Greene vs. The One vs. Ducky vs. Deanna Frost vs. Owen Cruze vs. Allocco
EXODUS: Chapter Six

As much of an action movie situation it was, it was what needed to be done, to get The Oracle to safety, and do so in a manner that was swift and successful.  But the trip wasn't complete and over yet.  We had to get The Oracle and her brother to somewhere that we felt they could be safe and finally relax.  After always looking over their shoulder, we knew they deserved a place where they could have someone take care of them and quit living worrying about every sound, creak, or knocking at the door.  And it was Hailey who suggested we go to the other side of the state, where she had been ostracized to all of those years ago, and let the pair stay in the same safe haven she was in...

With her family...

When Hailey lost her battle with The Original One, her and her family were banished from The Compound's reach and due to much in the way of blackmail, ordered to never talk about their experiences or the existence of the facility.  So they went far enough away and started life, anew.  Hailey knew this was out of any knowledge or reach that The Prophets may have, and truly made me feel like this was the best course of action.  After meeting her parents and seeing where this location was, enough off of the beaten path, but still with enough resources and stuff to do so that it wasn't moving from one "safe house" to another, I agreed that this place did feel adequate.  The Oracle, in her infinite wisdom, agreed.  She said she could see this being a good home for them for the near future, until everything calmed down and she and her brother could finally go out on their own and begin their lives in peace.

So after a couple of days of getting everyone settled, and enjoying a little relaxation for once, Hailey and I knew we had to head back, and continue what we started.  But we needed to be smart about it.  We needed to know what The Prophets were asking of others in order to get what they wanted, and ultimately get to them.  So we elected to go back through another entry point into the town and get into the shadows as quickly as we could.  What was unexpected was the seemingly lack of surveillance for us by this point.  We expected there to be more eyes on us, or looking for our return, than we saw when we first made it back into town.  We also took this with a grain of salt knowing that The Oracle was the main prize of The Prophets and they wouldn't just give up because we made it outside of their immediate reach.

As Hailey and The One do their best to stealthily make their way into town, they know they have to begin to get some reconnaissance on what The Compound is doing in regard to them.  They try to look casual, when being on open streets, and avoid eye contact with everyone they can.  They were able to get new and less assuming clothes from Hailey's parents to ensure they didn't look the same or stand out in the crowd.  As they reach the more heavily foot-trafficked parts of town, they occasionally stop and do their best nonchalant eavesdropping of the people around them, and listening for any cues that someone who knows something may be near.

While this goes on for hours, and it becomes later and later, they know that the likelihood of finding anyone is dwindling and they're going to need to find somewhere to crash for the night.  They retreat into an alleyway where they can talk a little more openly and freely, and begin discussing their plans to wrap up for the night.  As they stand in the darkness of this alley, a cop car whizzes by and uses it's siren to obviously get the attention of someone.  A commotion begins and the pair look at one another with a curious mindset and decided to stay in the shadows but rubberneck.

That's when things take a turn they didn't expect.

The One immediately sees the officer yelling at someone, and she recognizes him as one of the people who is on The Prophet's payroll, that keep law enforcement away from The Compound.  Hailey sees the man standing beside the office, and immediately becomes enraged, as The Original One, the one who had embarrassed and beaten her up, is in her sights.  The One looks and sees him, recognizing him as well, and her gaze immediately shifts to Hailey, who tries to come out of the shadows and storm the man and seek revenge.  As Hailey makes a sudden move, The One pushes her back and whispers.

The One: Stop... Not now... We don't act on raw emotion or we'll fuck up and they'll win...

Hailey is still infuriated at the mere sight of the man who cast her out of her hometown, and knows one day she will want her revenge.

Hailey: Just let me have one shot at him... Please...

The One shakes her head, and Hailey's voice gets louder.

Hailey: For fuck's sake PLEASE?!

The One turns and gets in her face, still whispering.

The One: Shut... Up!  That's not how you told me we act, and I'm not letting you forget who you are, you understand me?

Hailey begins to realize that she truly did impact The One in the way she used to think, and begins to remind herself internally of those same mantras.  She realizes that letting her emotions take over is exactly what got her thrown out of town because she wasn't truly ready, and in recognizing all of this, takes a deep breath and nods.

