“The One” Kirsten Scott vs. David Striker
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, May 23, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

After the ending of the May 16th edition of Breakdown, once Kirsten Scott was finally drug away from the beatdown she was being allowed to unleash on Selena Frost, with a slight assist and gift from rival, Kandis, Emma and Hailey were quick to grab her belongings, and help her get out of the building, as she continued to want to push back against security, and resume the ass kicking she was putting upon the World Champion.  Emma and Hailey quickly intervened in the wake of security being not enough to hold their friend back, and drag her into the parking garage, where she was eventually able to shake them off, and cameras followed.


Emma and Hailey quickly explain they were simply getting her out of a situation that could have led to some adverse consequences, and were not trying to "stop her" from imposing her will.  They continue to explain they, more or less, wanted to protect her in the long run.


Kirsten sees the camera, and grabs it by its lens to focus directly on her face, as the rage and anger continue to coarse within her veins.


How does it feel Selena?  How does it feel knowing you're now such a victim of many predators that your entire existence, your entire livelihood, you're whole stake in this SCW society is hanging in the balance because you're slowly being constricted from every direction?  It's a feeling that I can promise you are not OK with.  You are NOT OK with knowing that EVERY BREAKDOWN, EVERY PAY PER VIEW, EVERY EVENT FUCKING PERIOD, you are going to be targeted by someone.  This isn't just being the hunted anymore, you piece of shit... This is now being the prey.  You are now being stalked.  You are now being preyed upon by multiple predators just waiting for their opportunity, whereas right now, they're allowing each other to do one fucking thing, at your expense...


In our respective eyes, you're no longer a champion.  Sorry, that door has closed.  You're just an opportunity for one of us to take your "greatness" and show the world it was a sham all aloog, and you were simply someone who was lucky enough to flourish in that period of time.  And how do I know this?  Kandis... Kandis showed me that, tonight... She showed me that when she let me be the one to put the taste of the rubber sole of my shoe deep down your throat.  Xander... Xander was the one who allowed me to continue to punch you in the face, like you were nothing to him.  Each one of us have been victimized by your farcical championship reign, always marred by someone else.  And we each are tired of it.  Now Xander gets the next crack at ridding SCW of the BLEMISH you have become.  Seriously, Selena, you've become the zit that just won't go away.  And we are ALL in on ensuring that in the end, your reign ends with as FROSTY of a beginning, in your mind, as it started, in ours...

But before I go on, before I move on, and before I shift my focus to the next Breakdown, and ultimately MY TIME in the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal, I need to address one person, and that is Kandis.  Kandis, I'll admit when I say I owe you one for tonight.  You may have talked enough shit to pile as high as an elephant, but you did the opposite when it came to your actions.  I see the respect there, that I showed you, that you decided to magically acknowledge after pretending to know what I was thinking beforehand.

Trust me, I saw your desire to be a Chris Angel hack of a mentalist/magician when you first ran your mouth... It didn't fall on deaf ears...

But your actions, they also didn't fall on deaf ears.  You showed me the respect to give me my time to pummel this bitch we both can't stand.  I acknowledge you giving me a few licks in on the bitch who screwed us both of our World Championship reign, and I respect that.  I don't have to like your words to respect you, nor do I expect you to like my words when we face each other, either.  But I think we may have found a commonground after fighting, and that ONE BITCH deciding who won between us.  Yes, on paper, it was you.  In reality, neither of us know because NEITHER of us wanted to give up, or give the other that gratitude.  So I won't sit here and say you "only won because of her," but I will say, you only won because of her because othrwise, it still was as 50/50 as they come, and neither one of us were giving one GODDAMN inch...

And I know somehow, someway, some... Something... Our paths will cross again.  I don't know if they'll be because SCW determines it, if it is in the battle royal, or if it is just an inevitability based on our respective trajectories, we will one day settle out who would have won between us both, and it'll no longer be anything anyone can contest.  And respectfully, I look forward to that... You showed your true colors, tonight.  You showed me who Kandis is, at her core.  And I won't make excuses about a match in your win column because, I don't know, and neither do you, and I won't take away from what you get to brag about.  But just know, when the moment comes, I will ensure that there is no doubt left behind for BOTH of us...

Hailey and Emma continue to pull Kirsten back as they can tell she is getting more amped up to run back inside the arena and continue what she started.  Kirsten is quick to shake off the two chicken wing attempts, and instead approaches the camera again.

