40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
Welp, here's my effort, folks. It's been a fun ride to put this one out. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 


[Image: NEWHAUS_copy.png]

Wonderland To Salvation: A Journey To Nirvana VIP Members

Selena Frost (VIP Member Since November 25th,2021)
The Happy Farmstead Friends ( VIP Members Since December 16th, 2021 with BOGO Deal)
Marie Jones ( VIP Member Since February 3rd,2022 after failing to cancel after 7 Day Trial)
Brittany Lohan (VIP Member Since February 17th, 2022 after joining for a gallon of Creatine.)
Crystal Zdunich (VIP Member Since March 3rd,2022 after seeking help from everyone)
Josh Hudson (Haüs of Nirvana Member Since March 13th, 2022 after Senior Citizen Discount)


Matt Hodges

[Image: hodges.png]
The scene opens on a solid black screen. A very low and ominous musical score begins to play. The screen stays black as a voice begins to narrate a prologue and historical setup to what is about to be seen.

§ Voice Over §

A revelation... A revelation is defined in many different ways. For some, it is considered a pleasant and often enlightening surprise for someone. In simpler terms, it's simply revealing something and making it known to others. It doesn't necessarily matter what it is, or what it means, the fact that it is revealed technically qualifies it as a revelation. But then... Then there is revelations in the form of spirituality, religion, and God. Those revelations involve the revealing and communicating the divine truth, or revealed to the human race by God himself, or through one of his "voices."

Focusing on the religious aspect, The Book of Revelations is one referred to by many pseudonyms. It's simply called The Book of Revelations, but it's also known as the Revelation of John, the Apocalypse of John, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Now, Apocalypses have been spoken of in this context before. But instead they were done in the matter of destruction. They were meant to be the moment everything comes to a head, being the destruction and effective "second coming." Negativity, destruction, defeat, death, all of that is what Apocalyptic tales have been used in the past, but in this instance, the word "Apocalypse" and its root origin come from the Greek word for unveiling. Hence, another way of stating, a revelation.

Now this Book... The last of the "New Testament" to be accepted as legitimate canon into the Holy Bible. This book focuses on many aspects of the Antichrist, the Seven Churches of Asia, meant to represent the seven ages of the Church of Christ, the Seven Seals, theoretically revealing to John of Palmos the history and his progression toward the early stages of Christianity, the Seven Trumpets, which range from interpretations as Pagan influences in Christianity, and other attacks on Christianity by groups such as the Saracen and Turkish armies, the Protestant Reformation, and eventually the infamous Beast and his number, 666.

Having said all of this, mostly believe this is where it all ends. This is where the ultimate idea of Jesus coming back leads to the creation of a new Heaven and a new Earth, one not plagued by death and destruction, also giving more use of the name, "The Apocalypse."

But there are more... Several more...

If you're one who simply believes that a King in England was able to produce a book to base an entire religious philosophy on, and not make omissions he didn't like, then you may not know it is so. You may not know that OTHERS had revelations. You may not know that these revelations were omitted because they didn't fit a narrative... And this... This is the idea, that we will ultimately focus on today.

You see, friends, there is a selection of texts in the Bible, disputed by various denominations. They are referred to as, "The Gnostic Texts." Now one might be asking why? What makes these books so egregious that they shouldn't be considered as canonical fact? It's because they delve into a world that puts a lot of the "virtuosity" of Jesus Christ at a little more of a "normal" level. It also has in it other revelations that may put things into a slightly different light. This is also true of "The Apocrypha" which are books not fully agreed upon by differing denominations. But the Gnostic Texts create a whole new world, that nobody quite wants to believe exists... Don't believe me? Here are three major "heretic" points in these texts that may make you think...

For one... Jesus Christ, as a child, wasn't perfect. In fact, according to The Infancy Gospel of Thomas, he was kind of an asshole. He cursed a neighbor for messing up a swimming hole he was playing in, he was bumped into by another child, and like the Son of God should, he smites him with death, and when Joseph once tried to discipline him, Jesus pulled the infamous, "you're not my father," card.

Continuing down the road of, "Jesus wasn't this fun-loving guy," in The Gospel of Judas, one of the most believed stories of the Holy Bible is put on blast. Why? This Gospel, or Revelation if you ask me, it is revealed that the entire betrayal of Christ was done with Judas and Jesus on the same page. That's right... Jesus and Judas planned the whole thing because Jesus needed his physical body to die to get to Heaven, and Judas was the man he was ultimately closest to.

Now these books have many revelations or apocalypses. As I said... John (several times), James, Paul, Peter, all of these men had moments and revelations where their personal reveals were written, but are not widely known. These weren't considered relevant to the story they were trying to tell. Catholics liked some of it, Protestants of various denominations add and subtract at will, Judaism picks and chooses, and in the end, everyone is left wondering what these parts would have made us believe if they were included in the books that we believe today. What would the narrative be? What would religion be like? The truth is, we will never know. But what we will know is there are times that everyday people who will have their own revelations. They may not be prophetic or considered that of an Apostle, but these people still have their moment to reveal or challenge the narrative and change the world going forward...

The black screen sees Jake Starr walk into frame, completely in black and white, and slowly look at the camera.

Jake Starr: ... And these, are mine...

Jake walks off of the screen, and the black background resumes, and the title card finally appears.


The screen, once again goes black, as the voice over commences again.

§ Voice Over §

A staple in the world of professional wrestling, a man named Jake Starr has put himself at the forefront of battling the masses. He has never stepped away or feared facing off against management in times of differing opinions or when there was a professional battle to be had. Over the years, prior to his recent stint in the business, people felt he wasn't worth the effort. As someone who began to see the writing on the wall, he had his first revelation in his life. He began to find that financial support for his family was dwindling, and his actions were putting his private world in a state of peril.

It was then he felt it was time to evaluate, self-investigate, and define who he was all over again. He elected to disappear. He elected to leave the business for what, he thought was, for good. He began to find his way through differing opportunities both in and out of the business to, once again, provide for he and his family. But as a man, as a person, as a soul, he felt empty in everything he did. He didn't feel like the man who defined over a decade of work and creation of this legacy. He fell into depression after depression, seeking guidance both through professional counseling, but at times trying to take a step through faith. Unfortunately for this man, he continued to fall and realize something was missing.

So he walked away from everything, and he took time to himself. And as has been a norm for him, he has sat on the shorelines of the Des Moines river, on one specific bench, and overlooked the same landscape anytime he's needed to reflect and search inside himself. This location, this landscape, these sounds, these speak to him much like the Lord sending a messenger like the Metatron or Rufus, the thirteenth Apostle. Jake doesn't get visions. He doesn't find out about money Jesus still owes others from back in the day. But he finds out the answers to whatever it is he is searching for. He finds a voice that speaks to him, and gives him guidance. He doesn't attribute this to a deity of any type, but instead, the voice of whomever or whatever it is always by his side and watching out for him.

That's why when he walked away, many days were spent overlooking this same area of the river. Years passed and Jake would sit there and try and figure out what he could truly do to take the next step in life. This time, Jake's "Rufus" didn't fall from the sky, but instead came up to Iowa from the streets of Norman, Oklahoma, and surprised Jake on the bench one afternoon. This man was Micheal Carrington, known to the wrestling world as Silkk. He spoke of a land where Jake could potentially revitalize his life, his career, and everything about himself. This "new Heaven and Earth" was known as Supreme Championship Wrestling. It was a Mecca, a Holy Land, a place worth the pilgrimage, that could bring him the happiness, and his own chance at a "second coming."

A replay of Jake Starr's Breakdown debut is shown, as he stares down and calls out the, then, World Champion, Shawn Winters. The move was seen as brazen by many of the long term stars in SCW, but for Jake Starr, it was a moment where the crowd remembered him, respected him, and gave him the love he hoped to have upon a return after such a lengthy layoff. In his head, he was already back, but he had yet to prove himself, and yet to do anything to make the SCW Universe believe that he was going to be a legit player in the biggest organization in the world.

A profile shot of Jake shows up, still in black and white. He looks off camera, as if being interviewed, talking about this time of his life.

Jake Starr: I was surprised. I was shocked. It had been years since my name had been mentioned in the world of pro wrestling, and I felt like I was one of those guys who had become relegated to convention circuit. Even then, I didn't feel right. i didn't want to make a living asking people for money for some old ass headshot of me, that I was simply personalizing to make a couple of bucks. I wanted people to bring pictures of me and them, I wanted to hear stories of how we interacted in the past or at one event. I wanted to share that memory. So when I stepped up into Shawn Winters' face, and the crowd knew what they were seeing, and what they were hearing, it was magic...

Jake continues to reflect on the first year of SCW, that was truly one of those years that many dream of.

... And the magic just kept going, you know. I became the guy in the crosshairs of everyone. It wasn't something anyone can prepare you for in this business. You can't prepare to be the guy everyone wants to hurt, everyone wants to dethrone, and everyone wants to claim as a victim. But I quickly walked into that role, and I didn't waste time falling back into that mentality where I could do no wrong. I fell back into that nasty, blackness, that clouded my judgment and made me one of the biggest pricks behind the scenes, and on camera. Sure, fans laughed. They saw it as dick and fart jokes pointed at opponents. But I was out there completely trying to silence and destroy legacies that had taken years to build before I ever walked in.

Christian Savior...

Jason Zero...

James Exeter...


Basically all of Greaternity...

Donovan Kayl...

