Polly Playtime vs. Katie Steward vs. The One vs. Konrad Raab
Take four individuals with very different goals and put them in one ring and we’ll see who walks out victorious. Katie Steward looks as good as ever. Polly Playtime with her Playgirls looks as motivated as ever. Konrad Raab just wants to fight. The One meanwhile has her own rules she plays by. They will clash on Breakdown!

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm Wednesday, July 20, 2022 (RETURN TO NORMAL DEADLINE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

As Breakdown concludes and the fans have all left the arena, the crews begin to dismantle the set, the ring, and cleaning crews flood the stands effectively resetting the stage for the next event to be hosted.  Atop one remote section, blocked off from where anyone was sitting, sits The One smirking, and just taking in the whole atmosphere.

As I've heard, people used to receive messages a lot different than they do now.  It was much more direct.  It was less subtle.  It was more, in your face.  Today, everyone wants to look between the lines and believe that a concrete message FOR THEM, is somehow a nuanced, prophetic, larger than the sum of its parts meaning, than literally what is staring them in the face.  And I'm learning directness isn't something that really befits some of the SCW roster because, I thought, in fact, I know, that during all of the teases about my arrival, I only singled out one individual.  I know for a fact I didn't name anyone but ONE person, specifically, and outside of that made general references, but apparently that wasn't enough.  Apparently that individual completely missed the boat...

So when I realized that, I decided that maybe it was time to take things to another level...

That was when I decided to make sure that Where's the Beef carried the next message to the individual, but apparently, this person is so dense, they allowed this person to continue to suffer.  But then, the third time was the charm, and when I showed the world I was willing to take another meaningless L in the loss column, out comes The Beard.  Out comes the man who was so dense he didn't even know his name, my actions, everything, has led me to making a clear picture for the world to know that my goal and my path to change the culture and chapter for Supreme Championship Wrestling started with him, and it took him THIS LONG... THIS FUCKING LONG... To get to the point where he wanted to play ball and come face to face with The One.  It got to the point I had to make so many people around him feel pain, in order to make sure that he was aware that his path wasn't just going to "one day" cross mine, but it was going to be an immediate occurrence, whether he liked it or not.

And for SCW, that is who I am... That is how I work... I don't play these mind games or try and make you read between the lines.  I want you to know you're on blast.  I want you to know that you're someone who I feel needs to be part of this journey for ME and my redemption.  I'm not here to play games.  I'm here to make a statement, and I've done so every, single, time I have shown my face to the SCW world.  This is one of those times where people begin to see the difference that The One brings to this locker room.  It's not about playing politics.  It's not about sucking up.  It's not about trying to convince others that I deserve something.  No... I am here to earn something.  I am here to PROVE something.  And the proof begins somewhere, and I always said that I wasn't here to prove myself by needing accolades but by proving that things were changing.  And The Beard, he finally listened.  He finally realized that he was the endpoint for The One.  He finally decided to protect his people because I will not lie about this... I am a vengeful person.  I am someone who is willing to take that extra step, make that extra person suffer, if I feel ignored.  I understand some people may miss the message, but The Beard, The Beard missed the point.  The Beard ignored The One.  The Beard is RESPONSIBILE for what happened.

And he was the one who ended it from continuing...

So now we look ahead.  Now we look toward Rise to Greatness, but at the same time, I have to not allow myself to ignore what GIFT has been given to me at Breakdown.  You see, while The Beard is the primary target, SCW, I believe, realizes that what I am here to do, the mission I am on, is one that doesn't have to flow through one person at a time.  So what did they do, for me?  They offered up multiple sacrifices at once.  They've offered me legends, frolickers, and aggressors to take things a step further, even faster.  I've been gifted a fatal four way.  I've been gifted Polly Playtime, Konrad Raab, and lastly, the "Queen" herself, Katie Steward.

So how do I approach this?

Where do I focus my energy?

WHO do I focus my energy on?

That's the thing... There is no one person.  There is no individual, but more an aspect that relates to them all.  That aspect is time.  You see, let's begin with the legend herself.  The icon of SCW.  The "Queen," if you will, Katie Steward.  Katie Steward is someone who has stood the test of time in SCW.  She has shown her longevity.  She has shown the world that she, to a degree, is part of that group of people that I have said, all along, that I am heading after.  She's pretentious.  She's believing that she is deserving.  She surrounds herself with "yes men" constantly.  But the difference between her and, arguably, those who I believe should be purged, is that is just who Katie is.  That is a genuine behavior for Katie.  So she isn't changing who she is or modifying how she acts over time.  But where time comes into play is the one thing that eventually we all face.  Old age.  Longevity.  Bumps.  Injuries.  We have to all face the fact that Father Time takes us in different ways, and while Katie may be on an upswing, and showing signs of another resurgence in her career, she is still facing the fact that she is long in the tooth and has faced a lot of beatings in SCW.  She has faced battles.  She may still have the ability to compete, but for being the "Monarch" of SCW, maybe it is TIME for her to realize it would be better for her to phase her career out and become more of a matriarch of the organization.  Pass her knowledge on to the next generation.  Allow herself to help create the new "Queen" in SCW by mentoring her, rather than continuing to fight the urge of selfishness and belief that she is immortal.  She isn't.  Nobody is.

