Kirsten Scott vs. The Enigma
2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP limit for tag; 8 RP limit for Tactical Warfare (No word limits)
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, January 30, 2025
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

OOC Note: The promo is first because of how the CD ends.  So keep that in mind, and I hope everyone enjoys the read!  Nicole and I are planning some fun stuff with these interactions going forward!


The screen is black.  It is obviously rolling as with some random, ambient, light, a figure is seen standing in front of the lens.  From below a light slowly begins to illuminate the scene, showing Kirsten Scott, staring directly into the camera, flanked by Jake Starr, Pro, and Hailey.  Kirsten's eyes tell the story, but are replicated by everyone around her.  There is a sense of seriousness, a sense of anger, and a sense of determination.  As the light fully shows the group, one by one, Kirsten begins to speak.

There are times in life where you reflect, and there are times in life where you are forced to simply take reflection out of the equation, and simply act... For some, they don't know that separation.  For some, they believe they can always take time and think about things.  But I am not one of those people.  I am not someone who likes to "think" about actions that I know should be carried out immediately.  So in this case... I have some very stern words...

Actions will speak louder than words, or any thoughts I may have...

So let's take a trip, shall we?  Let's enter our DeLorean, and flashback, not to the 1960s, and act like Michael J. Fox magically inspired, Chuck Berry's cousin, "you know... MAAAAAARVIN Berry," but simply to Breakdown where I pulled the illusion of a lifetime and magically vanished from my own match.  Now, initially, I would like to tell you all that this was my demo reel for "Penn and Teller: Fool Us," but I would be lying if I said that.  I would be lying if I said that I had anything to do with it.  I know fans were curious.  I know people questioned, initially, what happened to me.

Because let's be real, I don't run from a fight...

But what the world saw at Breakdown was Kirsten Scott disappear during her match.  They saw, what they thought, was her running away from a fight.  They saw ME, Kirsten Scott, against a formidable opponent, as I prepared for a match at the Dogfight at Dusseldorf, just, effectively say, "eh fuck it, I'm out."  And you know who else saw this same thing?  You know who else who was ready for answers?  EVERY, PERSON, BESIDE ME, OR BEHIND ME!  They each were ready to beat my ass for being a chicken shit, and letting myself take the proverbial "L," because I was solely focused on some Temu Teller, and not focused on the task at hand.

THEY were insulted by what they perceived...

THE FANS were insulted by what they perceived...

And everyone... EVERYONE... Put it on me being so selfish about another person, that I was insulting another person in the locker room by running away so I could be "protected" for the "big match."  NOBODY, not them, not ANYONE, gave me the benefit of the doubt and you know why?

Because I've been that kind of competitor recently.  Recency bias is a thing in this world.  I've half-assed matches, I've focused on the "bigger picture," and ignored what was in front of me because I simply wanted to make sure I did the "biggest things" at the "biggest times," and where did it get me?  It got me here... It got me to a point where these around me, those who I ENTRUST for their input and support, can't provide it believing I did something so selfish, and simply insulted them, the fans, the business, and what I HAVE SAID I stand for...

She takes a deep breath.

Now, I have never said I was here for the fans, or anyone but myself and my cause.  And I know that is something that I know plays into this whole situation we live in right now.  But I never said I WASN'T HERE for anyone.  I always have said that I've been here for the future of the industry, and that includes a lot of fucking people.  That includes these people around me.  That includes the fans.  That includes my coworkers in the locker room, whether I think they are a steaming pile of shit or not.  I came here to bring this business BACK from the DEAD!  I came back to ELIMINATE THE OLIGARCHY that was commanding, demanding, and PISSING AND MOANING, their way to the top.  I knew it wouldn't be popular.  I knew I wouldn't be a member of the cast of Wicked, magically.  I knew I would have friends, foes, and those who hated me straight up, and this is where it has led me.  THIS MOMENT is where it is creating a crescendo to where the world realizes one thing, and something that nobody will like to admit...

I've been right ALL ALONG!

SCW, pro wrestling, the whole industry, it's riddled with inconsistencies.  It's riddled with fallacies and people who try to run the business from the shadows, and I saw it from even before I signed my contract.  What you all saw on Breakdown, what you witnessed with me disappearing, initially it looked like I was playing into that hand that I have said has been there all along, but then what did you see?  What did I see?  What did I feel?  What did I sense?  It wasn't a bureaucracy.  It wasn't me trying to strong arm the organization to let me just do whatever the FUCK I wanted.  No, no, no...

And in the phrase of one of the greatest Midwestern TikToker's Andr3w, "well, well, well..."

She grins.

