Amy Chastaine vs. "The One" Kirsten Scott
Amy Chastaine vs. "The One" Kirsten Scott

Retribution 2024

2 RP Limit
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET SUNDAY, March 3, 2024
OOC: Just a promo, cause I'm tired and Amy should be putting over the younger talent at this point anyway.

Retribution 2024
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):
OOC Note: Sadly the CD was rushed because of life.  But it closed a chapter that hopefully gives me grounds to move forward on and away from.

{1/2 SAMUEL: Chapter One}

My life, a whirlwind.  Something that, everytime I believe that there is a bit of a lull, curveballs emerge.  I don't think I'm special in this way, or unique.  I believe this is just life.  I believe this is just what everyone has to endure at some point.

When my mother reached out to me, I didn't know what to expect.  I didn't know what to feel.  I expected betrayal from them because it was all I knew and had ever experienced with them.  I was just a piece of the game they were playing, after all.  But that night at the diner I learned I wasn't a piece fo THEM, I was a piece to HIM.  I was someone who just kind of became a nuisance in his life that he had to figure out how to make work for him.

So he used me to attract similar couples...

He used me to attract single women...

He used me to become "The One..."

He just used me, like he used my mother in their situation...

So when we met I figured this was him pulling the strings, expecially when he showed up unexpected, knowing exactly where we were.  His arrival sent chills down my spine because he was, effectively, blocking my exit, and I had made the decision to hide in a corner.  So I knew I had put myself in a position where I was unable to have a successful exit strategy.

But that was when my Mom threw me off...

That's when she dropped the bombshell that she was divorcing my father...

That's when I realized my mom had finally become the strong woman I always believed she was all along...

From that moment, life kind of went stale and moved on.  Life just progressed.  Life at home was what it was, and I was focused solely on my professional career.  It was finally a life that I felt like I could life without any chaos or problems...

But BOY was I wrong...

A night came where Emma went out to check out mailbox and brought in the normal menagerie of everything that people face.  She brought in ads, she brought in bills, but she also brought in a certified letter addressed directly to me, and from the local county court system.  Initially, like anyone would, I assumed jury duty, but the certified portion and insured nature of the letter made me realize this wasn't the same type of thing.

Upon opening the letter, I saw something I never expected.  I saw something that I never thought these two people would ever do to me, but yet, here it was...

I was being subpoenaed by my parents to testify in their court battle against one another, to try and help justify one's claims against the other.  It was at this point I realized I was being drug into a battle that I didn't know what to expect anymore.  I didn't know if this was a game, if this was a way to fuck with me, or if this was a legit way for one side to argue their case and use my honesty as a way to defend their side.

I just didn't know...

I conferred with the group, and I asked their advice.  I asked if I should even go or risk being more of an "outlaw" and defy the subpoena.  But each one of my friends, each one of those people who I entrust day-in and day-out, and especially Emma, told me me the same thing...


So I made the call to the courts and found out the exact details of what they wanted, when they wanted me, and why.  I also, at that point, decided that I would go and hopefully not be forced into a position that makes me turned back into a pawn in their game.

And it was a situation that I wish nobody, just nobody, ever has to endure in their entire lives.

At a local courtroom, people being to file in.  Many are simply jurors being selected for cases irrelevant to Kirsten Scott, and the level of comfort is definitely not along the lines of those she follows in line with.

As she sets her belongings on the scanner, she is asked for her reasoning being at the courthouse.  Kirsten immediately presents her subpoena, and simply says she's not trying to become someone the courts are after for not being there.  Without hesitation the guards nod, and verify her belongings contain no restricted materials.

Immediately afterward she is met by another security personnel, this one trying to help guide people to their necessary locations.  She looks over the paperwork Kirsten provides, and is able to tell her the floor anf courtroom to sit in front of and be ready for injection into.  Kirsten thanks the woman and proceeds to the elevator, floor, and seating area provided for this judge's courtroom.

