Kimberly Williams vs. Sarah Wolf vs. Autumn Valentine vs. The One vs. Deanna Frost
SCW Underground Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET MONDAY, September 26, 2022
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
1 of 2

September 17th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

They say that patience is a virtue. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that someone like Kimberly Williams, who lacks many virtues, would also lack the virtue of patience. Ever since losing the SCW Underground Championship to Deanna Frost back at the SCW Rise To Greatness Pre Show, Kim has been single mindedly focused on regaining that championship, the one championship she cares more about than any other in Supreme Championship Wrestling. Her single minded focus on regaining the title arguably led to her and Sarah Wolf failing to capture the SCW World Tag Team Championship on the main Rise To Greatness show. Kimberly would argue that they lost because that bully Shaun Cruiserweight double booked her, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it.

Left without any guidance, or worse yet left in the hand of a truly bad advisor, Kimberly tends to go off the rails on a crazy train; just like that Ozzy song she loves so much! Marie Jones convinced her to walk out on her contractually obligated match in SCW. Manager Eduardo, for all intents and purposes, ignored her and allowed her to get double booked for Rise To Greatness without even raising a peep in her defense. All the while both “guides” allowed The Woman Scorned to cause all sorts of chaos and confusion, leading to her becoming incredibly unpopular amongst SCW management. Something needed to happen, something needed to change and fast. Even the deranged Kimberly Williams could see that her current approach was getting her nowhere. In fact, it was taking her further and further away from her desired goal of not only making the Underground division the most prestigious division in SCW but also being the face of the Underground division.

Insert Angelica Jones. Yes, the former SCW alum, former SCW World Tag Team Champion and former SCW Television Champion Angelica Jones. The same Angelica Jones who also happens to be mother to Kimberly Williams. Angelica promised to guide Kimberly and, unlike her previous managers, she promised to get the job done. Yes, Marie promised to get her a shot at the Underground Title. She failed. Eduardo promised Kimberly the world and failed to deliver. Now Angelica Jones promised to get the job done. She promised to achieve Kim’s goals. Is it simply because it is her mother? Is it because of Angelica’s wisdom and experience in the business? Whatever the reason, Kimberly felt that she could legitimately trust her mother to deliver on her promises.

Patience was one of the lessons being taught by Angelica Jones. She insisted that Kim remain patient and not to lash out as she has in the past. And as much as she wanted to follow in her usual path of creating chaos, Kimberly held back. She waited and was patient. As frustrating as it was, she waited and let Angelica handle her business behind the scenes. Now it appears as if her patience has paid off. Angelica negotiated an Underground Championship Match for The Woman Scorned. At Apocalypse Kimberly will face Deanna Frost and three other opponents for the championship she treasures so much. Things finally seemed to be looking up for The Queen of the Death Match. Did she finally find someone she can trust to manage her career? Did Kim finally find someone intelligent enough and savvy enough to negotiate with SCW Commissioner and certifiable bully Shaun Cruze?

It had appeared that way, but then Angelica Jones threw a curve bell her way. She ditched her. That’s right! Kim’s own mother ditched her! Angelica knows full well that Kimberly has designs on regaining her coveted Underground Championship. And as psychotic and chaotic as she may appear, Kim is no fool. She knows that she will need to be in top condition to defeat Deanna Frost. Yet instead of continuing their weekly regimen of training sessions, Angelica just out of the blue canceled on her.

For most this kind of incident would not be that big of a deal but for someone like Kim it is quite a big deal. Her nickname “The Woman Scorned” is one with quite a story behind it. For a long time she felt rejected by her own family, rejected by society, abandoned by everyone who was supposed to love and care for her. She may act like a foolish maniac but she is a human being deep down inside with real emotions and feelings. She is a human being that cannot stand rejection. The idea that her mother has potentially rejected her for something else, the notion that Angelica may believe that something or someone is more important than her own daughter does bother Kim. It does bring back those bad feelings of rejection. And for The Woman Scorned there is only one person who can help her get to the bottom of this…


Yes indeed, that is the voice of our eccentric anti-hero (heroine?) Kimberly Williams. She is walking the streets of Boston, Massachusetts. It is dusky out as the sun is just beginning to go down. The demented ginger is dressed in a light brown overcoat, brown khaki pants, a t-shirt that reads “Imma Real Detective!” and she has a deerstalker hat covering her head, the kind of hat that fiction character Sherlock Holmes is famous for wearing. She even has an old fashioned pipe in her mouth. She has her stuffed penguin Wasley in her right hand.

“Detective’s Log Stardate 8675309…I am on the trail of my arch nemesis Professor Angelica Moriarty and…” she looks down at Wasley “...what’s that, Wasley?” She places the plush yet deadly penguin toy up to her ear as if she is listening to it “...ah, elementary my dear Wasley, I am intentionally mixing up fantasy genres in order to fool the audience.” Kim frowns and smacks the penguin. “Hush it, Wasley! I don’t care if there are no cameras around! Let me pretend we have an audience!” Kimberly drags Wasley along as she continues her walk down the streets of Boston. Williams is walking hunched over with her eyes close to the ground. In a cartoonish way it almost looks like those loony tune episodes as she eyes the ground very closely. And as close as she is to the ground, it is very challenging to keep that darn pipe in her mouth. She has to stop occasionally to shove it back in. Suddenly she stops and picks up an empty Sam Adams beer bottle.

“Ah-ha! A CLUE!” Kim uses her free hand to bring the empty beer bottle close to her face and study it intensely. “Sam Adams Boston Lager! This can mean only one thing, Wasley! Angelica is trying to overthrow British Rule in the American colonies! She is a traitor to the crown and…” she brings Wasley up to her ear as if she is listening to the penguin toy “...oh, right, America already won independence from Britain over 200 years ago. I forgot.” Kim shrugs her shoulders and then tosses the beer bottle away. And with that, ‘Kimlock Holmes’ resumes her walk down the streets of Boston, looking for whatever clues she can find. It isn’t much longer before another item catches her demented eye. The ginger approaches the item cautiously and picks it up. It is a marker…

“Wasley! This is another clue! This is a neuro processing ray gun that the Sith Lords are loaning to the Klingon Empire in their fight against Gallifrey!” Kim pauses as she drops the pen and then shoots Wasley the penguin a nasty scowl. “Shut up, Wasley! If I wanna be the hero in a science fiction film I will!” Kim is about to continue lecturing the penguin plushie when she notices a flashing sign just up ahead. The sign reads ‘Cafe’. Kimberly grins from ear to ear. “Ah, see Wasley? The signal of the evil Sith Lord Klingon Alliance leads here!” Kimberly yet again marches her way forward, this time in the direction of the cafe just up ahead. She gets nearer and nearer to the cafe and something tells her…maybe the penguin is telling her?...that her answer is within this cafe. Williams is almost there when she feels a hand on her shoulders. She is startled and jumps around, spying her identical twin sister Marie Annabelle Jones standing there.

“My God, Wasley!” Kim gasps, still speaking to the penguin. “The Klingons have mastered the art of human cloning!”

“Huh?” Marie looks confused by Kim’s babbling. “What are you talking about, Kim? And what are you doing out here anyway?”

“Don’t play coy with me! You are a clone! The Klingons cloned me!”

“This is not Star Trek, Kim.”

“Oh yeah? Then maybe you are a Time Lord and you regenerated into me!” Kim suggests. Marie shakes her head.

“Wrong again.”

“Fine, then you tell me WHOEVER YOU ARE…what is your name, age national origin, race, species, and where are you going?!” Kim tries saying this as seriously as she can. But Marie cannot take any of this seriously and the twin immediately bursts into laughter. Eventually Kim even cracks and starts laughing as well.

“You know who the hell I am, sis!”

“Only a criminal would say that. Right Wasley?” Kim asks her penguin. Marie rolls her eyes.

“I’m pretty sure Wasley is on my side.”

“Oh yeah?” Kim brings the penguin back up to her ear as if she is listening to it. Kim nods her head. “Ok, you’re clean. Wasley believes you…Marie…if that is your real name.”

“It is.”

“Well I am still Kimlock Holmes, the greatest detective that ever lived, and I have my solemn duty to catch criminals!” Kim reaches into her coat pocket and produces a picture of their mother, Angelica Jones. She shoves it into Marie’s face. “DO YOU KNOW THIS WOMAN?!”

“Of course I do. That’s our mother. In fact, I was on my way to see her.”

“Oh so you ARE in on this whole insidious plot she has conjured up?”

“What? No…” Marie chuckles as she shakes her head “...there’s no insidious plot, Kim. Trust me. I’m just meeting mom and a mutual friend at that cafe.”

“Seriously?” Kim looks over at the cafe and then back at Marie. She grins from ear to ear. “Hey! I’m getting pretty good at this detective shit!”

“I wouldn’t quit your day job, Kim.” Marie says with a wink. “But yeah, mom is here.”

“So what the heck is she doing here, anyway? I mean, she has been helping me in the gym, busting my ass like crazy because she knows I wanna win back that Underground Championship…”

“Well if you want advice on brutality then mom is the one to ask. She’s been in some brutal matches even YOU haven’t even dreamed of.”

“I know, right? But see that’s the thing, lately she has been canceling our training sessions. Not on a regular basis, I still get in a good workout, but it bothers me, y’know?”

“No, I don’t know.” Marie shakes her head. “If you’re getting the preparation you feel you need, then what’s wrong if mom cancels once in awhile?” She smirks. “In fact, knowing you, I would think you would feel too constrained with mom holding onto your leash all the time.”

“Well, that is partially true.” Kim smirks. “Mom can be such a killjoy! ‘Oh noooo, Kim, don’t gut Shaun Cruiserweight like a fish!’ ‘Oh no, Kim, you shouldn’t kidnap Jonathan Knots and cement blocks to his feet and toss him into Boston Harbor’, oh no…”

“I get the picture…” Marie says chuckling a little, also hoping that her twin sister is just joking.

“...but uh, I do enjoy my time with her.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Of course you wouldn’t. Marie, you always took your relationship with mom for granted. You were always with her, always around her, she doted on you. I never got any of that. I never got to bond with mom. So any chance I get to spend time with her…even if it is for her to lecture me on why not to murder people…I cherish it.”

“Wow, Kim.” Marie places a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “I never knew you felt that way.”

“Alright enough.” Kim swats her sister’s hand away and throws the pipe away as well. “Stop this crap before anyone sees me showing human emotion. Where’s mom?”

“Just over there…through that window.” Marie points at the cafe. Kim looks at the window that her sister seems to be pointing at. Eventually she catches sight of their mother. But there is another person there with her, a rather unique person; a Carmelite Nun. Kim turns around and looks at Marie bewildered.

“Ok, what the hell is mom doing having drinks with a nun?”

“Oh come on, Kim. Don’t act surprised. You know that mom was once a Carmelite Sister.”

“Her only sister is Aunt Kayla!”

“You know what I mean.” Marie says, rolling her eyes.

“Ok, fine. Mom is here having drinks with a nun because she used to be a nun and they’re shooting the breeze about nunny thingys. What are you doing here?”

“You really want to know?” Marie asks with a knowing smirk on her face.

“Yes!” Kim says out of frustration. “I hate being the last person to know these things!”

“Do you remember when you kidnapped me and locked me in your basement?”

“Yeah…I took your place and no one had any clue.” Kim chuckles. “Fun times.”

“For you maybe. But when I managed to escape your basement the same convent of Carmelite Nuns that mom once belonged to, they were the ones who rescued me, took me in, and took care of me until I was ready to return.”

“Seriously?!” Kim has a look of shock on her face, a look that quickly turns into a look of disappointment. “My evil plot was foiled by nuns?!”

“And our half-sister Jessica. And Kamijo.”

“They never would have known what I had done had I not slept with Kamijo!”

“Sex with him tends to make people run their mouths.” Marie shrugs her shoulders. “Not that I would know.”

“Yeah, well, I’m still left disappointed. Mom skipped out on time with me…her own daughter…to hang with some nuns she used to do nunnery shit with back in the day?”

“Don’t feel bad, Kim. Mom’s time in the convent as a Sister was a significant time in her life. Things that happened there helped form who she is today. Hell, you and I wouldn’t be here had she not been in that convent. You DO remember that she met our dad there, don’t you?”

“Yeah, dad was a Catholic Priest.” Kim says with a devilish smirk.

“See what I mean? Even if it did happen a long time ago, that period of time was significant to her.”

“Yeah, well, I still don’t understand why she has to do this all the time instead of being with me.”

“You know, Kim, you could just ASK her.”

September 18th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been nearly twenty four hours since Kimberly Williams discovered where her mother has been sneaking off to when she’s ditched out on their training sessions. As it turns out, Angelica Jones meets with some old friends from a Carmelite Convent near the Catholic Church where she regularly attends Mass. Kimberly herself has never been a very religious person but she always knew her mother’s background and history as a former nun. After her mother died, Angelica was practically raised in the convent and eventually became a nun. The scandal of her affair with a priest and subsequent pregnancy that birthed Marie and Kim would ultimately lead to Angelica leaving the convent and, for a brief time, Catholicism altogether. Angelica has since rediscovered her faith. Kim knew all of this but she never had any idea that her mom had still kept in contact with her friends from the convent. Kim is a naturally curious individual and wants to know as much about this as she can. So it didn’t take much encouragement from Marie to convince The Woman Scorned to ask their mother about this aspect of her life, something that she apparently feels the need to keep secret from Kim. And why does Angelica keep this from her daughter? What is so special about this that she doesn’t want to include Kim in it?

Kimberly intends to find the answers to these questions. It is just a matter of finding the right time to ask the question. The Woman Scorned hopes that the right time is today. Kimberly insisted on a special training session today for this purpose. Angelica doesn’t realize the purpose is to get information out of her. As far as Angelica is concerned, Kim wants the extra time to prepare for the upcoming five way dance for the Underground Championship at Apocalypse. That’s just icing on the cake. That’s just a bonus. The real motivation is information.