Which brings me to the one person who this whole, trivial, nonsense, talked-around, promo, has been about, and that is you, Enigma.  That is you, you wannabe David Copperfield, because everything I talked about leading up to this very moment, was referring to what you did on Breakdown.  You see, the world is not blind.  And most importantly, I am not stupid.  We all saw what happened when the lights went out after the fact, and we all know you did what you did because you have testicles the size of pistachios, and you rely on these magical, mysical, OH MY GOD IT'S DOCTOR STRANGE IN REAL LIFE, type of farcical, ceremonies to make yourself even, remotely, believable.  And I don't buy it.  In fact, I call it into question.  I call your entire persona into question as one of those who has BOUGHT SCW's talent team to make you seem like something you aren't.  You know what I mean... You're a Street...

And I don't mean that in a simple insulting way, I mean it honestly... You're not creepy in the least...

No, you're someone who relies on paying off the staff to get you to to be able to pull off your little STUNTS, so the world thinks of you as something different than what you are... A FRAUD!

That's right, you cunty dickwad, you've crossed someone who is willing to call you out for the farce you are.  You're not an "Enigma."  You're someone who wants to have a fake persona because you're unoriginal.  You want to be different, by copying an idea from others.  Hell Jake Starr said it reminded him of Jason Wheeler acting like he was Tom Cruise.  You're nothing.  But what you DO is use your influence to ruin me of moments I could have.  And in doing so, you make yourself a target that will, in fact, be embarrassed on a bigger stage than that of a simple episode of Breakdown.  See, I can accept a loss on Breakdown.  I can accept losing to someone who is superior.  What I can't accept is some Half-wit Houdini causing me to to lose because that is all you are.  You're nothing to fear.  You're nothing I should be creeped out by.  Hell I'm more creeped out by a Taco Bell Gordita coming out of my backend after I eat it, more so than what you bring to the table...

But you didn't believe that, and decided you would get involved in my match at Breakdown...

You decided to make yourself act like you had a moment in my life, at that moment...

And now I get to tell you, the shit I had with the Gordita from Taco Bell had more of a moment in my life than you did that night, you piece of shit, wiped on a baby wipe after my Gordita exited my body!

Hailey cringes, and Pro's head slumps.  Jake leans over to them both.

Just let her cook...

Kirsten continues...

Enigma... What you did to me at Breakdown, you did because you wanted to get in my head.  You resorted to the most childish, the most simplistic, the most IDIOTIC, ways to try and make me fear you.  You had the lights go out?  For fuck's sake... I live in a home with light bulbs, ya twatwaffle.  Guess what they do?  I don't care if they're antiquated or LED, they do eventually BURN THE FUCK OUT!  So the lights going out is not something eerie to me.  On top of that, we live in a world where power can just fucking turn off.  So you're not being this mystical, magical, CREEEEEEEEEEPY, being, to me.  You're being a dickhead who is killing a breaker behind the scenes.

And guess what, while you may be able to use that darkness to beat me up and keep me from completing a match, you want to know something, all it says is you're a really poor excuse for a dickhead, because I've faced far greater ones than you, as has everyone behind me... And DO NOT let me allow Jake Starr to begin a tirade on those who he's faced who thought they could be dickheads against him...

Plain and simple, you dolt, you've opened a can of worms you aren't ready to eat on a dare, and we are the ones who will be spoon-feeding it to you...

All of the members of the dais behind Kirsten begin to cross their arms and bow their chests, with a smirk across their faces, as Kirsten continues.

Oh my poor Enigma... You wannabe creep, you have walked into a world where you think you control reality.  You have walked into a REALITY where you have no say, no suggestion, and no control.  How does it feel?  How does it feel knowing someone doesn't look at you and have these fearful eyes at you, knowing they would be standing across from you in a ring?

There's a reason for that, dumbass...

You're whole shtick, to get under the skin of others, is predicated on one thing.  They don't realize that when the time comes that you are standing across from them, your little, magic shop purchased, gimmicks, become moot.  And like Joey said, they become like a cow's opinion... "They're irrelevant... They're MOO!"  And I'm not oblivious to that.  What you did at Breakdown, attacking me in the dark, attacking me and causing me a potential win in 2025, just to throw me somewhere I couldn't get out of so I lost, wasn't a trick.  It was a sad sack of shit gimmick.  It was you trying your best to get in my head, but instead, you showed your true colors, and showed yourself to be nothing more than a mediocre version of a kid's party clown, who did tricks he bought off of the back pages of a comic book.

In Dusseldorf, you have a chance of a lifetime with me.  You have a chance to show the world you're not a clown show.  You get to prove to the world you aren't the modern day version of Bozo the Clown, but instead, some kind of mystical being in the world of professional wrestling.  But you also have to realize the downside of what happens WHEN I beat you, you asshat...

You're exposed...

You're not mystical...

You're not creepy...

You're just a guy running around handling breaker boxes and not being anything but a dick to those who actually WANT to make this business better than it was before someone like you ever came across it...

Kirsten smirks.

Have I hit a nerve yet, dickhead?

Have I made you annoyed I don't wish to play your games, you Halfwit Houdini?

Then GOOD!

The fact is, come this pay-per view in Germany, I'm going do to expose you.  I am going to use you for the start of my new era.

