flame and being here in Montreal, Quebec, home of the Notre Dame Basilica... it seems almost... fitting? Destiny-based, perhaps?

The Snow Queen sighs.

I imagine many people are expecting me to make the same promise as everyone else, right, just in my own way? Vow to win the royale? Go to Rise to Greatness? Take on the World Champion? Throw my own little spin on it like 'The Unbelievable Main-Event'? The thing that I've wanted to do for years? Almost as much as I wanted to be United States Champion...

For a moment, Selena looks around the space surrounding her. Yeah, I'm not that anymore. After about five months of defending that title in every match I was in – being the workhorse of SCW – I'm not the champion anymore. It's funny because, you'd think that would be what motivates me to move on. Because, let's face it, I defended the title against former world champions. Hell, I defended the title more than anyone else, including the world champion, Syren. Yeah, while she was hiding with Ravyn in some hole, I was there doing my job – being the Face of SCW. 

And there are...so many issues now surrounding the U.S. Title that I don't even know where to start. The rage, the anger, the frustration of seeing what's happened to it? I won't repeat what my wife said – and if you're wondering if I put her up to that, I didn't. But do I stand by her words? One-hundred percent! And I think it's 'cute' that Giovanni wants to preach about 'freedom of expression' and then subtly tweets that my wife is going to be punished for her opinions. What happened to non-violence, Gio? 

Or does that only apply when it benefits you? Like every other 'ruling' and 'decree' you've made thus far?

Selena shakes her head. You know, I look at this – the past few weeks and I have to admit, this is the first time this year that I've been at a loss. I mean, start of the year, I hit the ground running. I became United States Champion, exposed Bree Lancaster for the whining, cowardly, egotistical brat that she is, and then just keep doing my thing in retaining the title. But now? After everything that's happened – I'm not sure where to after tonight. Part of me wants to go after Gio, get back the United States title. Another part of me...

Closing her eyes, Selena sighs. What makes a monster and what makes a man?

I mean, in the story, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, it was simple – especially the Disney version. Quasimodo was the person that looked like a monster but was truly a man underneath, while his 'master' Frollo looked like a man but was truly an evil bastard underneath. Simple really. At least from where the movie was concerned. But life isn't really that simple, is it?

I mean... I listen to all of you, the SCW Universe. I said it last time – some of you like Giovanni Aries. You like the Wonderland notion and you cheer along. I'm not saying you're wrong, but that is the luxury of being the audience. Of having the power that you deserve to have as the SCW Universe. You don't have to worry about your spouses being attacked by that mad man or his henchmen. You don't have to lie awake and relive those horrifying moments over and over again. You don't have to see your life flash before your eyes as you fall twenty feet into gods know what to break your fall – or break you...

Closing her eyes again, Selena looks a little lost in thought, as if reliving the memories of that horrid night a few weeks ago. She gives her head a little jerk before opening her eyes again. And because of that, I can't be on the same page as some of you. I can't see Giovanni or the Wonderland as something entertaining or joyous. I can't see his group as just a 'group of misfits' like what Jake Starr did years ago or some kind of fraternity like “Greatnerity” apparently was or even some kind of ruling body like “Monarchy” became.

All I can see is the evil being done. The people that have been hurt. And I'll direct this at Giovanni, but it's a question maybe the SCW Universe deserves to answer to.

Did Deanna deserve that, Giovanni?

Selena glares into the camera. 

You preached about how Mr. D. deserved the beating he got from Xander Valentine when the SCW creator simply wanted to leave with dignity and respect – which he has more than earned. What about my wife? What did she do? Despite my silence on social media, I did read Twitter. I saw Mikalea take you to task. And you, in typical coward fashion, couldn't give her a straight answer. You ducked and dodged the question on whether my wife deserved to be harassed like that. What was it you said? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”?

The Snow Queen shakes her head. So you condone Xander's actions. That actually makes this a hell of a lot easier. Because I was already mad that you were willing to look the other way on Xander because you prospered by his distraction, but now that you're siding with him, further showing your happiness at what he's done to an innocent mother of three? It's made my decision a hell of a lot easier.

Because I'm not interested in making false promises about an “Unbelievable Main Event”.
The Snow Queen takes a deep breath. It's true! There's forty superstars, only one can win. Most of them are airing promos going on tangents over “how they'll win” and I know someone as arrogant as Bree or someone from Dark Fantasy is going to proclaim it as “destiny”. Well, if everyone does that and there can only be one winner – do the math! It means thirty-nine people are going to be liars.

