05-22-2019, 07:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 05:55 PM by Rachel Tatum Lee.)
Wrestler's Alias: "The Violent Kind" Rachel Tatum Lee
Wrestler's Real Name: Rachel Tatum Lee
Pic Base: Mickie James
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Birthdate: 1/30/86
Birth Place: Laredo, TX.
Current Residence: Dallas, TX.
Hair Color: Long, Brunette
Eye Color: Light Brown
Piercings: 1 Belly Button, 1 on Each Ear
Tattoos: 2 (Rattlesnake/Dragon on Right Ankle and Foot, Texas Longhorn on Lower Back)
Wrestling Style: Brawler/High Flyer
Alignment: Tweener
Years Pro: 10
Finishers: "oBITCHuary", “Laredo Lasso”, "Hush"
Finishers Descriptions:
oBITCHuary: Is a Variation of a classic DDT in which Rachel first applies a Hammerlock on the opponent's further arm, then goes for a front Face Lock, tying her right leg around the opponent in a sweeping motions, then falls backwards on to her back, driving the opponent's head down to the mat with brute force and knocking them unconscious for the easy 1-2-3. (Primary Finisher).
“Laredo Lasso”: The “Laredo Lasso” is Lee’s version of the crooked arm lariat is performed when Frost runs towards an opponent with the arm bent upward at the elbow 60–90 degrees and wraps her arm around their head forcing them to the ground. The move is sudden and can knock out an opponent for the easy 1-2-3. (Quick Match Finisher)
"Hush" "Hush" is Rachel's version of The mandible claw, is a maneuver which, when applied correctly against an individual, is purported to cause intense, legitimate pain. The hold is applied when Rachel places her middle and ring fingers into the opponent's mouth, sliding them under the tongue and jabbing into the soft tissue found at the bottom of the mouth. The thumb and/or palm of the same hand is placed under the jaw, and pressure is applied downward by the middle and ring fingers while the thumb/palm forces the jaw upwards. The move is paralyzing and can get the easy submission or the three count. (Secondary Finisher, Favored Against Bigger Opponents)
Underground or Illegal Match Finishers:
”Dead In Tombstone”: Rachel places her stronger arm between the opponent's legs and her weaker arm on the opposite shoulder and lifts the opponent onto their stronger shoulder, similar to a scoop slam lift, and into a reverse piledriver position. Rachel then jumps and spins to her knees, driving the opponent's head into the mat and knocking them unconscious for the easy 1-2-3. Better known as a Tombstone Piledriver. (Former Primary Finisher) (NOW an Illegal Maneuver)
"Texas Hangin'": Lee ties a noose around her opponents neck and either throws them over the top rope and pulls on the noose to hang them or she well bend over choking the opponent over her shoulder using her back as leverage while they lay on it. Rachel will not let go until they are rendered unconscious.
Blood On My Hands: A Brass Knuckle Punch that will knock an opponent out when Lee swings a right haymaker connecting to the jaw, she will not stop though and keep punching until her hands have blood on them.
The Twister: The White Out is a Lou Thesz Press performed from the top of a cage or elevated position while Frost holds her noose, wire or bull rope and simultaneously clotheslines the opponent while landing on top of them. (Usually for Cage Matches)
****Underground Weapons: Noose, Branding Iron, Cow Bell with rope, Spurs, Cattle Prod, Coal Miner's Glove, Taped fists with glass shards, Plexiglas, Brass Knuckles.
Signature Moves:
"A Lick & a Promise", “Hang Em’ High”, "8 Seconds", “Boot-Licker”, “Bronco Buster”, “Deadshot”, “Tan Your Hide”, "Skipjack".
Signature Moves Descriptions:
"A Lick & A Promise": "A Lick & A Promise" is literally a roundhouse kick performed by turning as if for a back straight kick and executing a roundhouse kick. It is known as a Reverse Roundhouse Kick because Rachel turns in the opposite, or "reverse", direction before the kick is executed. This kick strikes with the ball of the foot for power knocking the opponent out for the easy 1-2-3. Rachel will kiss her opponent before executing the kick. (Primarily used against opponents her size or bigger**)
”Bronco Buster”: In the bronco buster, an opponent is seated in the corner of the ring while the Rachel jumps in the corner, straddling her opponent's body, and bounces up and down on the opponent's chest.
”8 Seconds”: Lee starts by catching the opponent's right/left arm in a leg scissor, often either by dragging the arm down or switching into position via an Omoplata, before wrapping her hands around the opponent's face, pulling the opponent's head backwards applying pressure to the neck and shoulder. This maneuver usually takes no more than 8 seconds to get the submission and finish the match.