All of these people had spent their careers defining themselves as legends, and here I was, walking in to take it all away. I didn't have basis for it. I didn't have groundwork to say I could do it in SCW. I just had a name that some new, some didn't, but soon everyone wanted to destroy. I became the marked man. I marked myself, and I called out everyone to come at me. I made it known I was a dick and I wasn't going to be scared of anyone calling me out on it. Hell, I laughed it off, as if it was a badge of honor to already have that much hatred against me. But I was wrong. It wasn't a blessing. It was a curse. It was a life that put me in constant fear of being injured, hurt, and taken out of a situation where, yes, I was thriving. But my thriving wasn't based on me being hated, it was based on my desire to compete at the highest level. I couldn't see that. I couldn't fathom it. Instead, I believed I just broke my opponents will to survive against me, and would continue to do so as long as I ever wanted... Why? Because I was Jake Starr. I wasn't fallible. I was better than everyone, and as the saying sort of goes, I knew it...

The screen fades back to black, before another title card appears.


As the title card fades out, the voice once again begins to narrate the vignette.

§ Voice Over §

For Jesus, whether the Gnostic Texts and Apocrypha are to be taken as factual books of the story of Christ, as time progressed, Jesus's role in the world changed. Yes, he was seen as that of the Son of God already, but past are the days of Jesus being a bit of an asshole, and The Messiah as we have commonly known him begins to take over. He begins to preach the Word of God to those who would listen, and build the world of Christianity, and the story of his life, as it is told in the accepted books of The Bible.

Now during this period of life for the Son of God, he is this prophetic Messiah. He's not quite a "Brian," but he's definitely earned himself a following. This following contradicted the mentality of the Romans, and ultimately led to him realizing that his days were numbered. Regardless of the collaboration in his betrayal as mentioned earlier, Jesus knew it was coming. That is a section of The Bible without argument. But it is these times, this part of the story where everything begins to change across the world. The Son of God is persecuted, and with the persecution proclaims that he will rise again, and be there for his followers.

As 2009 came to a close, Jake Starr faced his own persecution. Not in the way of death. Not in the way of being viewed as a God-like figure, but as someone who was changing the landscape of the world in which he lived. He had to face a lot of pressure, a lot of praise, and a lot of acknowledgment that he had done something the business that nobody had in the past. He was effectively creating the "next era" in professional wrestling, in a sense, like Jesus was for the sake of Christianity. Their respective changes, obviously are on vastly different scales of grandiosity, but there are even more similarities than the very simple one just mentioned. For one, neither truly got to truly "see" the fruits of their labor in their entirety. Why? Because of persecution. Because of becoming a martyr for their time. Because the actions of others to try and take that change in the world and make it their own... That was why these two people never got the chance to see their changes fully come to fruition.

For Jake, and not Jesus, this didn't involve death. Jake wasn't blinded, or hidden from the changes he was creating. Instead, he was continually praised for his abilities and chances to grow this movement and change to something even greater. His ego was continually inflated. He was continually patted on the head. And nobody seemed to have the guts to tell him that there was a situation where he could become complacent, and life could pass him by...

Jake's face slowly fades back in, still looking off camera as if being interviewed, and also still in black and white.

Jake Starr: ... This time in my career confused me. In 2010, less than one full year into my stint into my SCW career, I had become "the guy," and the one who everyone walked in and did what I did to Shawn Winters. I was the guy being called out. I was the guy changing the business night in, and night out. That whole year, it was the second year of nothing but more of Jake Starr in SCW, and it was becoming a trend that many wanted to end, or figure out. My success, my strengths, everything, was something that people wanted to go out and find the recipe for, and add that "extra spice" to make just that much better.

2010, it didn't happen to completion... After that, however, that recipe became more and more perfected...

It didn't change what people were telling me in my ear. Friends, family, colleagues, and even management were willing to say I was still the same Jake Starr. They would tell me that there was "no way" I was losing ground as new competition, and better competition, arrived on the scene. This competition, Shilo Valiant, Masquerade, Syren, Ravyn Taylor, the emergences of David Helms and Tommy Valentine, Kennedy Street, Regan Street, all of these individuals, began adding their ingredients to that "pot," and never once did I walk up and think I needed to "taste" it.

Instead, I mocked it all. I stayed being a dickhead who was so cocky, so unbelieving that anyone could compete with me, and would throw tantrums when things didn't go my way. What people didn't see was how much of a shit I was behind the scenes. I treated management like crap. I would go backstage and blame every member of the board and the office staff for my own shortcomings. I would act like I was infallible. I would go in there and demand justice for something that, ultimately, under-minded the talent of my competitors, and put the judgment of SCW in question. To me, after everything I had been told, I was this organizations Savior. I was the man tasked with carrying the organization on my back because I had done so against ICW on multiple instances, and proven to come out on top. That's not to say nobody else in SCW would or could have... But I was so built up and hyped up in my own mind, I was the one true defender of the greatest professional wrestling organization on Earth...

Years went on, and I became more and more angry. I wasn't that person anymore. People didn't look to me. They looked to others, even my friends and peers, as the "best candidates," and my jealousy began to rage. I hated everyone around me. I hated friends, I hated family, and I hated management who didn't "reward" me for everything I had done for them. In my head, I had bled, sweat, and cried over this place only to never be rewarded for my dedication. The title reigns, the accomplishments, none of it seemed to be enough, and it led me to slowly begin to be jaded with an organization that was promised to me to be the Promised Land. Every year, I got worse. Every year, I felt worse. I didn't look at it as a bigger challenge, but instead, I blamed others. I told the world that I was completely innocent and nobody could even fathom blaming me.

I was a complete fool. I was the guy who many jaded and old guard turn into. I was everything I hoped I would never be. But I was that. I couldn't pretend I wasn't. No matter how much I bitched, moaned, whined, and fake cared, no matter what "perfect words" I spoke, it didn't fucking matter. I was a jaded, asshole who wasn't happy not getting his way, and for once, the criticism that others had more passion than me... It was true...


Once again, the title screen appears and disappears, giving way to a voice over, sounding much like that of Chris Rock, dictating this final "Revelation" of the SCW superstar, Jake Starr.

§ Voice Over §

Jake Starr, while not seeing himself as a Messiah, like Christ, who I need to emphasize still owes me those $12.00, but I promised I wouldn't ramble about that... Jake Starr's life was taken from him, but unlike Christ, by his own hand. I say it was taken because there was a moment, unbeknownst to anyone but Jake himself, where he did begin an ascension to the Heavens. This man began to see the Promised Land that is truly on the "other side" of those of you on the physical side of the lifespan of your soul. It is something that I will say that nobody in this physical world truly WANTS to experience. Why is that? It's because it's true Paradise. You are being welcomed to the gates of Heaven, instead of going back to the reality of humanity where good and bad does exist. You're being forced to make a decision to live in eternal bliss, or return to the world that God provided with ups and downs, goods and bads, rights and wrongs, and nothing guaranteed.

Jake Starr has been there, and made that decision.

In making a decision like that, Jake decided that there was still something left here on Earth for him to do. Whether it is an accomplishment, whether it is closure, only he is the one to know. The fact that we can establish he has something left on this planet to continue with is because, hey, I've been there... Heaven is easy. Heaven is there to simply make the afterlife worth it and give you the ability to ignore the rest of the stupidity that lasts on Earth. Now, in keeping with the theme of what I'm here for, let's talk Supreme Championship Wrestling...

Before he decided to thwart the Word of God, which let me say, God does tend to forgive as long as you're not a complete fucktard. God spoke once stating, "what you hold truth on Earth, I'll hold true in Heaven," and if you truly believe that taking your own life isn't the "unforgivable sin" like the token white guys in the old KJV Bible, if you believe God will understand, and you haven't killed yourself as a quick out for something awful you did, God forgives.

I mean, let's be real, people... Robin Williams is, by no means, destined for a life of damnation...

As for Jake, the development of finding out e had sibling had a great effect on the reasoning behind his decision to not take the "easy way out." He had met his own bloodline. He had met the sister he had always wanted, but never had. He had realized there was someone he could help mold into the next generation of superstar that maybe, just maybe, he couldn't be. He thought that it would be motivation enough for him. He thought that it would be the drive he needed to succeed. But success in the business didn't come as he had hoped. In fact, all in all, failure had overcome success. The difference, however, is that Jake didn't take the blame as personally. He realized a lot had changed, and the fact is, maybe he just needed a course correction to get on track to being that motivational aspect of his sister's career. He had done something special upon his return. He and had his sister had had flourishes of greatness. Since then, however, Jake Starr had floundered, and many issues had caused the two of them to have clouded judgment and not as much success as they would have liked.

It leads us, ultimately, to present time...

Jake Starr is a man who still feels a sense of loss. This loss is different from the past. It's not what everyone else uses as the loss as motivation, but instead, this loss is personal. For the man once believing himself to be a "Starr Martyr," he's now simply a man with a destiny to fulfill before moving forward in life. No longer is this about life and death. No longer is about legacy and ruining something he worked hard to achieve. Now, it's about the man, the person, and the soul that made the decision to face reality and not take the easy way for selfish purposes. Believe me when I say, I was there. We talked. I was ready to take that fool for some money rolling dice, before introducing him to those vestal virgins the Muslims yammer about. They're real... They don't like playing jigsaw with their new man, but they're real, and you can usually get a few of them to break away from the harem and come to the "dark side" of Christianity, if you catch my drift. Starr wasn't like that... Instead... He was his own man... He had his own plan... And today, that brotha knows where his mind is and sees things clearer than ever... He may have had ones in the past, but just like in The Bible, your true Revelation i at the end of the book...