I had visions of grandeur from the get-go, and yes, I had successes.  But now it's time to screw the visions, and actually make the successes REPETITIVE and NORMAL!  It's time to make the world realize that Kirsten Scott wasn't a flash in the pan for a year and a half, but instead something brewing for a greater cause, and my greater cause is me and what stands behind me.  WE are the future of this industry.  Not politics.  No gimmicks.  Not bullshit.  It's about proving who is the best of the best, and I will start that in 2025.  I had an opportunity at Breakdown, and YOU took it from me, so now it is time to EXPOSE you, RUIN you, and BEAT YOUR ASS within an inch of its life.  I want you to realize you fucked around and found out with the wrong bitch...

... And that bitch is like DEATH and TAXES... Because she's "THE ONE" KIRSTEN SCOTT!

With those final words, Kirsten snarls, as Jake grins, while Pro and Hailey stare into the camera with angered stares.


{EZRA: Chapter Three}

Sometimes there comes a moment when something happens that forces you to drop everything you're doing, and take a hard look at what is truly staring you in the face.  For the longest time, it was some form of conflict, for me.  For the longest time, I was at odds with someone in my personal "circle" of people.  Whether it was The Prophets, my parents, Hailey, Pro, or even Jake Starr, someone has been an antagonist to my story...

And it finally feels like that moment, outside of my profession at least, is over.

What a lot of people would never understand is the reality that these confrontations, no matter how often or how, "These Are the Days of Our Lives," it may seem, were necessary to help bring my life to the moment that it is in now.  I wouldn't have the people around me that I truly can say, I trust.  Now if they trust one another, not my business, nor care, because it's honestly about their faith in me making the right decisions in the long term.  And one thing we need to do is find that cohesiveness, and do so in a manner that isn't going to be favorable to any one person.  It can't be something that is just a "Jake Starr visit to Gary Busey."  It can't be Hailey and Pro having a "Kumbya" moment, around a campfire.  It has to be something we all engage in, and can find an inkling of satisfaction in.


Because everything around me, and this world, is chaos.  We live in a world divided by anger and hatred, period.  There has to be something that can be a moment where none of that extraneous noise, none of that divisive fodder, none of it matters.  We have to find a way, not to consistently beg for trust, but to just do something that allows us all to let our guard down.  I'm not talking something over the top, like a carnival, miniature golf, or anything that could, possibly, create any form of tension or competition.  But something positive that can allow someone, even Pro, to just step back and not feel like she's being targeted or "used," because her knowledge, her REALISM, mimics that of Hailey in so many ways, I honestly NEED it in my life.

And if they butt heads, so what?  In the end it'll make ME the better person...

The problem is, I'm no brilliant mind on things like this.  I can't "party plan" like some have been able to.  And while I know his ideas may be off-kilter, Jake does know how to come up with "out of the box" solutions to problems.  But this one, I made sure he knew he was being restrained on.  I made sure he knew this wasn't a comedy bit.  I made sure he knew that he was going to come up with an idea that wouldn't be a joke, but be something we could all find a bit of comfort in.  I told him this was his one chance to prove he could be serious, and hopefully, whatever he has in mind, he at least listens...

Inside a van, Kirsten, Jake, Hailey, Emma, and Pro, all are found traveling down a remote dirt road in the Midwest, in the middle of the afternoon.  Everyone has been either on their phones, or minding their own business, staring out windows, as Jake drives the group, seemingly into the middle of nowhere.  After several minutes on this remote, dirt, road, one member of the group begins to get a bit agitated.

Pro: Ok, Jake, where in the FUCK are we going?

Jake responds in a way only he can.

Jake Starr: Either to the set of "Deliverance" or the ending "Of Mice and Men," take your pick...

Pro isn't amused.

Pro: Dickhead...

Jake nods, as Kirsten interjects, looking back at Pro as she is sitting behind her.

Kirsten Scott: Ok... I get it... You two have no love loss for one another.  But Pro, I was straightforward with him... I told him, no silliness, no bullshit with Gary Busey, no memes, no nothing.  I told him that if he cared, and wanted this whole group to work out right, for me especially, it needed to be serious.

Jake Starr: And ironically I agreed...

Pro: I'll believe that bullshit when I see it...

Kirsten Scott: And that's ok... If this is a train wreck, I told him I was done.  I'm tired of the constant fighting.  I'm tired of the consistent, "I don't trust you, well I don't trust you," flinging of shit back and forth.  It's time we begin to find a way to just understand and communicate on the same page... I am giving him this ONE CHANCE...

Pro: You're kinder than I would have been...

Kirsten Scott: And I'm also the person who convinced the two of you to both remove the stick from your respective asses and realize this was more than your dislike for one another...

Pro growls, in a way of acknowledging Kirsten's "touché" moment.

