Jordan Majors, Lucas Knight & Pat Evans vs. Minerva, Kandis & Konrad Raab
Pat Evans’ first match back was rather straightforward. He teamed with the new man who now seemed to make up a team, one that was more of convenience and circumstance than genuine chemistry. The pairing did as advertised. Competed, well, and walked away with a victory. But they did not complete their goal – to clearly send a message. Part of that came as a result of the actions of their opponents. Minerva was content to remain on the apron, watching her ward do battle for her.
Following a shower and change of clothes, Pat Evans found a quiet part of the building to partake in an old routine. Win or lose, no matter the place on the card, he would cool down by immediately focusing elsewhere, namely a new book. Finding an area near the boiler rooms, but with enough lighting, he had taken a steel folding chair and his newest acquisition, a copy of the Red Laugh and the Abyss by Leonid Andreyev. Placing the chair down, unfolding it in the process, he sat down on the chair, leaning back, flipping through the pages, to one earmarked, a no-no to many, but for him, his way of avoiding a bookmark. He then started to read.
He was focusing on the Red Laugh portion of the book, which really was two books in one. Red Laugh told the story of how war could cause so many to become consumed by its horrors, often through mental terror and anguish, becoming a mere casualty of war by their involvement. It was as harsh a critique of war, told entirely through symbolism and imagery, as only Andreyev could. It only seemed fitting for the current climate, and situation, Pat found himself in SCW in his return.
He only made it through a few pages when the sound of footsteps broke his concentration. Looking up, the SCW founder headed over to him.
Mr. D: “Someone saw you heading this way.”
Pat: “Wanted to find a place to quietly cool down.”
Mr. D: “Then I won’t take much time from you. Just wanted to note that you’ve only lost a slight step, expected given that you’ve not competed on this stage for years.”
Pat: “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Mr. D: “Do so, but only to a degree. Remember why you’re here.”
Pat: “I’ve not forgotten….this would even be seen as an example of that.”
Pat held up the book. Mr. D just shrugs.
Mr. D: “Not familiar.”
Pat: “You can look it up if you’re so inclined. But if it helps, I’m not pleased with tonight. Outside of the fact that it’s clear that Minerva is merely another coward, manipulating others and using advantages to appear better than she is…tonight should’ve been a clearer message. Like I sent Tommy last week.”
Mr. D nods.
Mr. D: “Good that you’re not going to be complacent. Too many would be happy with a win in their first match back.”
Pat: “But as you said, that’s not why I’m here.”
Mr. D: “At least entirely.”
Pat nods. Mr. D turns to walk off before stopping and turning back.
Mr. D: “I hope you’re enjoying your book. Especially as I’m paying for it.”
Pat: “Whether I enjoy it or not, that’s not the only point of reading.”
Mr. D: “Fair enough.”
Mr. D turns and heads off as Pat watches him leave, more to make sure he does not return to re-engage, before returning to his book.
Returning to his home in Detroit, Pat Evans made his way up to his front door, fidgeting with the keys in his pocket. He pulled them out and places them in the keyhole, only to push his door in. Pat sighed as he then pulls the keys out and looks around to nearby apartments only to then use the back of his hand to push the door open. Stepping forward, his eyes scanned the apartment, dropping his bags at his side.
Pat: “Of course…”
He walks forward, over first to his bookshelf. Naturally nothing taken. He continues to walk through the apartment, stopping himself before sighing. He turns back to the cordless phone over by his desk and grabs it. Dialing a number, he then places the phone by his mouth, still looking around. After a few rings, there’s an answer.
Voice: “Detroit Police, how many I help you?”
Pat: “Hello. I’ve been the victim of an apartment robbery. I just returned from work and noticed my door was ajar.”
Voice: “Are you sure you locked the door upon your previous exit?”
Pat: “Of course.”
Voice: “Anything missing?”
Pat: “I’m still determining that.”
Voice: “We’ll send a unit to your location. Name and address, please.”
Pat, frustratingly did just that, providing his information and his address. Fortunately, no reaction as he hated to deal with fans. Hanging up after being told to stay put, he started to calmly scan the apartment again before then stopping and going over to a chest, placed in the corner of his living room. He looks at it sighing, seeing the latch having been forcibly damaged. He leans down to it, before stopping.
Pat: “I should leave it in case they actually do an investigation. Not like it’s going to matter…”
Pat then turns and walks over to the phone again. He grabs it, dialing another number. He then brings it to his face, waiting, waiting….waiting so more. A voice finally is heard, but it’s not a live one, only a recording.
“You have reached the voicemail of [Different voice: Anthony Evans]. Please leave your message after the beep.”
Pat sighs, just before the beep sounds.
Pat: “If you are behind what has happened in my apartment, you know the purpose of his call. If not, ignore it. But I don’t think my hunch is wrong.”