And this... As he said... Is his...

The scene slowly fades in, this time in color. There is very minimal production value as, this time, Jake Starr, sits in a generic metal chair, wearing normal street clothes. These clothes aren't anything special, literally what you would see on a normal human being, with a hoodie and a pair of gym shorts. There are some very cheap lights and one single camera being manned by someone, who in the end is irrelevant. Jake sits with the hoodie over his head, and slowly reach over and remove the hood from his head, and he looks up. This time, instead of looking at someone "interviewing" him, he turns his head directly to the camera, and takes a deep breath before beginning to speak.

Jake Starr: Here we are... This isn't a production set... This isn't somewhere with a backdrop fitting of whatever it is that we are trending to. But this isn't. We're nowhere important. We're not setting up "mood lighting." We aren't configuring anything to be more than me, sitting on a chair, and talking about what it is that is relevant today. It's not about winning... It's not about losing... Hell... It's not about wrestling. It's about me. It's about Jake Starr. It's about the reality that I have woken up in a day in my life where everything that I thought "was" was in fact, a farce.

Now I know everyone is standing there, sitting there, watching there, and asking one question... Why? Why the lack of pomp and circumstance? Why no flames to take? Why no ring? Why nothing? The truth is, it's because for once, it's not a moment where Jake Starr comes out here and runs his mouth. It's not a moment where I try to show everyone up by doing something flashy.

In fact... I'm simply letting honesty be the best policy...

For years, I have been in this business, and been in this specific organization. I have been a man who has been seen as a nuisance, a trailblazer, and a Hall of Famer. But the reality is those are names, monikers, and titles that used to define who I was. I used to be all of them. I used to be someone who had a lot of definition to his name. A lot of it, I earned. I accept the fact that I did a lot to earn it within the halls of this business. But there was a moment where I walked myself off of a cliff. There was a moment where I allowed myself to somewhat believe everything people told me. I was told how great and how transformational I was, and I bought into the hype, and by doing so, I let myself fall into a position where I personally lost my identity.

More importantly, people began to doubt who I was at that moment...

The fact is, SCW has been a home to me. SCW has been a location where, no matter how good, how bad, how shitty, I've treated others, it's always accepted me as one of its own. I have always been a staple of the roster, and behind the scenes, no matter what I did, or how I treated others, they always showed me a lot of love. When they found out how low I had fallen, everyone in the organization was there to reach out, offer whatever help I needed, and be there for a man who had fallen into a darkness none of them could even fathom. These people... These individuals... This roster... This family... These are my people. Like them, dislike them, whatever, this roster and this organization has been something that has been there for me in my darkest and ugliest of hours. They didn't have to. Some of them probably didn't want to. Instead, they did anyway. They stepped up to show me a level of love and compassion that I never expected to receive, and I owe them the world.

So what does that mean for today? Why is this a "revelation" for me? It's because in my SCW lifespan, there have been three "time periods," that have defined my stay, and this is that third period. This is that time period where, it's all on me to accept the reality of what is around me. First, I had to accept that I couldn't be the "Social Misfit" that was blacklisted. Secondly, I had to realize that I may have changed the business, but in doing so, created a situation where that meant I had to figure out a way to keep up with the changes I put in place, but instead, I became complacent, and I became irrelevant. Now... Yes... I'm fairly irrelevant. I've done a lot in the history of SCW, but WHO I am, compared to the greats and the upper echelon currently in the business, my name means nothing. It's something that is a hard pill to swallow. It's something that takes a lot to admit to the world, let alone yourself. But here I am. Here is the truth about who I am, what I am, and why I'm here...

But look around me... See this setup... There's nothing here. This isn't the way to drive home a message walking into one of those moments that, truly, I have very few of left in my life. This is just a fact. I don't have a lot of Taking Hold of the Flame battle royals left in my life. I can't. I physically can't sit here and say that I'll compete until I win. Why? Father Time is real. Aging is real. The fact that I can't trust myself to know I can keep planning on "just waiting until next year," because I am someone who has been battling the pains, the bruises, the aches, the pains, everything that comes with trying to go out there, compete with 30-40 other people, and try and become the last man standing. Last year, I thought it was a time to finally change the reality of the fact that I always come up short. Again, I did. I got further than ever, but I wasn't ready to face that last phase of the match, and I let my guard down.

So I'm out for redemption, right?

So I'm out to prove that I can finish the job, right?

No... None of that... Like I said, I don't know how many more of these I have in me. Hell, regardless, I don't know if I will ever have enough to walk out there and WIN and finish the job. Maybe last year was that moment. Maybe last year was the closest I will ever come to winning this battle royal. I don't know. What I know is that I walked out and did everything I could, and it wasn't enough. Now, in 2020, I'm laying it all on the line again. I'm not making some ultimatum that it's my last chance. I'm not sitting here saying it's all or noting. I don't know. My body is in charge. If I don't win, and I can give it another go next year, then you know I'll do the same. But maybe... Just maybe... 2019 was a moment to set me up for something bigger? I don't know. I don't know what 2020 holds.

This is where I begin to realize, things, and have my personal "revelation..."

Taking Hold of the Flame is just one match. That's all it is. It's just like a match that I've faced over the past year that I have been back. Now it's up to me to figure out how to not let it be like the matches I have faced recently because those haven't been positive. I've lost. I've not been someone I'm proud of. And it's been the reality check that I have needed. I have needed to realize that Father Time has me numbered. He's begun to run me by so fast that I realize there is so much in this business, so much competition, everything, I cannot keep up with. Now... I'm not saying I can't run a little faster for a while, and catch him. I'm not saying he's passed me by forever. I'm saying right now, SCW is at its most elite level in history, and me at my best moments, isn't there to compete.

Does that mean I'm incapable?

Does that mean I can't fight back?

Does that mean that it's not worth my time?

The truth is, I don't know. I don't know about any of this. I don't know if I'm wasting my time, and going out there to embarrass myself and not even being someone worth the time of day. I don't just don't know. What I know is that this is a moment for me to figure out where I truly stand in the business as a whole. I'm not that guy who says "this is my last shot." Nobody knows when their "last shot" happens because it's truly up to them. I'm not saying that "I need this," because I've faced death, head on. I've seen a place that would alleviate me of all of those questioning. I'm not proud of any of that, but it's true. I've seen the warmth and love of the "Beyond," but whatever that was wasn't my place at that time.

Why? Because I still have work to do...

Now I know everyone is expecting me to climax this promo and talk about how Taking Hold of the Flame is that "work to do." But the fact is, no. My work is to find my "closure." SCW plays a big role in my closure. It plays a role in me finding an endpoint for Jake Starr. I'm not like David Helms, though. Even with his resurgence, he had made a moment where he felt it was his time to exit. His return, I don't hold against him, but I know that my exit isn't going to be too far off of the horizon. Whether it's a year, two years, whatever, I am on borrowed time. I am at a point where I have to do something, or accept that we have reached a period of time in this industry where my time, my influence, everything is slowly transitioning to that of a mentorship, or teacher for further generations. If I'm not at that, I have to walk out there in the midst of up to 40 people who are on a level still superior to me, and I have to show them that an old dog may still have a new trick or two.

But the fact is... I have to show it. I can't show it by putting on a show. I can't show it by having some lavish presentation, or crazy metaphor with me grabbing a flame. This isn't that moment. 2020 isn't the time for some kind of cheesy idea to try and be remembered. Instead... I have to be remembered for two things... For one...

Jake points to his mouth.

... I have to have people hear me. I have to have people know that I have said something, and it wasn't irrelevant nonsense. I have to have people BELIEVE every word I say, and not just feel that I am the one going through some bullshit promo for a wrestling match, that sounds like the rest. I HAVE to be something believable. I don't have to be different. I don't have to be some kind of modern day Socrates. I just have to be someone that everyone can hear and believe in. I don't have to come out and say something prophetic, but instead I have to make sure the world knows that I am not some old motherfucker hoping for the best, but someone who still can impact the landscape of SCW.

This leads me to the second thing that I have to be remembered for... I have to be remembered for my actions. That, in itself, is a challenge because of the fact that I have not been someone who has had a lot of success lately. Honestly, I'm ok with this. I deserve the people of the world to say, "he doesn't deserve a second look," because, let's be real, what have I don't to EARN the respect of the masses? I haven't. I haven't done much to even be considered a competitor in a battle royal. And I'm not going to throw the stereotypical bullshit of it's anyone's game. It's not. It's who is the best that night. Now, could I be the best? Could I be better than those who doubt me? I believe I can. I did so in 2019, but that was then. If I'm going to do so now, I have to do it in a way that shocks the world.

So I can't run my mouth...

I can't pretend I'm a favorite...

I can't act like I deserve this...

I can't say I need this...

In the end all would be bullshit. I don't NEED this win. Do I want it? Do I desire it? Sure. There are 40 plus of us that do. We ALL want this. We want this for various reasons. For once, mine isn't about Rise to Greatness. Mine isn't about the main event. Mine isn't about a title shot. No... Mine is about realizing the truth about what is left to do. I haven't won this match. I have done everything I can in SCW. I have earned a lot of respect for doing much of what I have done. I believe this completes the circle. This completes the career. This is the moment I have not grabbed. Rise to Greatness is a reward, yes, but it isn't the match. This match IS the match. The fact I am against EVERYONE who wants to show up, IS the match. Forget Rise to Greatness. Forget the main event down the road. This is the ONE THING that Jake Starr hasn't done. It'd be the final piece in a puzzle.