As Jake comes around a bend in the dirt road, a house is seen, not resembling that of either of the movie references Jake eluded to beforehand.  There is also a large shed, which can obviously be used for housing "events" inside of it, and farm animals housed behind gates and pens.  Everyone begins to look around pretty confused as to where they are.

Pro: You didn't fucking bring us to a "petting zoo," did you?

Kirsten Scott: Nope... I brought you to an actual farm.  I brought you somewhere where you can, yes, interact with animals, but also simply look around and see what life is like in a world where there isn't the culture where we all live.  One where, honestly, even I'm not sure what to expect.  They grow their own crops for the local farmer's market, they raise animals humanely, and allow people to come interact with them so that they can SEE for themselves what life is like in a world outside of the hustle and bustle of what we live in...

Pro: And this is supposed to help us how?

Emma, from a further back seat of the van, leans forward to Pro.

Emma Taylor: It's to let us all just spread out and embrace the world as it is.  I can feel it's not your normal cup of tea.  But is it any of ours?  We all live in a world where we are traveling, living with technology, just accepting we can have food delivered to our home.  This is where it started.  It's not just a place where you go to "hug a pig," but a place where you can feed one, see how they live, see what life is like for those who give us what we take for granted.  Honestly, in my opinion, so far, Jake has found the simple life.  Allowing us to all see it.  And it's one I've only heard or seen on TV or social media.  I was cooped up in a room with my brother, forced to ingest illicit drugs by my parents command, so they could simply profit and use me.  This is something I've never seen.  And the fact I get to do it with those who I know matter, around me, means the world...

Pro snarls.

Pro: Sometimes your logic really annoys me...

Emma Taylor: ... And I don't mind.  I understand...

As Jake pulls the vehicle into a patch of rocky terrain that, at least resembles parking, everyone begins to get out of the van.  Jake is immediately greeted by the owner of the farm, who gives him the "lay of the land," showing where specific animals are held for safety purposes.  Jake hears one specific thing and leans over and whispers to the owner, "don't say that one out loud to everyone, please," as everyone eventually congregates around the farm owner.  The man tells everyone about the facility, the crops they grow, the animals they house, but listens to Jake's warning and omits one specific detail.  He tells everyone that they are free to roam, and that inside the building designed for guests and events, they have provided snacks and food.

Pro is quick to ignore the idea of playing "petting zoo," and heads for the building housing the food.  Emma and Hailey are quick to make their way through the various animal areas, taking part in feeding, understanding the roles, and seeing how they provide for the farm.  Jake simply leans back against the van, while Kirsten is not OK with Pro being distant in the activity and simply aiming for the food, and decides to follow her inside.

By the time Kirsten is able to know where everyone is, and catch up with Pro inside, Pro is seated at a table with a plate full of the local food provided by the farm.  Kirsten's head droops initially as Pro wastes no time continuing to eat.  She decides to fix herself a plate and sit directly across from the woman that she believes will hold a key to her successes or failures in her future, more so than that of Jake.

Kirsten Scott: Why?  Just why?

Pro: Why what?  I'm here, aren't I?

Kirsten Scott: I want you here because this whole constant bickering needs to end.  I get it... You trust nobody.  You probably don't quite trust me.  And I'm OK with it.  But there's a reason I TRUST YOU!  You may not like it, you may not want it, but guess what, it's where we are at because we are two of the same.  Two people, both alienated.  Both forced to utilize what few resources available to become stronger and defend what we care about.  And guess what, like it or not, I do care about you.  Not what you GIVE me, but you because I see someone who has already been through what I AM going through.  I don't have an alter, no, but I have someone who is in your role protecting me at all costs.  And guess what... She needs protection, too.  She needs guidance to become someone LIKE you, too.  I'm not trying to make you someone you're not, I'm trying to make you understand that I respect WHAT you do, and WHO you are... And I'm not going to bullshit you... I'm not trying to sweet talk you, either... I need mentors of various capacities and you are someone who can mentor EVERYONE... PRO is bigger than just a protector... PRO is a badass bitch...

Pro: Fuck off with the niceties, Kirsten... Jake wanted this to be his swan song...

Kirsten Scott: And I'm making it my CHAPTER FUCKING ONE!  You don't think I know he wants to have his hands on this, I do.  I don't fault him for it.  I am not going to "use" him, either, but I'm not blind that Jake Starr wants to etch his name into the future of this whole situation.  But I do want to make sure that it's not about him, it's not about me, it's not about ANY of us.  Instead it's about the MEANING behind what we do.  We fuck the system.  And he was a catalyst in beginning that idea.  So he has something to give.  You ARE a catalyst.  You have MORE to give.  My friends, they're my foundation... So when I look at you and Jake, you're not being pawns so I can get ahead, you're both parts of what will be THIS legacy.  Not any ONE of us... Even if I am "The One," it won't be mind, it will be everyone involved...