Looking around, she sees multiple plaintiffs and defendants for this court, including her parents.  She purposefully distances herself from them, not quite knowing what is and is not allowing before a hearing.  In her mind, everything is illegal.  Everything is wrong.  Everyting she does can be held against her,  So she simply does everything she can to avoid potential interaction...

That's until a lawyer begins to walk her direction and come face to face with her...

Mother's Lawyer: Hi there, I'm your mother's attorney, and the one who subpoenaed you to be here...

Kirsten looks up, completely confused.

Kirsten Scott: Am I allowed to even speak to you?

Mother's Lawyer: Yes, of course... But not about matters of the case.  I cannot disclose anything now, as that would be seen as coaching or coercion.

Kirsten Scott: Ok...

Mother's Lawyer: All I wanted to do is give you a brief rundown of how this hearing is likely to happen, and your role in it.  Basically what will happen is, your father, his lawyer, your mother and I, will all enter and begin offering preliminary arguments.  The facts are simple... They have no witnesses on this case.  They are hoping you fear your father, and I'm going to be up front with that...

Kirsten Scott: Why would I fear him?

Mother's Lawyer: Sadly the courts believe, unnecessarily, that women are weak and can be manipulated.  So I'm not coming to you, as you will be questioned by the defense, to state ANY claim in any specific way.  All I am saying is the TRUTH will protect you against anything...

Kirsten takes a deep breath.

Kirsten Scott: You're scared I'll say something to defend my father because he will be looking directly at me?

Mother's Lawyer: I won't lie to you... Yes it is a concern...

Kirsten smirks.

Kirsten Scott: Well then he better have a defender with a set of balls, unlike you, because I'm not scared of a man who used me to get his fucking rocks off... And if my mother is worried about her "baby girl" succumbing to pressure, like you're acting like right now, then what she did at that diner, and who she presented herself to be was a lie to my fucking face...

The lawyer smiles.

Mother's Lawyer: Sounds like we know what we are handling in this case.  I look forward to questioning you...

The time passes and Kirsten can hear heated exchanges from the courtroom.  It makes her begin to wonder if she made the right decision in actually responding to the subpoena, or just ignoring it all together.  But eventually, the bailiff of the court opens the door of the judge's courtroom...

Bailiff: Kirsten Scott?

Kirsten looks up from her phone.

Kirsten Scott: Yes?

Bailiff: Please?  You have been summoned...

Kirsten takes a deep breath and puts her phone on silent.  She stands up, taking another deep breath and walks toward the bailiff who is holding the door open for her.  As she enters the courtroom, she is quickly greeted by the judge.

Judge: Ms. Scott, welcome, and please approach the stand...

Kirsten closes her eyes for a brief moment and takes a deep breath, and then follows the bailiff to the witness stand.  She takes the oath of speaking the truth, and takes her seat, before looking her mother and father in the eye for the first time in this proceeding.  As she was called by her mother's lawyer, they are allowed to go first.

Mother's Lawyer: Ms. Scott you know why you’re here today?

Kirsten Scott: Honestly not quite, to be honest…

Mother's Lawyer: This trial is in the case of the divorce of your parents, obviously, and during the phases of possession discussions some accusations were made about your father’s treatment of you.  You are here as a witness to confirm or deny those accusations.

Kirsten Scott: Umm ok…

Mother's Lawyer: Is it true that both of your parents were involved with the fscility known as “The Compound” and engaged in several sexual activities with other couples?

Kirsten Scott: Yes, but legally I cannot divulge much else.

Mother's Lawyer: We understand the order on the legality of the case pending still.  Now is it also true prior to that they would bring people into your home in order to engage in the same activities?

Kirsten Scott: Yes…

Mother's Lawyer: Was it your mother or father who would bring these people in?

Kirsten Scott: I believe my father was the primary…

Her father's lawyer is quick to intervene.

Father's Lawyer: Objection, your honor... Speculation on the part of the witness...

Judge: Sustained...

Mother's Lawyer: I'll rephrase... When it came to the company coming home, were they accompanied by one person over another?

Kirsten Scott: Yes, my father...

