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Breakdown Card - December 12, 2018 |
Posted by: supremecw - 12-05-2018, 02:49 AM - Forum: Breakdown || December 12, 2018
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SCW United States Championship Rematch
Selena Frost vs. Bree Lancaster**
PLEASE NOTE: This match will be judged using the roleplays for the December 5 show. I wrote the match in a way to add more heat to this match and to allow me more time to properly judge roleplays. No new roleplays will be counted. Furthermore, this match will not be announced prior to the show going on air – this is just a PSA to these two handlers.
Ace Marshall & Cassidy Carter vs. Truelove Twins
Chris Cannon vs. Ravyn Taylor
SCW Television Championship
Max Kane vs. Derek Adonis
James Evans vs. Andrew Raynes
Alexis Quinne vs. Owen Cruze
Giovanni Aries vs. Marie Jones
Alistaire Allocco’s challenge (ROUND TWO)
2 RP Limit for singles
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Dark Fantasy |
Posted by: Syren - 12-04-2018, 09:34 PM - Forum: Tag Teams
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Tag Team Name:
Dark Fantasy
Ravyn Taylor & Syren
Combined Weight:
Theme Song:
"Misery Business" by Paramore (Dark Fantasy Remix)
Dark Domination
-Ravyn leaps up on to an opponent and nails a double-knee facebuster ("Evolutionary Synthesis"). With the opponent then down on the mat Ravyn drags them in to position and holds down their legs while Syren grabs the top rope, springboarding up and flipping in mid-air, crashing down on top of the opponent with a modified High-Angle Senton Bomb ("Blondeton Bomb")
Dark Makeover
-Syren hooks both the arms of an opponent, sometimes in a double-chicken-wing. She then twists around so that she's in position to drop them with an Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster ("Syren Symphony"). Ravyn then rushes up behind the opponent before lifting their legs off the mat so that their entire body is now held horizontally in the air. Both girls drop down, driving the opponent's face in to the mat
Signature Moves:
Fantasy Fulfillment
-Bearhug hold from Ravyn while Syren hits a top-rope legdrop on the prone opponent
Twisted Desire
-Neckbreaker out of the corner by Ravyn, holding the neck of the opponent across her shoulder with their legs elevated on the ropes, followed by Syren hitting a double-knee drop from the top rope
Common Double Team Moves:
1) Aided Whiplash Neckbreaker
2) Wheelbarrow facebuster (Syren), Cutter (Ravyn) combination
3) Wheelbarrow facebuster (Syren), Even-Flow DDT (Ravyn) combination
4) Powerbomb (Syren), Double Knee Backbreaker (Ravyn) combination
5) Superplex (Ravyn) followed by a Top Rope Splash (Syren)
6) Bearhug (Syren), Lariat (Ravyn) combination
7) Electric Chair (Ravyn), Diving Lariat (Syren) combination
8) Lariat (Ravyn), Running Chop Block (Syren) combination
9) Russian Legsweep (Syren), Lariat (Ravyn) combination
10) Wishbone
The camera cuts to the crowd where we see a group of red-shirted security walking in through one of the ground-level entrances. They line up in front of the fans for a moment and seem to be holding them back. There’s then a loud click as the lights around the building flick off and darkness consumes the arena, with nothing but a few flashes from cameras in the crowd lighting the arena. Without warning we see black and white footage spring to life on the screen of Winston Churchill giving one of his most famous speeches, all the while the chilling sound of air raid sirens and war can be heard in the background...
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall NEVER surrender!"
The video suddenly burns away to reveal a second hidden image of the devious ex-president George H. W. Bush giving a speech of his own...
"When we are successful, and we will be, we'll have a real chance at this new world order..."
A record scratch interrupts the normal Infamous introduction, only for the sound of Cute Is What We Aim For’s hit to begin around the arena.
“I’ve got the gift of one-liners,
And you’ve got the curse of curves”
The opening to “Misery Business” by Paramore suddenly hits the PA system as the spotlights on the stage flash between pink and white. We cut to the back where we see Ravyn Taylor and Syren walking the corridor, looking at each other with little smirks on their faces. As they walk, Syren spins around and we see she’s wearing a Dark Fantasy logoed jacket instead of the normal Infamous one. She walks backwards alongside her partner for a moment before slapping hands with Alexander Crowe behind her who helps spin her around to face front again. Behind the duo we see their also accompanied by Christy Matthews, with her hood up, Christopher Richter and CHBK.
Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
Dark Fantasy
We cut to the same doorway that opened a few moments earlier with security standing by. The lights slowly come back up again as Dark Fantasy make their way through the open door. Syren twirls again with Ravyn running her fingers along the words on the back of Syren’s jacket. They then lock arms and begin to walk down toward the ring with security holding back fans from getting too close. As they approach ringside, Syren vaults over the barricade as Alexander Crowe lifts Ravyn up and over it before following behind.
Phillips: “Introducing, making their way to the ring and representing Infamous, being accompanied by CHBK, Alexander Crowe, Christopher Richter and Christy Matthews, first, from Hell, Michigan, she is an SCW Hall of Famer, an SCW Supreme Champion, and a BAD, BAD GIRL, this is RAVYN TAYLOR!”
Ravyn climbs the ring steps as Alexander Crowe sits on the middle rope, allowing first Ravyn to enter and then Syren, as Phillips continues the introduction.
Phillips: “And her tag team partner, from Los Angeles, California, weighing one hundred and twenty-nine pounds, she is a seven-time SCW World Champion, she is ‘The Alpha Female’, this is SYREN! Together, they are… DARK FANTASY!”
Both women remove their ring jackets and toss them to the corner. Syren climbs up on to the ropes, with one foot on the bottom and one on the middle ropes, pointing at her armband and tapping it repeatedly. Ravyn stands alongside her, also pointing out her armband and standing such that their arms are close together for the camera.
Autumn Valentine |
Posted by: Syren - 12-04-2018, 09:26 PM - Forum: Singles
- Replies (1)
Wrestler's Alias:
Autumn Valentine
Wrestler’s Nickname(s):
AVW (former, and banned by Lexy)
Wrestler's Real Name:
Autumn Valentine-Watson
Pic Base:
Zoe Lucas
Birth Date:
September 13th, 1991
Billed From:
Los Angeles, California
Birth Place:
Memphis, Tennessee
Current Residence:
Anaheim, California
Physical Description:
Autumn, while physically lacking in muscular build, has a very slim, toned body with considerable strength in her legs. Her Brazilian heritage means a deep tanned look with long, dark hair but beautiful deep blue eyes.
Ring Gear:
In the ring Autumn wears a tight pink and black halter top with short matching hot pants and knee-high black boots, accompanied by black elbow-pads and kneepads. She also tapes her wrists for support.
Wrestling Style:
Turned Pro:
April 5th, 2010, spent majority of early career as valet/manager
Primary Finishers:
1. The Show Must Go On [often with hand gesture theatrics]
Slingshot Flipping Lariat (Buckshot Lariat)
2. Blindspot
Running Knee Strike to Back of Head of Seated/Kneeling Opponent
Secondary Finisher (Used Less Frequently):
1. Pink Whisper
Evenflow DDT [Adopted from Christy Matthews]
2. Nightfall
Top Rope Double Stomp [Adopted from Christy Matthews]
Signature Moves:
1. DOUBLE (F#$K) YOU! (Spinning Back Kick dropping opponent to their knees, followed by “W” sign with her fingers from her Hand Gesture, followed by front thrust-kick to the face)
2. Multiple Reverse Curb Stomps
3. Ropehung Neckbreaker
4. Repeated Kicks to the Chest [of a kneeling or sat opponent, Daniel Bryan “Yes” Kick style]
5. Springboard Tornado DDT
6. Springboard Roundhouse Kick
Trademark Moves:
1. Enzuigiri
2. Piggyback Stunner
3. Running Double High Knee
1. Back Kick
2. Backflip Kick
3. Calf Kick
4. Cartwheel Kick
5. Dropkick
6. Jumping High Kick
7. Overhead Kick
8. Rolling Wheel Kick
9. Shoot Kick
10. Spin Kick
Striking Moves:
1. Discus Elbow Smash
2. Flying Forearm Smash
3. Flying Lariat
4. Forearm Smash
5. Knee Drop
6. Knife-Edged Chop
7. Leg Drop
8. Rebound Clothesline
9. Shining Wizard
10. Short-Arm Clothesline
Common Moves:
1. Armdrag
2. Backslide
3. Backward Victory Roll
4. Dragon whip
5. Flying Headscissors
6. Jawbreaker
7. Legsweep
8. Russian Leg Sweep
9. Snapmare
10. Split-Legged Moonsault
Theme Song:
“Miss Nothing” by The Pretty Reckless
Autumn seems to be able to take quite a bit of physical impact, not shying away from things that are going to cause her pain and not dwelling too long when she’s been hurt. She has strength in her legs which means she’s quick on her feet and able to put considerable power behind kicks.