And I'm not here to shit on her legacy... I'm not here to say she isn't deserving of praise for what she has done.  But what she has done in recent times versus when she was truly the Katie Steward everyone remembers are two vastly different stories.  They're two vastly different careers.  But she doesn't see that.  She doesn't allow herself to read her WHOLE story.  She only allows herself to read to a certain part, and then flips back to the exciting chapters of her book, and starts over.  That's not how life works.  That's why she, of all people, being included in this match creates a moment where I can take someone who is refusing to accept the truth, and continuing to argue for something that isn't their place to argue anymore, and finally force them to turn the page.

At Breakdown, Katie Steward's story will come to an end...

And while that may seem cruel for me to say about a legend, time moves forward and nobody, including a "Queen" can stop it.  She can't call upon her kingdom to reverse the course of time to bring her back to the days when she was, who many regard, as one of SCW's elite talents.  She has to accept that her story has what every story has and it's a beginning, a middle, and an end.  And in all cases, someone has to be the bad guy or girl and make that realization a reality for the person... And in her case, there is only The One...

The one pulls out of floss pick and puts it in her mouth as a toothpick, continuing to talk.

... And when you look at this, and all of this going on around you, everything takes time.  Everything follows the flow of time.  It's linear.  And in a sense, so are all of the participants in the match.  We started way back at the beginning of the SCW timeline, with Katie.  Now let's progress forward in timeline of Supreme Championship Wrestling about halfway, and we find ourselves at competitor numbero two.  This individual, I'd like to say, is someone who I believe embodies a lot of what SCW used to mean to the world, and is now embracing it and showcasing it to the world.  He's someone who I believe could be a future "face of the franchise," whether or not he is liked by the masses or not.  But while I see him as someone I admire the tenacity of, I see him as someone simply in my way.  He's no stepping stone.  Konrad Raab is a veteran in SCW and someone who has earned a lot of respect in what he's accomplished, but when it comes to The One, he's not someone on my radar.

For that, he should be thankful...

Because I may sing his praises, and give him the benefit of knowing I see what SCW needs in its next chapter in him, he's still some guy who goes to the morgue for his morning Starbucks, and is entering my personal space.  That's not something I really care for.  My space, is my space.  And I get his motivation coming into this match.  Look at Rise to Greatness for him.  Look at what he has in store.  He has a match, well potentially matches, where he can fight to become the next in line for one of SCW's pieces of shiny metal.  And his opposition, it's nothing to scoff at either, so look at what this match could mean for him.  Momentum.  The idea that Konrad Raab could walk into the biggest night of his life with the wind at his back, pushing him forward, if it only wasn't for the fact that this TIME...

THIS... ONE... TIME...

He wasn't walking in against just a group of nobodies, but a legend, a playgirl, and most importantly The One...

Konrad, I respect you and what you bring to the table, but I feel bad sweeping the rug out from under your feet with such vigor as to ruin something that you could possibly find emotionally uplifting.  You seem like a guy who has scratched and clawed his way for this type of moment.  You seem like someone who has wanted to finally break through the glass ceiling that someone else put above you.  And I'm not saying at Rise to Greatness you won't, but what I'm saying is, you're not using me as a moment to catapult you like Mighty Mouse at this pane of glass you're hoping to crash through like a Wonkavator.  You're going to be in the same shoes as Katie.  You're going to see someone the likes of which you have never seen at ANY TIME in your SCW career.  Because I'll stand differently from the rest.  I'll stand taller.  I won't back down, nor will I even once contemplate ever stopping or letting up.  I was born to fight.  I was bred to fight.  I was made to fight.  And for the first time in my life I'm fighting for myself, and not just for others.

And because I'm fighting for myself, it's something I'm doing for enjoyment.  I'm doing it because I want to.  And dare I say, I'm doing it because I find it... Fun?  I mean think about it.  Think about the fact I wasn't bothered holding Beef Cheeks to the point her brain was almost so depleted of blood and oxygen she didn't come back to.  The same with Beardy's buddy.  And I did it just to get his attention.  So why would some other broad who likes to jump around, act giddy, and like to play, not be the perfect ending to this piece of my SCW timeline?  The freshest, of the fresh meat, Polly Playtime.  Now Pockets, here, embellishes where SCW is currently at.  They are at a stage where we are subjected to a self-entitled, even more so than Katie Steward, little twat who wants everyone to look and pay attention to her.  She is the definition of "me, me, me."  And that... That makes me want to hurt someone.  That makes me what slap a bitch around and remind her that this isn't high school, and she's not out there trying to be the leader of the pep squad, but she's there to fight.  And I get it, "it's not the size of the dog," but let's be real... When you look at this match, size matters, and it matters a lot!