Mother's Lawyer: And when they would come to your house, were you given any instructions on how to act or behave?

Kirsten Scott: Yes... My father would always pick out my outfit.  He would then tell me about the people we would be meeting, and how important they were to a "successful meal," as he called it, for the family.  My mom would always be tending to the food, the ambiance, everything else.  He would give her instructions as well, but I couldn't ever discern them directly at that age.  It wasn't until I was older, and saw everything for myself that I realized what was going on...

There is an audible gasp from both mother and father, who didn't know that she knew prior to the incidents at "The Compound."

Kirsten Scott: ... Then once it reached "The Compound," and I established my role, my father would always look to me to gather favor or privilege that others didn't seek, while either my mom sat there, or wasn't around at all.

Mother's Lawyer: So you're saying it is your belief that your father was the primary aggressor in this relationship?

Kirsten Scott: Yes.  And also what my mother divulged to me before serving him with the divorce papers corroborates that.

Mother's Lawyer: Your mother told you something?

Kirsten Scott: Yes.  She told me that the entire process of becoming polygamists was not something she wanted, but she also feared for our family's future.  She didn't want to see it die because she was a "bad mom," and because he held all of the financial power over her, she felt obligated...

Mother's Lawyer: Obligated?

Kirsten Scott: Yes... Obligated...

The attention then moves away from Kirsten, as the attorney faces the judge.

Mother's Lawyer: Your honor, I would like you the record to confirm that the statements made in court today, and under sworn testimony between the witness and my client do line up.  I can also confirm under oath that no corroboration was done by these two prior to this date, outside of their one meeting at the Waffle House that night...

The judge looks toward her father's lawyer.

Judge: Council?

The father and his council begin to whisper back and forth before the lawyer approaches his microphone.

Father's Lawyer: Your honor, we seek to agree to the original terms of the divorce dispute involving belongings and finances, if they are willing to withdraw this witness from the record, and accept an alimony agreement as well?

It's at this point the judge realizes they are at a point where Kirsten can step down, and he excuses her, and allows her to leave the court room.  The arbitration between parties, with her father now in a financial defensive posture, begins to take shape, and Kirsten feels herself as finally free of being under his thumb.  She feels like, while what little she said, it was enough to confirm the testimony of her mother, and create enough angst in her father to try and renegotiate the original terms in her mother's favor, if her testimony is removed.  It's at this point, she feels free.  She has no care for the results.  She has no care for if she will be heard on the public record or not.  She knows she did what she needed to do, and now can finally close the chapter of her life that ultimate was the biggest haunt in her world.



As Kirsten Scott sits on her balcony, she hits her vape, and overlooks the pasture that the duplex the group rents overlooks.  She listens as the cows moo, the frogs in the small pond croak, and she thinks about the fact that Breakdown didn't quite go the way she anticipated.  This, this is her happy place.  A place where there, in a sense, is no life.  There is no hustle and bustle of cars and the life she leads.  It's all just, serene.  It's everything she's ever wanted.  Calmness.  Serenity.  A life that isn't full of chaos.

The unfortunate fact is this balcony is only a zone that is free of all of this until she walks back through the door of reality.

She looks out, over the darkness, pondering everything that has happened, for once, clearer of mind than before.  Not feeling the anger.  Not feeling the fret.  Not feeling the range of emotions that have commandeered her personality as of late.  Instead, she sees a world of harmony.  Life, living in a manner she can only dream of.  Life, living as it was always intended.  She embraces the idea of it, knowing she is alone, and knowing nobody is around to take the feeling from her.  She allows herself to succumb to the weakness of accepting something that doesn't involve her being "The One," and in her words, these feelings echo.

Perfection... Isn't that what everyone and everything strive for?  Isn't that what I'm, to a point, looking at right now?

Nature, is that... Nature, is that perfection...

Think about it... Looking out here, I hear cows mooing in a field,  Yes, they may not have the freedom to cross every road, but in their minds, they have this vast pasture to roam freely.  They are not feeling the confinement.  The frogs and toads in the pond, down there.  They live in a world created for them by rain, and ultimately a habitat they didn't have to make, but was cultivated for them, freely.  Perfectly.  With all of the needs they may have.