You see, that's my SCW career, in a nutshell. It's been this 500 piece puzzle that I've slowly put together. Piece by piece, section by section, achievement by achievement, my SCW career has molded itself in that puzzle. It's become more and more complete. I've always said I'm searching for that "next bit" to add to my resume here. The fact is... There is only one thing left. I only have never won one match. If I win it, I complete the puzzle. I finish everything I COULD have done. This match... Taking Hold of the Flame... This is the one thing that has eluded me, and may elude my life. I may never come out on top. But as long as my body gives me the chance, as long as I have the physical mindset and true competitive feeling to go out there and fight, I will do so. But I'm done with pomp and circumstance. I'm done with metaphors. I'm done with trying to make it this "all or nothing" scenario because it isn't. If I don't win, I can wrestle the next day. But this puzzle... It has only one piece left to put in place.

So I guess this weekend, I try and finally complete it...

Many people live their life with a puzzle that some four-legged animal carried off one piece to. I could be that person. Or I could be the person who protects his puzzle, protects his masterpiece, and decides that only one person can finish it. I'm not promising I'm either or. I'm simply saying my possibilities here. It's my job to decide what REALITY comes to pass. Nobody else's. It's not a need, it's a want. I want to finish what I started in March of 2009. I want to make sure that my legacy, my painting, my everything is complete. I want to be able to know that I'm not walking away unfulfilled and WISHING. I am wanting to plan my exit knowing I did everything I could, everything I wanted, and everything those who thought highly of me, swore I was deserving of. So this isn't about a title... This isn't about a main event... This isn't about about a contendership... This is about Taking Hold of the Flame. This is about putting one last piece in a puzzle spanning longer than almost, if not everyone, in SCW.

That's why I sit here... That's why there is nothing around me... SCW is my finality. It may not be this match, and it may not be this moment. But SCW is my end. Jake Starr truly developed and became everything here. So it's only fitting I let SCW be the place I pledge my ending to. Do I want to end without doing everything I could? No... But do I realize the reality that this match is truly the hardest in SCW to win, yeah... Yeah I do. So I'm forced to simply say this... My "Revelation" is that Taking Hold of the Flame is no guarantee to me, nor is it with anyone. So I'm not going to sit here, make a scene, and act like I can make something a guarantee when it will NEVER be. Instead... I sit here and I say this is one of the last times I can do it. Hell it may be the last. My body knows, I don't. So I have to listen to it. This could be the final go round in a clusterfuck like this. It could be one of several. Hell, I could be one of those surprise people because I take a year off...

But I want this to be complete. I'm tired of "chasing" anything. It's been my M. O. for my career. I'm ready to finish my chase. I'm ready to enjoy my life. I'm ready to just quit having anxiety of me being me because of everything I've done before. So I want this to be "the end." Not the end of a career, but the end of "the chase." I want to just be able to "go with the flow." I want to enjoy whatever life brings. I want to fight my fight as it comes. In order to do so, I have to shock the world. I have to shock myself, my friends and my family, why? Because none of us believe I can do it.

2019... I was that close... Now I have to get closer?

I guess I live on the fact that this match favors nobody. No matter what anyone says, does, or has in favor of momentum. I have to hope fate is on my side, and I get to push that final piece into my puzzle. From there... I can ride a wave. I can enjoy what comes. I can ACCEPT what does or doesn't happen. Why? Because everything will have been completed. I will be FINALLY in full control of my own future. I won't be focusing on what I "haven't" done, but instead on what I COULD do down the road. I will allow myself to quit feeling like I haven't done "something" and instead do whatever my body is capable of doing going forward.

Fact is... I fail, we stay in the same world we live in...

I win... A new world comes for me. Why? Because for once, I get to stop fighting for putting a final piece in place. Instead, I'm liberated of my own demons. I'm given a true rebirth. Is that rebirth something to fear? Or is it just my psyche fulfilled of its own failures being extinguished, I don't know. I'm not a fortune teller. I'm not here to say I win this, I'm a World Champion again. Instead, I'm someone who cares about this match, this piece, this cog in the wheel, and just being happy if FINALLY I see my life as one of true fulfillment... Suffering... Needing... Wanting... Survival... Nothing of that sorts is acceptable. This is life... I live... Or I get carried out on my shield...

And thus finally ends the Revelation of the Starr Martyr...

With those final words, Jake slowly looks back down and gently reaches up to lift the hood back over his head. An audible sigh is heard from the Hall of Famer as the two individual lights are each obviously unplugged, and the camera slowly fades out with Jake's silhouette gently disappearing. One final time, the voice over speaks over the black screen.

§ Voice Over §

To many, Jesus was just a man. He was seen as someone who claimed great and big ideas, preached a philosophy, and asked others to believe in him. In this, albeit very simplistic definition, He and Jake are alike. Where they differ is in how history receives them. For Jesus, he is Christ, our Lord. He is someone who has an entire religion around him, and while nobody is insinuating that he will be like that of Brian or Jesus, history will still decide how epically or simple he is remembered in terms of this industry that he has chosen.

In this moment, though, his peace was spoken. He has told everyone of his story, and how throughout his life a normal man, like himself, could still do something many simply consider spiritual, and that is have these Revelations that, like those in all of the texts, no matter the belief, state that life is about to change drastically. This weekend, his Biblical fight comes to a head. His battle with his Revelations comes full circle. I can't tell you the outcome. Only one Woman can. Which I have to say, compared to what most people tend to always speak of and believe, is pretty "Ironic," don't you think?
Alistaire's second, 2 of 2: https://scwglorious.wordpress.com/2020/0...ow-it-all/

Xander's second, 2 of 2: https://scwexecutioner.wordpress.com/202...ost-cause/

Adam Allocco's entry: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KvnkcJf...sp=sharing

Quote:Continuation from the last one.

Blake didn’t say much on the drive back to the house. In his honest assessment there wasn’t a lot to say. His only desire at this rate was for the day to come to a less than dramatic end. That would be asking for much. No chance a simple request would be granted with the trajectory of his life. Whether the universe was going to give Blake Mason the break he felt he needed was going to be seen at a future date. He did the only thing he had any real control over, he opted to take a nap, get some rest. Blake was exhausted.

Before he knew it Jaxson pulled up in front of Taylor’s place. Jaxson nudged his boss to get him to pry his eyes open. Blake finally responded. Slightly more refreshed than he was when in the time span he slipped into a state of rest, he looked at the home with a blank expression. There was no running from this. Part of him dreaded stepping foot inside. The events of the day suddenly flooded back to him. The meeting with Scott Cannon and Kelcey Wallace. To fantasizing about kissing Kelcey, to heading to Church; this was a jam packed day that Blake would prefer to put in his rear view mirror.

“What’s the plan?” Jaxson calmly asked.

Blake didn’t hear Jaxson at first. He was too consumed by his own thoughts to properly answer his bodyguard’s question.

“Ahem” Jaxson said forcibly in an attempt to snap Blake out of his own mind.

Blake turned to a stone faced Jaxson. He says, “Oh. Sorry. What did you say?

“What’s the plan?” Jaxson asked again.”

Blake searched his mind Jaxson’s question. Didn’t take long for Blake to say, “Next on bucket list is hiring a chauffeur. Sorry for making you drive me around all day.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Jaxson reassured him. “We both know that is not what I am talking about. How much are you going to tell Taylor about what happen today?”

“Right.” Blake sighs. “There is no charming way to tell a fiance that you fantasied about another woman. The sensible thing to do in this scenerio is to leave out that part; fudge up how to day went just a tad to make everything make sense.”

“So you’re going to lie, basically?” Jaxson bluntly said. “Is that wise?”

“You’re single I, right?” Blake ask.

Jaxson nods.

Blake continues. “Here is a piece of free advice, never give your beloved a reason to be alarmed. What sense does it make to alarm Taylor over what… a dream? The Priest was right about one thing, Jaxson, I did nothing wrong. I didn’t act on my feelings for Kelcey. It would not be productive to go in there, tell Taylor, hey honey, guess what, I allowed myself to indulge in a fantasy about your best friend, lets go to bed and make love.”

Blake rolls his eyes. “Life and relationships don’t work like that. What I need to do is find a real way to deal with this issue. Giving Taylor any reason to mistrust me will not work. At all. Besides. I have to go into Breakdown in a couple days to defend the tag team titles with her son. Imagine if word got out about my day dream? You think Owen and I will be on the same page? Hell no. I am going to say absolutely nothing. I will walk in there. Spend time with my fiance. And all will be right in the world when I wake up in the morning.” Blake tried his best to sound sure of himself.

Jaxson soaked in everything that Blake had to say. He didn’t know what quite to make of the whole conversation. That was ok. He isn’t being paid by Blake to make sense of the moral code of an employer. His only responsibility was to protect the man from all outside threats. He isn’t getting paid to protect Blake from himself. He pats Blake on the shoulder. “Good luck with that. See you Tuesday.”

Blake presents his fist to Jaxson. “Of course. Take the rest of the weekend off. I’ll take it from here.”

Jaxson fist bumps Blake. One half of the tag team champions exits the car. He stands there to watch Jaxson drive off. With Jaxson’s car completely out of view, Blake walks to the front door of Taylor’s place. With a heavy sigh he inserts his keys into the door knob. Letting himself inside the first thing he does is head over to the couch to lay down. Staring up at the ceiling full of exhaustion, all Blake wanted to do in that precise moment was to fall asleep. Wake up the next day. Forget the events of May 23rd didn’t happen at all. His day wasn’t quite over. Walking into the living room is the woman he is set to marry, Taylor Chase.