Polly... I get you may have experience on me because I truly am the newest of the new, but when it comes to the timeline of SCW, guess what?  You're old hat.  You're a part of the past and you embody what I believe is the scourge of what is left of one of the darkest times in this business.  You act out this holier-than-thou, worship me, pay attention to me, don't look at anyone else, I'll be jealous if you do, attitude.  It's who you are, and it is what you embody.  That's not what SCW is about anymore.  So you can Pocket Pool your little ass all of the way down the ramp, and you can try and act all cute and try and be sneaky, but you have two grizzled veterans, and the leader of the new revolution staring you down.  You are going to see three individuals who don't want to hear or put up with your SHIT at any point.  You're going to be the one broken, first, so the real adults in the room can handle business...

Simply put... This little ankle biter is walking into a match with three dog fighting champions and is liable to become ripped to shreds so fast, the little pop star will only be able to perform as hologram!

So for all of you out there thinking you can look at a match and predict the winner simply by what you expect, I want you to think about the notion of time.  In this short bit of time, me sitting here talking, you could look into this arena and no longer see many remnants of Supreme Championship Wrestling ever being here.  The crew, that efficient, breaking down everything and getting it ready to move on.  And The One, looking at three people who mark three specific eras in SCW's history, all representing a past that I don't necessarily see as completely relevant to my future, ready to be boxed up, and shipped off, out of The One's way, so she can head into Rise to Greatness, and begin the original start of the purging of the past.

And make no mistake... I don't look past these three... But I also know what kind of battles I've fought before.  While there may be "rules" here, the fact is, you may lose a battle to win a war.  And the truth that governs the war will be bodies, penance, and most certainly THE ONE!

The One puts her hands on the arms of the seat and stands up.  She begins to walk further toward the tarped off sections, disappearing into the darkness, as she begins to descend down one of the staircases leading backstage.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
GENESIS: Chapter Five

For once in my life I feel I have purpose.  Whatever that purpose is, I don't know, but meeting her, having her taking me under her wing to train and teach ways to release all of this pent up emotion was something I had never had.  I never felt a sense of belonging with anyone, minus those I knew online, and they were few and far between now.  The "friends" of the past were basically figments of my imagination, and my new friend was someone I didn't even know the name of.  All I knew is she saw the same drive, the same passion, the same desire to let emotions be expelled, that drew me to her in the first place, and from that moment, I knew I could do something with my life... I just didn't know what...

The next few times we saw one another, she really worked on getting me up to a similar level as she was.  She was doing this all on her own.  She wasn't being taught in person. She wasn't having an instructor show her if her form was off, and honestly she didn't care.  Nor did anyone around her.  She was the resident badass, and to a degree, people knew if they got out of line, she'd step in long before The One was ever aware of it.  With me now trying to play catch up and learn everything she did, it created an even bigger sense of security in the area we were all confined to.  It gave us all solace in knowing we were beginning to find ways to eliminate having to deal with The One, or have to worry about his presence being felt.  It was a fear we all had.  It was one he was able to instill in us without any hesitation.

We were under his thumb, and we knew it...

So we, like the ones who felt smarter than his troglodyte mentality, felt we had found our own way to operate and sustain our own hierarchy.  It was an autonomous collective, but we had our own "muscle" if need be, that didn't involve him.  And that was our goal.  Like he said, he didn't want to deal with us as much as we didn't want to deal with him.  None of us knew what he would do to us if he had to "deal with us," but by his abilities and the rumors that he knows how to extort money from our parents, we didn't want to risk getting in trouble at home for something he claims we did during their time at The Compound...

But aside from that, my focus wasn't on him, it was on her.  It was on the one person who I felt I could emulate and be like, and still be myself.  And this focus transitioned into my home and school lives as well.  My parents had begun to notice a change in my mentality as well.  I wasn't as aggressive with them.  I wasn't pushing back as much when it came to their trips out there, and it was something that they definitely noticed.  They didn't know why, nor was I about to tell them.  In their mind, I was a harmless flower.  To them, I never punched the wall.  To them, this was what they were hoping for.  They were hoping I'd make a "bunch of friends," and "have fun" going out there, but that was never the case.  But I also learned that getting the wool over their eyes was simple.  Their minds were easy to keep focused in one direction.  They were perfect patsies for watching one hand as misdirection, while the other does all the work.  And for me, that's how I wanted it to stay.