”Hang Em’ High”: “Hang Em’ High” is Frost version of the front suplex or a gourdbuster, this move sees Lee apply a front face lock to the opponent and drape the opponent's near arm over her shoulder. Lee then lifts the opponent into a vertical position and then she falls forward, driving the opponents face into the ground. The move can get a quick 3-count or set the opponent up for one of her finishers.
”Boot-Licker”: In this modified dropkick, Lee runs towards an opponent and jumps up sideways striking an opponent's head or chin with the sole of her highest foot, with similar execution as a big boot. Lee gets a lot of air with this move and can execute it at any time without warning.
”Deadshot”: Also known as a diving headbutt drop is delivered from the top rope or turnbuckle to anywhere on the opponent's body but Lee prefers to go Head to Head. This move can knock an opponent out and end the match or set them up for one of her finishers.
”Tan Your Hide”: Better known as a full nelson bomb or Sitout full nelson Atomic Drop, this move sees Lee apply a full nelson hold to the opponent from behind. Lee then lifts the opponent into the air and falls into a seated position, driving the opponent tailbone-first on to the mat in a powerbomb version and incapacitating them.
“Skipjack”: In “Skipjack”, Rachel is usually backside down on the mat as an opponent goes to pick her up or go for the pin while by her legs, Rachel with her right leg will kick the opponents left leg out from under them causing them to fall forward and as they do Rachel will raise her left knee causing the opponent to hit their head on the ball of her knee padded or not, this move can render an opponent unconscious or turn the tide of the match in Rachel's favor.
Common Moves:
Lou Thesz Press
(w/ Mounted Punches)
Spinning Heel Kick
Standing Drop Kick
Side Russian leg sweep
Flip Splash
Rolling Senton Splash
Snap Suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker
Springboard Bulldog
Running Knee Strikes
Missile Drop Kick
Flying Forearm Smash
Knife edge chops
Kicks to the thighs and calves
Hurricanrana (Any Variation)
Theme Song: “Blue" by The Birthday Massacre "Click Here to Listen You Sumbitch"
The arena goes dark....
A burning Doll House is shown with melting figurines inside it, some hanging in the various rooms of that House….
Laughter then can be heard as the chimes of "Blue" by The Birthday Massacre begins to play throughout the arena....
The black and white video tron begins to play of a shadowy figure looking into the camera in a grungy feel to the video, a scream is heard as then the face of Rachel Tatum Lee with her eyes widen, smiling while laughing.……
Suddenly the dark figure known as Rachel Tatum Lee wearing an all-black studded leather trench coat, gloves, matching Stetson and a noose with a cowbell at the end of it around her neck walks out also sporting a Hannibal like black half leather studded mask. She stops in the entrance way and for a long pause looks around at the arena which she is showered in both cheers and boos….
She slowly walks to the ring, her long dark brown hair hangs down her back while gripping her noose and stopping a few times again to look at the crowd even making eye contact to some until she reaches the ring.
Once Rachel Tatum Lee gets to the apron the crazy cowgirl takes off her mask where she stands smiling sadistically, crawling into the ring and sitting in the corner nonchalantly as they announce her....
Rachel with her hat still on just simply looks around listening to the chorus of cheers and boos, she starts to laugh some with her eyes creepily widen and keeping her focus on the opponent…..
She slowly grabs the ropes and brings herself up and takes off her gear, holding the noose up in the air while standing in the middle of the ring with a scowl on her face getting a reaction from the crowd....
Lee slowly brings her arm and noose down ready for her opponent.
A burning Doll House is shown with melting figurines inside it, some hanging in the various rooms of that House….
Laughter then can be heard as the chimes of "Blue" by The Birthday Massacre begins to play throughout the arena....
The black and white video tron begins to play of a shadowy figure looking into the camera in a grungy feel to the video, a scream is heard as then the face of Rachel Tatum Lee with her eyes widen, smiling while laughing.……
Suddenly the dark figure known as Rachel Tatum Lee wearing an all-black studded leather trench coat, gloves, matching Stetson and a noose with a cowbell at the end of it around her neck walks out also sporting a Hannibal like black half leather studded mask. She stops in the entrance way and for a long pause looks around at the arena which she is showered in both cheers and boos….
She slowly walks to the ring, her long dark brown hair hangs down her back while gripping her noose and stopping a few times again to look at the crowd even making eye contact to some until she reaches the ring.
Once Rachel Tatum Lee gets to the apron the crazy cowgirl takes off her mask where she stands smiling sadistically, crawling into the ring and sitting in the corner nonchalantly as they announce her....