Noticing her soon to be husband laying on the couch, she takes a seat on the air chair. She crosses her legs. “God you look awful.” she says frankly.

Listening to Taylor’s frankness brought a smile to his face. “Can’t get nothing past you.”

“Did Scott give you a hard time? I’ll rip him a new one--”

While it would please Blake to high heaven to watch Taylor verbally tear Scott a new one, not under these circumstances. So he cut Taylor off. “For once a Cannon is not the problem. My pow wow with him and Kelcey went as expected. Scott questioning why I’m helping out, whatever. I didn’t expect him to roll out the red carpet anyway. Still. I’m good. Just needed to make one more stop on the way home. Sorry I didn’t call.”

“Where did you go?” Taylor obviously asked.

For Blake he knew this was his moment of truth. Despite what he told Jaxson moments earlier, a small part of him was wrestling with whether to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. She did ask him a direct question. No need to go into full blown exposition. “You are never going to believe this? Blake responded. Sitting up, he looks at the beautiful Taylor Chase. “Stopped by Church.”

Taylor’s eyes widen. She blinked twice. “You! Church?”

“We are officially in the darkest timeline, Taylor. I’m gonna retire from wrestling to become a Preacher.” Blake smiles.

Taylor playfully rolls her eyes. “And I am the next in line to become Mother Theresa.” She stands up. The First Lady of Wrestling walks over to join Blake on the couch. “Are you sure you are ok? I am surprised you would step foot inside one. Thought you were allergic to Church.”

Blake wraps his arm around Taylor’s shoulder. “Rough day. My pow wow was a lot more stressful than I thought. It’s true Church is not my usual hot spot, there is nothing wrong with trying a new approach. Wanted to gain a difference perspective on how I should handle things with Kelcey and her fight to get her son back.”

“Did The Priest offer to exorcise Chris and Sienna?” Taylor said.

Blake shakes his head. “Nope, that would be entirely too easy. We can’t have that, right? Could always ask Kim for her Infinity Gauntlet. Where would the fun be in that? Wrapping things up with a snap of an infinity gauntlet would be boring anyway. No point in fighting.”

“True. Boots to asses is more my style.” Taylor rest her head on Blake’s chest. “Did you get the answers you were looking for?”

Blake runs his fingers through Taylor’s hair. “Nope, giant waste of time; I am never going to a Priest for guidance again.”

“Now that is the Blake Mason I love.” Taylor smiles brightly.

Blake wraps his arms around her waist. Hugging her close, Blake says to her. “I am more grateful for that than you can possibly imagine.

For a span of roughly ten minutes, Blake sat with Taylor Chase cuddled on the couch in silence. All Blake focused on wasn’t the ride the day took him on. The immediate past didn’t matter. Neither the distant path. The future was yet to be written. No point focusing on that. The only thing that mattered to him was being in the moment with Taylor. Soaking in the moment would reaffirm to him why he was going to marry this woman at some point in the distant future.

He is where he wants to be. He was one hundred percent convinced of it. The moment of his mind being at peace didn’t last long. Not because he didn’t want to be with Taylor. He definitely does. No question about that. Naturally his mind took him back to earlier. The replay of the kiss that never happened flashed in his head. He sighs, not wanting that footage to dance around in his mind. Not now. Not ever again. How was he going to deal with this he thought to himself? Again the kiss jolts in his brain. Blake took another deep breath to calm himself. There was a time where he thought “just breath” was the sillies advice imaginable. Over the years he realized “just breath” does help bring a sense of calm to an ever active mind. With an intense temperament like his that has led him to make life changing decisions that has not only effected his life but the life of others, “just breath” has been a godsend.

His thoughts calmed down. He was able to center himself again. Blake wasn’t naive, he knew the images would pop back inside his head at some point. And he would be ready for the next time. Until he figures out a way to eliminate what he is experiencing, if at all possible.

“Blake… is everything ok” Taylor inquired.

He forgot, Taylor’s head was laying on his chest. She have to had picked up on his increased breathing. Blake shakes his head knowing Taylor couldn’t see him do it.

“Yeah… I’m good.” Blake tried to reassure her.

“I swear I won’t knock Scott’s head off it you tell me the truth. Was he rude to you?” Taylor said.

“He behaved, promise.” Blake said adamantly. “I don’t want to think about today, ok? Can we just exist within the moment?”

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Taylor pushed.

“Alright—” Blake resignly said.

Taylor sat up.

Blake peered into her eyes.

He grabs her hands.

Ok, here goes nothing he told himself.


Saved by the door bell.

Blake raised an eyebrow. “Expecting someone?”

Taylor shakes her head. “No.”

Blake rose to his feet. He walks to the front door. Opening it he didn’t get a chance to properly welcome who was at the door as his daughter leaped at him. He catches her, holding her for dear life.

“Daddy!!” Kayla scrams in excitement.

Once he collects his barings; he notices Katelyn Beuller standing in front of him.

“Hey Kate. Not that I don’t appreciate you bringing Kayla by. You coulda at least called.” Blake said.

“I did call silly man.” Katelyn smiled. “You wouldn’t pick up your phone.”

That’s right Blake thought. When Jaxson drove him to Saint Jude’s Catholic Church he made it a point to shut off his phone so no one could reach him.

Blake put Kayla down. He gets to a knee. Puts his hand on his daughter's shoulder. “Taylor is in the living room. Go say hi to her. I need to talk to your mother for a second.”

Kayla nods. She rushes off to go see her future step mother. Blake steps outside. He closes the door behind him. He gives Katelyn a huge hug.

“Hello to you too…” Katelyn managed to say despite Blake having a vice grip around her.

“Thank you for saving me from doing something stupid.” Blake said

He released his grip. Katelyn looked at him skeptically. “Oh god, what did you do this time?”

Blake rolls his eyes. “Hey! I have been on my best behavior lately! That hurt.”

“Really?” Katelyn sticks her tongue at him.

“Taylor won’t appreciate you flirting with me, Kate.” Blake pinches her on the cheek.

Katelyn mockingly growls at him. “I should behave. Wouldn’t want another 100 year war.”

“Don’t think my heart can handle that.” Blake said. With a deep breath, he continues. “I was about to tell Taylor something I shouldn’t. I didn’t do anything wrong per say. Long and short, I am thinking thoughts I really shouldn’t. Don’t know, in the moment I was gonna try unburdening myself to make it all go away. Won’t bore you with the details. Thank you, ok. Your the best.”

“I know.” Katelyn winks.

“Don’t go Han Solo on me woman.” Blake smiles.

The door opens. Both Blake and Katelyn turns around to see Taylor.

“Hi Kate.” Taylor says.

“I apologize for dropping by announced, Blake didn’t have his phone on. But I knew he wouldn’t mind Kayla staying over for a few days. You don’t mind, right?” Katelyn said.

“Of course not. Always great having my number one fan around.” Taylor says.

“Hey.” Blake says pretending to be offended.

“Fine.” Taylor nudges Blake in the shoulder. “Co Number 1.”

“I can live with that.” Blake grabs Taylor’s hand. Taking his position next to her, he looks at Katelyn. “I’m glad you’re here actually. Before you came over I was going to share with Taylor my grand idea. I was nervous to share. Me? Nervous about something, this is a strange world we exist in. But I have never been a guy cautious to jump into deep water. So, what I was thinking about doing is asking Taylor about possibly getting married in two weeks.”

Taylor’s jaw almost hit the ground. Katelyn was equally caught off guard by Blake’s announcement. On the outside Blake seems enthused calling his shot. “The way I see it, Rise to Greatness time is going to be hectic. Whether I win the battle royal or walk into the event as one half of the tag team champions, the road to Rise to Greatness is craziness is ramped up by over eight thousand. Tay, we take ten day break between Taking Hold of the Flame and the first Breakdown of the RTG period to get married. I promise we can have the honeymoon after Rise to Greatness.” Blake says.

“Wow… I wasn’t expecting that.” Taylor finally managed to say.

“That’s Blake for you, flair for the dramatic.” Katelyn smiles.

His baby’s mother wasn’t lying about that.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm, can we talk about this more?” Taylor asked.

Blake kisses Taylor on the lips. “Of course. Just wanted Katelyn to know so she can get Kayla ready for our big day.”

“Well, I’ll leave you lovebirds to it.” Katelyn nods. She turns around to walk away.

With Katelyn gone, Taylor looks into Blake’s eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

“As sure as I’ve ever been.” Blake reassures her.

Their intimate moment was soon interrupted by Kayla’s sweet voice. “Daddy. Can we watch Frozen 2 again?”

Blake turns to his daughter. “Lets do this.”

And with that, Taylor, Kayla and Blake walk back into the house to watch Frozen 2 for what feels like the a thousandth time. This is where he wants to be. Then. Now. Forever.
This Part 2 of 2. Again, this has been a ton of fun. Good luck everyone.

Taking Hold of the Flame 2020 Part 2
[Image: JORDAN1.png]
OOC: Sorry for not having the graphics or anything for this one. As mentioned earlier, my computer died the other week so I've had to write my roleplays using my phone. Best of luck to everyone!

Send In the Clown

Chapter 1: Opening Curtain...

I said nothing as I walked through the pathways in the dark. There wasn't anyone to talk to really. It wasn't like I brought people down here with me. The tunnels and pathways that ran underneath Toronto, Ontario, old, discarded paths of the P.A.T.H that were useless to anyone leaving above on the surface, were certainly not meant for anyone that didn't know their way.