Physically she’s weak in the upper body which means that any move that requires considerable strength is definitely out and she’s also liable to lose many tests of strength.
Quote:A woman’s voice can be heard as the video screens display the words she's saying in unison.
"Lexy Chapel Proudly Presents"
“Miss Nothing” by The Pretty Reckless hits the PA system as Autumn Valentine walks out onto the stage wearing a black jacket. Across her ring-gear we see the ‘Lexy Chapel Presents’ and ‘Chapel Show’ branding. She pauses on the stage for a moment before being joined by Lexy Chapel who starts pointing at her, and the Television Championship, and yelling at the fans to cheer for her. Around Lexy’s neck we see a lanyard which appears to be a manager’s license.
Phillips: “Introducing, hailing from Los Angeles, California, accompanied, and PROUDLY represented, by Lexy Chapel, this is AUTUMN VALENTINE!”
Autumn walks to the ring accompanied by Lexy. She skips up to the apron and jumps up before sliding off her jacket and letting it fall to the floor. She then runs at the turnbuckles, climbing up and throwing up her arms before looking to the camera confidently. She jumps from the outside of the ropes to inside of the ring, rolling back to her feet before walking the middle of the ring and dropping down into the splits. Lexy walks behind her, pointing down at her and still trying to get the fans to support her. Lexy holds a hand down to pull Autumn back to her feet as Autumn walks to the corner, removing the TV title from around her waist as the music fades out.
Autumn Valentine was born in Memphis, Tennessee to Paulo and Abigail Valentine. In school she was far from the most popular, going the majority of her life without anybody really even noticing that she was there. The only thing that she found enjoyment from was kickboxing, which she attended every Tuesday after school. She didn't progress very far in that sport, but after relocating to Las Vegas she enrolled in the Knightfall Wrestling School, where she met Christy Matthews and Yvonne "Ivy" Knight, the two women who would help mould her wrestling career. After a short stint in Four Corners Wrestling, a company founded by Ivy's father Jacky, and a short reign as 4CW Adrenaline Champion, Autumn ducked out of competition to continue to train alongside fellow Knightfall Wrestling School trainee Ravyn Taylor, with whom she shares a close friendship.
Autumn made her SCW debut alongside Christy Matthews as a valet. It wasn’t long before she also became the valet of Ravyn Taylor and Syren of Dark Fantasy, becoming a manager for Infamous in the process. She began a relationship with Ryan Watson during this time, but upon injury to Ryan and the implosion of Infamous, Autumn disappeared from ringside for a while. During this time, she completed her training, returning to SCW as an in-ring competitor for the first time, where she debuts on the B-show and made her way up. It wasn’t long before she was in contendership for the Women’s Championship, which became an obsession for her, culminating in her reign as Interim Women’s Champion, which eventually became undisputed Women’s Champion. This reign would end after being beaten by mentor Christy Matthews, whom she’d beat for the belt again in a rematch. However, this mentorship ended after Christy stabbed Autumn in the back, causing a loss to Alexis Quinne, and marking Autumn’s final reign in the Women’s division.
After years in the Women’s division, Autumn began tagging with then-boyfriend Gable Winchester. Unexpectedly, to both them and the fan-base, they soon found themselves in World Tag Team Championship contendership. Even more surprisingly, the duo won the titles. While inexperienced as a team at the beginning of this partnership, the love the two had for one another showed, with both going to great lengths to help the other. This led to a hugely successful championship reign, and then holding onto the championships for almost a year before finally being dethroned in Tag Team Turmoil. Unfortunately, this loss also kick-started a downward spiral for Autumn. She attempted and failed to challenge for the Television Championship and seemed to be left directionless without Gable at her side. However, it wasn’t long before Ryan Watson’s return to SCW changed this.