Dad: Hey kid, I just wanted to thank you for being more open about going out there with us.  I told you it'd be better than you thought, plus you're making friends!

Mom: The One said he hasn't had any problems with you at all!

Me: I wouldn't really say I've made friends.  None of us have names there.  We're all just faces.  The One told us we aren't allowed to use our actual names around the kids area, or while our parents are there.  He also said we aren't really supposed to act like we know each other in public...

Dad: Oh kiddo they tell us that, too.  Truth is, they don't want a lot of people all gathering and talking about it at once since it's a member's only club.  We see people we have met, and we talk, but we never bring up The Compound or anything.  We just ask them about how the kids are, how work is, things like that.  Normal adult conversation and nobody ever knows.  So if you see one of your little friends, you kids can talk about things, just nothing to do with what you guys do out there.  If you know each other from school, talk about school.  If you know one another from some game online, talk about that.  The One is there to try and keep things quiet and safe for all of the families involved, so he has to sound more mean than he probably really is.

Mom: Your daddy is right.  If you see one of your little friends, chat with them!  We may know their parents!

I can't help but roll my eyes.

Me: "Little friends?"  I'm not a child anymore, Mom...

Mom: You'll always be our little girl, sweetie...

Dad: She's right kid... But really... You don't have to be scared of everyone around you.  You just have to be smart about what you do and don't talk about.  You both may know, but you want to be sure everything is still quiet and not something the wrong people hear about...

This was just "how it was" around my family now.  We were a family with a secret that some knew, some didn't, and some, I assumed, had heard about but didn't know the details of.  I was now part of this weird group who had to follow rules about knowing things without knowing them.  And honestly, at home, it wasn't a big deal.  I never had anyone over.  I stayed in my room.  I honestly focused on the training videos that I could do at home without equipment so I could continue to catch up to the girl I idolized more than anyone.

School, however, proved to be a different animal for the few short weeks that were left in the year.

Walking in that first day, I expected to see eyes back on me, whispers, and everything of the like that I had experienced.  But this time, things were different.  The only eyes on me were people who recognized me and almost gave me a small nod of acknowledgement, letting me know that, for once, I wasn't REALLY that alone in this world anymore.  It was a situation where, while I didn't have anyone to specifically talk to, since I was still terrified of the secrecy aspect, nobody was curious or questioning me anymore.  The only whispers were those who weren't "in the know" and still speculating.  But at this point, it was blatantly obvious how small of a contingency they were.

It seemed to filter its way to teachers as well.  I didn't know, at the time, whether or not teachers were patrons, but even they stopped looking at me with the same weird looks.  It honestly became a situation where I felt like I could finally block out the noise, and channel my focus back to school and just ride the wave to summer.

Which is ultimately what I did...

Summer itself brought weekly visits to The Compound, and with these visits changes began to start happening.  For one, we were officially members, and no longer guests.  But I had heard my parents talking about making more money through The Compound, as the owners had begun to get "messages" about what and where to invest money.  At that age, it was above my head, and when it came to my family's finances, I knew we were were well off, and I knew my parents were involved in anything fishy.  So my level of caring was negligible because I was in middle school, they were the wise ones with the money, and honestly I was well taken care of at home.

But also what summer brought was me beginning to see things around me.  Listen more.  Talk less.  And practice even more when I was around her.  For some reason, I could sense her intensity picking up, more and more, each week.  She'd send me home during the week with "homework" of my own to practice with.  She would push me to my limits telling me and encouraging me that we had a purpose and a reason for doing what we were doing.  To me, at first, it was motivation.  It was your coach, your teacher, pushing you to try harder and reach for the coveted brass ring.  To her, far more.  And more that would soon be made abundantly clear, when The One made his presence felt, and this time, made sure we knew who was in charge.

As the "former new girl" and her new protege are working on honing their grappling skills in the back of the kids recreational center, a loud referee-like whistle echoes through the entire building.  The "new girl" looks around as everyone begins to run toward the main room, and her new mentor is quick to grab her by the shirt and yank her along.  The two are among the final ones to arrive to see The One standing there with his traditional smug look on his face.  This is the first time The One has called them all "to attention" since the "new girl's" arrival, and is truly only done when big announcements are made.

"The One": LISTEN... And I want everyone to pay CLOSE attention to what I'm about to say... As of today, your world has become even more meaningless to me, which means your job of staying out of my hair has become even more important.  The owners of this establishment, The Prophets, have deemed my role that much more important as I, The One, am to protect the most important person on this entire compound, The Oracle...

All of the kids begin to look around confused.