And both sets of animals, what is the biggest worry in their mind?  It's not things created to make the fearful.  It's the natural order of the Earth that has guided evolution since this world was created.  Order.  Perfection.  It was all just there.  The frogs, the cows, they aren't thinking about elections, they aren't thinking about politics.  Their worries involve flies that they have to swat with their tails, and predators higher in a natural food chain.

Their worries are... Inherent...

Why is it that creatures that we, as the "superior species," believe are beneath us, can view the realities of life in such a manner, where things actually MATTER, and MAKE SENSE, whereas we as human beings, have to make everything so convoluted and difficult?  Why must we act, effectively, DUMBER, than those creatures we look at as beneath us, and still believe we see things in the clearest of manners?

Seriously, how?

How can we not look at the world, and see it in its simplest of forms, and simply take it as face value?   Why can a frog know to avoid something that wants to harm it, yet we, as humans, say, "fuck it," and just run at it like we are immortal?  Why is it that we, as a species, cannot just be like the frogs, the cows, the squirrels, the other animals I don't see or hear, but I know are out there, and just stay in our fucking lane?  Why do we, as humans, feel like we all have to swerve into places we don't belong?

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm not part of this failure...

But why?

Seriously, why?

Why do we, as humans, feel it is our responsibility to make EVERYTHING our business?  And it isn't just in simple things like a cow in a pasture or a frog in a creek.  It's EVERYTHING.  It's overhearing someone saying something we don't like, it's someone insulting a group we identify with, it's someone just thinking they are better than us, it's seeing a "Karen" or a "Kevin" in a restaurant bitching... It's all of this!  Why do we feel we have this right, and then if we see a fucking spider, an ant, or anything that gives us the creepy crawlies in or around our home feel violated?

How hypocritical are we?

She takes a hit of her vape, and looks up toward the camera.

It turns out we are the MOST hypocritical beings there are on this fucking planet!

You see, humans are an entitled being.  We feel that sense of superiority.  We feel it's our job to assert that responsibility every chance we get and it does not simply begin or end at ANY line in the sand.  There is no place we do not feel it our right to step on.  We will incarcerate livestock, we will gig frogs, we will do whatever we want to nature, and then turn that same mentality onto one another because we feel like we are the ultimate species in this world, and it's a matter of attrition.  It's a matter of proving survival of the fittest, instead of simply living among the rest.

And why?




The idea that you have to whip your proverbial cock out and measure it to show who's is bigger...

And it's crossed over into my world, that is Supreme Championship Wrestling...

She takes a vape, and blows the smoke out, before snarling, and continuing.

As I said before Breakdown, people were beginning to involve themselves in my life an my business.  They refused to stay in their lane.  My opponent was one of them, and yeah, he beat me, but he did so in a way that was profited on what I just said.  People staying in their lane.  Now I am no saint, like I said earlier, and I am just as guilty.  But I am also someone who is beginning to realize that we, as a species, are not anything special.  We are a vindictive bunch who all seek to prove ourselves better than the rest, thus proving one thing...

None of us, and I mean NONE OF US... Are perfect, like the rest of nature...

We are the imperfect specimen...

We are the fallacy in the IDEA of nature...

We have succumbed to the idea that superiority is greater than living...

And Breakdown was the biggest example of it on all fronts.  Me, helping Amy, Xander helping Gavin, it's all about one thing, and one thing only...


And ironically, where does that lead me?  To that very place, and another chance for me to finally get this cadre of unnecessary individuals out of my life.  Because Retribution IS around the corner, and Retribution is what I am seeking once and for all.  Thankfully it's not just against someone who isn't a relative newcomer, for all intents and purposes, but someone who has an established history here.  This time, I'm no fighting some guy who felt he was saving a damsel in distress, I'm fighting someone who I personally feel is one of those final remnants of the past that I can clear out, and also give a nice "fuck you" to, for ever involving themselves in my business at ANY time...