Kim is sitting cross-legged on the mat of a regulation size wrestling ring that is set up in her mother’s personal gym in Boston, Massachusetts. The Woman Scorned is wearing purple workout shorts, tennis shoes, and a white t-shirt. Angelica Jones is pacing back and forth across the mat. She is wearing black workout shorts, tennis shoes, and a black t-shirt.

“Let’s go over the situation again.”

“Do we have to?” Kim asks, sounding rather bored…which, in fact, she is…

“Yes.” Angelica insists. “It is important to understand what you are up against and to know what you should prepare for.” Kim’s mother holds up four fingers. “You are facing FOUR opponents. Understand that, Kim. Your first Underground Title win you beat Jordan Majors. Your second Underground Title win you beat Konrad Raab. Both were one on one matches and both were contested inside of a steel cage. This time there is no cage and you have four opponents, not just one. So you need to keep an eye out for all of your opponents at all time. The One could…”

“The Onesie!” Kim chimes in cheerfully, correcting her mother. Angelica sighs.

“...The Onesie could pin Wolf and win the title. Autumn Valentine could pin Deanna…”

“DeeDee McFrosty!”

“Right…Autumn could pin her and become champion. You don’t have to actually lose in order to lose out on your chance to become champion. I hate that it has to be that way, but it was the only way I could get you that Underground Title Match you want.”

“That’s fine. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Speaking of which…” Angelica’s voice trails off as she considers her next words “...uh, it is Underground rules. You know I have no qualms breaking the rules. If you want me to lend a hand I could…”

“No.” Kim says definitively. She shakes her head. “I do not want any of those assholes out there who doubt me, namely Knots and Cruze, to have any excuses to whine or moan when this is all said and done. I will live or die on my own merits. Like you said, mom, you did your job by getting the match made. Thanks for that. But now it’s time for me to do my job and win my championship back.”

“That’s honorable…” Angelica smirks “...especially for someone who espouses chaos. But speaking of chaos, use it to your advantage. Deanna McFro…Deanna Frost…”

“You had it right the first time!”

“Deanna Frost does NOT have to be pinned to lose the title. So look, you’re my daughter and I know that means you inherited my stubborn streak. But don’t go after Deanna just to make a statement. You can get a one on one rematch with her later on down the line if you want to prove a point. Focus on winning the title back. If it means beating The One, Wolf, or Autumn instead, then go for it.”

“Don’t worry, mom!” Kim playfully salutes her mother. “Chaos is MY middle name! Ok, actually my middle name is Frances but you already knew that!”

“Right…” Angelica chuckles lightly “ look, in an Underground Rules Match with four other people, I’m not sure what kind of exercises we can do to prepare for this. But if you can think of anything you want to ask I’m all ears. I’ve been through a lot, I’ve done it all. Maybe I can give you some advice?”

“Actually, I do have a question.” Kim says, smiling wryly. Her mother walked right into this one.


“Bang!” Kim grins as she hops up to her feet. “I’m gonna get right to the point…I love these training sessions. They’ve helped me sooooo much. I hung in there with those idiots Wolfy and Onesie. And I’ve enjoyed my time with you, and not just because you got me the title match I wanted. I just enjoy being with you.”

“I enjoy that too, sweetie.”

“So why have you been ditching our training sessions lately, or rescheduling them, so you can hang out with your nun friends?” There is a long and awkward silence as mother and daughter stare into one another’s eyes. Kim waits patiently on an answer. Angelica then chuckles softly.

“I forgot that you inherited your father’s stalkerish habits.”

Hey now! Just because my dad and my uncle were both serial killers doesn’t mean I’m a stalker!” Kim shakes her head. “Don’t change the subject! I mean, I may have been stalking you but you should have just been honest with me!”

“Maybe you’re right,” Angelica sighs and nods her head in agreement “but my special friendship with Sister Maria is something that goes back a very long time. And ours is a very special friendship, Kim. We’ve known each other about as long as you’ve been alive. Her and I, meeting at that cafe, that’s our special thing.”

“That cafe is special to you?” Kim furrows her brow. “What’s so significant about a damn cafe?”

“Well that will take a while to explain.” Angelica motions for Kim to sit back down. Kim does sit back down and Angelica sits down on the mat next to her. “I’ll begin when your grandmother…my mother…when she died. You remember me telling you about that, right?”

“Yeah…” Kim’s voice trails off. She and Marie have heard the story before and she does not need to hear the details again. A home invader, potentially targeting their father who was working an important case as part of his job for the FBI, attacked when Angelica’s father and sister were not there. He easily overpowered a pre-teen Angelica and then brutally killed Angelica’s mother, forcing Angelica to watch the whole thing. “ left you scarred for life.”

“My dad was pretty scarred by it himself. He wasn’t thinking straight. He snapped and he abandoned me and my sister. I ended up getting taken in by the nearby convent of Teresian Carmelites. They raised me. Eventually I became a Carmelite myself.”

“It was that easy?”

“Easy?” She chuckles. “I wish that kind of life WAS easy. But seriously, that was before you were born, so rules were very lax back then. I mean, being a Carmelite wasn’t exactly my choice. But my mom was dead, my dad had abandoned me. What other choice did I have? It was become a Carmelite Nun or go homeless because they couldn’t house me forever. I endured the life, it wasn’t easy but I survived, and I became very bitter and angry at the world. My bitterness had grown to a boiling point at the age of eighteen. But then Sister Maria came along.”

“Yeah, your friend at the cafe.”

“Like me, Maria had joined the convent not by choice. Her parents forced religious life on her. So in a way, her parents had abandoned her too. And she was much deeper into depression than I was. She was about my age when I became a Carmelite and seeing her so sad, so depressed, contemplating suicide. It just moved me. She moved me and warmed my heart. My bitterness and anger became empathy for Maria. Instead of focusing on my own problems and my own despair, I decided to make it my mission to help her through her depression. I saved her from what could have become a suicide, and she probably saved my soul. We’ve been friends ever since.”

“That doesn’t explain the cafe.”

“Oh that…” Angelica chuckles “...the convent felt like a prison to Maria. But the stereotype is that you don’t leave the convent. Religious Sisters leave the grounds all the time wearing their habit. That cafe is one big thing that helped keep Maria sane. Once a week we would go to that cafe and just drink coffee and talk about what was going on in each other’s lives, we would give advice to each other, we would help each other through our problems.”

“I thought you did that shit in the Church?” Kim asks. Angelica chuckles.

“Another stereotype. Maria and I did our best counseling of each other at that cafe. It was there at that cafe where Sister Maria convinced me to abandon the religious life and try and find my family, namely my sister and reunite with our father. When I returned and told her I was going to learn to become a wrestler, Maria was the one who encouraged me to go for it.”

“That’s…” Kim’s voice trails off. She really isn’t sure what to say. Angelica thinks she knows what to say.

“Boring. Right?”

“No.” Kim shakes her head. “That’s an incredible story.”

“Seriously?” Angelica arches her brow out of surprise.

“Yeah. I mean, for the longest time I thought you and I had little to nothing in common even though you were my mom. But now I see it; we were both abandoned, we both had our childhood taken from us and were forced to grow up very early.” Kim grins. “And we were both severely fucked up because of it all!”

“Yeah, I suppose that’s true.” Angelica says laughing.

“Mom? I’d like to meet your friend sometime.”

“Maria?” Angelica asks curiously. “You want to meet Sister Maria?”

“Yes. Yes, I would.”

“Well, of course, but why the sudden interest in religion? I didn’t think you would care about any of this.”

“No one ever bothered to tell me about it,” Kim shrugs her shoulders “soooo how could I make up my mind on it?”

September 19th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
On Camera

The camera begins to roll. Immediately what we see is very unusual to say the very least. It is a grayish, gloomy looking warehouse, storage area. Off in the distance sitting on the concrete we see the infamous pepper shaker looking drone known as Dalek. Standing next to it is the animatronic Velociraptor Blue. Seeing these two unmistakeable sights immediately tells us that this place must be the personal workspace for none other than ‘The Woman Scorned’ Kimberly Williams. We hear the happy sing-song voice of an overly cheery person from off in the distance. It gets closer and closer. Then we see Kimberly herself skipping happily into view from the right. She stands in front of her Dalek and waves at the camera as it starts to come closer to get a better view of The Queen of the Death Match. She is wearing torn denim jeans, she is barefoot, and she is wearing a t-shirt which reads “Shaun Cruiserweight Is My Favorite Commissioner” on the front in hot pink lettering. She has her HKW Bloodlust Championship and Unsanctioned Championship wrapped around her waist.

“Hi people! Your favorite psychopath is here less than a week away from Apocalypse! Now before I begin to run down and bury my opposition by telling them about how I will butcher them and leave their broken, bloodied, bodies in little itty bitty pieces scattered all over Madison Square for all the vultures to eat…” Kim lets out a deep breath “...before I do all of that let me first thank my favorite SCW Commissioner! Granted you’re currently the ONLY SCW Commissioner so its not like I have much of a choice! But hey, I get it, I can be a handful to deal with. And my style, my personality is quite unorthodox. So I understand that dealing with a lunatic like me can be a bit frustrating at times, Shaun Cruiserweight. But I will always give credit where credit is due and this, my man, was your best decision yet!” The Woman Scorned holds up four fingers.

“Because I get to settle things once and for all with four people whose asses I really wanna kick!” She lowers three of the fingers leaving just one up. “But really, let’s be honest here folks, there’s only ONE person that the SCW fans want to see me fight. There’s only ONE rematch that the people want to see.” Kim shakes her head. “And no, I don’t mean you, Onesie. No one wants to see you. Get a better name!” Williams smirks.

“The fight people want to see is Kimberly Williams vs. Dee Dee McFrosty Volume 2. That’s the fight people want to see. Unfortunately we have all these other clowns sticking their noses in OUR business, am I right McFrosty? Unfortunately Wolfy can’t take a hint and realize that she is never going to win a championship in SCW. She cannot get over the fact that she lost to a freaking Penguin and a freaking Bear. And she decides to take it out on me?” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Seriously, Wolfie, what’s your major malfunction at the junction? You and a Kim at one hundred percent could have and would have won those tag team championships. We would have flayed the penguin and the bear brilliantly. But you didn’t get a Kim at one hundred percent. You got the best I could possibly muster considering I was in a fucking death match the night before. But did I complain? Did I no-show and leave you in a lurch?” She shakes her head. “No, I showed up. I showed up and I did my job. I did the best I could with what little energy I had left. And I gotta say, I’m proud of what I did at Rise To Greatness. Wolfy, Onesie, and DeeDee only wrestled once. I went out there to the ring to perform before the fans multiple times! And I gave it my all each and every time! I didn’t ask to be put in that position but I was put in that position and I played the hand that I was dealt.” She shakes her head.

“If you want to blame someone, blame Shaun Cruiserweight. He books the cards, not me. Oh but you’re too much of a chicken shit to go after the boss. Do I look like a coward? I challenge his damn authority all the fucking time. You talk tough but instead of going after the guy who actually put you in a problematic situation you shift the blame onto me because you think I’m a weaker target.” Kim smirks devilishly. “You are about to find out just how wrong you are you stupid little bitch. You had your chance to get revenge on Breakdown and how did that go for you? You got your shots in. But look at me. I’m still standing. And the only reason I didn’t end your pathetic ass on Breakdown was because it wasn’t Underground Rules. But now Apocalypse is here and there are no rules and no strings attached. You want the Queen of the Death Match? You got her. And this time I won’t let you walk away on your own power, Wolfie. I’m gonna be the one who skins your ass and uses it as a rug in front of my damn fireplace!” The Woman Scorned snickers devilishly. She shakes her head.

“You have no idea what you just did, did you Wolfy? But then again, you don’t think things through. You are like a child throwing a tantrum. You don’t get what you want and so instead of planning a new way of going about things you throw a fit. I may seem like a maniac but there is a method to my madness. When I don’t get what I want, when I fail to achieve my goals, I change tactics. Changing tactics worked and look at me now! I have earned my way into an Underground Title Match. But you, Wolfy, you just do the same shit over and over hoping that it will work out eventually. You failed to win Taking Hold of the Flame, so you threw a tantrum and bullied the guy who eliminated you…a freaking children’s show host! A guy in a freaking penguin suit! You wanted to win the tag team championship at Rise To Greatness and guess what? You failed again! So you threw a tantrum and you tried to bully me.” Kim shakes her head. “You wil find out at Apocalypse that trying to bully me is a big mistake. I maim bullies. And I am going to maim you.”

“Then there’s Onesie…Onesie likes to talk all this cryptic shit about how she’s gonna change the landscape of SCW. For one, not a damn person knows what the hell that even means. Second, everyone comes to SCW claiming that they’re gonna change the landscape of SCW. Hell, before you brought your happy ass to SCW I was already here shaking things up around here and unlike you I actually got shit done. My brand of chaos forced SCW to reintroduce the very Underground Championship that we are fighting for today! So while I actually have a reputation for forcing change, you have done very little. As a matter of fact, your name…The One…it is a very appropriate name because you have literally ONE significant win under your belt since coming to SCW. You beat Beard at Rise To Greatness. Everything else since then has been disqualification or no contest. What have you done, Onesie? Nothing. Does anyone know what the hell your mission is? No. Does anyone give a damn what your mission is? No, because you have yet to give anyone a reason to care.” Kim throws her head back and laughs nastily.