I mean hell... Look and where we are.  Look at everything around us.  You and I are in a fucking shed, eating vegetables and sausage sticks because YOU don't want to be out there.  And why?  Because you think it's a joke.  I don't know if it's a joke but I know one thing you didn't see, and that was Hailey and Emma going to walk around and see things, and Jake not even being involved.  He stood back.  He said nothing.  He saw you march your happy ass into the "food court" and left it alone, and instead of doing anything, he stayed put.

That's why I'm here!

You've given me someone to look up to in MY WORLD.  Hailey created "The One," and YOU have given me the badass I can relate to.  I may not have the alter you have, and I don't pretend to make myself equal to it, but I had to live a double life for a long time.  I'm not equating the two, but I'm saying it's the closest thing I've had to an understanding to a specific degree... So I'm asking you, as someone who RESPECTS you, respects your ALTER, respects what YOU STAND for, to come together, and stop this constant confrontation?

Pro looks down at her plate for a bit of time before looking back up at Kirsten.

Pro: ... I still have cherry tomatoes to finish...

Kirsten falls back in her seat and sighs in annoyance, which triggers Pro.

Pro: ... You expect me to waste the food this guy grew, you twat?

Kirsten is taken aback.

Kirsten Scott: Umm... Well... I...

Pro: Exactly... Now give me a minute...

Kirsten goes silent, waiting for Pro to finish her food.  Pro then wipes her lips and looks up at Kirsten with a very stern face.

Pro: ... I was hungry, ok?  I never said no to any of this.  You assumed.  Jake assumed.  Everyone assumed.  I simply questioned because it's what I do.  And you went on a rant and diatribe about things I didn't give two shits about, and now here we are.  Yeah, I'm on board.  I get it.  I don't like him.  I don't quite trust you.  But something about you makes me willing to actually let my guard down, and for once, I'm willing... Now that I'm done, shall we go outside?

Kirsten is blindsided, and simply nods.

The two get up and dispose of their trash before walking outside.  Hailey and Emma are still making the rounds, when a gate to a pen behind the facility somehow opens, and a collective of ducks begin to emerge from the hidden pen.


Jake's eyes widen.

Jake Starr: OH NO!

Pro hears the quacking and her head turns immediately toward the sound.  She makes a kissy face and her eyes widen, and Pro ceases to be.

Ducky: DUCKS!!!!!!!!!

Jake's eyes widen further.

Jake Starr: Oh for fuck's sake...


Ducky begins running toward the collective of ducks, like a child who has entered a Toys'R'Us for the first time.  Jake simply looks at Kirsten, who is confused at the situation, and have Hailey and Emma watching from another area of the farm.

Jake Starr: I'm... Sorry... I tried to warn the guy...

Ducky begins rolling around with the fowl and immersing herself in their love, as they seemingly trample around and on her.  Her giggles are audible from anyone within a distance of ANYWHERE.  She eventually jumps up and grabs one and is immediately running straight at Jake, who is horrified, knowing his history with Ducky.


Jake, expecting hostility, doesn't quite know how to reply, and just does so aimlessly.

Jake Starr: Uhh... Yes?


Ducky runs to the van and jumps back in, petting on her new found "pet."  Jake and Kirsten look at one another and exchange enough money to pay the farmer for the loss of one of his livestock.  Jake then turns to Kirsten, concerned.

Jake Starr: I... I didn't mean for that to happen...

Kirsten looks from side to side, and looks at Ducky in the van, and smirks.

Kirsten Scott: You know... I don't know if this is going to be as bad of a thing as you think... Good job, Jake...

Kirsten rounds up the troops and gets everyone back in the van, completely confused as to why they now have a duck being coddled by the most antagonistic persona in the group.  Kirsten simply tells everyone to let her be, and Jake is not comfortable driving, knowing Ducky has arrived, whereas Kirsten believes this could be the moment they needed to break through for the bigger picture.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 27-31-4   |   2025 Record: 0-2-0


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
The room is silent, thick with the heavy scent of dust and decay. The walls seem to close in around me as I sit in the darkness, not yet a man but something much more. The stillness of the air is broken only by the occasional creak of the old manor, the faintest whisper of wind stirring the broken windows. But even that is an intrusion, a reminder of the world beyond.

I’ve been gone for months—months of silence, of isolation. Time has become irrelevant here, in this forgotten place where the shadows are thick and the past has a way of eroding into nothing. And yet, I haven’t been idle. No, there’s something stirring within me, something I cannot ignore any longer.

The stillness clings to me like a second skin, familiar and unnerving. I welcome it. I have learned to.

I close my eyes, and the visions come.

They always come now, the fragments of truth that swirl in my mind, more vivid than any dream, more real than anything I’ve ever known. The same recurring image—the temple, vast and ancient, hidden in the folds of time and space. The chants of those figures cloaked in darkness, their voices rising in a crescendo that shakes the very air around me. The darkness that lingers just beyond the edge of perception, beckoning me, pulling me toward it. I feel it, just as I have felt it for months—its presence, its power, its hunger. It wants me. It needs me.