So Amy Chastaine... It's go time, bitch...

You see, at Breakdown, I came down to show you and the rest of those unnecessary "helper bees" what it felt like to have someone stick their nose where it didn't belong.  I took away your feeling that YOU handled business.  I made you realize that maybe, just maybe, Polly wouldn't have been another notch in your belt if it wasn't for me.  I did it to try and send a final message to EVERYONE to get the fuck out of my way and out of my business, but I guess it fell on deaf ears.  It caused the exact opposite of what I was HOPING it would convey, so in turn, I guess i's time to just do things the old fashioned way, the way SCW WANTS things done...



Statements made...

And at Retribution I will do each of those things.  Because I'm walking in ready to get physical with you.  I know you're someone who has NEVER backed down from a fight, and I fully expect you to bring it this time around as well.  I expect to brutalize you.  I expect to use you as a foil for everyone who has felt the need to stick their nose where it didn't belong, in my business, and cause me to begin to wonder if I'm the one winning, or someone else is doing the hard work for me.  And I am mostly ready to make a statement that is not falling on deaf ears.  Because if and when anyone comes to ringside, they'll effectively have involved themselves in the match, and become a target as well.  I will make statements out of them just as much as I will you, Amy...

She takes a deep breath, following it up with a bit of a snarl.

You see, Retribution couldn't be more aptly named for me.  This entire year... This entire, FUCKING, year, has been nothing but one that has created a level of doubt in my head that I have to destroy.  Why?  Because I have the moment of my life in my near future, and if I am even PARTIALLY doubting myself, then it won't be worth it.  It will be something I effectively just throw in the garbage from the start.  So I have to eliminate ANY shred of doubt, any lack of confidence, any ANYTHING, that people like you have planted in my brain in order to stop me from achieving what I feel I have EARNED.

So when I enter that arena, I will be seeking my, PERSONAL, Retribution on you, and vis-a-vis, everyone else who has acted in the same manner as you.  This is a statement for me.  This is a MOMENT for me.  This is a chance for me to shut up ANYONE and EVERYONE who doesn't think I can handle business on my own.  You will be that statement.  You will be that person who represents the WHOLE of those who have meddled in business that wasn't theirs.  And when it is someone the likes of you, someone who has a long and strong SCW background, it will be something people actually pay attention to.  It won't be a new person.  It won't be a nobody.  It'll be Amy Chastaine... It'll be someone who has clout...

She stands up, and turns her back to the pasture and creek behind her, and the camera turns to face her head on, seeing the serene scene, and hearing it's sounds in the background.

... Because at Retribution, I quit being the archetype of humanity.  I quit thinking of myself as a superior being, and I do what nature intended.  I do like these animals, these creatures, these beings who live in a surrounding that gives them EVERYTHING THEY NEED to thrive, does.  I embrace it.  I don't feel the need to branch out, take over other aspects of the world I wasn't intended for.  I simply live in my world... I thrive in my world... I SURVIVE in my world... Because I am not someone so convoluted to believe that I am superior to everything.  What I am, however, is someone who believes that nature put me at a specific level of a hierarchy and like everything else in this world, as long as I have what I need, I can, and I will survive.

So your help, your friends help, anyone's help, can all fuck off!

Come Retribution, I prove to the world that in this spinning ball that we live on, where I was placed in nature, I don't NEED to be protected.  I don't NEED help.  I can do what I need to do, and I have the guts to say otherwise when the time comes.  But until that time, everyone will look at me, and they will ACCEPT the truth, accept reality, and accept the NATURE of SCW... Just like they accept the fact that the only guarantees they'll every get, are death, taxes, and "The One" Kirsten Scott...

Kirsten walks past the camera, with the assumption she has gone inside, as a door is heard opening and closing behind the camera.  The camera slowly zooms out into the fields of livestock as it slowly fades to black, with the sounds of nature slowly dwindling as well.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-19-3   |   2024 Record: 7-2-0


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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