“Last but not least we have Autumn Valentine. Now I suppose there is one person who does have a reputation for winning. She was recently the longest reigning SCW Television Champion…who ended that reign by the way? Oh yeah! It was me! I didn’t even give two fucks about that championship OR whipping your ass but I still managed to kick your ass! Imagine what I could do to you when I’m competing for something I actually am passionate about? And yes, Autumn, I AM passionate about the SCW Underground Championship. The world can call my insane all they want but I view this championship as the single most prestigious championship in the whole damn company. But be honest with yourself, Autumn, you are not in this match because you actually earned anything. You are in this match for two reasons, because your name is Autumn Valentine and everyone thinks you should be in a title match at Apocalypse and because you want to get even with Sarah Wolf.”

“You have been living off of your reputation for a long time now, Autumn, but that reputation has been damaged by me. I exposed you when I beat you for the Television Title and now look at you. You couldn’t compete at Rise To Greatness and why? Because Wolfy blinded you? I call bullshit on that. I was in a freaking death match on the pre-show and I still managed to drag my beaten up and broken ass to the main show and competed TWO MORE TIMES there as well! So tell it like it is, Autumn. You are weak. You are lazy. And you are NOT in my league and you damn sure do not belong in MY Underground division!” Williams grins from ear to ear.

“So what do all three of these people have in common? What is the common denominator shared between Onesie, Wolfy, and The Inferior Valentine? The shared thread is the philosophy preached by Shaun Cruze and the reigning Underground Champion Deanna Frost. They preach about EARNING your opportunity, EARNING your title shots. Riddle me this, Kimmymaniacs, what the blue hell have any of these three nitwits done to earn an Underground Title Match? Hell, I think you can count the combined number of matches that three of them won recently all on one fucking hand. Do they deserve a shot at the Underground Title? OR ANY TITLE FOR THAT MATTER?!” Kim pats herself on the chest. “I am the most recent Underground Champion. I am a two time Underground Champion. I resurrected the Underground Title. No one in this match holds a victory over me except for Deanna. If certain people actually practiced what they preached, then three of these losers wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near my Underground division. They are phony tough. They are fake hardcore. I am the real face of the SCW Underground Division. I am The Queen of the Death Match.” She points a finger at the camera.

“Apocalypse I will settle all of this once and for all. I will send all three of those frauds packing to whatever hole they crawled out of. As for DeeDee McFrosty…” she cackles lightly before winking at the camera “...I will talk to you later. Tune in a few days from now, Dee Dee. Same Kim Time. Same Kim Channel.”

The camera fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

2 of 2

September 20th, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Rise To Greatness was a turning point for “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. The deranged ginger was booked in three matches and lost all three of them, but the biggest loss of them all was the loss of her SCW Underground Championship to Deanna Frost. How did she let things get that far? How did she let her rivalry with Shaun Cruze get that out of hand that he would book her in a seemingly unwinnable circumstance of having to fight on both nights of Rise To Greatness? And how could she, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match, lose to Deanna Frost in the first place? Kimberly did not have any answers to those questions but she did have an idea of how to turn things around. She knows what she is good at; she is good at fighting. She is good at taking abuse and dishing it out. What she apparently is not good at is negotiating with SCW management. She is not good at tactfully negotiating what she wants in a diplomatic manner. What Kimberly needed was an advocate and she turned to the best advocate she knew; her mother, Angelica Jones.

Kimberly played her role; she went to the ring and competed when she was told to compete and she behaved. She did not cause any trouble. Angelica Jones certainly lived up to her end of the bargain. She managed to convince SCW Commissioner Shaun Cruze to grant Kimberly another shot at the SCW Underground Championship. It won’t be one on one, it will be a five way war between Kim, The One, Sarah Wolf, Autumn Valentine, and the reigning champion Deanna Frost. But achieving her professional goals within SCW was not the only purpose behind working with her mother. Working with her mother serves a deeper, more meaningful purpose for The Woman Scorned.

All of Angelica’s children got to be raised by the legendary Hall of Famer, except for Kimberly herself, who was ripped from her mother’s arms at birth. Kimberly never got to have that same kind of mother-daughter bond that her sisters Marie or Jessica got to have. So not only does she get a woman with wrestling knowledge who can negotiate with management to get her what she wants but she also gets to bond with her mother. But the bonding aspect seemed to not happen. It seems as if Angelica just wanted to work on managing her daughter’s career and work on preparing her for matches but when it came to simply being a mother, she wanted nothing to do with it. Angelica was ditching The Woman Scorned and Kim had no idea why.

Now Kimberly has found out where her mother has been going, she has learned why Angelica has ditched her and their potential bonding experiences. Angelica is a practicing and very devoted Catholic and has some sort of religious practice or ritual just about every day of the week. Religion may not be the first thing you would think of when you think about Kimberly Williams. And in truth, The Woman Scorned has never thought much for religion. She never disliked it, either. Religion wasn’t anything she was ever interested in. But what she is interested in is bonding with her mother. She spent the better part of last year learning so much about her father and his family, all to try and feel closer to the man she never got the chance to know and try to understand where she came from and how she came to be this person she is today. It is only fair that she also learn more about her mother, but this time she has the opportunity to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth rather than get it from a second hand source. This is why Kim is willing to learn more about the Catholic faith. If it means that much to her mother, then Kim wants to know about it as well.

This is what brings The Woman Scorned outside of Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts. She is dressed in a knee length black pencil skirt, a black silk blouse, and black open toed high heel pumps. Standing next to her is her mother, Angelica Jones. Angelica is wearing a black flowing maxi skirt, high heel patent leather pumps, and a white silk blouse with a matching black blazer.

“I must admit that you do clean up well, Kim.” Angelica says with a warm, polite smile on her face. Kimberly looks annoyed by the compliment and rolls her eyes.

“Of course I can clean up well, mom. But I don’t have to like it.”

“Well I wasn’t going to let you wear that one shirt…”

“Oh c’mon? Do you really think anyone here would be offended by a simple protest shirt?”

“A simple protest shirt would have been fine. Yours said ‘Shaun Cruze Can Burn In Fucking Hell.’” Angelica remarks. Kimberly shrugs her shoulders.

“Yeah, well, that’s my cause.”

“You should really ease up on him, y’know? He did give you an Underground Title Match at Apocalypse next week.”

“Give? In all honesty I’m the only one in that match who has EARNED and DESERVES a shot at DeeDee McFrosty and her championship.”

“Yeah, you made that abundantly clear in your promo.” Angelica says referring to the video shoot her daughter recorded yesterday. She looks up at the Church entrance looming large and almost intimidatingly ahead of them. Then she looks back at Kim and smiles. “Are you sure you want to go to morning mass with me?”

“Yes!” Kim says insistently.

“Oh c’mon, Kim. I know you. You are my wild child. You are just a bundle of fun. You would probably think that this is boring.” Angelica says. Kim shakes her head and then wraps an arm around her mother’s shoulder.

“See, that’s the problem. You don’t know me. And I don’t know you. We need to change that and that is part of why I wanted to work with you in the first place. It isn’t just because you are very knowledgeable about wrestling and can guide me through the cutthroat backstage politics of it all. I want to really get to know you.”

“You mean that?”

“Of course I mean it. I spent a long time researching my father’s family in an attempt to find out who I am deep down inside. But nothing much came from it, mainly because he’s dead. You’re still here, though, and I can learn so much from you. This whole religion thing is important to you, I get that. So if it is important to you, then I want to see exactly what you see in it. What is it about this place that makes you want to devote so much of your time every day to it?”

“Knowing you, you will find it boring.”

“Let me make up my own mind about that.” Kim spots a nun, who she quickly recognizes as Sister Maria, the nun from the cafe. She grins and points her out to Angelica. “Look, its your friend!”

“Yeah, Sister Maria. Come on, I will introduce you to her.” Angelica motions for Kim to follow her. The Woman Scorned gets a devious look of mischief on her face as she follows her mother over towards Sister Maria.

“Sister Maria!” Angelica exclaims as she embraces her friend in a tight hug.

“Sister Angelica!”

“Wait, are you two sisters? Does that make you my aunt?” Kim asks with a grin on her face. The nun breaks the embrace and greets Kim with a polite wave.

“Good morning, Marie. How are you?”

“Marie?” Kim suddenly realizes that this nun must know her twin sister and is mistaking her for her twin. Kim chuckles softly. “Uh, yeah, that’s me! Marie! The Phoenix! The…”

“Hush, Kim.” Angelica says with a roll of her eyes. She looks over at Sister Maria. “Sister, this is Kimberly, Marie’s sister.”

“Ah yes, her twin sister.” She winks at Kim. “Your mother has said much about you.”

“Hopefully only the bad things!”

“Your mother told me that you have a big heart.”

“Oh yeah? Did you know that I once flayed a penguin and a bear in one night?!”

“Huh?” Even the usual calm and collected Sister Maria is taken aback by this. She looks over at Angelica is who is burning red with embarrassment.

“Not actual penguins and bears.” Jones shakes her head. “It was a wrestling match…more of a fight, really…against two guys dressed as a penguin and a bear. And no one was actually ‘flayed.’ In fact, Kim LOST that match.”

“You didn’t have to say that part!” Kim sticks her tongue out at her mother. Angelica rolls her eyes as she still feels somewhat embarrassed. Sister Maria, though, just laughs it off and motions for the mother-daughter pair to follow her.

“Come on, let’s go inside. Mass will begin soon.”

“Huh?” Kim checks her watch. “You said mass doesn’t start until nine thirty. It’s nine twenty. We have ten minutes.”

“You don’t know this priest.” Angelica says with a smirk. “If you are late on time for one of Father’s masses then you are late.” Kim just assumes that she must mean the priest likes to start early. Kim follows her mother and Sister Maria up the steps that lead to the front door. The trio approach the front door. Maria holds the door for Angelica and Kim who walk through first followed by Sister Maria herself who lets the front door shut behind her.

Williams, for her part, has been in a Catholic Church before but those instances are very rare. In fact, the only times she has ever been were due to some ulterior motive or hidden agenda. Maybe she was pretending to be Marie? Maybe she wanted to talk to her family and knew they would be there? But Kim never really went for the purpose of trying to understand the rituals or the logic behind any of it. As a result, she never remembered what to do. With this understanding firmly in her mind, Kimberly stands back and allows Sister Maria and Angelica Jones to walk on a head of her so that she can just simply mimic whatever they do.

First Kim notices that Sister Maria approaches a small dish. She dips her fingers in it and then makes the sign of the cross, beginning with the forehead, going to the chest, and then across both shoulders. Angelica approaches the dish and does the same. Kimberly approaches the dish and dips her fingers in. She finds that it is filled with water. Out of curiosity she puts some on her tongue.

“Ugh! Salty!”

“What was that, Kim?” Angelica asks, turning around to face her daughter. Kim shrugs her shoulders and feigns innocence.

“Oh, nothing!” Kim says, lying through her teeth and secretly hoping God won’t strike her down for lying in church. Angelica turns around and follows Sister Maria inside. Kim quickly uses the Holy Water to make the sign of the cross and then follows them inside the main sanctuary area.

Kim follows them down a long aisle as they look for a seat. Much of the church is already full and finding a place to sit will be difficult. Williams notices that many in the church are chanting. She doesn’t pay attention to that part yet. Instead she just follows Angelica and her nun friend. They inevitably find their way to an empty pew near the front of the church. Angelica genuflects, makes the sign of the cross, and enters the pew. Sister Maria does the same. Kimberly doesn’t get it but she follows suit; she genuflects and enters the pew. Once everyone is settled in, Kimberly pays closer attention to the chanting.

“Ave, María, grátia plena,
Dóminus tecum.
Benedicta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus fructus ventris
tui, Iesus.
Sancta María, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.

Williams leans over and whispers something to her friends. “Uh, like, I don’t wanna sound weird or anything, but are they trying to conjure something?” Angelica and Maria look over at Kim who just smiles sheepishly. “Because if they are, maybe I should leave? I mean, I already conjured a demon once. His name is Bob and he’s annoying to have at the house and…”

“They’re not trying to conjure anything.” Angelica says quietly so as to not disturb anyone. “They are praying the Rosary.”

“Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.”

“Uh, ok, so if this isn’t some conjuring session then what is it? What is the Rosary?”

“It is quite a long explanation, Kimberly.” Sister Maria whispers.

“Do ya got a cliffnotes version for me?”

“Pater noster qui es in coelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in coelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
et ne nos inducas in tentationem
sed libera nos a malo.

“It is a prayer to the Blessed Mother.” Maria explains.

“Blessed Mother?” Kim asks curiously. She looks at her own mother, Angelica Jones, and quickly shakes her head. “Sorry, mom, you’re great and all but you’re definitely not blessed.” Maria and Angelica share a quiet laugh. Kim shrugs her shoulders. “What’s so funny?”

“The Blessed Mother isn’t a reference to your earthly mother.” Maria points to a statue of the Virgin Mary. “SHE is The Blessed Mother.”

Williams stares at the statue for a moment. She then looks back at Sister Maria and Angelica, both of whom have returned to praying much like everyone else in the church. Kimberly can tell that this is very important to both of them and her constant interruptions will only serve to bother them and maybe even annoy them. Perhaps now is not the time to seek her answers? But Kimberly does plan to get her answers somehow. For now, The Woman Scorned will just sit and listen to the chanting, which oddly enough is rather comforting…

“Ave, María, grátia plena,
Dóminus tecum.
Benedicta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus fructus ventris
tui, Iesus.
Sancta María, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.