"The One": ... I don't expect any of you to understand the importance of this because of your menial ability to comprehend such big things, but it basically is the one person who will dictate how happy or sad your future is.  SHE is the one who predicted our greatness, and SHE will be the person who continues to do so.  And if I have any say in it, I'll be sure to find out some things about myself to ensure NOBODY ever can take this from me.  So from now on, there will be a sign installed stating when The Oracle is in session.  During those hours, if I even hear a cough out of any of you, I'll see that your family regrets ever stepping foot on MY grounds.  And not just your parents, but ESPECIALLY you.  The Oracle is the most important person here, and you all BETTER understand that.  You are nothing.  She is EVERYTHING... And the quicker you understand that, the quicker you have a much easier time around here with me... Got it?

The kids nod in unison.

"The One": Good...

The One turns and leaves with an evil grin on his face, and slams the door behind him.  The kids slowly look around, confused, and scared, before realizing the only "good thing" to do is to return to what they were doing.  The "new girl" slowly turns and begins walking back toward her and her friend's training area, and it's her friend who's loose lips begin to shed light on The One.

Girl Mentor: One day... One day I'm taking that asshole down...

Me: You mean The One?

Girl Mentor: Yeah... Well, we are!

The "new girl" freezes.

Me: We?!

The "new girl" is once again dragged along by her shirt.

Girl Mentor: Keep walking... Yes we... And hopefully more of us once we can get all of the truths we need, and we are ready to fight to bring this place down...

Me: Bring it down?

Girl Mentor: First by challenging The One and his authority, taking control, and then destroying it from the inside out.  It's the only thing that can happen...

Me: But...

Girl Mentor: Listen, New Kid, there's a lot you don't know, yet.  The One is only there because, at the time, he was the strongest of the strong.  He called out the previous "One" and challenged his authority, and from what I understand, it was a fight to the death, with The One, now, winning the battle.  That made him, basically, the new "God" of this playground.  It's just a title.  Another nameless name for the person who is in charge of being the enforcer, and getting away with murder.  And honestly... My whole reason for training is to take the power from him, find out more secrets of this place, and lead the revolt against the people who, I believe, are stealing from our parents and our families.

Me: So you want to fight that guy?

Girl Mentor: To the death, if I have to... I can't stand how he treats anyone here.  I keep the hard attitude because I want the respect, but I also want everyone here to know that if they're in danger, I'm stepping up for them.  So I want The One's head, eventually.  And once I'm The One, nobody will be able to buy me off.  Nobody will be able to bribe me.  I'll be able to train more people without anyone knowing, and we can take The Compound over.  We can expose this place, and we can be the heroes.  We can be the ones remembered for the liberation of this place.  The saving of our families and friends.  We won't be nameless or anything anymore.  We will be the ones who are remembered...

Me: We are just kids... That's an adult... A big one at that...

Girl Mentor: And everyone has a weakness, kid... You, me, and that big dick at the front gate.  It's a matter of finding it and using it against him.  That's why I'm doing my thing, and that's why I don't associate with anyone but you.  I see the same anger inside you.  That's why I picked you.  That's why I am bringing you into the fold.  It's time we begin our fight back...

Me: But...

Girl Mentor: No... No buts... This isn't something we are doing tomorrow.  It's something we do when it's right.  No talking about it with anyone at all.  We just practice, and prepare...

The "new kid," still feeling the superiority of her mentor, simply goes quiet and goes back to practicing for the rest of the time she is there that night.

This girl, she meant business.  She opened my eyes to the fact that people not wanting to be there was something not just unique to us.  Apparently she felt there was a large contingency of people she could rally to help overthrow the rule of The Compound, but to me, I didn't see it, or understand it.  All I understood was the fact that I kept feeling the positive effects of the workouts and saw the skills in myself developing.  Whatever that was I was developing into, I didn't know, nor did I care.  She trusted me to be by her side, and everyone else trusted her to protect them.  I had no reason to not see her as the mentor and the role model she was to me.

But what would the costs be?

What was this fight?

What was this coup?

This girl had a plan and she was sticking with it.  Apparently my arrival she felt was an integral piece.  Now my job was to simply stay the course.  Worst case scenario, she does whatever she's doing and the rest of us play dumb, right?  Or would we be drug in?  And what if she did challenge The One and power took over her as it's obviously consumed the man who holds the title now?  How would she know how she'd handle that kind of power, or was she so driven by the idea of making things truly right, and being the heroine of the story, that power wouldn't do to her as it does to many.  My mind was cluttered, but the workouts and training kept me from worrying and thinking about it constantly.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
Season 3 / Episode 6 / You Don't Understand!

