With Breakdown taking place on Friday and being a week removed from Under Attack, a lot is going on in SCW:

– News from the SCW front office is that officials are investigating what happened with regard to the Chamber and the structural failure that occurred when the chains broke, causing Syren to fall out of the Chamber and need to be removed for medical reasons. Infamous, on the other hand, has been vocal in their anger. Complicating matters is that it is believed that the Chamber was used as a weapon by Selena Frost and Xander Valentine in the empty arena match that took place after Under Attack.

– Speaking about the empty arena match, few know what actually happened outside that both Xander Valentine and Selena Frost were sent for medical attention after the battle was over. Current belief coming out of Toronto is that the match in some form will broadcast on Breakdown.

– Furthermore, reports from the Front Office are particularly unhappy about the ending sequence in the Chamber match. Chris Cannon’s involvement has come up and been a hot topic, especially as he remains not medically cleared. It is expected that Sienna Swann’s first challenger for the SCW World Championship will be announced on Breakdown and there are a lot of potential challengers as a result of that Chamber match, from the former champion, Owen Cruze, to James Evans, who arguably was at a disadvantage with significant interference.

– In medical updates, Marie Jones is on the mend, having passed concussion testing late last week. She will be tested again at Breakdown with the hopes that she’ll be back in the ring soon. Gavin Taylor, as he claimed on Twitter, is also at full health.

– Finally, in odd news, Damian Angel seemed to have vanished after his match at Under Attack, pulled violently under the ring and disappearing. He is now posting cryptic messages on social media. Peyton Rice, his opponent, seems to still be quite shaken by the events.