September 21st, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Tuesday morning daily Mass at the Catholic Church went off as well as could be expected. Sure, Kimberly did get to spend time bonding with her mother over things other than just wrestling and her professional career. But she still got little answers or insight into what makes her mother tick. Finding out what makes her mother tick will help her learn more about herself and maybe help the two of them connect on an even closer and deeper level. She did not quite understand what was happening at mass. She understood superficially that the people there were worshiping. It is a Christian denomination, a Christian Church, so yes, they were worshiping Jesus Christ. But there is something else there, something else that makes this very important to Angelica and thus potentially something important for Kimberly that she should try and understand. A deeper understanding of this is important for Kimberly so that she can have a better grasp of her own personal identity; who is she and how did she come to be who she is? She learned a great deal from researching her father’s past. She learned that her father and uncle were both monsters just like she used to be. But she also learned that both were repentant and that her father at least did try to atone for his sins before he tragically died; much like how Kim has tried to atone for her own past sins against her family. She wants a similar experience and education from her mother. Attending mass did not achieve the necessary goal.

Kim is nothing else if not stubborn. She does not give up so easily. Since yesterday’s mass appearance did not work out, The Woman Scorned opted for a more direct approach. Sister Maria, Angelica’s friend from the convent, seemed friendly enough and seemed willing to share some information. But maybe an interrogation in the middle of mass wasn’t exactly the ideal situation? So Kimberly is now skipping happily down the streets of Boston, Massachusetts. She is slowly approaching the front gate of the Carmelite Convent, the same one where her mother once spent a good portion of her life as a religious sister. She is not dressed nice like she was yesterday morning. Instead she is wearing torn denim jeans, sneakers, and a black t-shirt that reads “Oktoberfest” on the front in red lettering. She stops at the front gate, which happens to be shut. She looks at the wall surrounding the grounds of the convent. It isn’t that large and she could easily climb it.

So why the hell not?!

The Woman Scorned rushes over and begins the slow but steady climb up the short wall surrounding the Carmelite Convent grounds. The deranged ginger reaches the top and swings one leg over the side. It is then that she hears a voice calling out to her.

“Miss?” The voice is coming from the other side, on the grounds of the convent. She looks over and there is a nun, a much older one than Sister Maria, standing there. She looks up at Kimberly partially bewildered and partially angry. “What exactly are you doing here?”

“Who me?” Kim feigns innocence. “I’m uh…”

“Oh wait, I recognize you.” The nun’s scowl turns into a warm, pleasant smile. “You are Marie. You are Angelica’s daughter.”

“Well, yes and no.” Kim hops down off of the wall. She lands in front of the nun. “I mean, yeah, I am Angelica’s daughter but since I’m officially on Holy ground now,” Kim playfully makes the sign of the cross over her chest “I probably shouldn’t lie. I don’t want to invoke any wrath of God stuff. I need to live long enough to try and become Underground Champion in a few days.”

“So if you’re not Marie, who are you?”

“Do the math, sister!” Kim says grinning gleefully. “I’m the evil twin who kidnapped Marie and left her for dead! You chicks saved her from me, remember?”

“Oh, uh, yes…I do remember…” the elderly nun now begins to seem very concerned for her own safety. Kimberly shakes her head.

“No, no, it’s ok! I want to THANK you for saving her from me! I mean, it took spending time in a loony bin and maybe more than a few blunt object shots to my head but I eventually became a halfway decent person since then! I even made peace with my sister and if I had actually managed to kill her back then, well, that would have totally weighed horribly on my conscience. Y’know?”

“Perhaps I should call the authorities?” The elderly nun states. Kim shakes her head.

“I’d rather you not!” She grins sheepishly as she wonders how she will talk her way out of this. “Does my mom need to vouch for the fact that I’m no longer a homicidal maniac?”

“Why did you come here, Miss?”

“I just wanted to talk to…

“Kim!” Now that voice was definitely familiar. The demented ginger turns and then breathes a sigh of relief upon seeing the one nun she was looking for this entire time; Sister Maria, Angelica’s good friend. “What are you doing here, Kimberly?”

“See!” Kim hops up and down happily. “She’ll vouch for me! Tell her I’m not a lunatic, Sister!”

Maria chuckles softly as she walks over to the elderly nun. “She is fine.”

“Ok, Sister Maria.” The elderly nun states. Then she turns and walks away, leaving Kimberly alone with Sister Maria.

“Thanks, Maria! You are a real life saver and not the candy! Although they are good!”

“I just wanted to talk.” She holds up her hands, feigning innocence. “That’s all!”

“Very well.” She smiles warmly. “Come. I can give you a tour of the grounds where your mother spent much of her teenage years.”

“Are you going to show me where my mom and dad had sex and conceived me?”


“But do you KNOW where my mom and dad had sex and conceived me?” Kim asks, pressing the issue further. Sister Maria sighs deeply but says nothing. Kim smirks devilishly. “You DO know! Ha!”

“Just follow me, Kim.” Maria starts walking and Kim follows her as they begin to tour the grounds. Kim takes in the surroundings, which even an eccentric psycho like her must admit is rather beautiful. “Kimberly, what had you hoped to accomplish by coming here this evening?”

“I just want to know some information.” Kim sighs out of frustration. “Hell, I don’t even know why I’m asking because I KNOW the story. But they’re not real to me. Y’know? I mean, I know my dad was a priest and mom was a nun when they had their affair that gave birth to me.” She smirks. “Which I still think is funny as hell! But anyway, I also know that scandalous affair is what led to me and Marie being separated from mom. I know that this convent means a lot to my mom because not only did it help her through grandma’s murder but it is the place where the met my dad. But to me, this was just a mythical place. It meant nothing. Now?” Kim grins from ear to ear as she follows Sister Maria. “It looks more real.”

“Does being here help?

“Yeah, yeah it does.”

“Good. Perhaps you could help me.”

“Sure. What can I do?”

“I would like some information of my own. I know some of your background, Kimberly, but not all.” She says quietly. “If you don’t feel comfortable answering, you don’t have to. But what I do know is that your mother was forced to give up both you and your sister out of fear of church reprisal. I was of the understanding that your sister did end up in a good home but she never told me what happened to you.”

“Never?” Kim asks. Maria shakes her head.

“Your mother never told me what became of you.”

“Marie was the lucky one.” Kim says with a hint of sarcasm. “I ended up taken in by a sociopath. For all intents and purposes I was kept away from any and all human contact until I was eighteen years old. My ‘guardian’ bred me to hate and to be violent.”

“But you are not hateful or violent anymore.”

“Oh I am…” Kim shrugs her shoulders “...I am just much more controlled than I once was. And I credit my family for helping me get to that point. And ultimately that’s another reason I came here, Sister. I want to know about my mother when she was younger. I want to know about my mom. Now I know why she ended up here. Her mother was murdered while she was forced to watch. Her father abandoned her. She became just as violent and full of hate as I was. She exorcized that hatred by training to become a wrestler. Everyone lived happily ever after. I get all that. But why is the church so important to her? If this place was full of so many bad memories, why does she keep coming back?” She smirks. “Is my mom a sadist?”

“She isn’t a sadist.” Maria says with a warm smile. “The truth is that for all its faults and flaws, of which there are many, the church did provide your mother safety, protection, and a home after her father…your grandfather…had abandoned her. The church furthered her educated and taught her how to survive in society. The church also helped your mother overcome her suicidal tendancies.”

“Wait, suicide?” Kim asks curiously. “Mom tried to kill herself when she was a teen?”

“She never told you?” Maria asks. Kim shakes her head. Maria sighs deeply. “Well, I’m not sure I should tell you but the cat is out of the bag as they say.”

“What happened?”

“Your mother was very close to her mother, your grandmother. She loved her deeply. You can imagine how much it scarred her when she was murdered. Angelica tried to kill herself multiple times when she was here at the convent. She would have done anything to die and be reunited with her mother. But then she discovered The Blessed Mother, The Virgin Mary.” Sister Maria smiles. “Your mother found what you might consider someone…or something, depending upon your perspective…who could help fill that void in her life.”

“So that’s why she is still so devoted to church?”

“Only your mother can answer that, Kimberly. All I can say is that it did help her overcome some of the most tragic and difficult parts of her life, it helped her overcome thoughts of suicide. In fact, on her mother’s birthday she comes to the convent and spends hours in prayer with myself and the sisters.”

This was certainly a lot to take in. Kimberly spies a nearby bench. She walks over and sits down. Sister Maria walks over and sits down next to her. She wraps a gentle, comforting arm around Kimberly’s shoulder.

“Are you ok, Kimberly?”

“Yeah.” She chuckles softly. “I admit that a few days ago when I first considered learning more about mom’s religious practice and why it mattered to her, I wanted to do it for selfish reasons. I wanted to learn because of how it could benefit me. I never expected to benefit from it at all. I thought I was wasting my time but I was curious and had to find out.”


“Now I have been thinking a lot about this whole religious thing.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I’m still not sure. I have been let down by so many in my life. My own mother abandoned me when I was born…whether she was forced to abandon me or not, she still abandoned me…my father and uncle were serial killers, yet another let down…my foster parent was a deranged sociopath who intentionally turned me into a psychopath…” She stands up and starts to walk away “...I’m just afraid religion will also let me down, just as quickly as everything else and everyone else has let me down.”

“Kimberly.” Kim stops and turns to face Sister Maria. “The decision is yours and yours alone to make. But if you ever do have any questions, you are always welcome to come and visit. You can ask me anything. But the decision is yours. If you do not trust it, I won’t press the issue.”

“Really?” Kim arches her brow. “You’re terrible at the whole evangelization thing, y’know that?”

“So I’ve been told.” She snickers. “But my job isn’t to evangelize. My job is to help. And if you need any help, do not hesitate to ask. I owe your mother a debt of gratitude. She helped me through my own dark and depressing times. I will gladly help you.”

“Thanks, Sister.” Kim says with a warm, pleasant smile. She embraces her in a tight hug before turning and making her exit. As she walks away a strange feeling washes across her. It is a feeling she has never felt before. She doesn’t quite know how to describe it.

Is this what it feels to be normal? To be accepted? Is this the real Kimberly Williams?

September 24th, 2022
New York City
On Camera

The cameras begin to roll and we immediately open out in front of Madison Square Garden in New York City. This arena, aptly named the world’s most famous arena, will be playing host to SCW Apocalypse tomorrow night. Surprisingly the front entrance of the arena and the surrounding areas are rather empty right now. The city that never sleeps, at the very least, appears to be taking a quick nap. What are we doing here, though? That question is answered after a brief pause when the clicking of heels across pavement can be heard. It isn’t long before “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams steps into view from the right. She is dressed in a pullover black round neck short sleeve mid-length dress with a ruching at the waistline. Kimberly is perched atop black high heeled sandals. By contrast to this gorgeous look, the eccentric ginger has her torso covered in barbed wire. A deranged grin is wrapped across her lovely face.

“Welcome to another fun filled and very informative edition of Kimmymaniacs! When we last left our hero, she was explaining to the entire wrestling world why three clowns who have no damn business challenging for the SCW Underground Championship are up in my business and on top of that gifted with a title match at Apocalypse. In summary, The Onesie is in the match because she is really good at making cryptic statements that don’t mean a damn thing. Wolfy is in the match because she’s a sore ass loser who won’t leave me the fuck alone. Last, and certainly least, is Autumn Valentine, who is only in this match based on her name and reputation alone.” Williams chuckles softly and shakes her head. “You know, at least Wolfy and Onesie TRIED to make an impact upon their arrival in SCW. Sure, they failed rather miserably but at least they put forth effort. Autumn is coasting on her reputation alone. Hell, I’m not even sure she WANTS to be Underground Champion. She wants to tear Wolfy’s face off for costing her the Adrenaline Championship. Yet her and the other two losers are in this match. Does that bother me one bit? Does it upset the Queen of the Death Match that soft, weak, peasants are competing in her world in her match for her crown?” Williams smirks and shakes her head.

“Nah! It doesn’t bother me one iota! In fact, I welcome the challenge! I am sick and tired of having my guts and determination being questioned! I am sick of being ridiculed and criticized! I am sick of people trying to paint me as weak…when anyone who has ever thrown down with me will tell you that I am the exact opposite of weak!” Kimberly twirls around to allow the camera and the viewers at home to get a good look at her fashionable dress, contrasted by the barbed wire she is wrapped in. “This is the perfect illustration of who the hell I am. On the outside you see one thing but on the inside I am something completely different. Some may see a beautiful woman, and I am…but I am also the toughest, most sadistic bitch in this Underground division. Don’t forget that I brought the Underground Title back from the dead! SCW management tried to crown Jordan Majors as the heir apparent and I took the crown from her. Then they tried to place Konrad Raab on the throne and I knocked his old German ass off the throne and took it as my own. Now Shaun Cruiserweight is looking for anyone to replace me. Deanna Frost? The Onesie? Wolfy? Hell, even that lame ass Autumn Valentine.” She shakes her head.

“But deep down inside you know that there is only ONE person capable of carrying this Underground division and you are looking at her. Now I already went through and thoroughly explained why Onesie and Wolfy are all talk and no action. I already explained why Autumn is just coasting off of her reputation and not one of those three idiots belong in this match. I will prove that at Apocalypse.” She points a finger at the camera, as if pointing at Deanna herself. “But you’re in this match too. You’re the defending champion.” She laughs softly.

“Now I gotta give credit where credit is due. You beat me at Rise To Greatness. You beat a fresh, one hundred percent Kimberly Williams at Rise To Greatness to become Underground Champion. That should be enough to validate your reign. I mean c’mon, DeeDee, it isn’t like SCW is the only player in the death match game. I have held the HKW Bloodlust Championship for over a year now. I am also the longest reigning MWE Chicago Way Champion in that company’s history. When I call myself that Queen of the Death Match it isn’t some fancy slogan to sell merch. I mean every fucking word of it and I prove it to be true every single time I set foot inside the ring. That’s who you beat to become the Underground Champion. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone.” Kimberly shrugs her shoulders.