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[Image: tbBT7sA.jpg]

Chicago, Illinois. Tuesday 18th January. (Off-Camera)

Three days ago, I asked my now fiancee to marry me, she wanted to, and I will forever spend the rest of my life with her. However, I had doubts if she did love me enough, but it turned out she did, well, I managed to knock her up after all, but it's not like we weren't going to live the rest of our lives without children, right? Anyway, as I sat down and touched her arm, I gently kissed my future wife on the lips with a smile on my face as I plan to marry the love of my life, the weakness of my life, the girl that makes me drop my guard. I clearly could easily move on from that horrible cunt I was with that cheated on me with Ian.

Still, I couldn't be happier with Luiza, who still wanted me to buy her presents every week, and I aim to please the woman who will be my life's love forever. Only now do we have to plan a date together to do so. Minerva knew I would ask Luiza to marry me because I asked her before I asked Luiza as I didn't trust that bastard father of Luiza's. We were sitting on the sofa with Luiza getting excited with her eyes wide, sitting next to each other.

Luiza Doe: “So, since you proposed to me, what are your plans for this?”

Konrad Raab: “To live a happy life. Look, I know what I do outside of the ring is dangerous, but at least if I die, you and Minerva, along with my children, will have every piece of money. I got to redo all of that later on.”

Luiza Doe: “You're so sweet of you to want to do that. I mean, it was good you broke up with her; she didn't deserve you. Even Minerva thought Fizz was shady.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, I don't want to talk about her anymore. I want to talk about us, when we want to have the wedding to take place, regarding how long or short you want to prepare for it.”

It did depend on Luiza, to be honest. I knew when I wanted to marry her, Supreme Championship Wrestling gave me a perfect location for the time of the year and that we wouldn't have to stay somewhere too expensive or hire out a fucking house for us; if only Luiza knew about that and she will eventually if I was going to wrestle on the main Rise To Greatness show because if I wrestled on the Pre Show once more, I was going to piledrive someone's fucking head and be suspended for thirty days, even though it wouldn't affect the pay at all, considering these fucks have no idea I race in NASCAR.

Luiza Doe: “I don't want to wait too long for us to get married; I want you to be happy because, truthfully, you cannot survive without Minerva or me being around you.”

Konrad Raab: “No, I'd be in prison, in an Asylum or I die. That's why I proposed to you, knowing that despite the age gap these fuckers will talk about with us, I don't give a shit what these fucks will say. It's not like celebrities haven't gone out years older than them. Look at Bernie, the former F1 boss and his model wife, there are forty-six years between them, and they've had a baby a couple of years ago.”

Luiza Doe: “Wow, I never knew that. You saying that has made me a lot better, considering I was questioning that since you asked about the age thing, but it could be worse as you said.”

Konrad Raab: “It doesn't fucking matter what people think. Anyway, what date were you thinking of?”

It was still something I wanted to know so I could at least make arrangements over it. Of course, everyone in NASCAR knew Luiza was pregnant; I told them before I told anyone else outside my family because I could trust them, compared to the wrestling world. They don't know about me proposing to her because I only did it on Saturday, and it was the best decision I made in a long time to do things outside of wrestling and NASCAR.

Luiza Doe: “What about say August when I've had the babies and when things regarding your wrestling career settle down?”

Konrad Raab: “That's exactly what I was thinking as well, it would be perfect to go to Las Vegas and get married there, but I don't want to get married before I wrestle; I would think too much about the match, and I need a couple of days to gather myself. What about three days after Rise To Greatness which will be on Wednesday the third of August, that we get married?”

Luiza Doe: “That's a fantastic plan; I love it.”

It was perfect, it was one of the things we can agree on, and Luiza will mostly deal with the dress and the flowers stuff, I have no freaking idea on that, and I know Minerva will be helping out with all of that. However, my job is to look at the wedding chapels in the Las Vegas area as I doubt my twin brother, my brother-in-law and Henry, their anger counsellor, would have a clue about that, and I want to get a new fresh suit for the wedding too.

Konrad Raab: “All you got to focus on is the dress, who will be your best lady and flowers; I will take care and pay for everything else. I will select a wedding chapel that will be good for us and a venue for us to have food in. I will find the best caters in America for wedding food and get the cake too.”

Luiza Doe: “I think you know who my best lady will be. I can trust you to do a good job in arranging the wedding, especially since you have way more experience than I do in that department. However, after these twins, I do want to say that I want two more babies before we call it a day with kids front.”

Konrad Raab: “If that's how many you want, you'll get it because I only want to do what's best for you. I'm so glad you're an independent woman that's never hit me or treated me like a piece of shit. My selection will be tough on the best man front, but I think it'll be between Dakon Theron and Kyle Busch. Of course, things can change. I could even pick my twin brother or my brother-in-law.”

