Kirsten Scott vs. Kelsai Adamson

With the world witnessing the likes of Kirsten Scott putting the shoulders of one of SCW's long-term, stalwarts, Amy Chastaine, to the mat for three seconds, they began to witness the difference that 2024 was bringing, unlike 2023. They saw the woman who was deadset on making her way up the rankings, and eventually achieving her guaranteed shot at the World Championship, and saw her realize that every match meant something. They saw her rebound, they saw her refocus, and the saw her RESPECT what was across from her.

Now, she has to continue the mindset she had, prior to that match. She has to ground herself in the reality she lives, and remind hself that there is a bigger world out there. So she's reverted back to the place that grounded her before that match, her balcony, with the sounds of nature surrounding her, to focus on what is coming next.

The rearview mirror slowly begins to declutter, with Retribution firmly behind me...

I walked in there with a firm purpose. I walked in there wanting to ensure that I showed the world that I could outlast and outwit one of SCW's most talented of legends, in Amy Chastaine, and continue to move the dial forward in the progression toward a new and less political society in which we live. I walked in there wanting to ensure that EVERYONE in the back, who may still represent the "old guard," or who may be coming back to try and "fight in its honor" understood that there was a threat in their future, willing to derail them, destroy their intentions, and ultimately prove to the masses that in 2024, the time is just no longer theirs for the taking...

And I did just that...

Amy, she pushed me. I won't lie. She pushed me to a limit that showed me why she represented a regiment of the "old guard" that didn't live in the political firestorm that was the late-2010s SCW. She showed me she transcended that and she gave me the kind of fight that I always want, each time I walk out into any arena in thie business. I want someone to test me. I want someone to push me beyond my limits. I want someone who challenges me to be a BETTER VERSION of who I am, and to Amy, I will gladly say you did that. You challenged me, and you showed me you're not part of those I wish to rid this business of. You're someone who WANTS the smoke, and wants to EARN her keep. You're like every one of these animals before me, wanting to simply live life to the fullest in their own way.

I respect that...

You deserve that...

Now I know saying you earned my respect is nothing in SCW because I'm still someone striving for that "big moment," but you did, and you deserve to know. You deserve to know that you did everything you had to do to try and take the moment away from me, but in the end, you got to see what the future holds here. Now I know I haven't done anything to define myself, yet, but there will come a day you will admit that the victory over you was the moment you realized that I was destined for something bigger than anything you ever did. And that day you will tell the world that Kirsten Scott was an opponent you look back on and feel honored to have passed the baton to.

Because that's what I feel you did...

You handed the next generation off to me to be the next leg of the race...

You decided to give the past away to the present...

And like I said... It's still me...

So I appreciate it, in advance. There will be the day you acknowledge it, and while it may not be today, having the talented Amy Chastaine give it her all, and me be able to overcome it, tells me that I am ready to stop looking in the past, stop referring to what I have DONE BEFORE, and instead, focus on what I have YET TO DO here.

And one of those things still is my future shot at the World Championship...

Still without looking at the camera, Kirsten takes a puff of her vape.

There is a date in the future, at some point, where this baton that has been passed to me, will come to a head, and it will be against one of the most formidable, and yet, storyline-driven opponents, you could write. It will be most likely against Selena Frost. A Frost and "The One," is this a dance that we have seen before? Is this a match we've seen before?

To a degree, yes?

Frosts and "The One" have been intertwined throughout my entire career here. Primarily Deanna and myself, but Selena, the elder in SCW, represents the culmination of the battle I waged when I first entered, and why I singled out her sister, just like I did the friends of Beard, from the get-go. It was all to come to the point where the story is told to its climax. "The One," a no-named woman, now identified, facing off against one of the most dominant stars in SCW over the past decade.

And Selena... Are you realizing our path toward one another, yet?

Are you seeing what's truly ahead of you as you drive down this mythical highway I talk about?

Do you see the headlights beaming down on you from the distance, slowly creeping closer?

That is your future, Selena. That is Kirsten Scott. That is ME! That is what you have to fear, for your future, and I don't care how much you have to bring to the table, I don't care how you want to "play the game," and be the legend that you have established yourself as. It doesn't fucking matter because you HAVE to drive through me on this one-lane highway. You HAVE to prove you're the stronger vehicle. You HAVE to prove that everything I am here to do is for naught and you are the one to embed it in my soul. Because if you don't, if you fail, do you realize what happens at that time? Do you realize what that will mean for YOUR legacy? Selena Frost, you will be the one who does the one thing that changes SCW in its entirety...


But... I'm getting ahead of myself...

She looks up into the camera for the first time.

Before Selena... Before the future of SCW is defined by "The One..." I have to make my focus not on the headlights out in the distance, but those who decide to merge onto my path without welcome, and decide to try and upend me before I get to my destination. And that person who decided who drive into MY oncoming traffic is someone I am very well aware of, and very well-versed in facing inside the ring...

Kelsei Adamson, here we are again...