“Yet here you are, putting yourself in harm’s way, putting your title in serious jeopardy in this five way Underground war at Apocalypse. You don’t even have to be pinned to lose the championship.” She grins nastily. “I could pin Onesie and become champion. I could make Sarah Wolf cry and tap out like the little bitch she is and become champion. I could humiliate Autumn Valentine AGAIN and become champion. I do not have to beat you, DeeDee, to regain the SCW Underground Championship and BELIEVE that I will do anything and everything within my power to win and to walk away as champion.” She shakes her head. “I am no longer playing games. I am not coming to have fun. I am coming for my championship and I will do whatever it takes to get it back, even if it means beating one of the other three losers to do it.” Again she points at the camera.

“But I will be honest with you, McFrosty, I would much rather beat you to regain the championship. As I said, those other three do not belong. You speak of honor, integrity, and earning your shots and opportunities? Well they have done absolutely nothing to earn their opportunities. I am pretty sure you can count ON ONE HAND the total accumulated wins all three of them have had combined since Taking Hold of the Flame. You think that speaks of worthiness? Now I get it, you want to be the hero of the story. You don’t want to tear down any of them. That’s fine. You try and spin this in as positive a light as you want for the sake of the company. I have no qualms telling it like it is.” She points to herself.

“This should just be you and I, McFrosty. This should be Deanna vs. Kim TWO at Apocalypse, one on one. Because unlike them, who have no business in MY Underground, unlike those three who have no clue how to survive in the Underground, you and I know how to survive and thrive in this environment. I am a two time former Underground Champion, you are the reigning Underground Champion. Onesie, Wolfy, and Autumn are just riding our coattails because they have nothing better to do at Apocalypse. That’s the truth. And unfortunately for you, if this were just a simple one on one match, then maybe you might have at least fifty-fifty odds of retaining.” A devilish grin forms upon the face of the Queen of the Death Match.

“But your pal Shaun Cruiserweight made this match. He agreed to insert three other dimwits who don’t belong in our same space. And he made the rules…he made this sudden death. I warned you about chaos, DeeDee. I warned you that if you were to become Underground Champion then you needed to become intimate with chaos. You needed to give into chaos. But you refused to heed my warnings and now here you are, in the toughest most violent match of your career. You don’t get much more chaotic than this, DeeDee. This is MY wheelhouse! This is MY match! And I will take full advantage of the chaos that ensues and I will take the Underground Championship right out from under you!” She throws her head back and laughs.

“It’s ok, DeeDee, because unlike you, I will grant you a one on one rematch for the Underground Championship WHEN I win it back. I won’t make you jump through hoops. Because I do want to beat you, DeeDee. The problem for you is that beating you is not a top priority for me. My number one priority is to regain the SCW Underground Title. It is more important to me than anything else in my life. I hold it near and dear to my heart, closer than anyone or anything else, including my own health and well being.” She takes some of the barbed wire and starts scraping it against her forehead, cutting herself open until the wound is bleeding. “See that, DeeDee?! I don’t care about my flesh! You can rip my fucking flesh off of my body! You can beat on me and tear me apart until every ounce of blood has left my damn body! I will keep going because that title means more to me than it does to you and there isn’t a god damn thing you can say or do to prove otherwise! Talk about your integrity all you want! Talk about earning shit! I don’t care about any of that anymore! All I care about is being the face of the underground division! And I will sacrifice my health, my flesh, my blood, and my own god damn career in order to win it back”

The Woman Scorned starts to take the barbed wire off of her torso. Just like everything else Kimberly does, she isn’t very careful about it. She rips and tears it off, leaving bloody scars on her hands as a result. She then takes the blood from her forehead and wipes some on her face. She laughs maniacally

“This is the face of the SCW Underground Division. This is the Queen of the Death Match and I am coming to reclaim my throne.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

EXODUS: Chapter Three

The mission was simple.  Get The Oracle and her brother free of The Compound, and eventually meet back up, and get them to the "safe house," that I had arranged for them.  It was a heist that I never thought I would ever have to pull off in my life, but it was all for the right reasons.  It was all to protect an innocent individual from continued abuse by her parents.  It went about as perfectly as it could have, with all things considered.  We were able to get them free, we met up, and the two of them were safe in a place that, initially, nobody would look, and under my protection.

But the mission wasn't over yet.  In fact, it was far from "complete."  Being where the safe house was, we were still under the unofficial jurisdiction of The Compound and it's financial reach.  But the reality of staying in this unassuming, slummy, motel was that we needed to be able to all sustain life.  We needed food, drink, and basic life needs.  I couldn't rely on the owner to know how much he was becoming complicit in this scheme.  So I had initially stocked the room with as much as I thought we would need before we made another move.  So I would do the laundry.  I would take out trash and throw it in different dumpsters in the vicinity.  I had done it all at night, in pitch, black, darkness, using night vision goggles that were initially purchased for use at The Compound, and I decided I would use for my own personal reasons.  It kept me aware of everything surrounding us.

I was doing everything I thought was needed to be done in order to sustain our stay there... Unfortunately, my assumptions weren't accurate, and we were going to need more supplies.

This meant I would have to either risk having stuff delivered, and potentially having a delivery driver who recognizes us from The Compound, or I was going to have to go out myself.  Going out myself would, inevitably, create a major risk for The Oracle and her brother.  They couldn't go with me, for risk of creating even more potential to be noticed.  So they would have to stay and be alone, while I was gone.  It was a risk.  It was something I knew nobody would be comfortable with.  But inevitably it was something that would need to happen, and need to happen soon.

"The One": Ok... We knew that things were running low, so I am finally going to go out and get some more stuff for us.  I don't know how much longer we are staying here, but we definitely need more for you guys.

Brother: So you're leaving us alone?

"The One": Well we can't all go together.  That'd open us up to be spotted even more.  I can blend in with the rest of the people and not draw attention.  The three of us would be too risky.

Brother: Great... We're on our own again...

The Oracle sighs.

The Oracle: We're not on our own.  She's looking out for us.  She will protect us.  She will make sure we are safe...

"The One": She's right.  Ensuring I get you two to permanent safety is my primary concern.  So I'm not going to let anything happen to either of you.

The Oracle: I know you won't...

"The One": That doesn't mean we can be complacent about anything though.  The fact is, you two have to focus on being safe while I'm gone.  Every door that someone else could come in through, I want locked the second I leave.  Deadbolt, chain, everything.  I want everything on complete lockdown.  I want the curtains closed.  I want lights off.  I don't care who knocks, or if someone tries to open the door, you two have to basically stay silent.  The ONLY person you open the door for, is me.  Nobody else.  Nobody claiming they're representing me, or helping me.  ONLY me.

Brother: Should we worry that may happen?

"The One": The fact is, I've started to see the same cars starting to drive around repeatedly.  I recognize the drivers, and honestly I know that they've realized we are all gone.  These cars are coming from different side roads and angles to try and shine light around different places and see if they can find us.  So they're looking for us, and looking for us with piss and vigor.  So once I leave, this room has to seem empty.

The brother takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

Brother: I don't like this... What if something happens?

The One smirks.

"The One": Well you act like I haven't thought about that...

The One reaches into her backpack and pulls out an older model cell phone and tosses it to him.

"The One": There...

The brother just looks at it confused.

"The One": It's a burner phone.  But it's programed with, effectively, an SOS button on it.  You hit it, it calls me immediately, and I'd drop everything and be here in seconds.  You don't even have to tell me what's going on... You hit that button, it better be a "shit is hitting the fan" moment.

The Oracle: And what do we do if that happens?

"The One": You do whatever is necessary to stall.  Put up a fight.  Put up a struggle.  Barricade yourself in a room.  Do whatever it takes to basically buy me those few minutes I'll need to get back.  The fact is, the store, is basically right behind this place, so I'm not far.  

Brother: You expect her to fight back?

"The One": I expect both of you...

Brother: She...

The Oracle immediately interrupts her brother.

The Oracle: We can handle it... I've dealt with worse...

"The One": I believe in you...

The Oracle: WE trust in you...

The One nods, and looks at her brother and does the same again.  She then slowly cracks the door open and begins to assess the surroundings.  Once The One verifies that the coast is clear, she slowly exits the room and quietly closes the door.  She stands there until she hears the click of the deadbolt, and the chain lock go on the door as well.  Once she feels the door is secure, she quickly races around the corner to get back into the shadows, throws her hoodie over her head, and make her way to the store.

As she walks through the small grassy divide between the back of the motel and the parking lot of the store, she keeps her head on a swivel.  She thankfully sees nobody suspect, and walks directly in to begin shopping.

Walking in she grabs the cart, and in her mind has the entire trip planned out, route and all.  She goes through, strategically, aisle by aisle, grabbing the necessities that she and the siblings would need or want.  Even with the brother's doubt about her loyalty, she wants him to be as comfortable as The Oracle.  With her hoodie up, she knows she does have blind spots where she can't see her surroundings, so she occasionally makes her way to corners of where she has the ability to scan around for her next set of aisles and ensure she has clear paths and no risky individuals.  The one issue she does seem to have with her desire to get through the store quickly is the fact that she repeatedly runs into the carts or shoulders of other shoppers.  To mask her voice, she tries to deepen its tone before apologizing.  The look she has, though, has shoppers looking at her as if she's some sort of ruffian, and for the most part she is avoided by other patrons.

As she makes a turn into another aisle, she runs into another shopper pretty violently,  The person who hits The One quietly apologizes, and keeps her head down, and The One, keeping with the hiding of her voice, apologizes with the changed tone.  She quickly moves around the person, but then pauses, and begins to think that the voice sounds eerily familiar.  She slowly turns around to look at the shopper, but the person has made a quick move to get to the next aisle.  The One thinks it is simply paranoia, and she initially goes back to shopping.  But there is a problem as she continues.  This person's voice is lingering in her mind.  It begins to become an obsession, wondering who the person was, and as she shops, she secretly begins to keep her eye out for this person, hoping to get a better view of who they are, and if they are a threat to the security of The Oracle.

Coming around one of her final turns before she can do her self checkout and leave, she catches a glimpse of the person, finally, as they check out.  She takes note of what this person is wearing, and pauses, hoping to see what they look like.  The worry has grown, as she feels the worry that The Oracle is unguarded begin to take over.  This person checking out, however, is not someone she recognizes from behind.  In fact, this person is dressed similar to her.  The person has a hoodie, and is apparently trying to keep a low profile.  Knowing all of those who she cleared to enter and exit The Compound, she can tell this person is not someone who she has allowed in under her watch, and in turn, knows is nobody who would know who The Oracle was, or who The One was either.

She quickly finishes shopping so she can quell her worry and get back to protecting The Oracle.  She goes to check out, and makes quick work of bagging and paying cash for all of the groceries she bought.  A clerk asks if she needs help with her bags, and The One politely, but quickly, refuses, and grabs all of her bags and exits the store.

She turns toward the darkness that separates the end of the parking lot from the back of the motel, and begins to walk quickly toward her desired location.  Her head is down, and her walk is determined, and because her focus isn't on her surroundings she runs into someone else walking in the same manner.  This collision is hard enough to cause some of the groceries to spill out onto the parking lot, and immediately annoy The One.  The person is quick to try and deescalate the situation.

Person: I'm... I'm so sorry!  Here, let me help...

The One quickly recognizes the voice as the one she recognized from the inside.  She immediately believes this is a plot to get to The Oracle after all.

"The One": Don't you dare touch anything.  You're not getting to her unless you get through me first!

Person: I'm... I...

The person quickly turns and begins to try and run away, but without hesitation The One grabs them and stops them in their tracks.

"The One": No... You're not going anywhere.  You're not trying to kidnap her and take her back unless you deal with me!

Person: I don't know what you're talking about... I'm sorry... I really am...

"The One": Right... You're not giving us up to The Compount...

The person pauses.

Person: The... The Compound?

The person gulps, and begins to breath harder.

"The One": I didn't stutter...

Person: I... I can't go to The Compound...

The One looks confused and quickly spins the person around, and the person looks straight down.

"The One": The fuck does that mean?  What do you mean you can't?  You obviously know about it...

The person slowly looks up, and pulls her hoodie off of her head.  She reveals herself to The One as her friend, her mentor, the person that embraced her as a friend.  She is scarred on her face, showing the battle scars from the obvious battle she had when she challenged.  The One gasps, looking like she's seen a ghost.  The last hint she had was her friend being dead.  She drops the rest of her groceries into the parking lot.  With The One's face still hidden, the girl knows she's been recognized.

Person: Please... I beg of you... Don't tell them I'm back in the area.  I just came back to try and start my life over.  I hoped they had forgotten about me by now... I promise I won't say anything about whoever you are protecting or The Compound.  I'll do anything.  I just want to see my family again... It's the only family I have...

The One slowly reaches up to her hoodie, and gently reveals her face to her friend.  The girl gasps, and the two stare at one another in utter shock.  The One slowly feels a smile come over her face, a true smile, for the first time in a long time.  All she can do is utter very simple words.

"The One": You're... You're... Alive!

The person takes a gulp, and sees the marking across her protege's eye symbolizing her ascension in the hierarchy at The Compound, and like The One, can only come up with a simple response of her own.

Mentor: You're... The One...

My friend... My mentor... Not dead... But here... In front of me... And my heart, for once, feels full.



Late night at a public park, water rushes down the local river banks after a lengthy and torrential storm.  The One, finding peace in this, one of the few sounds in nature, sits, trying to, in a sense, find her way.  She feels as if her path in SCW has become skewed, and not as she originally intended.  She's felt herself stray away from a mission where she wants to bring out the new crop, the new blood, and has resorted to just blatant disregard of humanity at its core.  While at times, it does bring her joy, and at times it does get her what she wishes, there is a part of her that feels like she may becoming what she set out to destroy, and that is something that, while still determined to fulfill her mission, has her concerned that she must first right her mind, before she can right the ship that is Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Look around.  Listen.  What do you hear?  To you, it may be just water rushing down a river, but to me, it is far more powerful than that.  It is something forever changing the landscape around it.  It is something carrying a piece of grass or leaf from its original and natural habitat to somewhere it may have never been seen before.  It is dark memories being put upon those leaves and sent away, never to be thought of again.