But I am not ready to accept it—not yet.

I run my fingers through my hair, staring into the void. My reflection in the cracked mirror stares back at me, but I barely recognize the face I see. It is mine, and yet it is not. Those eyes—they are not the eyes of Elias Veil. No, these eyes are different. They are empty, dark, a reflection of the abyss that calls to me. They are the eyes of someone… something… far older than I am. And they are awakening.

The voices come louder now, insistent, undeniable.

“You are more than this. You are the darkness. The veil between worlds is thinning. Come to us, embrace what is yours.”

I clench my fists, the dark power in my veins surging. There’s a chill in the air now, colder than it was moments ago, and the shadows on the walls seem to stretch toward me, hungry for my command.

I stand slowly, my legs heavy with the weight of something I can’t yet comprehend. I am not afraid. I should be afraid, but I am not. There is no fear in me, only a quiet certainty. A certainty that what has begun can never be stopped. I have seen the truth. I have felt the power.

I am the darkness.

The walls of the manor seem to pulse in time with the thudding of my heart, as though they too are alive, waiting. I step forward, the wooden floor creaking beneath my boots, and as I move, I feel it. The air grows thicker, the shadows deeper. I can feel the essence of the Abyss beginning to seep into the very fabric of this place, transforming it, changing it.

The darkness inside me stirs, coiling like a serpent, waiting to strike.

And then, I hear the voice.

It is not a voice in the traditional sense. It doesn’t come from the air. It doesn’t come from anywhere at all. It is a presence. A weight that presses down on my mind, filling it with a knowledge I didn’t seek, but one I now cannot unlearn.

“Rise,” it commands, a simple word, but one heavy with purpose.

I close my eyes again, letting the voice fill me, flood me. I feel it, the power, surging through me, pulling me, shaping me. I am not just a man anymore. I am a vessel, an instrument of something far beyond the mortal world.

The room darkens further, the shadows now more tangible, thicker, stretching like living tendrils reaching toward me. They obey. I know now that they always have. And they will continue to.
I raise my hands, not knowing why, but feeling that I must. And when I do, the shadows coil around my fingers, pulsing, alive. The whispers grow louder, the voices more distinct, urging me to continue.

I smile—a cold, twisted grin that reflects the madness of the moment.

There is no going back now. This is the moment of my awakening.

The darkness calls to me, and I answer. I reach deeper, into the void, feeling its vast, endless pull. It welcomes me. I welcome it. And as I do, I understand.

The temple. The chants. The Abyss.

It is all becoming clear.

I have been chosen. This power is mine. And there are others who will follow me. I can feel their presence, faint and distant, but I know they are there. They are waiting, drawn to the same call, the same darkness that has begun to take root within me.

I do not know their names. I do not need to. They are mine, and they will come.

With the darkness now fully awakened inside me, I can feel it—the pull of something larger than I am, something more. The echoes of the cult, their whispers in the void, their call to join me in the shadows. They do not yet understand what I have become, but they will. They will see the truth soon enough.

And when they do, they will fall before me. Because this is just the beginning.

I open my eyes, and for the first time in months, I do not feel alone.

The manor stands in silence, the kind of silence that speaks louder than any noise ever could. The air is still, heavy with the weight of something unseen—something that clings to the walls, like an ancient presence watching, waiting. It smells of dust and decay, the scent of a place long forgotten by time. But it’s not just the manor that feels abandoned; it’s me, too. I’ve been adrift in my own mind for so long, wandering between the shadows of the man I was and the power I’m becoming. Elias Veil—he’s a distant memory now, a fading image on the periphery of my mind. And that’s how it should be. He was weak. Fragile.

What I am now… is something else entirely.

The candlelight flickers weakly in the corner of the room, its flame wavering like the last breath of a dying thing. But I don’t mind the darkness. I embrace it. It wraps around me, a cloak of comfort and power. The shadows… they understand me. They’re familiar. They’re my allies. The room grows colder, the chill creeping under my skin, but it only feeds the fire growing within me.

I stand alone, still. But inside, I am anything but still. It’s like there’s a storm rising, a force of nature swelling inside me, making my chest tighten and my skin tingle with an electric charge that never stops. There’s a hunger within me now, deeper than any hunger I’ve known before. It’s the hunger of the abyss. The darkness that I have finally allowed to consume me is restless. It is calling out to me, demanding that I accept it fully. The pull of it is undeniable. Every moment I resist, it becomes stronger, louder, more insistent. It’s as if the very walls of this forsaken place are breathing, encouraging me, urging me to take the next step.

I can hear it in my mind, a whisper, gentle at first, then growing louder with each passing moment.

Come. Embrace what you are.

The air is thick with it now. The shadows that creep along the walls, curling and shifting like living creatures, grow more defined, more aggressive. They respond to me. I can feel them stretch out toward me, like arms reaching in the dark, yearning to touch, to claim, to merge with me. My hand twitches at my side. I fight the instinct to recoil, to pull away, but the moment passes, and instead, I step forward. One slow, deliberate step into the dark.