Rachel with her hat still on just simply looks around listening to the chorus of cheers and boos, she starts to laugh some with her eyes creepily widen and keeping her focus on the opponent…..
She slowly grabs the ropes and brings herself up and takes off her gear, holding the noose up in the air while standing in the middle of the ring with a scowl on her face getting a reaction from the crowd....
Lee slowly brings her arm and noose down ready for her opponent.
Rachel has a fiery personality that translates well in the ring. She is vicious by nature and driven to success and sadistic by heart. Rachel is also a very sound wrestler mixing brawling with technical moves and high flying Maneuver’s. Rachel is surprisingly strong for a woman her size and arguably one of the strongest women pound for pound in wrestling today. Rachel is tough, no question about it so it will take a lot to beat this Cowgirl and even if by chance you do she will still keep fighting. Frost has heart, she has spirit and she has a never say die attitude as she will fight until she can’t fight anymore. If you want a fight, look no further than Rachel Frost.
Rachel is stubborn and tries to sometimes do too much. Especially in tag team matches Frost will opt not to tag out to try and finish the job which could cost her the match. Rachel also is a drinker, she’s a Cowgirl and though she has never wrestled drunk sometimes she chooses a night at the bar instead of a night at the gym. Rachel is tough, strong for her size but her temper can sometimes get in the way of her better judgment for once this Cowgirl is mad there is no turning back.
Rachel Frost is a wild and crazy cowgirl. She likes to curse, drink, dance and party. Rachel is a tough girl and will challenge anyone at anything especially if she doesn’t like you. Rachel has a short temper because she has not time for bullshit. Rachel also has a complete disregard for rules, she doesn’t like them because she beats to her own drum. Rachel is a girl who knows what she wants and if you try to get in her way she’ll whoop your ass, no questions asked.
Rachel Tatum Lee is a Texas born cowgirl that takes her heritage very seriously. Growing up on a ranch in Laredo Texas, her father was a well-known Rodeo promoter and Cattle Rancher; he also owned one of the biggest beef manufacturers in the state of Texas. As a little girl, Rachel who prefers to be called by her middle name than her first name Rachel quickly fell in love with horses and the whole Rodeo lifestyle. She began riding horses at the age of 5 and became not only a champion Equestrian but also began competing at Rodeos throughout the state of Texas until she made it to nationals in her early teens.
While in High School, Rachel was a star athlete in Rodeo and Softball, she had great grades because she was very smart but one thing Rachel also had was a temper. There were times when she would get in a lot of trouble for fighting. There was also a time when she was almost kicked off the Softball team for using excessive force and bad sportsmanship. This infuriated Rachel so she went out for the High School Wrestling team, made it and went undefeated the two years she was on the team beating all the boys. When Rachel graduated High School she received a full scholarship to the University of Texas for Rodeo. Rachel was off to college where she would soon become the woman known as Tatum “Quickdraw” McGraw.
While in College, Tatum became a star Rodeo Athlete, she began to get endorsements to go pro. During that time she met a man named Wendell McGraw, a star football player from Texas turned Rodeo Cowboy, they met on the circuit and quickly fell for each other. The two were inseparable and within 6 months Wendell proposed to Tatum, by the end of that calendar year, 2006 they were married. In 2008 after both had graduated from The University of Texas they had both gone to the Rodeo circuit full time. Tatum who was now a McGraw became so quick in lassoing cattle, hog tying and riding the bulls that she earned the name of “Quickdraw” McGraw for her lightning speed and incredible finesse. This caught the eyes of a few wrestling scouts for the now defunct SWA and they quickly offered big bucks to sign them both though Tatum was still contractually committed to the Rodeo Circuit, she could not compete in the ring so instead she managed her husband along with two other Texas wrestlers, “Diamondback” James Taylor, “Foul” Frank Roberts and her husband, “The Widowmaker” Wendell McGraw, collectively the stable was known as the Texas Badlanders and they whooped ass across the globe under the helm of Tatum “Quickdraw” McGraw.
For two years they raised Hell. Tatum found herself in a lot of Bar room brawls, they even tore up a whole casino in Las Vegas, the Badlanders were out of control and Tatum was the only one that could control them but why when she could have as much fun with them. After the SWA folded, Taylor went off on his own, Roberts went to NEWA and Wendell along with Tatum headed to Japan to wrestle. While in Japan, Wendell dominated, Tatum also began to wrestle as she went full time with wrestling when her Rodeo Contract was up. Tragedy struck the McGraw’s though as Wendell during a match in late 2010 suffered a severe head injury that at the time was not seen as severe but two days later Wendell had a brain aneurysm and passed away. This devastated Tatum and she disappeared never to be heard from again…..