Ryan became Autumn’s manager, in spite of a messy breakup at the end of their relationship some years earlier, which led Autumn to a return to success and to a short reign as Television Champion. She carried the SCW Television Championship into Rise to Greatness weekend, losing it on the pre-show. However, she and Ryan would continue to cause mayhem throughout the rest of the year, while in her personal life she unexpectedly broke up with Gable and married Ryan. While this seemed to have come out of nowhere, so did the duo becoming a tag team, and one year after losing the Television Championship at the Rise to Greatness pre-show, Ryan and Autumn won the right to fight for the SCW World Tag Team Championships, and then went on to shock everyone by winning the titles themselves at Rise to Greatness. Their reign was ended by Twin Magic, however in a rematch for the championships the duo regained the gold, making Autumn a three-time World Tag Team Champion in the process.
While not featuring heavily on television during this reign, the duo became mainstays at live events, even issuing open challenges to other teams to face them. That challenge was answered one night by the team of Christy Matthews, Autumn’s former mentor, and Ravyn Taylor, Autumn’s former friend, now once again going by the name Infamous. Infamous beat Autumn and Ryan at a live event, only to lose to them the following night, marking Ryan and Autumn’s third reign as World Tag Team Champions, and Autumn’s fourth individually. This reign would end just eight days later on pay per view when Infamous won the belts back in a multi-team Ladder Match, which also resulted in an injury to Ryan, side-lining him indefinitely. Without a partner, Autumn seemed lost once again.
SCW Women’s Champion (17 days Interim, 403 days Undisputed)
SCW Women’s Champion (57 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Gable Winchester, 354 days)
SCW Television Champion (24 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Ryan Watson, 63 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Ryan Watson, 26 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Ryan Watson, 8 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Ace Marshall, 42 days)
SCW Television Champion (100+ days)
Christy Matthews |
Posted by: Syren - 12-04-2018, 09:24 PM - Forum: Inactive
- Replies (3)
Wrestler's Alias:
Christy Matthews
Wrestler's Real Name:
Christina Anne "Christy" Matthews
Pic Base:
Killer Kelly
![[Image: ChristyBioPic.jpg]](http://www.christymatthews.com/images/ChristyBioPic.jpg)
June 25th, 1986
Birth Place:
Overland Park, Kansas
Current Residence:
Los Angeles, California
Physical Description:
Christy although having a very feminine look she still has a muscular build. Often her attractive nature combined with her shoulder length blondish brown hair can be extremely deceiving as she is a surprisingly strong individual for her size. Christy’s legs appear heavily toned from her extensive workouts and Muay Thai kick boxing training and, while not as defined, her arms still pack an amazing power behind each of her punches. Her upper back is covered with a large tattoo of angel’s wings that she had done as a teenager and a tattoo of the Japanese symbol for "destiny" (Unmei) on her hip.
Wrestling Style:
Striking (mostly kicks)/High Risk
In-ring Tendencies:
Christy, like her tutor, is constantly evolving and adapting her style in the ring. Her current style is a mixture of striking moves, especially kicks, submissions and high-risk techniques. After a few tough losses she's taken a 'back to basics' approach, focusing more on grinding opponents down with strikes and submissions.
Turned Pro:
June 2008
1) Happily (N)Ever After
2) End Of The Yellow Brick Road
3) The Stroke Of Midnight
Finishers Descriptions:
1) Evenflow DDT
2) Springboard Double-Stomp
3) Arm Trap Inverted Cravate
Signature Moves:
1) Once Upon A Time
2 Little Red Press
3) Far Far Away
Signature Moves Descriptions:
1) Double Knee Backbreaker
2) Standing or Running Shooting Star Press
3) Hurricanrana Driver
Common Moves:
Armbreaker DDT
Arm Trap Neckbreaker
Corkscrew Neckbreaker
Double-Leg Takedown
German Suplex
Inverted Facelock Backbreaker
Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker
Jumping Side Neckbreaker
Side Russian Legsweep
Springboard Gamengiri
Springboard Roundhouse Kick
Arm Triangle Choke
Body Scissors
Figure-Four Necklock
Inverted Heel Hook
Japanese Stranglehold
Backhand Chop
European Uppercut
Leg Kick
Leg Lariat
Running European Uppercut
Running Knee Drop
Running Lariat
Spinning Back Elbow
Spinning Leg Lariat
Shoot Kick
Short-Arm Clothesline
Theme Song:
“King of the World” by Porcelain & The Tramps
Christy is very strong willed and determined. She has a “never say die” attitude and, due to the past experiences in her life, is used to having to overcome the odds and so perseveres in situations where others would normally give up hope. She is also a very quick learner, picking up new styles of wrestling and fighting far faster than the average performer meaning that she’s able to adapt her style very efficiently to her opponents.