Luiza Doe: “Personally, I think your twin brother will be a good choice. I can't wait to have these babies born, and I can't wait to marry a man I know will calm down when he's settled in his life. You might be angry at the world and have gotten angry more than once, but that's why I'm your weakness, and that's why you need me.”

Konrad Raab: “You're right. By the way, before you ask, I asked your sister before I told anyone else I would propose to you.”

Which was the right thing to do since she didn't have a mother; she passed away in a car accident when she was a young child. I wish I got to know her biological parents. To be honest, bet Luiza's real dad would've treated her better than my dad treated me, although I know I'd get my ass kicked if he knew I knocked her up, and the age gap too. I turned towards Luiza and kissed her for quite some time on the lips.

Luiza Doe: “I'm glad you did. Hopefully, you'll find a venue in Las Vegas before February so we can send out these invitations. We shouldn't tell anyone until they get the invitation.”

Konrad Raab: “Sounds like a plan, future Mrs Luiza Raab. Man, that's going to feel good to say.”

Luiza Doe: “It does, doesn't it? Go on, get busy with the wedding.”

Konrad Raab: “No problem at all.”

So I did as I went to kiss Luiza on the lips again, being so proud she was going to be my wife in August as I went upstairs and went on the computer to search for wedding chapels in Las Vegas, which was a perfect place for us to get married, especially Vegas was the land of weddings. All I could think about was marrying my future wife, and it was the one thing in my life apart from my fantastic NASCAR Xfinity and Cup Series career I could be proud of, although I wasn't aware of how things went in NASCAR for both series until May.


Chicago, Illinois. Tuesday 19th July. (On-Camera)

Well, you can pretty much guess where I am by now, the same old place with blood-stained windows with skeleton skulls around the room, having a bit more list of names of blood wall of fame and my secret weapon I haven't unveiled to the Supreme Championship Wrestling audience yet, but I let people wait until Rise To Greatness to know what my favourite weapon is. I discovered it in another company I'm a part of, and I loved it. Anyway, that's for another day as I focus on what I've got to tackle in front of me.

Konrad Raab: “My god, we got some fucking weak-minded bitches here to contend with. I don't care for my loss with Alexis Quinne, so what? It's not like we've seen Polly Playtime facing against easy wrestlers as of late to get wins, well, I had one, but that's because nobody wanted to fucking face me with brutality. I mean, some of you, including Christy Matthews, are straight-up pussies. All of you need hand and foot to get you somewhere and think, oh, I need assistance to get somewhere, I need assistance to take wrestlers out to show I'm a threat. That's a cheap and tacky way of doing things.”

I laughed at the two opponents I referred to mostly as The One is still unproven with all of that so far, and I loved her wrestling style. Of course, I realise I haven't got very long to talk about these worthless bitches and one to who I could see myself as a threat more than the others in the match.

Konrad Raab: “Ah, Polly Playtime, you well and truly have become absolutely pathetic. Especially you have made yourself weak for forming a team with god knows who your partner will be for the PPV. But while I may have praised you as an individual for doing well and getting yourself wins, the idea of you winning against a bunch of low-classroom wrestlers with your team is an absolute joke. Your team isn't even trained properly; that makes sense why your team has to go against low classroom wrestlers. Nobody cares about your damn games or the fact you somehow wanted to face Tsunami, that pussy who has his manager and now Jenni doing their dirty work because Tsunami is too bollockless to stand up for himself and make decisions himself.”

I spit on the floor on the covered red paint all over the floor as it reminded me to aim the camera at the tins of paint I poured all over myself because it felt good when I felt people's blood on my body, well it was paint, but it was imagining blood of my victims.

Konrad Raab: “I never needed fucking useless partners to make myself stand out; I never needed help to tackle Christy Matthews; I did it all on my own as every wrestler should do when tackling problems. If you wanted to face Tsunami, why didn't you want to go one-on-one with him in the ring? Are you too scared to face him alone? Well, what will you do when you don't have your stupid dysfunctional team at ringside? As I said a few weeks ago, I prefer to be beaten to the ground by someone attacking me from behind on my own, and I prefer to attack someone from behind on my own than being attacked from behind with someone on my side. You wanted to bring your team because you got so weak with your whining and complaining that you decided to bring your Playtime jokes to the ring, untrained, mind you, since we know nothing about your joke team apart from the low classroom wrestlers you all fought, well you did attack wrestlers backstage. Still, I didn't whine or complain to get there.”

I shake my head at Polly's attitude, knowing she set the team up on her being so weak to impact her pathetic self that she had to bring in whoever these girls were to do her job for her. Lazy bitch. I poured some red paint all over my body, and as I was on about people complaining and bitching to title shots, it was the next opponent in mind.

