Kelsai Adamson vs. “The One” Kirsten Scott

Inside the darkness, where some light flickers and shows one person sitting on the ground, flanked by three others, the scene fades in.  As the camera zooms in, the shimmer of the SCW Television Championship, draped over the shoulder of Kirsten Scott identifies all of the parties involved.  Scott, herself, looks, beaten, looks battered, looks bruised, but hs her knees up as she sits with her back against the wall slowly lifting her head as it approaches, and beginning to speak.

Well... Here we are...

Rise to Greatness is now in our rearview mirror.  Everyone is sitting, standing, mulling, around, wondering what's next in Supreme Championship Wrestling, for them, because the biggest night of the year is now behind them.  But there are those of us who have to forget about that night and continue to face forward because THAT is where our destiny continue to lay...

See, Rise to Greatness was what it always is.  It was a night of memories.  It was a night of upsets.  It was a night of surprises.  But for Kirsten Scott, it was a night of going out there and proving that she MATTERED in this business, one way or another.

I told the world, plain and simple, I would fight all of my battles...

I told the world I didn't care if I was alone, or had people by my side...

I told the world I would be there...

And I was...

On the preshow I went out there and I had a hell of a fight.  It was me versus the world, effectively.  The Marshall family, and their who's who of whom their randomly dicking down, trying to take this off of my shoulder.  They wanted my SCW Television Championship and what happened?  They realized, really quick, that night wasn't going to be easy for them, even if they had a numbers advantage.  They realized that I was coming for a FIGHT, and they quickly realized that they had a decision to make... The Television Championship, or their Tag Team Championship...

And as always, greed prevails...

See, while they did what they could to help try and take this away from me, I could see in Ace and Ravyn's eyes, that they realized that if they did so, they wouldn't be leaving with the Tag Team gold, no matter what.  They could quickly see in MY EYES that I would have crucified them and made them watch ANYONE ELSE take what they cherished, if they did what they tried to do in taking from me what they tried.

So instead, they tried to weaken me...

They tried to hurt me...

They tried to lure Pro out of the shadows, and show that everything I said was bullshit...

So they tried to lure Pro out of the shadows.  They tried to use me to make her feel like she could not fight her own battles, and instead had to come to my aid.  But then reality set in and they saw that I truly was willing, and able, to walk into this event, the biggest stage of them all, and fight BY MY FUCKING SELF, and do so in a way that would represent who I was, and who Pro was, whether she was there or not.

You see, I don't have ill will toward Pro.  I don't have animosity toward her.  I don't feel anger toward her.  She is someone who I can't expect to fight OUR battles over her own first.  And as a friend, I made a decision to force her hand.  I made a decision to make Pro do what was best for HER!  I knew what I was getting into with it, and I knew what the risks were, so I made sure that I expected Ace and Ravyn to do whatever they felt necessary during the preshow, and I wanted them to walk away knowing that once the bell rang for the Tag Team Championships, I was still fighting with the SPIRIT of Pro Kinneck in my corner.

And whether it's physical... Or just metaphorical... That's something that would scare the FUCK out of ANYONE on this damn roster!

I did just that!

And yes, I was eliminated... Yes, the odds were against me... Yes there wasn't realism in my fight, but that wasn't why I went out there.  I didn't go out there for realism.  I went out there because Pro and I don't back down from fights.  She's fighting her battle, so I went in representing US in the battle for the Tag Team Championships, and while I didn't emerge victorious then, I made a statement on the night that Kirsten Scott and Pro Kinneck, whether together or separate, are two people to be fucking feared in this company because they have come to find a common ground and common bond on what they do.  Our personal relationship may be one that has its ups and downs but that is OURS to deal with...

if it's YOU that has to deal with it, get ready for the worst night of your life because she and I love a fight... And Rise to Greatness proved JUST... THAT!

Kirsten smirks.

But as I said... HERE we are.  Not THERE we WERE... HERE... We are..

I don't sit here with two titles over my shoulder, I sit here with one and that one is one that I promised you all I would represent for the SECOND TIME even better than the first.  And on a technicality, yeah, I've done that.  Time wise, I've established myself more so as a better Television Champion than my first time.  But that is a fucking misnomer compared to what I WANT TO and PLAN ON doing.  Because the amount of time I hold this title is not the ONLY factor in my reign.  It's a statistic.  It's a number.  It's something people can calculate...

But what about the infamous "eye test?"

Yes, I walked into Rise to Greatness as a champion and I LEFT as a champion, but now the grind begins because that wasn't the end all be all of the this reign.  Winning on the grandest stage is something I've done, now, TWICE, in singles competition, in a row.  But what does that fucking mean in the long run?  Let me cue you in on that answer, my friends...


You see, I came out of Rise to Greatness, last year, really, with a head of steam.  I had been doing everything I planned on doing.  I had been beating opponents, and if I hadn't scored the "W," I was still BEATING them, and making EXAMPLES out of them.  but in the end, it didn't get me where I wanted to be.  It didn't really move me forward.  I won a preshow match and nobody remembers but me.  So now I have to make sure that defending, retaining, and EMERGING, a champion from Rise to Greatness is something people fucking REMEMBER and UNDERSTAND as something new to who Kirsten Scott is, versus who the woman known ONLY as "The One" was...