Kelsei, our paths have crossed, by my count, at least twice before. Once it was one on one for, at the time, my Television Championship. And the second time, it was for Deanna Frost's United States Championship. Both matches, let's be real, you lost. I, however, actually won one of them. And that was the one where you and I were simply opposed to one another one on one, and not the one where there was someone else ro influence the decision. That match, you had an opportunity. You had a chance to come out there and take something from me, where I was defining a division. And yet, you came up short.

But if you think I'm just washing my hands of you because I've beaten you one on one already, you better think again...

You see, you and I have crossed paths in multiple ways, like I said. We have had the odds in our favor and against one another. We have been in positions to win and to lose, and the fact is, I am coming in to remind you what it feels like to to just the latter of that statement, to lose again...

Kirsten stands, facing the camera, and turning her back to the balcony.

Kelsei, we've done this dance. I know what you bring to the table. I know it hasn't changed much from the last time. But I also know you may be more determined because you know I have something guaranteed that you don't. You don't have a guaranteed World Title match, and I know you'll want to take me down to show management that maybe, just maybe, that should give you the same opportunity they gave me. Maybe they should consider Kelsei Adamson, like they did with the "minor" Frost, the same opportunity as "The One" as she has now. But I am walking in with the goal to take that from you. I am walking into the match looking to take your arguments and flush them down the proverbial toilet, so you don't have any argument to have the same chances as me.

The fact is, I EARNED everything I have received in SCW...

And you know what else I've done?

I've also come up to the challenge each time you've wanted to take it from me. You came at me for the Television Championship. You wanted to stop my momentum, and take the title from me so YOU could carry that banner. You wanted to show the world that Kirsten Scott was a lot of talk, and not a lot of "bite." But you know what you did? You FAILED. You FAILED because you came at me for something I already had, and you wanted to STEAL it from me. Now, while I know you can't steal my World Championship match down the road, you could do like you did with that match with Deanna Frost, and worm your way in. So to me, this is a two-fold moment for me. This is my chance to, again, show you that you don't get to TAKE anything from me, but at the same time I am going to go out there and make sure nobody in management goes, "maybe we should include her," in business where she doesn't belong.

This is MY... FUCKING... TIME...

Kirsten takes a deep breath through her nose.

We've walked this path and you made yourself a factor in my future plans somehow, and someway. This is my chance to ensure that you don't bully, coerce, or convince someone, that you're worthy of a title shot, when it belongs to ME! This is MY moment, Kelsei. And I'm not letting you fuck it up.

So listen closely...

Come Breakdown, it's you and I one on one. It's just the two of us. We will battle up and down the ring, the aisles, wherever it takes us, and I have no doubt you'll bring your all, but in the end, I am going to be exercising my will. 2024 is our new year and it's been one where I've been doing JUST as I've said all along. And unlike before, you're NOT going to weasel your way into a match you don't deserve to be in because it's going to be "The One" and ONLY woman who has shown you the exit doing it once again. This time, when I do so, those in the back will not be going, "oh Kelsei should be in a World Title Match, too, shouldn't she?" Instead they'll realize how stupid they were when they played this same hand before... And I get what you're going to say... I get you're going to argue you "earned" your title shot in that United States Championship match. But let's be real... Everyone has done the same thing with me. Everyone has tried to hitch to my coattails. Everyone has tried to be a part of what Kirsten Scott stands for, not only to jettison themselves upward, but also protect themselves from MY wrath in the future...

You're no different...

You're one of them...

So Breakdown, our little one on one rematch, will define the difference...

You see, I'm not just going to beat you, I'm going to show the world what is going to happen when I, not just step into the ring with you and make you either count lights, or watch them fade into a distant memory as a choke you out, but I will also show Selena Frost what is about to happen to her whenever she and I cross paths further down the road.

She's going to see whatever roadblocks are thrown in my way I will avoid. I will drive THROUGH them. I am the "big rig" on the one-lane highway, leading directly to her, and she is the Ford Pinto, hoping she can find a shoulder to pull off on. But first, I destroy you, Kelsei. First I plow through you, like a video game, and you are left on the side of the road wondering if you'll simply survive. Why? Because the lights in my face have blinded me with the anger, the rage, the DESIRE, to shut them off, and make sure the road, henceforth, is only paved with respectable, talent. And one day, sure, that may be you. So I suggest you do one thing... Survive the collision you will be facing at Breakdown. Accept the destruction that will be imminent. Because when all is said and done, Kirsten Scott will still be on her path to the top, whenever it may come...

Just like you'll be on your way to doing three things... Dying... Paying taxes... And succumbing to "THE ONE!"

With those final words, Kirsten takes another deep vape of her pipe, before spinning around and flopping back into her chair, overlooking the wildlife living behind their duplex. The camera, slowly follows her, slowly fading to black as the cloud of smoke exits her mouth into the lens.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-3   |   2024 Record: 7-3-0


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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Kirsten Scott vs. Kelsai Adamson - by Huddie - 03-26-2024, 01:51 PM
RE: Kirsten Scott vs. Kelsai Adamson - by TheOne - 03-27-2024, 04:06 AM
RE: Kirsten Scott vs. Kelsai Adamson - by TheOne - 03-29-2024, 01:35 AM

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