Despite a huge amount of fight, Christy’s size and strength remain her biggest weaknesses. She tries to overcome these disadvantages by hitting powerful striking moves and an array of quick fire high risk moves, but despite her speed she remains susceptible. She also refuses to quit, even in situations where it would be to her benefit, seemingly willing to endure injuries rather than ever submit in the ring.
The opening “King of the World” by Porcelain and the Tramps hits the PA system. The fans cheer as we cut to black. Spotlights highlight areas of the crowd. We cut to an area of the crowd where we see Christy walking through. Her fists are taped and she’s wearing a red ring jacket with red hood pulled up over her head. Around her waist, just visible through the jacket, are both the United States and World Tag Team Championships around her waist.
...O R D E R O F C H A O S P R E S E N T S...
...C H R I S T Y M A T T H E W S...
Christy pauses, her head down for a moment before extending her arms in the mock crucifix pose. After a moment she starts walking to the ring. When she approaches ringside, she doesn’t even break stride, simply vaulting over the guardrail and toward the ring apron where she jumps up, quickly ascending the turnbuckles and extends her arms again in the mock crucifix pose.
Phillips: “Introducing, from the City of Angels, weighing one hundred and thirty-seven pounds, representing the Order of Chaos, she is one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, and the SCW United States Champion, this is CHRISTY MATTHEWS!”
She steps up onto the top turnbuckle and then jumps down to the ring, taking off her jacket and throwing it into the corner. She then unclips both belts from her waist before dropping to her knees, extending her arms out again with one belt in each hand before collapsing back into a seated position in the corner. She pushes the titles out for the timekeeper to pick up as the music fades out.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW United States Champion
SCW Women’s Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion (x3)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (x3) (w/ Ravyn Taylor (x2) and Lucas Knight)
SCW Television Champion
SCW Hall of Famer
Rise to Greatness 2012 Main Eventer
First Challenge Series Winner
Trios Tournament 2011 Winner
SCW World Championship Contendership Tournament Winner
Supreme Champion
Christina Anne Matthews was born on June 25th, 1985 in Overland Park, Kansas to single mother Ann-Marie Matthews, who herself was just seventeen years old when she gave birth. Not too much is known about Christy’s past aside from the fact that she grew up in a very poor area and her mother suffered drug addiction for most of her life. A runaway at a young age, Christy’s body has various scars and tattoos from her life during this period, although she has never publicly come out to talk about many of them. The most notable of these tattoos are large angel’s wings on her back. The other tattoo she publicly acknowledges, while normally hidden by ring attire, as a tattoo of the Japanese symbol for “destiny” on her hip, which she got as a tribute to her relationship with then-boyfriend Pete Ebdon before their marriage in May 2011. The tattoo speaks to her long-time obsession with the idea of “destiny”, an ideal that she’s never embraced under its true meaning and instead has rebelled against her entire life.
Christy first became associated with professional wrestling in 2006 when she answered an advert placed by Nicholas Jaxx, who at the time was auditioning new wrestling students. Christy was the only such student’ that Jaxx took on, however how much time he spent teaching her wrestling in any traditional sense has always been a subject of speculation. Instead of learning to wrestle, Christy got involved in Jaxx’s internet project, Nicholas Jaxx TV, becoming a reoccurring guest on the project along with a ringside manager for the Canadian star. While accompanying him to ringside her wrestling training began to show at times as she would regularly interfere in his matches and cause distractions at ringside, allowing Jaxx to break rules and allowing the outside interference of others associated with Nicholas Jaxx TV. As a part of Jaxx’s ever expanding entourage Christy showcased her ability but never strayed far from her role as manager for Jaxx.