The One: Listen... I promise you will get your chance at this guy.  We will have plenty of opportunities, especially if they've enlisted him to assist again...

With Hailey settled down, the two take up a position to see what is going on and see what the commotion is about.  The Original One, having heard Hailey exclaim but not be able to make out what she said, looks back and sees the two figures, but does not see any features.  He just assumes they're random onlookers or some random couple simply arguing.  He has no clue he's staring down the two individuals he is likely seeking, but instead turns his attention to the man that he and the officer flagged down... The owner of the motel where The Oracle was being guarded by The One.  The Original One approaches the man with anger, and begins to interrogate him in front of any and everyone who may be looking on.

The Original One: HEY... YOU... I have some damn questions for you... Why did you let them in there?  Why in the HELL would you let them use our safe house as a means of skipping town like that?!

Old Man: I told you guys already... I didn't know it was a plan to move The Oracle out of town!

The Original One: Then where were you getting those stacks of cash we saw?!

For some reason, the motel owner tries to cover his tracks.

Old Man: I had a good run at the casino!  Where else would it have come from?

The Original One: They're buying your silence still, aren't they?!

The cop approaches the man.

Officer: You realize this is an ongoing case and lying to me is going to put you in potential legal jeopardy... So I suggest you cooperate!

Old Man: That's the thing!  I didn't know why they were there minus the fact she told me I was doing The Prophets bidding by protecting The Oracle and staying silent about her whereabouts.  It wasn't until you guys all showed up that I found out what was really going on, or else I would have said something and reported it back to The Prophets!  She said The Oracle was in grave danger and I was being utilized to protect her.

Officer: Why didn't you ask more questions?  Why did you just go along with her scheme so willingly?

The owner, an older man, looks over at The Original One.

Old Man: Last time I was ever contacted directly was by him, and he told me if I ever asked questions about what he was doing or why, I'd regret it...

The officer looks over at The Original One and sees The Original One snarl.

The Original One: Nobody EVER questions my motives, period.  But the fact is... I think he's telling the truth.  If he knew more, he wouldn't have risked us showing up unannounced.  He would have taken more precautions.  But we need to find out where those two bitches took The Oracle.  She's the key.  She's our goal.  Not this old fuck...

Officer: And how do we do that?

Old Man: You have to find where they're holding her against her will and get her...

This comment from the old man brings out the rage in The One, herself, and she tries to make a b-line out of the shadows toward them all.  This time, it's Hailey who holds her partner back and immediately begins to calm her down.  She and The One go back to watch as The Original One hands a stack of cash.

The Original One: Now THIS is from The Prophets.  If you find or hear about the location of The Oracle before we do, there will be more where this came from...

The old man nods, and is told to get moving.  The man simply nods again and begins walking in the direction of where the two shadowy figures were seen earlier.  As he reaches their location, he's immediately grabbed by the shirt by The One, and dragged into the alleyway.  He tries to make a noise but immediately has his mouth covered by her hand.  Hailey sees The Original One glance in the direction, seeing the man had vanished, and looks around confused.  He hears and sees nothing, and initially assumes that the man panicked and ran for his life.

Meanwhile in the alleyway, the old man is being pinned against the wall and is staring The One in the face with horror.  Her hand is still covering his mouth but her arm is pressed up against his throat.  Hailey leans in right next to his ear.

Hailey: Shhh... It's in your best interest...

The One begins to speak to him, but does so in a whisper.

The One: You're not going to do a fucking thing regarding The Oracle, if you even want to survive this entire ordeal, do you understand?

The old man nods.

The One: ... The Prophets, they're no long in charge of this situation.  The two of us, we control this world now.  The fact is, whether you knew it or not, you helped keep The Oracle safe, and because of that, I will one day owe you a debt of gratitude, as long as you keep your mouth shut.  You stay out of sight and out of mind, I'll make sure you're rewarded in a way that will make you comfortable for the rest of your life.  Understand?

The old man nods, just like he did with The Original One.  The One slowly removes her hand, in case the old man decides to make a sound.  He makes no sound, and she lowers her forearm from his throat.