But you know? You live down here long enough, and no matter how long you're away from it, you always know the routes.

That's my case. It's why I could travel down here with no fear. No hesitation. I knew how to lose followers and stalkers down here, in the realm of the Underground. In the old home of the Kings of Shadows.

Yeah, I said that, I said 'old home'.

In case you haven't figured it out, yet - and shame on you if you haven't after reading the DAMN TITLE - it's Shilo Valiant narrating here. I know It's been awhile since I did a full-fledged story, hasn't it. It's a bit harder for me to do that these days. Promoting? That's no problem. I can always talk about wrestling and opponents. I can also throw barbs and insults and whatever. Change my promo style to new things and ideas. But what do you talk about - what story to you share with your audience craving entertainment - when you've done it all?

Let me give you a bit of a reminder, since it's been a few years. You're listening to a guy that fought a series of corrupt cops named the Links, saved his world - the Kings of Shadows - from an invading madman in Ian Ryper, a former merchant like me, saved his land again from another invader, this time my father-in-law, aka The Sovereign, and in-between all of that, somehow also defeated robbers and serial killers like Eclipse and Brother Grimm.

Add my life's story of being a father, soulmate with my darling Marina, and what else was there to tell? What else was there for me to share with all of you in my life's story? I'm not Syren. I'm not Selena Frost. There's not much 'exciting' about me cooking pasta or, in Syren's case, finding life partners and scandals all in one go. Sorry, not my thing.

So, I walked away from SCW. I walked away because I felt that I didn't have anything more to add to the entertainment. Still, as the years went by, I felt that itching again. That itching to get back in the ring and end things on my terms. End my career, my Hall of Fame-winning career, on a far more 'entertaining note' than bowing out of some Adrenaline tournament and knocking Ace Marshall silly.

Maybe that's why I was excited about Taking Hold of the Flame. It seemed too perfect this year. Aaron Blackbourne possibly being the world champion?

Let me make this clear to you now: I like the kid. I think he's a good guy. And I think he's very talented. That being said, by the time you're done seeing all of this, including the promo, you're gonna understand why I have fun pulling his chain and riding him along. It certainly is a barrel of laughs. Hardy har har.

But I digress, I kept walking through the tunnels of Toronto, taking stock of my old stomping grounds. The only sounds that filled my ears was the trickling of sewer water through the pipes and the sounds of my black running shoes as I walked through the tunnels. It's spring, alright? Not like I need to wear boots when I know where to walk. Just jeans and a black t-shirt with a comedy/tragedy mask in gothic design on it. You know... Casual.

It didn't take me long to reach the central hub of the Kings of Shadows, the old fountain still standing there, despite no water flowing from it. Across from that, in case you don't remember what it looks like, were the build-in rooms and houses for the residents, where people would live, taking shelter from the outside world that had either abandoned them or forsaken them.

I couldn't help but smile at that. Despite everything, the place was still very much like home to me. And like anyone going back to their old home, the feeling of nostalgia was there. It was achingly similiar to returning to SCW suddenly to challenge Blackbourne.

No, you heard me right. Coming back to the God of Wrestling Tournament was something I did because that idiot, Allocco, wouldn't stop bothering me about it. He kept begging me to come back because I won the last damn tournament. And the more I said no, the more he upped his offer until I'd be far dumber than a drunk man driving his car and crashing it into a cop car to say no. Yes, I've actually seen that happen in Toronto, so don't be surprised by the analogy.

Anyway, the God of Wrestling tournament was nice, but it wasn't where my heart was. My heart wasn't in it as much as the others had like David Helms and Selena Frost and the newbies that wanted to make a career. But it was partly Aaron Blackbourne and his abilities that made me want to come back. To test the skills of this new 'artist' against my own. He reminded me a lot of myself-

Okay... Full cards on the table here while I'm talking about my journey through the Underground? I don't want to lose the Royale. Yeah, I get the odds. No one's ever won the Royale twice in the history of SCW. No wrestler, no manager, no handler, no stable, nobody has ever been part of the 'winning team' more than once when it came to that Royale and the main-event at Rise to Greatness.

And if I just had myself to worry about, I wouldn't be so driven. I wouldn't be so determined for it - I probably wouldn't even care if I lost it.

But again, it comes back to Aaron. The kid was trying like hell to become World Champion and face me! Yeah, it was for him, but I think, on some level, he wanted to goad me out. And I can't really blame him. I mean, how entertaining would that be? Aaron Blackbourne beating Shilo Valiant and retaining the SCW World championship at the main-event at Rise to Greatness after months of months of building that feud? The kid's career would be made if he could get past Bree, and, if I egged him on enough, I think he'd have a real chance.

But the pressure was more on me than him. He could do it. I knew he could, especially with me goading him. But for me to win the Royale? To do the impossible that hadn't been done in over fifteen years of SCW's existence? And what if I failed? What would happen? Aaron and I face at Apocalypse as a consolation prize? How much would that fucking suck?

No, I had to have faith that Aaron would pull through and I had to clear my head to see if I could survive against some of the biggest names in SCW - past and present.

So, I had left my house in Guelph (yeah, I moved) and drove all the way here. Marina was worried but I-

Oh, didn't I talk about her yet? Yeah, Marina and I are still together. Go figure. And no, you won't be seeing her yet. She stayed home with our son, Memphis, who's easily the loudest person in the family, and that's coming from someone that use to scream "NECRO!" Until he was hoarse in the throat. It wasn't easy to leave everything behind, but in the end, Marina didn't want to be the Sovereign like her father, or the Empress, anymore than I wanted to The Merchant of Rule anymore. It was time to say goodbye to that. To leave it in the hands of those that we were sure would take care of it.

Retirement was both good and bad for her and I. Not in terms of wrestling, that was harder for me to say goodbye than it was for her. Being pregnant was quite the decision-maker in her case. Anyway, it was good for us in that we could spend more time together, just as we had when it was just us in SCW. It was bad for us because we soon ran out of things to do after the first few months. Don't get me wrong, Memphis is still a handful, but the kid's seven and making friends in school. I mean, the hard part's over, I think.

Actually, little story here - I know, I'm full of them, but I'm trying to help you guys catch up. But he was another reason I started getting that itch.

Okay, let me explain: you guys know I'm a Hall of Fame guy, right? And you know that I'm part of the 'legend' thing - which makes me feel a hell of a lot older than I actually am. And don't check my bio page on the SCW forums! I still have to update that. People still think my theme song is "Sin with a Grin" - yes, that's my bad, but I've been busy and with a lot on my mind. Anyway, Marina and I were at Wal-Mart with Memphis (I know you're wondering things but be patient, I'll get to it all) when Memphis noticed something. The boy is always running around to the toys section or the electronics section. He's actually really well behaved, but he likes to walk the aisles and touch the cool stuff. But I'll tell you his favourite thing. In the teen section of toys is a good section of SCW figurines. They're mostly kept up to date, mind you, with the more recent superstars like Giovanni Aries, Alistaire Allocco, Datura - really, this display was the biggest reason I knew all the new people's names. Really helped out when I inevitably made my return.

But, on that particular day months ago, right at the front, under the SCW "Legends" set, was me. I mean really, it was me. Picture on the side, name on the bottom, figurine on full display with removable masks packed in as well. Really, I've got to give credit to the manufacturers. They did an incredible job with the likeness. But Memphis noticed it and took it off the shelf. He spent a solid five minutes looking at it and looking at me, as if he couldn't reconcile what he was seeing and what was standing before him. Marina thought it was the cutest thing. Finally, after what felt like an hour, he looked at me and showed me the figurine.

"Daddy...is this you?" He asked. It made me laugh, and by that I am serious, it actually made me, genuinely, laugh. Memphis didn't know I was a wrestler in SCW. Or if he did, he never told me. I would have imagined the kids at school would have said something, but I guess with them all being his age, no one watched SCW - can't really blame them. It's boring as shit nowadays. No one's swinging from ladders, bringing alligators into the ring, and can we please have a show where Beauty Factory and Infamous DON'T come down to piss and moan?!

"Yes it is me." I told my son. "I use to be a wrestler. So did your mom." I gestured behind me to the brown-eyed beauty as she leaned against me, me throwing my arm around her to hold her close.
"Does mom have an action figure?" Memphis asked, surprising me.
"I...I don't really know." I stated. What? It wasn't like Marina and I went actively hunting for stuff that had our faces on it. Yeah, we had replicas of the titles we won, but come on! That's a bit much, don't you think? To collect your own memorabilia?

"Why don't you wrestle now?" Memphis had asked me.
"Well..." It was a question that, oddly enough, had come up in the past. And I had an answer for it, I just didn't know if it was a good one. I basically told him everything that I've just told all of you. That I had done practically everything I had set out to do. That I had run out of stories to tell and that it was time for someone new to step in and take my place.

Memphis didn't quite get it - again, he's like seven - but somehow, he managed to get that "Daddy was once on T.V." And that was enough for him to look me in the eyes and say "I wish I could see you on TV, daddy."

Yeah. Just like that - BOOM! The itch was back.

By the way, in terms of my travelling here while I'm explaining this story? I walked through the stone house that my father, Jonathan "Spider" Wells, and I once lived in. Further back was the abandoned subway cart, aka my room as a kid. It was empty, like everything else was, but at least the fire hadn't destroyed too much of this section. Moving on - nope, don't ask - I kept walking along the paths towards the end of the Kings of Shadows until I was back in the tunnels.