And the first Breakdown after Rise to Greatness, that's an opportunity for me... That's a chance for me... That's a MOMENT for me... To do one thing...


Kirsten snarls.

You see, a lot of people never watch the preshow.  They're too busy getting their makeup done, their bodies taped up, whatever.  I, however, I walk to the ring, I fight, and I leave.  I don't do it to try and attract an audience, but I can promise come Breakdown, I will begin to do just that...

And I'll begin with a little bird named Kelsai Adamson...

Now Kelsai... I want you to understand something.  You're WELCOME to be in the ring with me.  You are WELCOME to be someone who gets to vie for a championship that I just defended.  You are WELCOME, just like I was, to be given the opportunity out of the blue, to begin your journey upward and onward.

I don't say that to be cocky... I say it to be honest...

You see when I got my second chance for this belt, I wasn't on the upswing in SCW.  I wasn't at my peak.  I was a mediocre, midcard, MID-EVERYTHING, type of person.  While I began to make a change in the company with my rhetoric, I didn't do so in the proverbial win/loss record.  So when I got a second chance to be a champion, one which I had held, one which I had felt a sense of camaraderie with, I seized it.  And facing someone with the legacy of Justin Davis put me in your shoes, where I was WELCOME at his table... And I took the invitation as my own to do what I ultimately did, and secured a second reign.

And like I said, now that is your opportunity... Your invitation...

Now I don't know much about your career.  I don't know your ups and downs, and I can't sit here and pretend to act like I can speak to everything you've done or not done.  To you, that'd be insulting, and a disservice.  What I can do is say this... SCW doesn't gift people chances so I know that means you have done something to catch someone's eye in that booking department.  So that tells me I'm not in for any type of cake walk.  That tells me that Kelsai Adamson is someone who I'm not going to trash and say isn't worthy.  Instead, I'm going to be honest...

Like I said... I don't know your history...

That doesn't mean I'm walking in thinking you're going to beat me, however...

Sorry, dear... It's just the opposite...

You see, while I don't know your backstory, I don't know your history, I do know that the fact that I know nothing of you means you haven't scratched the surface of SCW like I have.  I do know that in the, more than a year's time, that I've been here, your name has never passed my lips in being said, and never hit my eardrums in being heard.  I don't say you're a nobody, but I say you're not someone who has generated the buzz that I have.  You see, I walked in here with no name.  I walked in here with no background in this industry.  Nobody knew me.  Nobody knew if I was legitimate.  But the minute I walked into that first Taking Hold of the Flame and actually started eliminating people one by one, heads turned...

"The One," was a name to remember...

Kelsai Adamson, not so much...

And here our paths cross, one of us with a buzz and one without.  Similarly to when I walked in.  I know that makes you want to chomp at the bit.  I know that makes you want to do everything you can to make me know you.  And hell, you may have a history that I don't know, and kudos on you for that, but in my tenure, you're a nobody.  You're the same as I was.  And now you're getting the same opportunity this nobody got, when she became a somebody, even though she ended up becoming a MID during that first year, and THAT is why in year two, life changes...

I change...

Rise to Greatness was the beginning of that change... Actually no... Justin Davis was the beginning...

Rise to Greatness was the STEP ONE in getting my name back out there...

Now I walk into Breakdown with you in my path and I realize that, no matter the name, no matter the legacy, no matter the history, everyone represents an equal opportunity for Kirsten Scott to walk out even more recognizable, even more important, even BIGGER THAN LIFE, than she walked in.  So don't think that when I say I don't know you or anything you've done, I'm insulting you.  I know this business.  I've learned it over the course of the past year.  ANYONE can become SOMEONE in ONE NIGHT.  And that includes people who may not have a legacy to ride into a match with me.  Which means that... Includes... You...

So when we look one another in the eye, standing in opposing corners, I hope you understand that I'm not looking past you.  I'm looking THROUGH you.  Because everything I do means I have to destroy whatever is in front of me to get to the next hurdle.  That's why, like a bullet, I look to go in one eye, and out the back of your head, because I have a trajectory in Supreme Championship Wrestling that will not be deterred by anyone.

Not a legend...

Not someone with a legacy...

Not someone I don't know, like you...


I am walking through everyone who crosses me, hence forth, with the goal of becoming someone SCW has never seen before... A true nobody who walked into its hallowed halls, and emerged it's ULTIMATE champion.  And right now, that CHAMPION is the TELEVISION CHAMPION.  So when Breakdown comes to its inevitable conclusion that night, and everyone has left the arena, the facts will have been presented to the jury, and the verdict will be based on one thing...



Kirsten lowers her head, and the flickering becomes more erratic.  All of the members of Kirsten's group, who have been standing on each side of her slowly reach their hand in, extending their index finger for the number one, as the light becomes like a strobe, before going to black, fading the scene out completely.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-3   |   2024 Record: 7-3-0


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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RE: Kelsai Adamson vs. “The One” Kirsten Scott - by TheOne - 08-30-2023, 04:32 AM

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