Tatum has resurfaced and this time with a purpose. The pretty Texas girl has a huge chip on her shoulder; she is meaner, nastier and has no regards to anyone else’s safety or well-being. She has a history of getting into many fights especially in bars; she has a new dedication to her late husband as she keeps the McGraw last name. She has taken his persona with her ring gear wearing the chaps, Stetson and spurs, she also brings out his traditional bull rope. Tatum is very pretty, she is all woman but she will get down and dirty with any man that thinks it’s wise to challenge her. In the ring Tatum is mean, relentless, violent and will do whatever it takes to hurt someone. She is known to use the bull rope or spurs in post-match attacks any way she sees fit including hog tying or even hanging her defeated opponents.
Tatum is not the tallest woman in the bunch but she is all muscle and as strong as an ox. She is 5’6” and 128 lbs., she is deceivingly strong, she likes to turn the fight into brawl yet she is as quick as a cat, performing high flying moves with ease. She has incorporated many of her late husband’s moves into her arsenal as a tribute to him including his entrance theme and has mastered “The Texas Lariat” that she calls the” Laredo Lasso”. Tatum McGraw is here to kick ass, win matches, honor her fallen husband and finally to win Championship Gold. With the help of Billionaire Oil Tycoon, “Wild” Bill Wayne who was the Step Father of her late husband, McGraw now has the tool, resources and brains behind her quest to be the best in SCW. This Cowgirl means business and all she needed was a new Rodeo stage and SCW is just that and it’s stars her cattle.
After a two year stint with Aiken Frost, marrying him and joining the Coalition while in the process becoming one of the most dangerous Hardcore wrestlers in the world, Rachel Tatum Lee became known as The Violent Kind. Recently she has split from Josh Hudson, married after a year, winning the UWA World Championship until it closed and is trying to find herself again but never relenting in her fight to be the Most Dangerous Woman on the Planet. Once aligned with the mysterious Goddard and his sect called Tombstone,she now goes on her own ready to make the wrongs right as she left the SCW after RTG XIII leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. With a new outlook and burning desire, the skies the limit for Rachel.
Ring Attire:
Rachel wears to the ring black denim shorts or leather shorts, a black denim matching sleeveless top, more like a halter top, black knee pads, leather knee high black boots, her right hand she wears a leather band with her two fingers taped, her left hand is taped up while sporting an elbow pad on her right arm as well. To the ring she wears her Stetson hat and chaps or a black trench coat.
Street Attire:
Rachel is a Texas girl and dresses the part with jeans, shirts, tank tops, vests, cowgirl boots, big belt buckles and a Stetson Hat. She will dress to the occasion and is not beyond dressing up for a formal function. Rachel is a beautiful girl so she takes care of herself but she bleeds Texas and dresses like she is still at the Rodeo but makes anything look sexy on herself.
-1x SCW Underground Champion (Defeated Rachel Foxx at Retribution PPV on 3/18/13)
-1x IWC No Holds Barred Champion
-1x UWA World Champion
-On 7/13/12 Tatum McGraw made her in-ring debut in SCW when she defeated Gia Rose in a hard fought match. Tatum showed that the SCW better get ready for a Texas sized ass-whooping.
-On the 7/25/12 Special Edition of Breakdown before Rise to Greatness 2012, Tatum found herself in a 4-Way Dance against Vanessa Havoc, Rachel Evans & Gia Rose. Tatum came out victorious by pinning Gia Rose on her way to her second victory. Now she goes on to face two newcomers in a Triple Threat on Aggression 8/19/12.
-On 8/19/12 Tatum McGraw faced Amelia Robson and Rylee Parthenopaus in a three way dance that ended strangley when Tatum tripped over Robson after she laid her out and Rylee scored the pin on Robson. Tatum was not happy and she looks to get one back on Rylee.
-On the 8/29/12 Edition of Breakdown, Tatum McGraw was the surprise opponent of Liam Ashcroft and defeated him though Collin Cole attacked Ashcroft before the match, the tough Liam still gave her a fight but Tatum was able to defeat him for the biggest win in her young SCW career.
-On the 9/2/12 Edition of Aggression, Tatum McGraw made her debut in the Underground Division by going up against Billy Mitchell in a bloody, hard fought match. After Tatum defeated Mitchell she was attacked by Liam Ashcroft with her own Cattle Prod and zappe twice following a beat down by Ashcroft setting up their match at the Apocalypse PPV Pre-Show Aggression.