I always hated this part - the tunnels that lead to the nexus point to the other parts of the Underground. Again, refresher course here, the North was the councilling room for the merchants and where the Mind Merchant lived - Malcore was his name. South was the abandoned, former home of Ryper's gang, The Children of Eden, and the 'Garden'. East and West were different alcoves where people could live, as well as exits to various parts of Toronto.

Guess which way I went when I reached the Nexus?

South. I went south. Yeah, it was a good thing I didn't bring Marina with me. She hated it down there more than I did. Can't really blame her, there was a lot of bad memories down there. Still, travelling was needed. I needed to clear my head, or rather, get myself into the proper mindset.

Alright, let me see if I can explain this part to you: Shilo Valiant, the family man, isn't going to do shit at the Royale. I tried wrestling as that guy and I got my ass handed to me by David Helms in the God of Wrestling tournament. Hell, that Valiant could barely get a promo out because he was so tired. And let me tell you, I realized in the last few months, that you can train and train to get yourself back in top shape (and I did - running treadmill is so damn boring) but if your mind isn't in the right place, you're not going to last in SCW regardless of your fame and accolades. It's called evolution. If you can't change with the times, then you'll just be left behind.

So I had to come back here. I couldn't be Shilo Valiant, the family man. If my son was going to see me wrestle, and I mean, actually, wrestle, not just muck around and play dead in the middle of the ring just to piss off Jay Gold, Datura, and Aaron Blackbourne (though that was kinda fun for me), then I needed to get my mind back to Shilo Valiant, The Necro-Merchant. Not necessarily the same gimmick as that, but definitely in that mindset.

So...I needed to come here. To put myself in the proper frame of mind. And while I didn't bring her, I did tell Marina what I was intending to do. Naturally, she was against it. She was against me going back to wrestling in the first place. I mean, she got it. She understood. She didn't have a desire to have 'one last ride' like I did, but I was way more into wrestling than she was. Hell, sometimes I even helped write her promos, I was that into it, always asking her to let me help. She humoured me and it was fun. Anyway, she was against me going back to SCW because she was afraid I would lose myself or go down a darker path or tarnish my legacy, basically for one good thing - one last hooray - I was risking an awful lot for a family man.

Still, I couldn't get my son's wish out of my head. I wanted him to see me wrestle. I wanted him to be proud. Like my daughter had been when she saw me wrestle years ago.

So, trapsing through the tunnels again, I kept a bare hand against the metal, feeling the coldness of it against my fingers. I could also see, in the dim light, the details of my dragon-tattoo, the one with the bones drawn inside it. Again, for those of you that don't remember, this was the tattoo that Ryper marked with me after throwing me into that damned prison-torture box he had - the tenebrae.

Geez, how many years has it been since I even spoke about that? What's more freaky? The fact that I can't say it without having a slight shiver. And I'll wager anyone that remembers it would feel that way too. If my wrestling life was something that I wanted my son to know about, you can imagine the opposite feeling in regards to my son knowing about my life and past here in the Underground - as in, no way in hell would I ever want him to know!

The tenebrae was the thing nightmares were made of. Imagine a cell only a few feet tall and a few feet wide. Imagine being crammed inside there so your body is basically in the fetal position, locked in there for weeks, months. And no, you don't want to know how or where the bathroom was. It was all Ryper's progress in trying to brainwash me and make me one of his weapon-disciples against the Kings of Shadows, more specifically my father, Spider. Ryper branded my arm with the tattoo of a dragon, tattoos being all the thing for the Children of Eden, like goth-punks, or so I understand. Luckily, for me, the K.O.S staged an attack and managed to get me out of there.

Actually, something you won't find in my previous stories (even on the old legacy sites)... Is the reason I never got rid of it. It's not like I couldn't afford it and, trust me, it's not because laser-tattoo-removal and the pain that comes with it bothers me. I've taken wrenches to the knee, bulldozed by monsters like Blitzkrieg (anyone remember him?), and has everyone forgotten how I was SET ON FIRE?!

No, the reason why I never got rid of the tattoo, petty as this will sound, is that I never wanted to forget the very cold reality. You guys know I try to entertain all of you. You know that I try and make you all laugh and smile and have a good time on the SCW shows, but the reason I do that is because, honestly, the world is a dark and cruel place. It is filled with so much crap that - okay, maybe it's not as bad as Xander Valentine's 24/7 sob stories that he talks about. "I am broken! I am bully! I am to be feared!" Yeah, yeah, King Kong was feared and all we had to do to beat him was push him off a building. Take a long walk off a tall pier, Xandy.

It's not as dark as that, but it is a rather cruel place. Full of monsters, rapists, murderers, everything you can imagine.

And that tattoo on my arm of the dragon was a reminder, not only of that, but also a reminder of how much I could endure and still survive. I mean, you think winning the Taking Hold of the Flame Royale from start to finish was tough? Yeah it was, but I wouldn't have been to do that, nor would I have been able to survive that pyro attack if I didn't know I could. And with that tattoo, and me being able to look at it, I was always reminded that I could.

I think that was the reason Marina never removed the tattoo of the spider-web and skull spider that Merrick Links had marked her with. Same reason, really. It still looks beautiful on her but I think she keeps it to remind herself to be humble but also to remain strong and survive, no matter what.

I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into it, but, you know, silver linings. Look at something like your time in the tenebrae or being assaulted and try and draw something positive from it, you know?

Speaking of which, I spotted the entrance to the Garden and, further down, the wall at the side with metal doors, the entrance to the tenebrae. Now, unlike the old walls of my home and the tunnels, I stayed clear of the metal confines of the tenebrae. Why? Well, let me put it this way. I knew, from experience, how little that place was cleaned and, despite my shoddy memory, I was pretty sure someone had been left to die in there at some point... Was it Muskrat when he had betrayed the K.O.S? It wasn't Ryper - I genuinely don't remember.

That's the problem when you've been telling all these stories for over a decade. Unless you have some kind of reference bible or something, little details, like memories start to slip. Again, this was why I wanted to get back to SCW for my son, before it really was too late for me. Before I really couldn't wrestle anymore. It was the final reason why I wanted so badly to win the Royale for a second time. Aaron, SCW/entertainment, and my son - those were the three reasons. Because, as much as I felt great and full of energy and good health, there was no way I could know if this whole 'year of return' was a one and done thing. If anything I said or did would take to this new SCW and I could, maybe, do some awesome things before it was over.

But, if this was my one shot, then for the three reasons I mentioned, I was going to do whatever I had to be ready. Even this...

Yep, here it is, the reason I travelled here. The reason why I got up early, got into my car, drove from Guelph to Toronto, parked in an alley, used a manhole covering (thanks to a crowbar) and travelled all the way through my old home.

Oh, before I say this last part to wrap it all up, have any of you figured out the missing element to this chapter? Maybe those of you that know my past work (apparently, on discord, I'm actually rather liked...go figure) may have solved it, but I think I left enough hints for you to put it all together. The Kings of Shadows, the old houses, the tunnels, even the garden here... What's missing?

Well, as I walked the short distance left, past the Garden and into one last tunnel, it became adamantly clear, though I already knew the answer. Because there, in one alcove with only one way to it... Was about a couple dozen or so tombstones, all about the same size and shape, lined up perfectly like a little cemetery. And on each of them were carved, rather roughly, a name and a date. And there, at the front of the lines:

Faith Jekyll
Edward Jekyll
Nomas Altaire
Femora Altaire
Lester Malcore
Rusty Edwards
Mark Edwards
Madison Rivers-Wells
Nights Wells
Rameses Jekyll
Gwynplaine Valiant-Jekyll
Joseph "Spider" Wells

Their birthdates were all different, but the last date on each stone? The day of death? It was all the same. The day it all ended...

The day I killed them all.

So, what do you think? Entertained, yet?



Join us in our world of fun!
Cause our adventures have only just begun!
With magical friends and learning too!
We have so much to share with you!

The camera changes to a shot of a single, black chair in the center of the shot. Only a second passes before a shadow is seen approaching the chair, belong to a man that sits down in the chair with a big smile on his face! He wears a crimson red long coat with silver, shiny buckles covering them.

Hello, my little entertainers! Shilo greets with a smile and a big, brown, hard covered book in his hands. You're probably wondering where all our friends are today. Where's Puppy? And Bah-Boomsie? Are they playing 'hide-and-seek'?

Looking down a little guilty, with pursued lips, Shilo takes a moment to look around. Well, you see, my friends, I... I asked Puppy and Bah-Boomsie to give me some time here in the big-top so I could speak with a very special, VERY important person. Now, I know what you all are thinking! "Shilo! You have so many wonderful friends! And so many people that want so badly to be you! Goodness, you're facing thirty-nine of them this weekend! Who could you possibly mean when you say you have a 'special person to talk to'?"

That is a very good question, my little friends. The person I need to speak to is, actually, my most devoted fan. He can't go long without talking about me and he can't do much without thinking about me, it seems. Have you figured out who that special someone is, yet?

No... Well, I'll give you a hint! This person is NOT in the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale!

Nothing yet?
Shilo hums as he thinks about it. How about one last hint, then? I KNOW this will help you all! This person is NOT Datura.

Stopping for a second, Shilo cups a hand over his ear, the big, heavy book still in his lap. What's that? Did you say Aaron Blackbourne? That's right! You got it! Good for you! Give yourselves a pat on the back! Reaching over his shoulder, Shilo pats himself on the back just as he asked his audience to.