Konrad Raab: “We got someone else who bitched and complained too, but for a very different reason, am I right, Kate Steward? Unlike all the other opponents in this match, you're the only one I've fought in my career before. Things simply haven't changed for you. Imagine you tried to attack Syren from behind, but you have your bitch bodyguard TJ to try and protect you. I mean, you're even weaker and pathetic than Polly over there. At least she had some independence on her; you literally have none, especially with likely Gigi Steward being around.”

I forgot that Giovanni was called Gigi for a second as well, but luckily I remembered at the last minute to put Steward in as I loved the smell of paint, or in my sick mind, blood dripping all over me. I wish to lick the paint because I love the smell of my victim's blood.

Konrad Raab: “Then you bitched and complained about wanting a tag title shot? Are you kidding me? The entire time I've been around since I lost the Underground title, I did things entirely different; I didn't ask for an opportunity or demand it as you did; I attacked Christy Matthews verbally and psychically to get my way into shit, including going personal with her daughter, but I had to do it so she'd attack me and it worked perfectly. Why? Because I wanted her to come and beat the shit out of me. When the camera went off on Breakdown after she attacked me, I smiled, knowing my plan had come together. The only thing I bitched and complained about is the lack of me being on Rise To Greatness main show. We all bitch and complain about something, but your one is literally the most common shit I've seen too much off in wrestling. No, I don't have respect for you or Polly because you both are one of the main fucking issues of this company with being in a team to get relevant, to achieve in Kate's case to get something I will never want to go for, the tag titles. Tag teams are for weak wrestlers who can't do shit by themselves.”

I pour another tin of paint all over myself as I focus on the only wrestler in the entire match that I legit saw as a threat, someone who was a lot like me from what I've seen so far.

Konrad Raab: “The mysterious One. First, why are you called The One in wrestling? Are you too scared to unveil your real name? The fact is I might have been brutal in the opening, but you're the only fucking wrestler I want to face in this match, the only one I'm looking forward to. Why? Because you are an independent woman, one of the only few wrestlers around here that wants to beat the fuck out of people yourself. You're not like those two weak, pathetic creatures above you; you want to make your own name. I've seen you brutalising the fuck out of your opponents and squeezing them to get them to pass out, even causing yourself to get referees to turn the decision to DQ you out of the win, which is pathetic, but I admire you didn't care about that. You're willing to go and hurt someone to make your quest, which I fully respect.”

It had been some time since I respected someone in the ring. I couldn't give the other two respect; Kate may have the achievements in SCW, but who gives a crap about the past when she lost to Syren and who remembers Polly doing anything in SCW. I loved the taste of paint on my body and always got soaked in my red and black suit.

Konrad Raab: “However, I'm going to prove that while I prefer you do everything you can to choke me the fuck out and go right ahead, I embrace that shit, unlike those weak bitches who have no purpose of hurting anyone in the ring, we are going to batter the living hell out of each other, all for knowing who will be the most violent wrestler in the match and I embrace the violence the most. I embrace a fight where I want to beat everyone because I came here for that. Not to play mind games with opponents, not to beg for opportunities, not to beg for someone to fucking team with me.”

I needed to give The One a lesson about trust because shit needs to be said, and I don't care who it will upset at this point, considering everyone in this company makes me sick.

Konrad Raab: “Learn from this; you can't trust anyone in the wrestling business. The last time I was in a team, I got stabbed in the back, but it only made me want to succeed even more with an extra ton of violence lit up in me to do whatever I wanted because my being a hero boy was getting me nowhere. Please, you're the only one that can beat the shit out of me and the only one I take seriously in the ring to cause violence on each other, but I will be beating you because we produce violence these bitches can only wish to have. I forgot to admire that you beat Beard all by yourself, but you still won't out violence me.”

I loved that aspect of me and The One battering the shit out of each other, but I still needed to say a few more things before I ended things.

Konrad Raab: “None of you has got a much bigger opportunity at Rise To Greatness than I have, and I aim to prove a lot of people wrong that most of my opponents in the US title match only want the title, not giving a fuck who they face for the belt. I do give a fuck, and that will be vital going forward, and I'll be watching your fucking match with Alexis Quinne, and I hope she'll fuck your ass up, Christy Matthews. Just watch what I do to two weak bitches and a bitch who can be violent. I will make all three bleed and am so very determined to win this match because it's every person for themselves, and I only want to wrestle and be violent, that's it. If I get battered by Polly's or Kate's teams and manager, go right ahead, I embrace that crap, and I'll make them all bleed. I want to injure all of you, and you won't get up from the damage I'll cause. Thursday night, the end will be near for all three of you. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Ice Blood.”

I growled at the camera with an intense look on my face as I was always an angry man, and the camera went to black.
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[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.

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