Oh no no no... This isn't over yet... You see there is more to come in SCW and that more to come involves your's truly.  And just because I gave the Devil her due on something doesn't mean I am just stepping aside so everyone else can have a fast pass to toppling Selena.  Oh no... While Xander may have the next stakes in the opportunity, and I will state this for the record, I am not the type of person to be so conceded that I would take it from him, if he fails, what lies beyond is Rise to Greatness.  And what lies beyond Xander is the person who WILL topple her, because I will say this, plain and simple... If Xander doesn't do his job at Taking Hold of the Flame, he's going to have a job at Rise to Greatness he's run from his entire fucking career.  In fact, I would go on the record as saying, it's the one job Xander fears more than a loss to Selena.  So, for his sake, I would hope to GOD HIMSELF ALMIGHTY, that he doesn't fail, or he's going to have the one person staring him down more times, that he has legitimately run from, more so than the Roadrunner has outrun the Coyote on Loony Toons.

So Xander... I'm going to be blunt... Don't fuck up... Or else your greatest fear that has hid in your darkest of corners of every room you've fallen asleep in, is going to fucking emerge, and you're going to have two options...

Run again, and be the pussy you were labeled as all along...

Or face your ULTIMATE fear and REALITY...

But for me, I have multiple steps before Taking Hold of the Flame, unlike ole XV, who gets to sit on his shitter and pray to the porcelain gods that he doesn't screw his chance up, I have a newcomer in SCW, and one that, like many who have crossed my path, I believe represent the new blood.  I have David Striker, a man who has solidified himself within the tag rankings, but has still crossed paths with the Frosts individually, and demonstrated he isn't willing to be pigeonholed into "just" a tag team specialist.  He is someone who is willing to go out on his own and try and make a name for himelf, and he's willing to do so by facing some of SCW's upper echelon of talent.

I will say... I respect that...

He's faced a lot of the talent I faced, early on in my career, and I will admit, he's stepped up to the plate.  So Striker... I give you the kudos in that regard.  I give you the respect, that you have faced that same path that SCW has put in front of me, and in many cases, come out on top.  I mean, even in tag action, let's be honest, you have been a part of a pinfall of Dark Fantasy.  You have beaten, arguably, the greatest Tag Team in the HISTORY of SCW.  So you're not someone I feel I should tread lightly with, David.  I don't feel I should underestimate you by any means, because you have shown that in tag action, you can step up.

But I also know one thing...

This isn't a tag match...

You don't have a partner to watch your back...

This is simply you and I face to face, one on one, and I want to be sure you are prepared.  I'm not saying that it is your detriment, I am not saying it's a for sure advantage to me, it is simply a forewarning that you are leaving your comfort zone, and most successful world, to step into my world, where I have been facing some real shitty situations as of late.  I have had everything go wrong that could, and I am going to make it very plain and simple.  I am going to make it crystal clear...

I'm fucking pissed about it!

You see, I've been being screwed left and right.  The only MINUTE bit of respect I've received was from Kandis, who let me take charge and beat the shit out of the World Champion, who shouldn't be.  That's all I've had as of late.  Selena disrespected me and cost me a match against Kandis, in which we were BOTH fighting for our lives.  Selena was fortunate in our match.  The two of us scrambled, and she was simply the one who was a tad faster.  But I got my shots in, and I think she knows that should she be champion down the road, and I work my way back up, she won't be as fortunate.  But she's not who I care about now, is she... It's you... And it's you who has to bare the unfortunate results of what SHOULD have happened then, and WILL happen to you now.

There is respect... but there is no holding back...

When you step through those ropes, you are entering the world of "The One," a moniker I have tried to avoid, but has apparently been permanently attached to me.  So I embrace what it means to still be that person.  And in turn, I take it out on those who cross my path.  And also in turn, I make it even more painful, more aggressive, and more violent than before.  Unfortunately that means you're the one who is going to have to face that violence.  You're going to see that person who came into SCW, and repeatedly hurt people, repeatedly accepted losses after the fact, repeatedly made people BEG for mercy, all because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So in advance, I apologize...

All of your accolades as a tag team wrestler, they mean shit to me.  I know you can hold your own, but in the world we live in, right now, I am out for blood.  I am out to make a statement.  I am out to hurt people because management has allowed this bullshit with Selena to go on as long as it has, and has YET to reprimand her, or make an EXAMPLE out of her.  Instead, they let her just do whatever the fuck she wants, and because she has a title around her waist, she has carte blanche.  Well guess what, David, you're my carte blanche.  Because in today's SCW, people like Kirsten Scott don't play favorites or allow favoritism to exist.  So if Selena can be a piece of shit and ruin moments, I can ruin it for others.  And in this case, this is your biggest moment as a single's wrestler, and I am going to ruin it.  I am going to purposefully make you BEG those in the back to stop me from what I will do to you before Taking Hold of the Flame.

So I highly suggest you begin praying to whatever diety you subscribe to...

I suggest you HOPE that your tag career has something meaningful after this match...