It's change...

It's chaos...

It's something so powerful, yet we all look at it from the surface and just say it's water...

We never think about how it is changing the banks to look different than they ever have, removing years and years of soil and showing us stuff that we have legitimately never seen before.  It's creating a new world around us, but to us, it's just... Water... And honestly lately I've fallen into that trap.  I've seen this beautiful chaos as nothing more than the liquid we drink because I quit looking past the obvious.  I quit looking away from what I should have, and at one point ALWAYS saw.  It's something hard to accept, too.  It's something hard to believe.  When I came to SCW I had a clear vision and once I had dictated what that vision was, and showed the Bearded One what that vision looked like, I seemed to look in a new direction.  It was as if I set myself up for one small path and small goal, and instead of pushing forward, I called it good.  And it began to fill me with a rage, an anger, a pain, that I began to take out on everyone and anyone who I crossed all because, inside, I wasn't OK with the fact that I had lost my way that quickly.

I became the leaf in the water, instead of the raging river that carried it...

You see, the more and more I look at what I have intended to do in SCW the more and more I see the idea of chaos being the true representation of what The One is here to do.  She's here to cause chaos.  She's here to be the force, the "Genesis," the "Phoenix," whatever you want to call it that creates so much confusion in everyone's mind, they're forced to see the same chaos that I see.  I want the world to see and understand that who I am, what I strive to do, isn't being done out of malice or hate.  It's being done because sometimes, something far greater has to create its own path, its own direction, and change the landscape as a whole.

THAT was my goal...

And CHAOS must always be my weapon of choice...

You see people fear chaos because it leads to an unknown.  It leads to dramatic changes.  It has been the sculpting force of this entire existence of everything, and yet, we revel in its beauty.  But people don't want to think about that because it could have turned out different, or they could have wanted it a certain way, but amidst the chaos everything chose a different way of concluding before the cycle repeated itself.  Think about it... Because of chaos, we are living.  We could have looked much different than we do, should things have happened in a different order or different manner, under different circumstances of chaos.  But the unpredictability created life, created everything, and to this moment, like th water eroding the soil of the banks, it's not doing so in any manner of order.  It's doing so however the chaos dictates.  And I've felt myself starting to forget that.  I've heard crowd reactions and began to play to it, rather than just focus on the task at hand of doing whatever it was I, the chaos, was dictating.  I felt myself being drug into the normality of this industry, and that is a testament to my lack of experience in this business, but recognition is a testament to my realization that I am who I say I am, and I can change what I do and how I do it in a heartbeat.

And at an appropriately named, Apocalypse, that change will occur, and become intertwined with this industry.  Chaos will begin to unravel the fabric of SCW to which everyone knows, and as I have stated all along I wish to do because it will put me in a position far different from that of someone just "turning heads," as a newcomer.  It puts me in a position to potentially make people view me as a threat, as a game changer, as the chaotic entity on the verge of changing SCW for the future, but most importantly for those who consider themselves "veterans" to the game, it will supplant me as a CHAMPION.

The One pauses, looking, and listening to the water, before slowly letting a smile grace her face, and continuing.

Coming to this company, I made it clear that I didn't look at championships as the end all be all of what determined my success, but I also made it clear that my viewpoint was not that of the masses.  So this is a chance to change the perception of The One in the eyes of ALL of the others in that locker room and ensure that the seriousness of my goals.  Championships matter in the eyes of others... It dictates who is and who is not a "serious threat" to the power structure that defines SCW.  And for The One, I always thought about what it would be like to be included in some form of "title picture," and one thing always stood out to me over others...

In SCW the titles out there each have a representation.  The "Working Person's Championship," the Television Title, the "High Spot Championship," in the Adrenaline Championship, the "BEST OF THE BEST," in the SCW World Title... But then there's that one title that stems from madness, sadistic tendencies, and is the true "Championship of Chaos," the Underground Championship, all have their own representation on the roster... But it's that last championship, whose defender strikes FEAR and HORROR into the opponents.  It's because it is dictated by, what?

You guessed it... CHAOS!

The Underground Championship is something that, from what I have learned and seen in its history, has allowed individuals to explore the deepest, darkest, corners and crevasses of their soul, and bring them to life.  It has allowed people to try and mame and injure people.  It has given people the free reign to use IT as a symbol of the enforcement of one's own, personal, agenda.  It truly is a title that represents the PERSON who holds it.  Because that person is willing to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING under the sun to achieve success.  It's not plagued by rules, regulation, or understandings, but instead governed by anarchy.  It is, like this water, unpredictable in how it will be defended time to time, or what a person is willing to do to hold it.  And it's why, for The One, it's a perfect ending to my introductory chapter, and beginning of the next phase of my "Apocalypse" of Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Now many may see that as me saying I'm out to destroy this organization, and no, that still isn't my goal.  My goal is to change its direction.  So while may be the SCW Book of Revelations, in which we live, after the destruction comes the rebirth.  And that's where the Underground Championship will be the tool of The One, The Revolutionary, to help implement this NEXT GENERATION of SCW.

But in order to achieve this... In order to be the one who is able to walk out of Apocalypse as the Underground Champion and implement my presence on any and everyone who crosses my path, I have to do something I've done once before, and can do again, and that's eliminate more than one individual at a time.  See, SCW has decided to throw the kitchen sink in my way again, hoping that I continue to fall back in my goal of rebuilding SCW in a more SUPREME light.  They've sent one who has proven herself worthy against me, in Kimberly Williams, one person I'm unfamiliar with in Sarah Wolf, one woman who has proven herself in SCW, through numerous title reigns, Autumn Valentine, and then there's the "Queen," the "Beloved," and yet, the "Most Destructive" according to her title, Deanna Frost.  SCW sends them all into this estrogen-infused clusterfuck with the goal to watch women bleed.

And that's OK with me...

I'm used to bleeding...

I'm used to pain, be it from men or women...

And I'm used to fighting back!

The One finally turns and looks at the camera, losing the calm and relaxed demeanor she had embraced while listening to the water, and becoming the rapid surge of the flash flood that was wreaking havoc around the riverbed and riverbanks.

Is that supposed to scare me?  Is that supposed to deter me?  Those who still hold that stagnant, repetitive, carbon copy of SCW close to their hearts, that somehow have a say are putting their cards on the table, showing that they want to get rid of The One.  They are wanting to show the world that The One can't succeed, and will give in to the distractions of this industry.  They send their best at me to try and stifle me at the best time.  Like I said, I was beginning to fall into the trap that this business naturally creates.  And now SCW is trying to swallow me whole.  But like Boba Fett, you will never see me actually swallowed because I don't care who stands across me, I'm going to do what I am going to do.

Are there "good people" in this match?  Yeah... Is there also ME?!  Yes!

I've said all along I'm not here to win a popularity contest.  I know some of my opponents are actually here, partially, for that, but I also know that they want, deep down, to win out of pure greed as well.  So how "good" are they?  We are all out there for the same thing.  We are all vying to win, with the same motive.  We are all winning to do anything in this match to win.  So, are these other three REALLY the "good guys?"  Or, maybe, could it possibly be that the "good" person is the one who is honest to you from the get-go?  Wouldn't you want someone who tells you what they want to do, and doesn't treat you like your a child?

Because I am not going to bullshit you.  I am going to walk into that ring, and when the bell rings, do EXACTLY what I've had to do to become The One in my life.  ANYTHING NECESSARY!  I took the rules, the law, the "understandings," into my own hands and what I did, is I made them work for me.  And for the right to call myself the SCW Underground Champion, and follow in the likes of, arguably, one of the most rebellious, smart, conniving, and CHAOTIC, champions, Rachel Foxx, you had better believe I would be willing to go AT LEAST that far.  On top of that, Kimberly, you're the one who has done the one thing the others have that have beaten me.  You've done it YOURSELF.  You didn't succumb to me, and have me use you as an example.  You beat me yourself.  And for that, while I hold you with respect because you did what you did, I also seek vengeance and want to make things RIGHT in my eyes.  And making things right means I want to take you out, just as you did me...

But I'll save that for our eventual one on one rematch...

This match isn't about revenge.  This isn't about getting even.  This is about making the biggest statement that NOBODY on this roster wants to hear.  Nobody wants The One to do what she has said.  Nobody wants The One to be the one to dethrone Deanna Frost.  Nobody wants The One to have wins over all of these women in ONE FELL SWOOP.  Why?  Because it would mean that she had truly escaped her own immanent decline, and climbed back to the top of the pit, and flipped the world the bird.  Why?  Again... Because this is the opportunity to make everyone open their eyes and realize that I am not going to gently into that good night.  I am not going to be someone who falls short of THE opportunity to step up to those who have held me back.

It's been my story, my whole life...

It's time this story gets told...

It's time for the WORLD to find out why there are only three fucking truths...


The One pulls her hoodie over her head and spins to exit the bench off into the darkness.  The camera slowly begins to pan back toward the rushing water, still being illuminated by the moonlight.  It fades to black as it slowly zooms in on the Moon's reflection, and the rapids rolling over it.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
GENESIS: The Final Chapter (Part One)

As had become the case when my mentor and friend was there, for a couple of years, things began to become very routine and "status quo."  Since she had tried to take control away from The One, everyone had taken the consequences as a sign that they needed to just deal with things, and once again, stay off of The One's radar.  For most, it was easy.  They stuck to their run of the mill routines, playing games, reading books, and doing things that would never draw any unnecessary attention their way.

I continued to, effectively, be a rebel...

Now I admit, it probably wasn't the best idea.  I was getting to the point where I was going to be of age where I wouldn't be able to be legally mandated by my parents to do what they say.  I'd have my freedom.  But something still didn't sit right for me, and I felt that I needed to continue to do what I felt was right, and for the greater good.  So while everyone else tried to lay low, I pretended to do the same, but I exploited the flaws in the eystem by using that emergency exit that was never reset to violate every rule I could...

It first began with just that little excursion, seeing The One escort The Oracle to some special building that first time, and then using the tree as a way to train.  But as I began to realize, more and more, that nobody paid any attention to me disappearing for hours on end, I decided that I wanted to find out more about The Compound and most importantly, The One, himself.  So as nights being there continued, I would venture further and further away from the kids complex.  I scoured the areas for any ways for us to be tracked or any surveillance, and I quickly realized there wasn't much.  There were cameras near the entry and exits, but inside, there wasn't much.  I used this knowledge to begin sneaking into buildings, finding out what I could on how the "business" was truly being ran.

A lot of the information I found, I didn't really comprehend initially.  But with time, came my ability to learn more and more how people were being exploited for money, and in return, given a "safe space" for their sexual exploits.  I realized that initially it was an innocent endeavor by people who had the same kinks, but eventually turned into a money making venture, and way to blackmail people for more and more money.

I didn't have plans for this knowledge.  I didn't know what I could do with it.  I was just a kid.  But I also knew it was always better to be "in the know" than "in the dark," so I filed it in the back of my brain figuring it would come in handy someday.  But I would also never press my luck and be too far from the kids area for too long.  I knew that being away was risky, but being away for an extended period put myself in extreme danger.  So when I would feel like I learned something that day, I would call it a success, and go back and "check in" inside the complex.  Once I knew nobody knew I was missing, I would return outside, and commence using the tree for training.

It was a routine that I got into until ultimately there came THE day that would change my life forever.

As my family made their way into The Compound, like any other instance, everything seemed normal.  I got out at the entry way, and waited to be carted to the kids complex area.  I get taken, per usual, and it was this moment that really marked the last moment of normalcy I would ever see at The Compound.

As the former "new kid" walks in, she's given looks by all of the kids, who always look up as the entry way opens.  Upon seeing her, everyone simply returns back to what they were initially doing, understanding that it was nothing "surprising" happening.  The girl does, as normal, and peeks into the closet to ensure that the emergency exit is still not armed.  Upon seeing it still completely ignored, she slowly weaves her way toward the back door.  She never wants to make a direct line for the exit to avoid being noticed.

Once safely at the emergency exit, she slowly unlatches the door, and uses the pebble to prop it open.  She goes into the shadows and decides today she wants to watch.  She wants to see things that happen around The Compound, similar to when she saw The Oracle being escorted by The One.  And today, she gets to see it again.  The cart is seen being driven by The One to this back building, when the little girl that has been identified as The Oracle of The Compound.  Something, however, is different.  After leaving The Oracle, The One looks in the girl's direction in the shadows, as if knowing she's there.  She's done her reconnaissance and knows there is no way for him to see her without any kind of special glasses, which he isn't wearing.  She sees The One smile, and then leave the area.

She figures this was not intentional, and continues to sit and watch.  She sees the adults enter the building after The One leaves, and continues to wonder what happens inside with this girl, and why she is dubbed "The Oracle."  After seeing nothing, she takes her time with the tree, which now has no bark in the areas she has been using as a punching and kicking bag.  It's almost become smooth with the amount of contact it has taken.  She's also always had a curiosity of why nobody has noticed this tree being so stripped of bark.

After her normal period of time outside, she decides it's time to make her cameo inside, per normal.  She slowly, and gently opens the door, and closes it behind her.  As she comes around the stack of chairs and tables that shield her, she is immediately greeted and surrounded by all of the kids, with The One standing in the middle, and beside him, none other than the one kid who, way back before her family ever entered the confines of The Compound, had tried to befriend her, by his side.  The One is standing there smirking, and pats the kid on the back.