-On 9/16/12 Tatum fought Liam Ashcroft in an Underground Rules match in her toughest challenge to date, Tatum looked for revenge and did just that by using the Cattle Prod on Ashcroft and defeating him, solidifying her place in the Underground Division.
-On the 9/28/12 Edition of Breakdown, Tatum ran down to help her tag team partner, Stacy Kissinger from the hands of the monstrous Hannibal by hitting him in the groin and distracting him long enough to get Stacy out of there setting up a match between her and Hannibal at the 10/10/12 Edition of Breakdown.
-On 9/30/12 at Aggression Tatum handed newcomer, Mr. Fatigue's first loss in what Tatum would call a frustrating match as "The sumbitch kept fallin' asleep" but in the end she defeated him with her "Laredo Lasso" and is set to take on Hannibal.
-Tatum McGraw has now formed a tag team with fellow Texan, the beautiful and talented, Stacy Kissinger and are now known as The Dallas Delights.
-Tatum fought against the monster Hannibal at the 10/10/12 edition of Breakdown and though she is a quarter her size she hung with him the entire match, losing by DQ when Hannibal tried to crush her back and her partner Stacy Kissinger came in to help her. Tatum was not happy with the interference ordered by her manager, Wild Bill but accepted it and vowed to get Hannibal back.
-On the 10/24/12 Edition of Breakdown, Tatum and Stacy teamed for the first time as the Dallas Delights to defeat the team of Doomsday in front of their home Texas crowd. Hannibal after the match tried to interfere but all four ladies chased him off as they go into Under Attack to fight Doomsday and Hannibal in a three way.
-At Under Attack on 10/28/12 Tatum and Stacy took on Doomsday and Hannibal in a hard fought match that saw Tatum score the pinfall on Sarah Danger from Doomsday in front of their Texas fans. Later that night though both Tatum and Stacy were assaulted by the returning Natalie Dubrinsky ruining their win, Tatum now looks for payback.
-On Breakdown 11/7/12, Fatal Fortunes was in full effect, Tatum fought the Brothers Grimm, Hansel and Gretel in a Street Fight, she destroyed Hansel but again was attacked by Dubrinsky after the match was won. Stacy helped her partner but left Tatum livid and angry, she's ready to hunt a Russian.
-On Breakdown from Japan on 11/21/12 Tatum fought Natalie Dubrinsky in an Underground match in the place where her husband was accidently killed in a wrestling match in 2011. It was a very emotional match for Tatum as she defeated the dangerous Russian and cementing herself in the Underground Division. Now she looks to climb the ladder to get a shot at Rachel Foxx and the Underground Championship.
-On Breakdown in Seattle on 12/5/12 Tatum and Stacy as the Dallas Delights fought against Foxx Global members Rachel Foxx and Brittany Lohan in a hard fought match but fell to defeat when Tatum took the first pinfall loss of her SCW career to Lohan. Tatum has vowed revenge and since then Lohan has grown an obsession for Tatum.
-Tatum was not booked at the Gang Rulz PPV and was visibly upset about it blaming her loss as the reason why she was overlooked. She vows to make an impact in the Trios Tournament on 12/19/12 where she teams with Memphis Gray and the woman she wants to vanquish for the title, Rachel Foxx against Syren, Gable Winchester and the woman who pinned her, Brittany Lohan. Tatum looks forward to this match to find some vindication.
- 1x SCW Underground Champion
- 1x UWA World Champion
- 1x IWC No Holds Barred Champion
- 1x IWC No Holds Barred Champion
-Lasted over 77 Minutes at Taking Hold of the Flame 2019
- 2017 UWA Wrestler of the Year
- 2016 UWA Icon Memorial Tournament Winner
- Longest Reigning Underground Champion in SCW History (405 Days)
- Longest Reigning IWC NHB Champion in History (420 Days)
- 2013 SCW Stable of the Year (The Coalition)
- 2013 SCW Feud of the Year (The Coalition Vs. Perfect World)
Singles Record - | W - 99| L - 8 | D - 2 |
Hardcore Record - | W - 40| L - 1 | D - 0 |
Overall Record - |W - 113| L - 21 | D - 2 |
- 2016 UWA Icon Memorial Tournament Winner
- Longest Reigning Underground Champion in SCW History (405 Days)
- Longest Reigning IWC NHB Champion in History (420 Days)
- 2013 SCW Stable of the Year (The Coalition)
- 2013 SCW Feud of the Year (The Coalition Vs. Perfect World)
Singles Record - | W - 99| L - 8 | D - 2 |
Hardcore Record - | W - 40| L - 1 | D - 0 |
Overall Record - |W - 113| L - 21 | D - 2 |