The One: The Oracle is long since gone from this area, and she's safe.  Now... We're bringing The Compound and The Prophets down.  And knowing that information, I'm giving you the chance to be smart or dumb with it.  It's your choice...

The old man looks around an nods, before out of nowhere exclaiming...

Old Man: HELP!!  HELP ME!!  THE ONE!!

Hailey, without missing a beat, swings and knocks the man out cold.  The Original One hears this exclamation and begins to make his way toward the alleyway where the sound came from.  Before reaching the alleyway, the old man's body is tossed out onto the sidewalk, effectively at the feet of The Original One.  The stack of cash he gave the old man comes flying out of the alleyway covering the man and the sidewalk, with the final note falling into The Original One's hand with the number 1 written in dark, thick, black, permanent marker on it.  The Original One immediately goes to the entry of the alleyway and sees the pair at the opposite end, this time, smiling and waving back at him.  He then sees the two flip him the bird.

This show of disrespect and also showing they have stepped back onto The Compound's territory defiantly, enrages The Original One, and instead of pursuing the two, he kicks the old man in the gut out of frustration.  He then turns back toward the officer and begins running toward the squad car.


The two jump in the car, and Hailey and The One can hear the car speed off, with the police sirens running hot.  They look at one another, and know that they will be trying to sniff out where The Oracle could be.  They know they have to begin to act quicker before The Original One gets on her scent.

My predecessor being back in the game really made me realize how real this situation had become in the eyes of The Prophets.  If they were going to go with their former enforcer, their former muscle, and the man who extorted much of the clientele, they are desperate to get this "battle" won and Hailey and I out of the picture.

But we are not deterred.

The Oracle is safe.  She is in a place far enough away that to sniff out how we got there would take a lot of time and a lot of blackmailing in order to get the information needed.  But these guys are rich.  These Prophets know who and how to buy people off.  The question is, who acts quicker?



Post Breakdown, the world saw The One stand beside an opponent, fighting back against those who tried to take control of their match, The One has since been put into a match for the pay-per view that could ultimately change every trajectory of her career.  This match will be inside one of the most vile structures SCW has to offer, and that is the CHAMBER, and the reward?

An opportunity to vie for the SCW World Championship...

This is not something The One expected.  Her reign as the Television Champion, she expected, to be what began to define her career in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  But now... There is a new chance to define her in a much greater aspect that she never expected.  This would be becoming the one, true, ultimate, contender for the industry's top prize and top accolade.

It is something that has sat with her in multiple ways.  It's sat well... It's sat annoyed... It's sat sad... But it's still been at the forefront of her mind since the announcement, and she knows it's been at the same forefront of those also in the match.  Why?  Because it would give The One the opportunity to have walked in at Taking Hold of the Flame as a nobody, and exited 2022 as, potentially, the SCW World Champion.  And the idea is desirable.  Why wouldn't it be?  For The One, she'd be at the top of the food chain, and have walked in a nobody, out of left field, but regardless, it's the CHAMBER itself, that lies in her path, fully blocking her from the opportunity that she would want as much as anyone else in the match.

As she sits in her locker room, that she shared with other members of the roster, she just sits there looking down.  She still sits in her ring gear, remembering everything that happened, when her match was interrupted.  She wanted her title reign to be something she defined.  She wanted her wins and losses to be something she was in charge of.  But instead, another no contest.  Another match that adds to the relative mediocrity that has been what, on paper, others have seen.

As the camera, known to be in the room with her, begins to zoom closer to The One, she wastes no time giving her thoughts and views on Breakdown, and also, what's ahead in the future of The One in SCW...

I wish I could say that I didn't expect this to happen at some point.  I wish I could say that being a champion, having that piece of gold, having the prize that people jerk off for, wouldn't illicit the reception that Calvan and I received at Breakdown because, honestly, it shows how Supreme Championship Wrestling fears what The One is here to do.  It shows how much that SCW alumni, and their brethren, are scared to succumb to the idea that this organization is about to turn the page and have some new delegation lead the way in to a new chapter, a new world, and a new livelihood in the world of SCW.

Everyone is fucking frightened!