"The One": You know... I didn't believe you at first, but you were right... She was breaking a whole lot of rules and leaving...

The kid smiles and nods.  The One looks back at the girl.

"The One": Care to explain yourself?

The girl knows her options are limited to non-existent with safe options or answers, so she just decides to throw caution to the wind.

Me: You took away my entertainment, so I was bored... Decided to find my own entertainment...

The One smirks.

"The One": Heh... And you think sarcasm is going to help you?

Me: Do I think it'll help me with what?  You?  Honestly I'm beyond the point of caring, if I am going to be honest...

There are some sporadic gasps from some of the kids, as the girl just doesn't hold back with her disdain for The One.  The One, still smirking, approaches her.

"The One": Oh I've been waiting for you to cross me.  I've had my eye on you since your little PATHETIC friend tried to be all high and mighty.  And now... You are being defiant with me?  Heh... I get it... You have, what, a year left until you can MAYBE be out from under my thumb?

Me: No... I have a year until I AM...

"The One": Oh no... You see, with what you have been doing, for I don't know how long, you're now going to suffer.  Your family is going to suffer.  Hell, if I find out you are friends with anyone in this building, they're going to suffer.  You're going to be the example, and because you're underage now, I can make it contractually long enough to where it last WELL into your "legal" days.  Trust me... You are about to hate your life.  And if you don't, then I will try harder to make you.  I am the boss here... I am the LAW here... I thought I made it clear a long time ago for you...

Me: You can't do that!

The One walks up to her even closer and bends down.

"The One": Oh really?  And what are you going to do about it?

The girl just stands there staring at The One.

"The One": Exactly... Just like your little friend, you're going to do NOTHING... Actually, I take that back.  You're going to be doing a lot.  You're going to be doing whatever I TELL you to do.  You're going to be making me look better and better, and making me more and more money.  You want to go out and prune the trees like you were just a few minutes ago?  Oh boy will I have some trees for you to prune, branch by branch.  You want to look around The Compound?  I'll give you a reason to look around, when you are picking up trash from every corner.  And your family... They will be forced to wait on you.  They won't be allowed to even go home until you're done.  I will OWN you, and if I don't, I will OWN your family instead... Face it, kid... You fucked up!

The girl rears back and slaps The One across the face.  The slap is one that comes with enough force to make many kids watching have their eyes go wide.  The One's head snaps to the side, and he adjusts his jaw side to side.  As he turns back, without hesitation, he returns the favor, hitting the girl across the face, sending her to the ground.  A couple of random kids make a move to check on her.

"The One": NO!  Nobody helps this piece of shit.  She's ruined every one of your lives already, and if anyone even THINKS about doing anything nice for her, for one, I'll know about it because I have eyes in here, as you can now see.  Secondly, you'll be joining her in the sheer volume of manual labor that you'll be doing.  And like I said, you'll all be doing your fair share already, thanks to her, so I'd think twice about WHO I was helping.  All you fuckers understand?  You guys are nobodies to me.  Your parents are simply paychecks for me and you are just worthless.  If I had my way you wouldn't even be allowed on the premises and I wouldn't be responsible for you.  You all OWE me for even being safe here... I could let you all just try and live on your own with nothing... The Prophets don't ever look in here... Nobody knows if you guys are even given what you're supposed to.  So I could do nothing, and get away with it, and right now, that's about to happen.  So enjoy whatever is left in this building.  Because it's all about to go away...


So when you're life is hell, when you hate coming out here because there is barely bread and water for you, and the money "for your comfort" is going in MY POCKET instead, look at her and remember why your life sucks...

The One looks at the girl and smiles.

"The One": ... Damn I'm about to enjoy this...

He turns around to leave, and sees the mass of kids behind him.


The kids all part, like the Red Sea, and he begins to walk through them.  The girl wastes no time jumping up, and officially following in the footsteps of her mentor...


The One stops and slumps his head, mumbling to himself.

"The One": Oh God here we go again...

He turns around and sees the girl, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, staring him down, ready for a fight.

"The One": You SERIOUSLY want to end up like your little friend, and not exist anymore?

Me: No... I want to end up watching you be drug out of here by your ankles because I TOOK YOU OUT!

The One begins laughing, as does the kid who ratted her out.  The girl walks up to the boy and rears back and throws one punch, knocking him out cold.  Her eyes then go back to The One.

Me: You're next, dickhead...

The One begins to laugh again at her demonstration.

"The One": Ha ha... OK kid... Whatever you say... I'll gather the crowd, send the cart for you, and make sure your parents have a front row seat to this because their baby girl is about to disappoint them, and ruin their lives, all in one night...

The One turns around laughing as he leaves, and continuing to talk to himself, excited about what is about to go down.  Some of the kids look at the boy, still unconscious, and then the girl.

Me: Help him...

A group of kids quickly tend to the unconscious boy, and the girl's eyes remain fixated on the door, waiting for her moment to finally put up or shut up.



I want everyone to think about a time that they had to fight for something, and by fight, I mean physical, emotional, literal, theoretical, however you want to define it, but you had to FIGHT for something.  I want you to think about how you felt, what you felt, and what you had to do to successfully come out ahead when you did fight for it.  Or if you didn't come out ahead, I want you to think about what you learned from the situation.  Did you grow from it?  Did you sulk?  Did you give up and just quit everything all together?

This is the situation that I stand before you in, in the eyes of many in SCW.  I came in with guns blazing, and a mission.  I made that mission clear, and at first, I was pretty successful in making sure that everyone realized that I wasn't some flash in the pan, or wannabe walking into a world I didn't know.  Instead I showed the world that I was someone who could Blitzkreig an entire industry with no formal training and take whatever routes necessary to accomplish my goals.

And then, like I said before, I became complacent...

But that's where I ask you, what did you do?  How did you react?  Did complacency take over?  Or did you hear from others that you were doing as they expected you to do?  Because that's what I'm hearing.  I'm hearing people say that The One is just doing what every other newcomer does.  She comes in, full of piss and vinegar, does something immediately, and then tapers off to find where she "fits" in the overall puzzle.  I'm hearing people tell me that I'm doing just what they expected, and what others have done, and you know what, that isn't who I am.  I don't do what others do.  I don't fall in line, and fit into place.  I'm not some fly by night individual who can just be told to stand in line because "that's what I'm supposed to do."  If you're going to expect something of me, tell me to do something, or God forbid, think you have some POWER and RULE over me... Heh... You had better be ready to back it up with some way of MAKING ME because that's just not the game I play.

Now I understand that for a lot of people here, that's not a commonplace type of thing to be dealing with.  I understand that defiance is not normally met with cheers and rejoicing.  I know from my reading of SCW history, that those who go against the grain, don't play by the "unwritten rules," and do things in their own manner, tend to be blackballed by many behind the scenes.  I know those individuals typically have to work harder, or in some of the more successful cases, TAKE MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS...

And if you watch what I've been doing, lately, I think you know what path The One is walking down...

You see, SCW needs someone like me, someone to go against the grain and push the envelope for it to succeed.  It is a formula, an integral ingredient, and a HISTORICAL FACT, that Supreme Championship Wrestling is at its best when someone comes out there and doesn't play by the rules, doesn't conform to the standards, and just does things by their own judgment.  It's what I am doing day in and day out, and at first, it worked.  I stopped, and things became status quo again.  I had SCW beginning to realize that things were evolving to a new level, and then I stopped, so the onus is on me to that role back, but this time, not stop.  This time, like I said before, it's time for me to be the chaotic entity that shakes SCW to its very foundation and really makes everyone around it question their own motives.

And at Apocalypse, everyone will question that very thing...

While I came in not caring about accolades, titles, and what not, like I have said I was SCW to do, I am the same way.  I am evolving.  I see what a championship can do for an endgame, or an ultimate goal.  It can be a very integral piece in changing the way that people act, people think, and people perceive things.  And with a title like the Underground Championship, it just brings out the evil and sadistic tendencies of any and everyone who holds it.  It can be the biggest, friendliest, face on the roster, but the minute they become King or Queen of the Underground, they no longer look at things from a rules perspective.  They look at it from the mindset of pain and destruction.  This is a world where it's not WHEN you walk out of the ring, you either feel like a winner or loser, it is IF YOU EVEN WALK OUT.


Skin tearing...



These are all things that are a guarantee for every single one of us who are walking into Apocalypse.  It's not IF we experience pain, it's HOW MUCH CAN we experience before our bodies just give up?  And I'm one of those examples of people who have walked through the gates of Hell in my personal life on numerous occasions, feeling pain, seeing myself bleed, knowing just what it feels like to know how simple your mortal life is, and yet, I walked out of those gates just like I walked in... Under my power, under my conditions, and ready to do it all over again.  And that's what it takes in matches like this.  This isn't about technical wrestling, high flying, or any other definition of a "style."  No... This is about endurance and pain tolerance.  And I don't know about my opponents tolerances... I don't know the depths of which they'll go... But if they are willing to go further than me, if they are actually CAPABLE of allowing themselves to take more pain, more suffering, and more punishment than me... Not only do I applaud them, I feel sorry for them...

You see, this match isn't something to necessarily be proud of, if you win.  It's not something to be proud of if you can say you have a pain threshold above others, to allow yourself to be bloodied and battered beyond any logical reason.  It means you've been through some shit in life that you don't wish on anyone else, but know you can put up with.  It means you are willing to be the one who doesn't surrender to blood loss and skin flapping around while you throw another punch.  It means your numb to the situation because life has made you that way, and while in this instance it's beneficial, it's also a bit of a curse.

So to my opponents, to that locker room, I want you to listen closely.  I told you in the past titles didn't matter to me, and on the surface, they really don't.  But in the bigger picture, down deep in my soul, this one fits The One like a glove, and gives me the opportunity to show why I am the catalyst for the next chapter in this company.  It represents the lengths we are willing to go to succeed, and I have ALWAYS been willing to take it past any limit I thought I had.  It's how I became The One.  I stepped up to the plate against someone bigger, meaner, and more willing to do things to me than he thought I would do to him.  Yet, here I stand.  I've stepped up against emotional and physical abuse my entire life, with people wanting to take me down, beating me with weapons, making me bleed, and telling me to just stay down for my own good...


I started with Taking Hold of the Flame, here, and I battled through I don't know how many others, and made people realize I wasn't just some nobody.  I then made people BEG for mercy, until I got my way.  I've had "moments" here that I have called "defining" but here we are with another one.  This one, though, defines me as someone dangerous.  It defines me as someone SCW opposition should FEAR.  It tells everyone I am not going to be scared of anything or anyone, especially at anytime.

So I definitely look at this as a career defining moment.  Prominent names in SCW.  People will successes over me already.  I see so much possibility in this match that I cannot just write it off as meaningless and not worth a LOT for the future of what I want to accomplish here.  So I hope that everyone is listening.  I hope that everyone is paying attention.  Not just those in this match.  Not just those higher ups in the corporate offices.  I mean EVERYONE.  This is going to represent a lot for me personally, and if I don't make it personal then why am I even here?  This is my chance to prove who I am and WHAT I am capable of.  This isn't just idle talk or idle threats...


So everyone had better bring their best, bring their worst, and bring a little extra after that because The One is walking into Apocalypse someone everyone is probably overlooking, and when the dust settles, when the smoke clears, when the smell of flesh and blood finally quits permeating the nostrils of anyone and everyone inside that arena, the evidence will speak for itself.  Bodies will lie strewn about.  Mothers and fathers will cover the innocent eyes of their children.  But there will be something that nobody can deny, and that is that there will be ONLY ONE person left standing.  It will be a face left smiling.  It may not be the prettiest, and in fact it may be one of the most gruesome because of the lengths they were willing to go, but... As I have always said, like death and taxes, it'll be the only guarantee for the night...

And new...



GENESIS: The Final Chapter (Part Two)

Did I write my own obituary?  Did I just put my family in danger or at risk of something I never even thought of?  Am I ready for this?  Every possible racing thought is running through my head at the moment that I call out The One, and tell him that I wanted to take his throne and his power away from him.  I didn't truly know what I had done or what I had put myself into.  All I knew was that whatever I had done, there was no going back.  There was no escape.  It was something that I had to see through to the end.

I do feel a sense of pride, however, regardless of what happens, and what consequences I may bring on myself and my family, should I not succeed.  In the end, this isn't about me.  This isn't about the girl from the Midwest who was never liked or accepted by her peers.  This is about the girl who was taken under the wing of a strong woman, who believed in a greater good in life, and passed that ideology down to me.  I feel a sense of pride knowing that I walk in there carrying a legacy she started.  Win or lose.  It's about showing people that the fight is worth it and tyranny is not the answer.  It's about the fact that someone can hold "power" without making others feel indebted to them, without making others feel inferior, without making others be treated like scum because the person in power feels they have that right.

Regardless of the outcome, I feel I did what was right...

But the reality of the situation didn't get any easier for me to not feel nervous about because waiting for that cart to pick me up felt like an eternity.  Everyone stood there, staring at me, and I could feel their anger.  In their minds, I had just sent each of them to their own respective version of hell.  And then there was that boy, finally coming back to consciousness, realizing I had put him on his ass, and being told I was about to stand up to the man who I saw as the ultimate bully.  I remember his smirk.  He had ratted me out after trying to make me feel comfortable.  Why?  Why would he do that to me when he was acting like a peacemaker all of those years ago?  Was it for his own successes?  Was it for his own protections?  Was it just because he was someone born to be a narc and was just acting like he was completely in character?  Short answer... I don't know... Long answer... I never knew... The truth was I didn't care.  At this point, it was going to be hell on Earth one way or another, so his traitorous ways didn't matter one bit to me.  I had exacted my revenge on him.  I had put him on his ass, and I had made him forget anything normal about the life he lived for a moment in time.  I showed him I wasn't just some girl... But I was a girl who could send his body into an effective Blue Screen of Death, and force him to have to reboot.  He got my message... And now I had to move on to the "bigger boss battle..."

