Welcome to another edition of the Cynical View of E-fedding. Geez…I seem to be publishing more of these per year. Is it just that I’m more cynical than before? Maybe. But probably more likely, there are those little moments we enjoy in which one of these is needed just to clarify a few things. Since I have this lovely little column to do so, I may as well clarify those things and be a bit pithy at it as well.

First off, I will begin with a lovely little thing called Sandbagging, Deadlining and Why I don’t give a rat’s ass. I will begin with definitions.

Sandbagging – Posting multiple roleplays on the final day of roleplaying.

Deadlining – Posting a roleplay close to deadline.

Now that I’ve clarified the definitions I’ve come to accept for the two, I will now tell you why I don’t give a rat’s ass. It’s simple. Sandbagging is not possible in SCW as I’ll just take their first roleplay and ignore the others. There’s a rule against it. So that pretty much ends that issue. For deadlining…it’s allowed. Why? Isn’t it unfair? It may be and some people intentionally do it. However, some people have to do it because of their schedules. I laugh when I see people go up in arms for someone posting a roleplay close to deadline. Every time, they scream bloody murder because they were able to roleplay earlier. Well guess what…I don’t care. I care that you took the time to be courteous to your competition and give them a chance to see what you came out with. I care that you took time to roleplay. But I don’t care that you are angry because they could have had a bad week. They could be busy. Maybe their grandmother died and they were busy attempting to perform life-saving measures. It’s one thing if they do it week after week after week. Fine, then maybe make the off-hand comment. I may care then. But if they do it once and a while, honestly, I don’t care.

Remember, just because you had a great week and lots of free time doesn’t mean they do too. People have lives and sometimes it limits people’s time. It’s one reason I no longer roleplay actively in other feds. However, I will also add…they at least roleplayed and there are very few people in SCW today that can say they never have left their roleplaying to the last day. Remember about that proverb with the glass house and the rocks?

But along with that, this whole situation has led to thinly veiled comments being made on the boards. Do I care? To an extent. But at the same time, I do laugh when the people who make them get angry at others. It’s hypocrisy at its best. Now, I know everyone has an ego. I have one. It’d be arrogant of me to say I don’t. It’s the joy of being human. However, some people are starting to lose control of their self-control and acting like they are God and they can’t do no wrong. This is where there is a problem. It’s one thing to have confidence in your work. It’s good to have. But it’s another to at least have the respect of your opponent to not make disparaging remarks because you feel like it. I don’t expect everyone to get along perfectly. That would be naïve of me. What I do expect are people to avoid antagonizing others because they can.

Speaking of that, I should probably make a clarification on spamming. I have no problem with it. It’s an ability we all enjoy. I’ve done it from time to time. However, there are times where a serious post is needed. To those, most people are generally respectful of that and wait until after the goal of the post has been reached (ie. match request answered, question about something is answered, etc.) and then they have their fun. Also, if you post something on the boards, expect people who you don’t feel are involved to get involved. You’re posting it on a public forum. It’s going to happen. By posting something aloud, you’re giving the right for people to voice an opinion. The only place I’d perfect people to limit themselves from their opinion is on people’s roleplays specifically, unless asked for. Some people I know can’t take public criticism. (On the predictions board, general remarks are okay. Just please avoid mention specific things. It’s a dumb argument to deal with when I could be having a nap instead). If you have a problem with people getting involved in your posts, then talk to the people who can give you the answer directly over the PM system or over MSN. You then only have to deal with yourself and whomever else you want to.

The thing is that the OOC board is starting to become thin ice again. People are getting testy for stupid things. We’ve had people go off because they attack poker as a legitimate sport or people spamming threads. Stop taking things so seriously. Sometimes I wonder how people got through life if they get pissed off by something so trivial. I’m cynical, and I at least use my ranting and raving for things that at least deserve it. You’re never going to see me snap because they didn’t wind my string properly and now I can’t make that kite I always wanted to. All this testiness has led to is people getting angry at stupid things and as a result making me have to deal with stupid issues. For the love of God, realize that people are going to be stupid. I have…and I’ve become a cynical asshole because of it, but you don’t need to take it to the level I do.

That’s enough ranting for me for now. All of this has to deal with OOC things…which is a change. Normally I rant about roleplaying. However, SCW has created a great atmosphere yet again after some bumps in the road. I’d hate to see it evaporate because a few people blow up about stupid things. No one is married here so there is no need to start arguing over trivial things (minor House reference for those wondering). It’s one thing to respectfully ask for people to stop doing something. It’s another to attempt to humiliate them. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’d put in the Golden rule, but then I’ve used too many clichés and that doesn’t sit well with me.