In 2008, after the reunion of Nicholas Jaxx with long time tag team partner Pete Ebdon and the reformation of The Order of Chaos by the duo, Christy was seen more and more associating with Ebdon until the duo were finally confirmed as a couple in early 2008. Christy maintained her role as a part of Jaxx’s entourage during this time, but also began to take up a role at ringside with Ebdon. During this time the in-ring ability she showcased seemed to have improved dramatically, and when Jaxx pulled out of a match one evening, Christy took his place to compete in her first ever professional match. Due in part to some outside interference by Ebdon, Christy gained her first victory and soon there was talk about her becoming a permanent in-ring competitor. That talk led to her signing a contract with PDW, becoming a part of the Pantheon stable alongside Ebdon and Jaxx, and a permanent fixture with the Order of Chaos alongside Ebdon, Jaxx and co-founder Lucas Knight, who made his return to the wrestling ring after a long time out to join the group. However, toward the end of 2008 things turned bad for Christy and after a public revelation about her personal life led to embarrassment on her part she disappeared, ending her relationship with Ebdon and association with both groups.
In 2009 however Christy Matthews reappeared alongside Jaxx and Knight as the duo continued their Order of Chaos group after the retirement of Ebdon. Christy regularly accompanied the duo to ringside, aiding in their singles and tag team successes, keeping peace between the two men as they battled over singles championships and helped guide them to their first reign as World Tag Team Champions together. Not only after that Christy resumed her wrestling career as well, signing first with promotion AWF and then with Majestic Wrestling as a part of an initial three-person invasion with Jaxx and Knight. Christy and Lucas worked well together, and surprised everyone when it was revealed the duo had married one night in Las Vegas while both were heavily intoxicated. Despite the odd beginning to their marriage however the duo formed a very effective team and helped deliver Christy her first major championship reign when she won the 2009 God of Wrestling tournament and became the Majestic Wrestling Royale Majestic Champion. In a lengthy reign, including defending the title against her husband, Christy proved herself a capable champion right up until the closure of the company in late 2009, when she stepped back from in-ring competition.
Neither Christy nor Lucas stayed gone from professional wrestling for too long. Lucas opened a wrestling school, Knightfall, before returning to the ring in Supreme Championship Wrestling in 2010, and Christy joined him in a managerial role. The duo’s relationship seemed to suffer during this time however and they were seen fighting numerous times backstage before the revelation finally came out that Lucas had been having an affair with another woman in the company. The revelation was made public by SCW veteran CHBK and seemed to shatter Christy, who’d only recently made her in-ring debut for the company. Following the cancellation of her match on the Rise to Greatness pre-show in 2010, Christy wasn’t scheduled to appear at the event at all but made her presence felt at the following show when she controversially attacked CHBK after his elimination from a tag team match, aiding one of the partners of her estranged husband in the process. She completed her shock change in attitude, from a beloved heroine in Majestic Wrestling to a perceived traitor in SCW, by siding with her husband, alongside his associates the following week. Those associates included Syren, with whom Lucas had cheated and who he was now in a relationship with. To explain matters a little further, Pete Ebdon returned from his self-imposed wrestling exile to manage the group, dubbed “Infamous”, and begin to take a personal interest in Christy’s career.
Christy’s career from that point boomed and she established herself as a true competitor in SCW with numerous matches against main event stars and the success in an eight-person tournament to find a number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, which included a victory over another former Order of Chaos founding member Simon Kalis in the process. Christy, however, came up short during the match and was admitted to hospital the following day after a reported suicide attempt. Following the hospital admission stories of her unhappiness and questions about her mental well-being began to come out from many sources, however the company granted her permission to continue her career following her recovery and after psychiatrist consultation. The suicide attempt however wouldn’t go unnoticed by the roster, and became the subject of continued mockery by Shawn Winters, leading to a brutal First Blood match between the two that culminated in Christy gaining the victory after a controversial match, and claiming another victory over another former World Heavyweight Champion.