Pat hangs up, throwing the phone down onto the desk. He then leans on the desk.
Pat: “Fucking step-brother….”
So apparently we’re not waiting to get our knuckles dirty and bloody and I’m perfectly fine with that.
The question is whether Minerva will be. I mean this time it won’t be convenient to stand on the apron, while her man does all of the work. It could be possible, but then again, last I checked, rope breaks and a general care for the rules don’t really matter for a street fight. So again, I ask my question – will Minerva be perfectly fine getting her knuckles dirty and bloody. Since she’s arrived, outside of defeating a local talent, someone who frankly was nervous just tying their boots, realizing thousands would see them succeed or fail, she’s done more outside of the ring. She attacked Peyton Rice, from behind…She threatened David Helms, at shows, and apparently on social media, that cesspool of human invention. She’s ordered Konrad Raab, and she’s been trying to manipulate others.
I don’t doubt that she’s dangerous in the ring. But just as I know I am, I also know that human nature is that if someone gets used to being comfortable or others doing their work, they become complacent. Look at someone like CHBK, who was a legend several times over, and now barks orders at another surefire Hall of Famer, who was upset that she could not control her own narrative. She is a wrestler. She competes. Minerva is a wrestler. Should she not compete? She will at Be Careful What you Wish For. I expect some sort of cliched commentary on that line before she barks orders at Konrad Raab and then, I don’t know. Maybe she’ll threaten David again, or Jordan, or make some sort of statement with a pipe. None of it matters to me. I have a simple goal. To make you regret everything you’ve done.
What does that entail? Well in a street fight, it means, if necessary, I can fight fire with fire. You already showed some degree of concern when you attacked Josh Hudson. Foolish move as while he’s not cleared to compete, it does not stop him from being there, much like Tommy Valentine is the same. How is Tommy by the way? How is your lower hamstring? Are you able to put weight on it yet?
Where was I? Oh yes, fighting fire with fire. See, it is a street fight. Anything is possible and I expect you, Minerva, to showcase exactly what that means. The difference is unlike Peyton, we will see it coming. And unlike our match on Breakdown, Konrad Raab will not be able to do everything. And most importantly, in all of this, we’ll see what happens when you’re challenged. Rise to the challenge or play another game. I’ve well versed in both responses and regardless of what you choose, as I’ve said, I have a simple goal…and no matter what, I am not stopping until I reach it.
But you’re only part of the equation and to that, I do not mean Konrad. There is no purpose discussing him any further. He is just an extension of you, Minerva. And while you call him your sexy schnitzel, whether he’s made more of chicken or pork, it’s irrelevant. He’s already revealed his hand.
No, I mean Kandis. I’ve been informed by Josh that you seemed to have taken to heart some of my previous comments about you. How unfortunate? Are you going to brood some more? Respond to this by more misguided violence? Are you even capable of doing that since Tommy is injured? Are you capable of being physically removed from him, wherever you two decide to be attached? Are you feeling belittled? Good. That’s the point.
Because you may be a former World Tag Team Champion, but that feels like eons ago, when it was only last year. Instead, you had your opportunity to prove you were as good as your ego thought you were. And you failed. Spectacularly. But instead of then figuring things out and stepping up to the challenge, you decided to attack people who got opportunities you felt you should get, and then you took it out on Peyton before getting Minerva to do your dirty work. You didn’t even have the asscheeks to do it yourself. Instead, you just know how to get pissed off and flail. And if this is pissing you off, GOOD. To me, you are the equivalent of a bean bag chair that someone spilled an unnecessary amount of makeup on. And yes, that is a shot at your constant fascination with your looks. There’s no Thirsty Thursday here, whatever that means. You may have a good kick. You clearly have some talent – you don’t win gold in SCW without it, but you refuse to show it these days, and you’re maybe worse that Minerva in that regard. At least she did it herself as of late. You…you hide behind others, getting angry, and instead of rising to the challenge and winning matches, proving you are as good as you claim, you bitch and scheme. You attack as a pack. Well, Kandis, I’ve already taken your boyfriend and made him regret his actions, enabling you….all through defending myself. If this angers you, and I expect it will, bring your best shot. I don’t care for facing people when they’re not at their best. That’s a waste of my time and warrants only excuses. And you seem to want to be angry. So I’ll fan the flames and I will not shy from it. Throw some kicks, try for something Gratuitous. Bring the quote Bass.
And I’ll respond by seeing if I can bring you closer with your boyfriend by giving you your own injury to convalesce over.
Whether it’s Minerva, Konrad or Kandis, Jordan Majors, Lucas Knight and Pat Evans will make you regret your actions so far in 2021.

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RE: Jordan Majors, Lucas Knight & Pat Evans vs. Minerva, Kandis & Konrad Raab - by Pat Evans - 05-03-2021, 10:30 PM

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