Do get me wrong. I would love to headline Rise to Greatness. You kidding me? Last year, I was in the top five. A previous year? I was the last person eliminated. I've come close practically every year to winning it but have always come up short. I would LOVE to stand tall and put that little check on my resume – that I finally won the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale. That, after years of promising that “Unbelievable Main Event”, I can finally deliver on it...

She shakes her head. But I'm not going to do that. Because I'm not here, in Montreal, to be that woman... the wrestler that so many of you have cheered for. Not tonight.

I'm not here to “take hold of the flame” like everyone else is going to claim. I'm here...to be the fire that burns it all to the ground...

There is a moment of silence, the only sound being the wind that blows Selena's braid a little.

And while Giovanni is hiding away in a hole somewhere, though he has 'promised' a platform to make a statement, I can say that I don't mind that tonight. I want him to see, rather than experience this.

Because you were right about something, Giovanni. You kept telling the world how I cared deeply about the narrative of things. How I had to have things my way... and you were right. Yeah, I did – part of me still does. I don't want to be hated by SCW. I want to support them and I want to be an inspiration to them. I want to help build its future! And I can handle my name being dragged through the mud by roster members, like you've tried to do – not very original when you see my history. Your propaganda has nothing on Christy Matthews and Autumn Valentine when they were declaring me a 'traitor' for not 'doing enough for SCW'. I'd go as far as to say Regan Street and Sienna Swann did a better job of painting me in a harsh light.

But I will admit, hearing the fans cheer for your Wonderland, which condoned Xander Valentine's attack on Mr. D.? Condoned your attacking the board members back in August of last year? It unsettled me. But the more and more I have thought about it, the more and more something came to my mind...

Selena casts her gaze towards the basilica of Notre Dame. You know there are some people that believe the Devil in Christianity is the good guy while God is the bad guy? Yeah, hard to believe – maybe not for you because one of the people – one of your 'weapons' that you hide behind is “The Devil” Damian Angel – but for the rest of us, it's odd, right? I mean, this beautiful church, build out of inspiration and devotion to the supposed master of the universe – the notion that “God is love”. That things like marriages – like when I married Deanna – was done under some form of reference to God/gods... and yet, according to certain people's stories, he's the bad guy...

Like I am the villain to you and your Wonderland...

Selena clicks her tongue inside her mouth as she repeats. What makes a monster and what makes a man...

I think it's perspective. A person may be a traitor to one land but a hero and idolized in another. It's how you look at them and at yourself. Is that how you validate your choices, Giovanni? Is that how Xander Valentine is validating his actions? Justifying his rage against me and my family?

Because if it's as simple as that, then I can freely say... go ahead... see me as the villain of your Wonderland – I will gladly take on that role!

A pained smile breaks across Selena's face. You want me to be the villain in this story Giovanni? You want me to be your “lizard” whatever? I'll do you one better. I'll be the villain – I'll be the monster - that you've been too scared to talk about. Christianity has Lucifer and the multi-headed Cerberus in Revelations. And your Wonderland has one too. You've mentioned your tea-parties and your rabbits and let's not forget you, Mad Hatter, with the Cheshire grin... but one dark secret you've kept locked away? One secret of the Wonderland that you've neglected to tell us about?

It's not the Lizard King.
It's not the Lizard people.

It's the monster you've made me into – you and Xander. A monster I've come to know by name: The Jabberwock!

A second of silence passes as Selena stands to her feet, her eyes blazing. 

And as in uffish thought he stood, 
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood 
And burbled as it came!

A year ago, being such a creature would have terrified me. How could I be a fighter of good or inspiration to the SCW Universe to fight for what you believe in if I became such a creature? And yet...
Selena turns her head back towards the basilica. Look at the Cathedral this work was based off of. The original Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned... years of tradition and work, destroyed in mere hours...

And yet... Paris did not break. The World did not break. They rallied together and prayed and are working to rebuild the Cathedral... because they believe in it. Believe in its beauty. Believe in its greatness...

Reaching up, Selena runs a hand along her braid. Which is why your Wonderland will never destroy SCW. You can burn us, break us, hinder us, execute us with your dog Executioner, Gio, but always, we will rise and come back and rebuild. Because you can destroy our bodies. Destroy our titles in fire, but like Notre Dame, the ideals cannot be so easily destroyed! The beliefs cannot be so easily shattered!

And if SCW can survive such fires... then I can be the Jabberwock and burn your Wonderland to the ground – even if I'm hated for it – because I believe SCW will survive and regrow and rebuild better than ever!