Yes, today's episode is especially for you, Aaron. Because, I figured, with so much happening this weekend, and so much lying going around from you, and Bree, and Datura, and... Well, let's face it... Thirty-nine other delusional wrestlers, I figured someone should be here to speak the truth. And what better way to speak the truth- Shilo suddenly pats the top of the book in his lap. Than with a good-ol' fashioned story!

Carefully, Shilo hoists the book up a little, the cover not really noticeable due to the size and position Shilo holds it. Don't you worry, Aaron. With you and your 'creativity', I know you're hoping there will be pictures. Fortunately for you, this is a picture story!

Clearing his throat, Shilo opens the book the first page, where there is a picture of Aaron Blackbourne, holding up the Television Title. Once upon a time, there was a man that was an artist! He loved to tell people how creative he was! "I am the most creative soul in all the land!" He would proclaim. "I am more creative than the haters of Lizard Kingdoms! More clever than the stables of legends and infamous hall of farmers! More original than the factory that makes beautiful people!"

The artists' bold proclamations reached far and wide! And so many simply believed it because few dared to challenge so wild, talented and unchained man!
Shilo turns the page in the big book, showing a picture of a smiling Shilo Valiant with his quarter-mask on. But one day, a wise, old jester arrived onto the land of SCW! He had visited this land many times before, and, hearing the artist's proclamations, he challenged the young man to 'prove his creativity'! Turning the page, a new picture is shown: this one of Shilo and Aaron wrestling in their first match - a Breakdown episode for the TV title.

I remember that night! Shilo exclaims with a smile. Do you remember why I chose to challenge you, Aaron? Because I had watched you. I had watched you wrestle, watch you promo, watch...well, everything, really. And I thought, I truly thought, that, while you were still a bit rough around the edges, a bit unpolished, you had the makings of a great entertainer! I was excited to face you! Turning the page, a picture of Shilo is seen looking into the ring, pointing at Aaron. In fact, the jester was so excited, he praised the young artist, declaring he to be 'someone to watch' in the future! He had given the artist the greatest of compliments, leaving the audience wanting more of both of them!

A sad sigh escapes the reader and host. Sadly, the artist did not see it that way. Rather than see the experienced entertainer as a giving man - a person that had gifted him - the artist grew disrespectful and arrogant. Be that as it may, the jester continued to try and support the young man, until the next time... the page turns and reveals a picture of Aaron Blackbourne being pinned by El Lucho Grande. When the artist failed to live up to the expectations of being a champion, he riled and blamed the jester, who merely had tried to support him... Shilo sighs again. Poor Aaron... You lost your title a mere twelve or so days after winning it, and you blamed me. Why, Aaron? Because you were distracted by my voice and support of you? Did you also blame the thousands of people in the arena that night for 'being too loud'? Tsk tsk tsk... Shilo chastises before turning the page, the image to one of Aaron angry and yelling. "I must have the jester!" The artist proclaimed! "He cost me my title! He is to blame!"

The sad, sad jester reached a very real conclusion...
the page changes, as does the picture, to one of Shilo Valiant sitting on a flight of stairs, his head in his hands. He realized that the man he had supported, the artist he had believed in... Was a fraud. That the artist's creativity wasn't 'unchained'... It was simply... Unoriginal. For what was the artist doing but simply imitating the jeter's legacy? Where the jester had used paints and swung from ladders, the artist copied such tactics and claimed to be his own. Where the jester had been unpredictable, the artist was simply falling flat on his face and blaming the jester...

It was at that time that the jester made a decision!

Eagerly, Shilo turns the page, saying This is my favourite part! as he does so. The image shown is of Shilo Valiant, sliding his quarter-mask over his face. The jester realized that, if no one could be the entertainer that he was, than he would return to the ring and remove the fakers and the phonies that polluted the land of SCW! He would snuff out those that were merely copying the entertainment, rather than doing all they could to enhance it!

Stopping for a moment, Shilo raises his head up to the camera, to the 'special person' he knows is watching.

Do you see now, Aaron? For all your abilities, your surprise victories, for a moment, I truly did believe in you. But, sadly, the more I got to know you, the more I saw through your paints and effects for the unoriginal man that you are. You continued to disappoint me on every level, Aaron. Crying that someone else deserved title shots over you on Twitter? Coming up short time and time again when the opportunity presented itself... Why! You had the chance to become World Champion, did you not? How did that go?

You failed.

When I had my first shot at the World title... I didn't fail. The very first show of Riding the Lightning, SCW's first two-night event! I not only won the World title, I made history by becoming the first-ever SCW World and United States dual champion! That's right, Aaron! Even your opponent, Bree Lancaster, is as guilty as you are for copying me and not crediting the original source of the entertainment. Tsk tsk tsk!

But back to you, Aaron. You're probably wondering where that leaves us. I mean, you failed to beat me the last time we were in the ring, and I practically handed myself over to you - for the sake of entertainment, of course. But you see, our story isn't over yet! I know you think that I am here to shun you and belittle you, but no! I am here to tell you that you have everything within your grasp! We are on the cusp of finishing the most entertaining story in the most entertaining fashion!

A bright smile breaks over Shilo's face. For you, my dear follower, can achieve the greatest goal one possible here in SCW. You could undo your past failure and, finally, become the SCW World Champion! Not only that, you could go on to headline Rise to Greatness - a place I know very well. Shilo wiggles his eyebrows knowingly. If you don't choke and actually beat Bree Lancaster, you will become far more than you ever imagined! And I don't just mean World Champion, Aaron! I don't just mean Rise to Greatness main-eventer I mean that you will become something far greater than that! Far greater than you could ever hope to achieve!

You will become the supporting player to MY story!
Shilo declares with a grin. Oh, I'm sorry... he holds up the big, revealing the title in big bold letters in the cover: The Return of Shilo Valiant! Did you really think this was YOUR story, Aaron? Shilo's tone is a little darker as he chuckles darkly. Did you think that 'fate' was playing its hand in YOUR favour by granting you that number-one contender status for the World title?

No, my poor boy, fate did not do that for you. You are inconsequential in the grand-scheme of things. You failing - choking as you usually do - provides me some entertainment all the same. For you see, should you fail, then the champion would be Bree Lancaster - the bratty copycat that is trying to steal my achievement of being the greatest World and US champion of all time! You see? Fate placed both you and Bree in each other's path, not for your own sakes, but so that, when I win the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale, I will have one of you lined up to take down! Either you, the artist... Or rather, the con-artist ... Or the fake double champion.
Shilo smile continues to grow.

The pair of you - fakers and cons - you seem to think so highly of yourselves. But you fail to understand, much like Datura actually, but I'll get to her later. You and Bree fail to understand that this is not fate. This is not 'fortune' working for the pair of you. This is destiny. MY destiny.

I came back to SCW, not because I had to, but because SCW was begging me to come back. Begging me to come back and save the entertainment from the false showmen like yourself. From the false champions like Bree. And I, being the greatest showman in SCW history, generously heeded the call. And destiny has rewarded me by practically screaming how it wants me to come back in the most entertaining way...

By returning to MY show. MY main-event...
Shilo's head lowers a little, his expression a bit darker. Rise to Greatness.

Yes, Aaron. MY main-event. No one, in the history of SCW has done what I have done on that night. For three years in a row, I headlined that main-event. No one has ever done that. And I did it not with Trios contracts or whining or blaming people that 'distracted me', but by being the SCW World Champion or winning the Battle Royale!

I know what it takes to win this royale, Aaron. That's why destiny trusted me with the harder task of getting to Rise to Greatness while it literally handed you your world title shot against Bree - just like it handed Bree her shot at James Evans before that. Destiny has played the pair of you in order to get me to where I am destined to be - at the Rise to Greatness main-event for the fourth time!

Suddenly, Shilo's expression changes to a happy, smiling jester once more. But don't worry! I'll be happy to let the champion share in my spotlight of the main-event, too! I'm not ungrateful! You, Aaron, can have all you've wanted. I will give it to you if you win! The singles match with me you've desired and, more importantly, a moment in my spotlight as I entertain the fans of SCW as I always have. And Bree can have the same thing if she wins. See how fair and kind I am? I'm giving you both the opportunity, the entertainment, of a lifetime! A match will surely go down as the 'Match of the Year'!

But... as for this...
Shilo taps the still open book with a finger. And how this story ends... Well... There was never a Rise to Greatness main-event that I was in where I wasn't holding the SCW world title... he slowly turns the page, showing a crying Bree Lancaster, and an unconscious Aaron Blackbourne. And whether you make Bree cry... Or you pass out from invariably choking, Aaron... he turns the page, revealing a picture of himself, holding the SCW World champion. The ending will not change... There is a flash of images, all of them the four different times Shilo Valiant has held the World title! Just as quickly, the image returns to Shilo, holding the book, now closed in his hands.

This is my story, Aaron. This is my destiny. And Taking Hold of the Flame will take me to my show. All you can do is enjoy the ride, and maybe...just maybe... his tone is suddenly darker, with a bit of a laugh heard behind him. You can be part of it, play your part... And make me laugh!

Shilo's sinister laugh is heard echoing throughout everything though Shilo, himself, merely smiles. Just as quickly, however, he suddenly waves his hand playfully. Bye, guys! That's all for now! Bye Aaron! Good luck! See you this Sunday! Bye! The camera changes to the graphic as the music plays!

That's all for today, our time is through!
But we hope we've made a friend of you!
So goodbye, so long, and farewell!
We'll see you all next time in our carousel!
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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