The flickering candlelight dies, its glow snuffed out in an instant by a gust of wind from nowhere. The room is swallowed by darkness, but I don’t feel fear. No, there is no fear left within me. Only a deep, insatiable desire to push further into the abyss that calls me. The darkness is my birthright. It is my purpose. And I am not merely part of it—I am the herald of it.

The embodiment.

My breath quickens, but it’s not from fear or panic. It’s something else. It’s power. It’s the energy that floods my veins like fire, lighting me from within. The shadows around me move in rhythm with my heartbeat, as if they too are alive, pulsing, breathing with me. And then, I realize something that I hadn’t fully understood before.

I am not in control of this power.

I am this power.

The realization hits me like a wave crashing against the shore. I can feel it now, deep in my soul, the undeniable truth that what I’ve become is not just a reflection of darkness. I am the darkness. It’s woven into every fiber of my being. And now… now it’s time to awaken.

There’s no turning back. Not that I want to.

The shadows seem to notice this shift in me, bending and warping in the corners of the room, as if they’re sensing the change. My skin prickles with the anticipation of what’s to come, the familiar whisper of the shadows pressing against my thoughts, urging me forward, pulling me deeper into the place between life and death. Between the waking world and the dreams that haunt it.

The cult will follow. They will come.

The thought drifts through my mind like a promise, a truth too clear to ignore. The cult—the ones who have been waiting for me to rise—will be drawn to this moment. They can feel it, just as I do. They know the time has come. I have always known they were out there, scattered across the world like lost pieces of a puzzle. They are drawn to me, just as I am drawn to them.

Together, we will reshape everything. But not yet.

I cannot allow myself to think of them just yet.

There’s still work to do. Still more darkness to consume.

I push the thought away. For now, I focus. I reach inward, deep into the recesses of my mind, where the remnants of Elias Veil still linger. I silence them. I drown them out. The light that he once held in his heart, the human emotions that once defined him, they have no place here now.
The shadows respond, swelling around me, pulsating with the same rhythm as my thoughts. The cold around me intensifies, but it’s no longer just a chill—it’s a weight. A suffocating presence pressing down on me.

The moment is drawing near.

You’re ready now.

The whisper is clear, direct. And it’s then that I feel it. The pull. A connection, as if the very earth beneath me is responding to my call. I open my eyes—no longer Elias, but something much darker. Something greater.

My hands twitch, and the shadows move, coiling at my fingertips like obedient servants. They twist and turn, following my every motion, and for the first time, I understand them completely. There is no mystery left. No confusion. This is my domain now.

I smile, a cold, twisted thing, and I step further into the darkness. I am not alone. I never have been.

I’ve been gone for so long, lost in the depths of what I’ve become. The world around me faded to nothingness as I found my true form, my true purpose. But now, it’s time. The shadows that have clung to me will no longer remain in the dark corners of my mind. It’s time for them to step into the light, to be seen.

SCW was once a place where I allowed my darker impulses to simmer, to twist beneath the surface like a serpent waiting for its moment to strike. But now? Now it will be the stage for my rebirth. The realm where I will rise again—not just as Enigma, but as something far greater. My name will echo through their halls, not as a mere competitor, but as a force that cannot be stopped, a darkness that cannot be contained.

I stand at the threshold, looking out over the arena, the lights glaring down on the ring like the eyes of the very heavens themselves. It is a mockery, this place. A pitiful stage for the violence they call entertainment. But for me, it is a stepping stone. A place where my influence will spread, where I will leave my mark and bring others into the fold.

They don’t know me yet. Not really. They don’t know what I’ve become.

There are whispers in the back, rumors that I’ve returned. That Enigma is back. Some fear me. Some think they can control me. But they’ve all forgotten what they truly fear.

I am not just a man. I am not a simple competitor to be defeated. I am the darkness that waits patiently for its moment to consume. And when that moment arrives, no one will be safe.
I slip into the shadows of the backstage area, where the echoes of their petty squabbles fill the air. The restless, childish chatter of men and women who think this is their world. They don’t understand. They never will.

But soon, they will understand.

I hear the voices of my cult in my head again, their whispers louder now, feeding on my thoughts, calling me to action. They, too, are waiting. Watching. They know the time has come for the next phase of our plan. They know that my return to SCW isn’t about titles or victories. It’s about power. It’s about shaping this world into something new. Something dark.

I walk past the lockers, my boots steady, my presence undeniable. The few who dare cross my path avert their eyes, unwilling to meet my gaze. They feel it too. The change. The shift in the air. And they know that there is no escaping what’s coming.

As I approach the ring, the audience roars in anticipation. They have no idea what awaits them. They cheer for the violence, for the spectacle. They have no idea that I am here not for their entertainment, but for their destruction.