Because the fact is, once that bell sounds, I am raising a level of hell on you that God herself couldn't protect you from.  I am going to make you wish that you had just found out you ate some bad food at catering and couldn't compete.  I am going to make an example out of you, much like I did to all of Scott Reed's little cronies, when I first came here.  Because there is no alternative.  There is no "other scenario," I'm giving you that spoiler that you have tried to avoid.  I'm telling you what IS going to hapen at Breakdown.  You're going to have confidence until you get into the ring and see the look in my eye.  Then, you're going to wish you were wearing adult diapers because you will inevitably shit yourself, seeing your life flashing before your eyes before the bell even rings.

There is no mercy...

There is no holding back...

[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
{The screen statics a few times before finally jumping into a shot of  The "Mephistopheles of Cameron North Carolina" himself, David "Bam Bam" Striker, standing high atop the Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal, looking out into the historic Old Montreal district itself as he is dressed in a very respectable charcoal gray suit and as always, the towering form of Irvine can be seen off to one side, also dressed in a suit}

David: Bonjour et bienvenue de Montréal, mes collègues SCW! Especially to you, Kirsten Scott. You must forgive my lateness in our little tet on tet or more to the point, war of words, because I was actually attending to some very respectful duties here in Montreal in that two of my friends were getting married and I had the most dubious honor of giving away the bride.

I know, *ME*...giving away the bride of all people right?

And as I fought to figure out how to start this promo once it was handed down to me from the powers on high that I was going to face you in the lead up show before our next pay per view and all of the extreme mayhem that I've got going there...I will freely admit that I was at a loss for words until it struck me that my giving away Korra was the best way to showcase how to start my half of our little vocal conflict, Miss Scott.

You see, I have been in one unique situation after another since I have arrived here in Supreme Championship Wrestling. And while I might have had the most incredible losses, I simply do not care about them because I am more focused on the exhilaration of being apart of such situations, time and time again facing off against some of the greatest wrestlers that this company has to offer, being apart of some of the most gruesome matches that honestly every other company out there would be hesitant to put me in because of how young I am in my career.

I am both an honor and humbled that the powers that be here in SCW have had such a STRENGTH of *FAITH* in a man like me to further his aspects and avenges in this sport that I'm feeling like I have to triple my efforts and raise my own personal bar even *HIGHER* in order to meet, let alone MATCH such a faith!!

But then we come to you...and you saying that you're "pissed" at me because people have been screwing you?

{David looks over at Irvine and gives him a "WTFO?!" look but Irvine simply shrugs in return at his boss before David looks back to the camera}

David: Lemme run this down for you. While I respect the respect and all that jazz, I get that this isn't a tag match and that my buddy, pal, friend, minion in training there Irvine is simply there to watch my back because of all of the bullshit that's been following me and my krew these past few weeks and that he's a non-factor in our match...whatever is pissing you off should not be a factor in our match because if you decide to take out how pissed off you are on *ME* during our first ever encounter, then I want you to fully expect that the moment that line has been crossed...the you'll see what happens when you've flipped my switch, the integrity's been dissed, and you quickly find yourself one Equivalent Exchange from having your fortunes vastly and I do mean *VASTLY* changed for the worse!!

And yes, while I have been helping my friends with their nuptials, I've also been preparing for you in this match and as for me "leaving my comfort zone", maybe you need to get off your little pissed horse there, Kirsten, and take a look at what the *fuck* my so called "comfort zone" is exactly because it seems that you have an incredibly narrow view of who you're going to be dealing with on Breakdown this week, and I pray that just like Kevin Hunter, Crystal, and Dark Fantasy you come to understand and bloody realize that I have a very broad, expansive, and *bloody* "comfort zone" which I enjoy to no end.

You see, win or lose, ever since I've joined this company I have proven my worth time and time again by being adaptable to whatever the kind of match that I'm thrown into.

In professional wrestling terminology that's being called the "Full or Complete Package"...or even a "Good Hand" in case you needed a lesson in the vernacular of our industry.

Not bad for someone being "Green", eh?

{David stops talking for a moment and runs his hands through his short blonde hair for a moment as his face shifts between focused to furious and back within an instant before he gets a rather wicked smile on his face as he jabs a finger at the camera}

David: As for your little tirade about being "The One", I have heard this whole spiel about how you're going to make it more painful, more aggressive, and more violent than before but it was said with much more *PASSION* and *FURY* and most importantly *BELIEVABILITY* from Kimberly Williams and you talk about "violence" like it's something to be handed out like fucking candy on All Hallow's?!


I don't care if you're out for blood and I just happen to be the next bloke in the circuit for you to face, because right now when I think about it, I understand just how fucking narrow your view of me is if you honestly believe that for two seconds I'm going to...and in your own fucking words at that...I'm  going to see that person who came into SCW, and repeatedly hurt people, repeatedly accepted losses after the fact, repeatedly made people BEG for mercy, all because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time

Obviously you did not see the last pay per view. You obviously were so wrapped up in your own inner bullshit concerning your fragileness that you didn't see the levels of my brutality that was on display in the Long Hard Road out of Hell match and while I did not win, because you *DON'T* win that match but you only *SURVIVE* it, I did my fair share of things that one does not nor should not do to another person and I did so constantly to our Underground champion and yet she still survived because she's a born Survivor.