Her pursuit of gold in SCW continued, as did her rise through the rankings. Following her marriage in May 2011 Christy continued fighting through the rankings, defeating more former World Champions and getting her name noticed. She competed against Jake Starr in the inaugural Challenge Series, in which each competitor got to choose the opponents for the other. Christy completed a clean sweep of all the opponents chosen by Starr, which included four former World Heavyweight Champions and Underground specialist and former Infamous member Brittany Lohan. Following the victories, and a victory over Jake Starr in highly controversial circumstances when Starr got himself disqualified, Christy once again challenged for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship at Retribution 2012, exactly one year following her previous loss. This time however she was successful, becoming the second ever female wrestler to hold the championship by defeating the first female to do so, Katie Steward. Christy’s championship reign, while not too long, was memorably marked by continued issues with Starr and his hired gun The Real Speed, and her successful title defence over the man who’d beaten her one year prior, David Helms.
Following her loss of the World Championship to Shilo Valiant, Christy challenged Shilo Valiant and Jason Zero at Rise to Greatness 2012 in an unsuccessful attempt to regain the championship. She then spent many months seemingly struggling with progressing her career further, receiving another World Championship opportunity thanks to the random drawing of Fatal Fortunes, only to be beaten by then-reigning champion Syren. She engaged in a rivalry with former Infamous teammate Ravyn Taylor and in a brutal war with Xander Valentine, standing up to Valentine after he’d turned his back on her attempts to show him respect. Following a success over Xander Valentine in early 2013, Christy’s year was marked with injuries, inconsistent performances and unexpected losses, leading up to her third attempt to win a match at SCW’s showcase event, Rise to Greatness. However, at Rise to Greatness X in 2013 she was once again defeated as a part of a six-person tag team match.
Following the match Christy was awarded a match for the Underground Championship, but failed to show up at the event. Rumours of injury were quick to spread around the wrestling world, but neither Christy nor the company came out and stated the nature of her reasons for departing so suddenly, save for “medical reasons”. In early 2014 those reasons were finally made clear when it was announced that on April 14th, 2014 Christy gave birth to her first child, Scarlett Taylor Ebdon. There were rumours of her official retirement following the birth, but those rumours were proven unjustified when Christy made her return to Supreme Championship Wrestling in May at the Taking Hold of the Flame pay per view event.
Ravyn Taylor |
Posted by: Syren - 12-04-2018, 09:21 PM - Forum: Singles
- No Replies
Wrestler's Alias: Ravyn Taylor
Wrestler's Real Name: Alexis Louise Taylor
Pic Base: Emilia Clarke
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115lbs
Birthdate: May 11th, 1990
Birth Place: Hell, Michigan
Current Residence: Malibu, California
Physical Description:
Alexis is a dark-haired beauty, her natural looks shining through and giving the impression of a very cute, bubbly young girl. She dresses provocatively in tight fighting outfits and has a slim yet feminine figure. She is normally seen with a pendent around her neck and now wears a wedding band on her left ring finger.
Wrestling Style: Technical, inspired by European style of her mentors
Alignment: Heel
Turned Pro: 2009
Wrestling Training: Originally very lightly trained before beginning to compete in her first promotion. Undertook considerable training at the Knightfall Wrestling School in January 2010 when signing for SCW, with her primary teacher being Yvonne Knight. Has since moved on and is now being mentored by "Infamous" teammate and manager Pete Ebdon, and is heavily influenced in the ring by her then "boyfriend", the SCW Hall of Famer "The Canadian Heartbreak Kid" Alex Desoubrais.
In-ring Tendencies: Originally very basic but has added more and more as she's learned. In the ring she's very cerebral, playing possum often and waiting for opponents to make mistakes before striking. Due to the influence of English trainers Yvonne Knight and Pete Ebdon she's adapted a more European style. Very hard hitting, very rarely goes high risk.
Primary Finishers:
Primary striking finisher is the Evolutionary Synthesis, for which she's become well known. She's added the Memento Mori triangle choke to her arsenal, applying it quickly as a counter when opponents can't scout it.