I climb into the ring, my eyes fixed on the empty space, the cold steel of the ropes biting into my skin. The shadows coil around me, stretching from the corners, reaching for the very rafters above. They are waiting too. Patient. Ready.

I take a moment to breathe in the air, feeling the vibrations of the crowd beneath my feet. I can hear their voices, their cheers, but they are nothing to me. The ring is no longer a battlefield. It is my altar.

I raise my head, my eyes glowing in the dim light. I speak, my voice smooth, low, but carrying with an intensity that shatters the silence.

“The time has come,” I say, my words laced with venom. “SCW… you have not learned. You have not learned what happens when you wake the abyss.”

I pause, letting my words settle, watching as the crowd falls into a stunned silence, unsure of what to make of me.

“They think they can cage me. They think they can control me. They think I’m just another broken man looking for a fight. But I am more than that. I am the abyss. And I have returned to claim what is mine.”

I laugh softly, the sound sharp and haunting, filling the arena with an uncomfortable chill.
“You will all feel the weight of my presence. You will understand the price of this darkness. And you will never forget the name of Enigma.”

The lights flicker, the air thick with tension as the shadows around me grow. The crowd’s reactions range from confusion to fear. They don’t know it yet, but they’ve just witnessed the first step in my rise. The first spark of the fire that will soon consume everything.

I leave the ring without a glance back, knowing that my influence has begun, the crowd slowly disappears. Soon after, the ring disappears, as does the rest of the arena.  The only thing surrounding me now are the few followers that I have. Their whispers will grow louder now. The whispers of the crowd in Dusseldorf will spread like wildfire, and soon, SCW will be mine to mold, to shape, to twist into something far darker than anyone could imagine.

And they will follow. My cult, my faithful followers, will come. They will see the truth. They will know what I am. And together, we will usher in the darkness.

The hunt has begun.

“Kristen Scott, months ago you went out seeking me.  Seeking to make yourself known by everyone.  What you didn’t want to happen though, was to actually find me.  You were never going to find me, Kristen, the darkness that you would had to have entered into to in find me, you never would have survived,”

The air in the room thickens with every word, the shadows shifting in eerie synchrony with my thoughts. My voice drops to a whisper, yet it echoes in the stillness, wrapping itself around the walls, making it impossible for the words to escape.

“I could feel you, you know. I could feel your pathetic search, your attempts to drag yourself into something you could never comprehend. You thought you were clever, didn’t you? Little did you know, you were nothing but a moth to a flame. And that flame, Kristen, will burn you alive.”

I let out a soft, almost imperceptible chuckle, the sound low and unsettling. The shadows in the room seem to draw closer, drawn by the dark energy surging within me, pulling tighter around my form, creating an aura of suffocating dread.

“You see, the darkness I have embraced is not a thing to be sought out by the likes of you. It’s not some game to play, or some treasure to be discovered. It’s an abyss, a force that consumes those too weak to bear its weight. And you, Kristen, are far too weak.”

I pause, letting the silence stretch between my words, the weight of my presence growing heavier with every second.

“But you were determined. I’ll give you that. Determined to find me, to claim a piece of my power for yourself. But what you didn’t realize is that the moment you crossed into my realm, the moment you set foot in this darkness, you signed your fate. You didn’t seek to find me, Kristen. You sought to destroy yourself.”

The temperature in the room drops as if the very air is growing cold, and the shadows twist violently, as if in agreement with my words. A chill runs down my spine, and I relish it—this is only the beginning.

“I am the abyss, Kristen. And if you think you can crawl your way out of it once you’ve stepped inside, you are gravely mistaken. You’ve made your choice, and now, you will face the consequences. You’ll regret the moment you ever tried to call my name. You’ll wish you had stayed hidden in the light, because there is no way back from the darkness you’ve invited into your soul.”

I smile to myself, the corners of my mouth curling into something wicked, something that feels unnatural, almost predatory.

“You sought me. You will find me. But by the time you do, it will be too late. The darkness will consume you. You will see nothing but the shadows closing in. And when that time comes…”

My voice grows darker, more guttural, as if the words themselves are made of shadow.

“…you will know that you were never meant to be part of my world. You were only meant to be consumed by it.”

A wave of power surges through the room, and the shadows deepen, a near tangible force gathering in the corners of the space. My hand reaches out, as though calling to the darkness itself, and the room seems to respond, closing in around me.

“Mark this, Kristen Scott,” I hiss, my voice dripping with malice. “You will find me. And when you do, you’ll wish you had never begun this journey. The darkness you seek will be the end of you. The question is… how much will you lose before it finally swallows you whole?”

The room falls into a suffocating silence, the air thick with the weight of my words. The darkness seems to press in, a tangible force that leaves nothing but a sense of dread and inevitability. Kirsten Scott thinks she can defy me, thinks she can survive the very thing she sought out, but she has no idea what she’s dealing with.

And when she faces me… she will understand. Too late.
SCW Record


Current SCW Television Champion

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