People are scared that some newbie like The One has decided to walk into an established entity like SCW and demand change, and actualy do what is natural to ENFORCE change as well.  And they don't know how to handle the situation because for YEARS, the better part of the 2010s and 2020s, they have gotten used to the same ole same ole.  They have gotten used to the same people doing the same things and in some cases, taking time away, and then going to the status quo in a manner that has created them a way to disproportionately seem a little more "ahead of the game."

And that is what brings us people like who are in the CHAMBER match, come Under Attack...

But before I get to that match, let me talk to the ones who decided to create this diatribe from me.  Let me look directly into the eyes of those who got involved with Calvan and I, and ultimately ruined my opportunity at a successful defense of the Television Championship...


The One scowls, standing up from her chair in the locker room and looking into the camera.

I don't know who you guys or girls were.  And honestly... I don't give two flying shits about it.  You two decided that you were relevant enough to involve yourself in MY BUSINESS, and in turn, tell the world that you were somehow linked to my platform of change in the future of SCW.  You proved it by attacking both Calvan and I.  You didn't focus one, and hint that the CHAMPION was who you feared, but instead attacked the champion AND the challenger, thus showing the world you're equally as scared of Calvan as you are The One.  You showed the world that you were fearful of us both, and, possibly, in turn, you could be another beneficiary of what is happening at Under Attack.  You could be someone who leaned back, and hopefully created a scenario that would be more highly beneficial to YOU and YOUR LIKE, rather than Calvan or myself...

The problem is, I don't give two flying fucks...

You see, everyone wants me to come out and accuse Persons A, B and C about their reasoning for attacking us and make accusations that I don't know nor will make without clear cut evidence.  So I don't.  I simply say that you guys coming down there and ruining a match between an SCW veteran trying to break through his glass ceiling, and a newcomer trying to continually shatter anything someone puts forward as a roadblock, and that's not wise.  Two people with that much motivation, with that much desire, you are making yourself turn into a victim.  Because The One is someone who doesn't take things lightly.  She doesn't let people get into her business without understand there WILL be consequences.  And when you two are figured out... When you two finally stop hiding, you will pay your penance.  You will suffer your fate.  And you will fall to The One, and probably Calvan, because while he and I may not see eye to eye, I see you robbed him of an opportunity as well.

And while I may still be a champion... I'm not OK with staying a champion like that... So Calvan... Heed my words... If I keep ahold of this, I will push for you to get a fair rematch.  I'm not here to be liked or make friends... But I'm not here to be someone who skirts by, when she's trying to establish change across the board...

NOW, though... That does bring me to Under Attack, and a match that I could conceivably come out here and talk about as menacing, destructive, murderous of bodies, and many definitions like I talked up the Underground Title match I had.  I could say a lot of the same things about how this carnage is what I like, but I would be lying because I just told the world before winning this that I realized in that moment, I wasn't of the mindset for the world of the Underground, right now.  That could always change... But The One and the Underground don't mesh.  But this structure... This cage... This ominous breeder of violence isn't the same as the world of the Underground because it's not designed to be a harbinger of pain and suffering.  No... It's a way to ensure everyone stays put and stays in their spot.  It's a structure that doesn't let anyone, or anything impact what is happening became what this structure is, is simple...

It's an apparatus to ensure only the STRONGEST survive...

Not the most ruthless... Not the most evil... Not the person risking to dumb the entrails of their opposition on the mat... No...


The CHAMBER, in the lore of SCW has been the one structure that has created many who have turned pages in the history books of the organization.  This structure has created some of the greats because it has forced everyone to go in and be willing to lay it on the line and fight.  It wasn't about gruesome behavior, it about was about fighting.  And THAT IS something that has defined The One and her ascent to where she is today.  Fighting... Fighting is what I do.  I didn't become The One by saying I was some practitioner of some style of combat, no, I just had to go out and outsmart one person in a fight.  And I did that.  I outsmarted one person because when they weren't paying attention, I kicked the motherfucker in the balls and kneed him in the temple, and took a selfie with him.  It was just a fight, and his dumbass was outsmarted during it.

And thus, The One, as you see her, was born...

It's a heartwarming story... Full of everything you'd see in a 90s, TV show on TGIF on ABC.  Right?  Just that wholesome, family, comedy, with the comedic relief character next door, the stern father figure, the female comedic relief in the shape of the wife or daughter, my story and this CHAMBER just make the case for another reboot of another sitcom on your favorite streaming service, am I right?