And this battle would not be as easy as a twerp who simply sold me out...

So I waited, for what seemed like an eternity, and then the cart finally arrived, and the walk toward the door made me feel like I was making the woman's walk of shame after a one-night stand.  All eyes were on me.  If the funeral march could have played, it would have.  But I walked, proudly, and with intent because I was ready, I was going to go through with it, and whatever happened, happened.  And as I got the exit, I turned around and looked at everyone.  Some people legitimately looked scared for me, and almost seemed teary.  Others rolled their eyes and chuckled, as if I was walking the Green Mile.  But the last person I saw was that kid, and I just smirked.  This was the moment I had trained for.  This was the moment I had been preparing for.  If I wasn't ready to execute my plan to perfection, then you know what, I should have never had the confidence in myself to even step up to the plate.  I wanted that kid to know that should I come back, I wouldn't forget what he had done.

And hell would hath no fury like a woman's scorn...

The golf cart begins to make its way around the final turn of The Compound, before approaching the main building.  As it comes around that corner, all of the patrons stand outside in a semi-circle around the front entry way, with The Prophets standing on the porch, with The One beside them.  The cart comes to a stop outside the semi-circle, and the challenger gets out, and looks around at everyone.  The semi-circle slowly begins to split and make a path for her to walk through, and she takes a deep breath and makes her way to the middle of the mob-like group.  She comes to a half right in front of The Prophets and The One, and then looking over to her right she sees her family.  Her mother's mouth is covered, and she is in tears.  Her father mouths the words, "what did you do," toward her.  All she can do is smirk back in their direction because out of the corner of her eye she sees that she is being approached by The One, himself.  As The One gets to directly in front of her, he stops, and turns, standing beside her and looking up toward The Prophets, who begin to speak to their members.

Male Prophet: Tonight is a night where we must all look to these two individuals and see our future.  There has been a challenge to the leadership and position of The One by this young girl.  It was done in the fashion we have deemed appropriate and legitimate for this challenge to be brought to our attention.  As such, this girl and The One will face off in a fight that will be to the finish, determining who is truly superior enough to protect us and our interests here at The Compound...

The girl is shocked to hear the phrase "to the finish."  When her friend challenged, and didn't succeed, The One made it seem like it would be "to the death."  This idea makes her think that her plan may actually work.

Male Prophet: ... You see, for those of you witnessing this for the first time, The One is our protector.  They are here to ensure our safety from the world, so we may have our peace within these walls, without the prying eyes of those who don't live the same lives we do.  We rely on The One to safeguard our identities, our secrets, and our children.  We rely on The One to always ensure that nobody is here who shouldn't be or engaging in activities that we prohibit.  It is a role that was created for ALL of our protections.  For years, The One has served us mightily.  He has been a bastion of safety, ensuring that we can all enjoy ourselves without penalty or persecution.  But should someone feel they can do that job better, represent us better, protect us better, and set us up for future and long term success, we have created this process where ANYONE may challenge for the role, at anytime.  This young lady feels she is in the position to do so, and by challenging as she has, we assume she knows what this entails.  She must best The One, and TAKE from him what he has rightfully held for this length of time...

The Prophets continue to drone on about the process, the meaning behind it, and the importance of the strongest always being in the role of The One.  The girl nonchalantly takes a step backward in a way that just makes her seem she is adjusting her stance.  But then out of nowhere, before anyone is told that it is about to begin, she takes one more step back and then rears back and kicks The One right in the groin, sending the head of security directly to his knees.  There is a collective gasp and shock among those watching, especially The Prophets.

Male Prophet: ... Wh... What are you doing?!  Nobody said...

Before the male Prophet can complete his comment, the girl interrupts.

Me: ... Nobody said anything!  Especially about rules... And this guy, your "One," always told us in our complex that only HE made the rules...

The Prophets are taken aback by the complete lack of respect the girl has had for the situation.

Male Prophet: No!  That isn't how this goes!

Me: No... It is... You said it's a fight to the finish, right?  Well...

She takes a couple more steps behind The One, still on his knees, and then runs at him full speed, delivering a thunderous knee strike to the back of his skull.  The One goes face first into the ground, completely unconscious, and bleeding from various orifices of his face.  She stands up, simply dusts her clothes off, and then her hands.

Me: Well I guess there's your finish... That was easy enough...

From the middle of the silent crowd, there is a shriek from a woman.

Mother of "The One": MY BABY!

The woman quickly emerges and runs to see The One, completely unconscious, and in a definite risky state.  The girl walks over to the woman and pushes her out of the way, before reaching into the back pocket of The One, and pulling his cell phone out.  She rolls the unconscious man over, and sarcastically lays down beside him.  She smiles, gives a thumbs up, and takes a selfie with the man she just incapacitated.  She then stands up, and sets the picture of her and his lifeless body as his wallpaper.  She tosses the phone to the man's mother, and smirks.

Me: Make sure you always remind him to never forget the day he cross THE ONE!

It was at this moment everyone else's eyes went wide, as the girl had done just as The Prophets had said.  She had taken the title from the man, and bestowed it upon herself for the first time.

She then walks toward The Prophets, and up to the porch area beside them.  She smirks at them, and the callous and cocky attitude finally freely emerges.

Me: ... Well I guess it's my watch now!

The Prophets, having never been in this type of situation before, look at one another and simply shrug.  Technically, the girl had done what needed to be done.

Male Prophet: Well... I guess so...

They then made the official proclamation to the members of The Compound.

Male Prophet: Well... For the first time, we have had a moment we did not expect.  We now have a new bearer of the moniker of The One!

There are murmurs from the crowd, as The One makes her first statement to the members of The Compound.

The One: Everyone... Plain and simple... Things around here will be changing.  There will be new modes of security implemented to protect and serve each and every person here.  No longer will this be a place of blackmail and extortion.  I am not here to line my pocket.  I am here to protect you, your children, and most importantly, The Oracle.  I'm not here to make your lives a living hell.  So from this moment forward... Any "punishments" you may have on you from that piece of shit lying in front of you, they're all forgiven.  So expect changes.  Expect things to be more relaxed.  Expect things to feel more at home.  As far as I'm concerned, my job isn't to make your life hell.  My job is to ensure you are safe and enjoy yourselves.  But...

The One looks at the mother of the man she just took the position from.

The One: ... As for you two... Tell him, when he finally wakes up, I expect him to leave every dollar he still has of these people behind.  You both are no longer welcome here.  And if you say anything to anyone, I'm sure The Prophets will know how to make your lives a lot more shitty than I ever could with the people they know.  You understand me?

The woman continues to cry and try and get her son back to a state of consciousness, as The One turns to The Prophets.

The One: Now... I have an order of business that I must tend to...

She immediately leaves the porch, and the throngs of people, again, part like the Red Sea.  She approaches the gold cart, and tells the driver where she wishes to go.  Within minutes, they are outside the kids complex, and The One asks the driver to go open the door.  As the door opens, all of the kids turn and look, knowing what has just happened.  As The (new) One walks in, there is a collective gasp from all of the kids.  She was back, and she was effectively unscathed.  She grins from ear to ear, and reaches back toward the driver who opened the door.  She is handed something, and turns her back to all of the kids.  They can see she is doing something, but cannot make out what.  But it is when she spins around, she's applied the mark of The One to her face, over her eye, that shows everyone that one of their own was now in charge.

Everyone's jaw drops.

The One looks around at everyone, before uttering her first words to those kids who are ones she is now sworn to protect.

The One: Times are changing... And now... You all fucking matter!

The kids collectively cheer and charge her.  They all begin to high five and embrace her, and The One cannot help but smile.  For once, she is not the outcast of the complex.  Now she is The One of the people of The Compound as a whole.  And now the people finally realize they have The One of them, and not The One of his or her own.

And in that moment that was it.  The battle had been fought, and the battle had been won.  I had avenged my fallen friend.  I had displaced a tyrant who had made everyone's life hell for years, all for his own pleasure.  I had done it.  It was a sense of accomplishment and finality to the horrors I had been enduring that was necessary for MY future.  Finally I had come out of my shell to write the most pivotal chapter in my life, and I did it on my terms.  I had been guided to the right path, and given the shoes to walk it alone.  I had been given the tools to build the beginning of my legacy, and like any good carpenter, I crafted something special.

But as one chapter ends, another begins.  I now have responsibilities I must uphold.  I have set standards to people that I must keep.  I have set myself apart from the past and it's my job to prove that I am not someone who is all talk, and only able to take cheap shots when necessary.  Bringing that tyrant down in the way I did was the way he deserved.  He didn't deserve to go out on his shield.  He deserved what he got.  His mommy crying for him because her precious baby got a boo boo.  And now it's time for The One to represent something it never has.  And it's my job to do it.

Or else... I'll be the next one to fall at the hands of someone willing to lay it all on the line for justice...

[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
OOC: Promo only. I’m sorry guys. I don’t like giving excuses publicly. All I will say is that family emergencies changed my weekend and I had to prioritize what little time I had left.

The Guard Tower

Wow… first title defence as the Underground Champion… and I am up against four other people in a five-way dance. 

I mean, that’s a lot to take in still, even after it was mentioned in the last episode of Breakdown before Apocalypse. Am I worried? Scared? Yep and yep. Because I’m not Kimberly. I’m not going on a tear of who ‘belongs’ here and who doesn’t. After what I am going through right now, I would be a hypocrite if I did.

It doesn’t matter who belongs in this match and who doesn’t! What matters is that you all are here and you all are fighting for the title that I hold right now. And you all are making a claim for it.

Actually, no, that isn’t entirely accurate, is it? I mean, yes, Kimberly has been going on about this title being ‘hers’ and the division ‘belonging’ to her and I will get to that in a second. But you have Wolf and The One both claiming the same thing that Kimberly has for months.

That this world is a world of chaos. That they will be the agents of chaos. That they will tear and bleed and claw and maim and…

Did you two work on your promos together or something? I mean, you can’t BOTH be “THE” instrument of chaos and destruction. You both can’t be the harbinger of pain and death…

Actually, what a find particularly strange is that, for all your talks about chaos this and chaos that, you guys seem more obsessed with being these ‘evil, bloody monsters’ rather than wrestlers. Why? Because the rules disappear? Because you can do whatever you want?

Wouldn’t that be the time to be an SCW wrestler more than ever? Am I missing something here? 

I mean, why One? Wolf? Why do I have to be some Countess Bathory knockoff to exist in this division? Why do I have to craze destruction like Konrad Raab said? Why do I have to carry weapons and seek the evisceration of my opponent to have a place here?

If that was the case, neither Autumn Valentine or I would belong here, and if you’re going to tell the one person in this match with more SCW accolades than ANY of us combined that she doesn’t belong somewhere, then I would call you extremely foolish. I would almost call you stupid. Because that’s how you lose in this business. By underestimating your opponent. 

I am not doing that for either One or Wolf or any of you. Because I understand how the odds are against me tonight. How multi-man matches are ‘the champion’s disadvantage’, where I don’t have to be pinned or made to submit in order to lose the Underground Championship. I know that the odds are extremely against me.

But do you know, between all of you talking about chaos and sharing the same notes about it and being weapons destruction, do you know who’s words upset me the most?

They were yours, Kimberly. To be clear, I’m not offended by you wanting to regain the Underground title. I am glad you found your place in SCW. I am still looking for mine and I am willing to fight like hell to do so. I’m not upset you want this title back. 

No… I am upset because you declared that I have nothing to prove anything everyone else in this match. Words that were echoed by your mother, Angelica Jones.

Kimberly, I have MORE to prove than anyone else in this match! Think about it! How many people have said that I don’t belong here? How many people have said that I don’t deserve to be Underground Champion? How many people have said that I don’t have what it takes to withstand this world of violence simply because I refuse to be like everyone else with the praise of ‘chaos’ and whatever?!

Konrad? Adam Allocco? You? 

So many people have declared that I don’t belong here or even in SCW. That I’m not ready to take on such challenges. I’m not like you, Kimberly. I don’t have your accolades that you’ve been screaming from the get go. I didn’t ‘resurrect’ this title. I didn’t win multiple title in multiple feds. I’m not Autumn. I don’t have lengthy reigns or nearly every title to my credit. I’m not like Wolf and One with everything to gain and nothing to lose.

I am me. A person that needs to fight this match. Needs to be here. Needs to prove that she can belong in this world, this federation. Needs to prove she can wrestle an accolated-superstar like Autumn. That she can, once more, tangle with the “Queen of the Death Match” and still prove herself capable of holding her own. Prove that she can take the damage and punishment from supposed ‘chaos weapons’ like One and Wolf and keep going!

Kimberly, if there was ever a time to prove my grit, it’s here in my hometown! It’s here in a five-person dance! With every odd and danger against me – here I can prove, finally, that I belong here! That I have a place here! 

And you want me to pass that up because why? I beat you once? Because I’m the champion? How could I ever be that complacent? How could I disrespect the Underground championship by being that dismissive? How could I slap SCW in the face like that if I scoffed like you and declared who was ‘worthy’ and who wasn’t when I, myself, and trying to prove my very worth in this business?!

No, Kimberly, Wolf, Autumn, One… I am not interested in joining your causes and being ‘the most dangerous’. I don’t plan to become ‘the best wrestler’ from this one match tonight. I don’t plan on ‘doing whatever it takes’ to hurt or win or whatever.

No, tonight…. All I am interested in is showing my grit, my heart, my passion, my belief. Showing everything that I can do and endure because…

Because I belong here! I BELONG HERE!

And tonight, I am going to prove it! One way or another!

Checkmate, bitches!
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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