What are you, Kirsten, other than some whiny little bitch who is more focused on how badly she's being screwed out of this or that?

Oh, and let's not forget that you want to make a "Statement" to management because things have not gone your way and because of it, I need to pray because you're going to make me "beg" or some shit like that?

I want you to pay very close attention and listen to me closely, Kirsten, because I'm only going to say this one time and one time only and that is the only fucking person that's going to be doing any kind of begging at Breakdown is going to be *you*.

Because once that bell tolls and the match begins, I'm going to deliver upon you a level of brutality that you're going to wish that you were in Kimberly's place outside of this fucking match because while you are saying that you're not "going to be holding back" this and "no mercy" that...I am simply going to be giving you the beating of your damn career.

And do you want to know why?

Because you're being a right fucking whiny little bitch.

You've already shown me that you're planning on going into business for yourself with your very words and that means that all this talk of "respect" that you started your promo with isn't worth all the gold in Fort Knox, but unlike you...I'm going to give you an advance from the Bank of Reality in form of some cold, hard truth that I'm going to smash you in the face with until you're the one laying bloody and out cold on the floor below.

I'm nobodies' "Carte Blanche".

Especially not yours, Kirsten.

And not even in the Darkest of Timelines, is there a chance in Hell, Hades, or one of the thousands of the Chinese Buddhist Hells that you get to make me your “statement”...well maybe if your “statement” is nothing more than “I’m a selfish little bitch whose unwilling to actually go out and hunt down the bitch causing me shit!”....

{David then slowly shakes his head in disgust as he turns to face Irvine for a moment}

David: You see, Irvine. It’s just like that bullshit with Jason Long and Reginald Dampshaw back in Project Honor or here in SCW with Kevin Hunter and Twisted Sadistic, isn’t?

Irvine: It is, Davey, and it’s kind of sad too man.

{David then turns back to face the camera, his dark look still on his face as he once again motions at the camera}

David: You see Kirsten, you’d rather pitch a fit and fucking moan about how Selena is getting away with stuff rather than put on your big girl pants and go fucking take care of it yourself, but instead you’d rather throw a fit and your nonexistant weight around, all the while screaming about how much you wanna be a martyr.

But it’s okay, Kirsten, because I’m here to tell you that feeling that you have right now about how everything seems to be making you feel like you’re choking? That’s not the anger that you’re feeling at Deanna because she’s getting away with anything, no…that choking feeling, Kirsten, is that of my boot already on your throat, putting an end to your misery and your tantrum because when everything is going to be said and done this week at Breakdown, the only thing that you’re going to be doing is you’re going to be doing is you’re going to be showing everyone here in SCW is that when the odds are in your favor or not, you’re going to be the ultimate artist;

The ultimate *CHOKE* artist that is.

You see, yes you have been here longer and had quite the career with quite the career as well, but when the ultimate chance is given to you…you’re going to fall down and choke, you’re going to fall down and choke on nothing but your own failure because for all of your boasting, all of your arrogance, all of your self imposed *FURY*, you’re going to fail and fail *hard* because you lack the heart that’s needed to do what’s needed to get the job done, where in every other way, I do have and at Breakdown, I’m going to personally show you what it means to truly embrace that darkness that lays deep down, in those darkest corners of your soul just like Irvine here can, just like I do each and every time that I’ve stepped into the ring for an Underground match…

And I know that you’re going to say that you’re capable of doing “just that” against me…but you can’t be you have nothing left inside of you, except for that stagnant pool where you draw nothing but your empty threats and equally as empty bravado from as well because while you might say that you’re related to “Taxes”, the truth of the matter is not only are you going to show the entire world is just how badly you are going to choke and I’m going to help show you.

So I hope that you’re ready for everybody to see you for what you truly are and there is not a damned thing that you can do to stop it.

{David then slowly lowers his hand and gives the camera one last dark chuckle}

David: So, go ahead. Make all of the cute little comments that you wish, boast about how you’re going to do this and that to me, because in the end…you’re just another victim.

And there will not be a singular thing to do to stop it from happening, not even some ill fated belief in an extremely inane little catch phrase like the one that you're so apt to shout at the end of your promos.

But, that doesn't mean that I don't respect you for what you've done...even though you've clearly shown me that you have no concept of actual respect what I've done night in and night out for the sake of the *ART* of professional wrestling.

See you at Breakdown.

{The screen then static jumps back to black as David starts to whistle a very familiar…and sinister tune as he turns away from the camera as it statics away}


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