So...Giovanni, I hope you get it now. Understand the picture of what you've unleashed. Because tonight, I'm not looking for greatness or the spotlight. I'm coming for you, for Konrad, for Damian... but most importantly...

Selena's eyes narrow. I'm coming for you, Xander. Yes. I warned you that a price was going to be paid by you. See, you've been around long enough, you know the score. You know what we should do and what we shouldn't. I've forgiven a lot of people in my past that have done wrong to me or the people I've cared about – because I've made mistakes and been forgiven too. Regan, Kennedy, Rachel Tatum, Kelcey – I could go on. But I forgave people and they forgave me.

But you? You crossed the line, Xander. One that only one other person has crossed. I suggest you talk to him and see what happened to him before you two meet in the royale – his name is Chris Cannon – after he put his hands on my wife. Believe me, after all he's done, I'm hoping I can get a few good hits on him before I get to you.

Because make no mistake about it, Xander, I may have signed on to the royale, at first, to achieve my dream of “the unbelievable main-event” but now? After everything? I'm willing to burn right through that dream to get my hands on you. Because what you did? Endangering my wife?!

I have no forgiveness for you. And if I burn alongside you for it, then so be it! But Deanna? She deserved NOTHING of what you did to her. She deserved NOTHING of the fear you put in her. Her screams were the last thing I heard as I fell from the heavens into hell below. And they've been filling my ears and my nightmares ever since. The only thing that has kept me sane these last few weeks has been my mission to make you and Giovanni pay for it all. And while Gio can hide... you can't.

Because monsters don't hide, do they, Xander? That's what you want right? Me to fear you? SCW to fear you? Your mantle back?
Selena shakes her head. You're not going to get it hiding in your house, having your messages delivered to us by video. You're going to get it by getting in the ring and fighting me. I can assure you that, even if I draw the first number, I WILL be there when you finally come out. And I won't rest until you are carried out!

Selena takes a deep breath, her eyes softening a bit. But to Regan, Kennedy, Glory, and... a small smile graces her lips. Rachel Tatum...I'm so happy to see you back... I wish it was under better circumstances. But tonight, I can't – no... I won't be the woman you all know. I won't be the sister you know, Regan. I won't be the wrestler you've seen me as, Glory. I won't be the Snow Queen you've known for years, Kennedy. I won't be the girl you knew, Rachel...

Not tonight.
she shakes her head sadly, silently apologizing to the women she has come to see as friends and, in some cases, sisters. Regan, you know Deanna – you know what she means to me. You, too, Kennedy. Rachel as well. You know there are only two things in this world I love more than SCW – and that's her and my family. I'm NOTHING without her. 

And Xander was ready to take that away from me... and he and Gio are laughing at how close he came to doing it...

I can't... I won't be a wrestler tonight, my friends. I can't be “The Snow Queen” tonight. I need to be me: Selena Frost. A woman that's had the love of her life threatened. I need to avenge my wife, protect her, and punish that bastard that tried to hurt her! And I know all of you can understand, but Regan... you most of all... if it was David – your David...

Selena takes a deep breath. I pray one of you makes it to the end and headlines Rise to Greatness. You all deserve it. But until I am done, all of you... I am going to be burning out of control! I will be the blizzard that freezes, the fire that burns, and the Jabberwock that kills! So point me in the right direction and the get the hell out of my way. I'm saying that because I love you all and I can't promise that I'll not burn any of you tonight.

Reaching up, Selena wipes a tear from her eye before taking a breath to calm herself.

As for you, Xander, Gio and the Wonderland... she smirks a little, her voice a little darker. 

Beware the Jabberwock, my son! 
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Reaching up her right hand, Selena flexes it until it resembles something of a claw. Tonight, I will catch you, Xander. I will Frost bite you – and when your screams of pain and cries for mercy, from you 'oh great monster and executioner' – when your cries have silenced the memories of my wife's screams of terror, then, and ONLY then, will I dump you out of the ring... dump you at the feet of your master, Giovanni!

And after that – I hope to celebrate with the royale winner. 'O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'

Despite the joyous words of the poem, Selena's tone is still cold and dark.

Believe it, Giovanni... Believe it, Xander Valentine. And sing the bells of notre dame...

Once more, Selena flexes her hand like a claw. For tonight...and tonight only. I am NOT SCW!

The camera fades from the avenging wife – her path, dark as it may seem – all too clear...
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by SnowQueenSCW - 05-31-2019, 10:02 PM

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