The One looks at the camera with a cheesy grin, before rolling her eyes, and going back to her serious tone.

This match, for me, represents something that encompasses where I come from.  I am a victim and a product of being confined in a closed space and being forced to adapt.  Before The One was christened, she was a pacing tiger in a cage, and come Under Attack, I will be in my pod, waiting for my turn, if I'm not starting out, and I will be pacing until I am unleashed on my prey and I get my chance to do what I have done this entire run I have had in SCW.  I would go in there and FIGHT!

And I am not going into a fight with just nobodies...

I am not being thrown a slab of easy prey to eat at my leisure...

No this match is riddled with the PRIDE of SCW past, present, and future!

Look at the lineup... Calvan Greene, Ducky, Deanna Frost, Owen Cruze, and Adam Allocco, all in this match along with The One.  It is something that, to be honest, is a fight that I am walking into with some nerves, I won't lie.  Crazy people, former champions, people just happy to be there, it is a menagerie of talent that all bring something new and different to the fight, and if I am going to plan on and expect to win, guess what I have to do?  I have to be more willing to adapt to whatever I am faced with.  I have to be willing to adjust my style and my gameplan on the fly, and yet, unlike with the Underground match, I don't have to necessarily be someone OTHER than myself.  I have to be able to figure out how to compete with all of these styles and all of these conflicting ways of wanting to win.

But thank about if I do...

Think about if The One emerges as the NUMBER ONE CONTENDER for the biggest accolade in this business?

Think about if the legendary SCW supervillian, Xander Valentine, is faced with The One as his next opponent to defend his championship?

What would this world be coming to, that this newcomer, someone who barely is in the double digits of matches, wins the true ultimate opportunity?

Simply put it would prove that what I have said since I arrived on the scene at Taking Hold of the Flame is the world in which we all live.  It would mean that there is a new generation of talent in SCW and professional wrestling, bringing it BACK from the brink of being a forgotten world.  It would prove that I was never "just talk," but instead was truly the innovator of change and leader of the rising from the ashes that SCW has needed for YEARS.

But if that is to happen, then I have to be sure that I am ready for anything.  Like I said, this conglomerate of opposition presents their own respective challenge.  I have to take them all seriously.  None are a throwaway opponent.  So I have to be able to adjust, like I said... I have to be willing to do whatever it takes.  I also have to always keep my head on a swivel because at any moment someone could always sneak up behind me and take it all away from me in a heartbeat.  Effectively, I have to do one thing, and one thing well...

I have to be The One!

So I hope that everyone is listening.  Whether we've crossed paths before or this is a first, understand that I am doing my homework.  I am taking the time to make sure I know everything I can about each of your styles, no matter how unique or traditional it may be.  I will be willing to adapt, fight, and do whatever I can to take you each off of your game, because I don't know who I will have to go through.  I could be the last in, and it be one or two people waiting on me.  I could be the first, and have EVERYONE ahead of me.  I don't care.  I am that caged lioness who is slowly being cornered, and realizing that she is about to have to come out swinging to defend her young until the bitter end.

This is my moment to truly do everything I have said I was here to do...

This is my chance to shock the world, and take SCW by the throat, long before it ever expected to have The One staring them down...

I never expected this moment, but I am not going to be letting it slip through my fingers...

And THAT, like death and taxes, is the FUCKING TRUTH!

Just... Like... THE ONE![/align]

The One simply goes back to looking at the ground, contemplating both what is in front of her, and what just happened that night.  She is now beginning to realize that she needs her head on a constant swivel.  She needs to be prepared to be taken to task at any time by any point, if she is willing to openly call out everyone in SCW's past, and insult and demean what they accomplished.  She also realizes that, while this is a possibility, she has an opportunity in front of her that is more than she ever expected in such a short tenure in the organization, and knows that it could represent the definitive moment where everything in SCW truly changes.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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RE: Greene vs. The One vs. Ducky vs. Deanna Frost vs. Owen Cruze vs. Allocco - by TheOne - 11-04-2022, 11:36 PM

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