1) Memento Mori
2) Evolutionary Synthesis
3) Bittersweet Ending
4) Ars Moriendi
Primary Finisher Description:
1) Triangle Choke
2) Double Knee Facebreaker
3) CHBK's Superkick
4) Camel Clutch Strangle-Hold
Signature Moves:
1) Bust of Pallas
2) Birds of a Feather
3) Black Plume
4) Natural Selection
5) Survival Instinct
6) Quoth the Ravyn
Signature Moves Descriptions:
1) Running Yakuza Kick, either in the corner or with the opponent bent over
2) Straight-Jacket Neckbreaker
3) Straight-Jacket Double-Knee Backbreaker
4) Angels Wings
5) Jumping DDT
6) Anaconda Vice
Theme Song(s): "Bad Girl" by Avril Lavigne and “Open Your Eyes” by Guano Apes
Common Moves:
-Arm-Trap Neckbreaker
-Backhand Chop
-Corner Foot Choke
-Discus Elbow Smash
-Discus Lariat
-Double Knee Backbreaker
-Dragon Screw Legwhip
-European Uppercut
-Front Dropkick
-Headscissors Takedown
-Japanese Arm Drag
-Rolling Neck Snap
-Running Dropkick
-Running Lariat
-Running Leg Drop
-Spinning Lariat
-Sunset Flip
Alexis’s main strength is her incredible intelligence, with an IQ in the top 99.997th percentile, with a score of over 160, although this has never been extensively tested. She learns things far faster than average, being able to pick up new skills and abilities within hours rather than days or weeks, and is able to read the body language of those around her to predict accurately what they’re going to do before they do it, and whether or not they are lying to her. All of this means that she’s able to read opponents amazingly well and formulate strategies against them, while being able to show no outward signs of her own strategies.
Alexis’s main weaknesses are her inexperience - although this is countered by her superior intellect - and her lack of physical size, accompanied by the unnerving need to prove her worth against anybody, even those against whom she is drastically outmatched.
SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2019)
World Heavyweight Champion (1 day)
World Heavyweight Champion (20 days)
United States Champion (42 days)
United States Champion (702 days)
Adrenaline Champion (current)
Television Champion (28 days)
Television Champion (154 days)
Women’s Champion (82 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Syren, 84 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Syren, 602 days)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Christy Matthews, 1 day)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (w/ Christy Matthews, 105 days)
Supreme Champion
Winner of All Championships Including Women’s
Longest Reigning United States Champion
Longest Reigning World Tag Team Champion
Longest Reigning Television Champion
Final Women’s Champion
Tactical Warfare 2013 Winner
Tactical Warfare 2014 Winner
2015 Female of the Year Winner
2010 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2011 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2012 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2010 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
2011 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
2012 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
Quote:The camera cuts to the crowd where we see a group of red-shirted security walking in through one of the ground-level entrances. They line up in front of the fans for a moment and seem to be holding them back. Then the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. The screen fills with images of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address.
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is—”
There’s a record scratch before a deep voice fills the arena.
The opening of “Open Your Eyes” by Guano Apes hits the PA system.
“Hide your face forever
Dream and search forever-ever-ever-ever”
The song gets stuck on the word and is then interrupted by the deep sound of the voice of Marilyn Manson.
“Just lay your head in daddy’s lap
You’re a bad girl!”
“Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne hits the PA system as we cut to the backstage. We see Ravyn Taylor walking the corridors, accompanied by Lexy Chapel and Syren. We can hear the reaction from the live crowd as we follow the trio walking backstage. We then cut to the shot of the doorway again where we see Ravyn Taylor walk through. She pauses, a smirk on her face for a moment, before beginning to walk to the ring.
Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
We follow the group as they make their way down toward ringside, with security keeping fans back in the aisles. Ravyn doesn’t seem at all distracted by the noise and movement of people around her however, keeping her eyes focused on the ring. She gets to the barricade she grabs hold of a chair that’s unused by a standing fan and pushes it up to the railing before stepping on the chair and then on the barricade to jump down on the other side.
Phillips: “Introducing, representing ‘Lexy Chapel Presents Dark Fantasy’, accompanied by Lexy Chapel and Syren, hailing from Hell, Michigan, she is an SCW Hall of Famer, an SCW Supreme Champion, and a BAD, BAD GIRL, this is RAVYN TAYLOR!”
Ravyn steps up the ring steps, pausing for a moment before encouraging Jason Phillips to walk over toward her. She points to the ropes, telling him to sit on the middle rope to lower it for her. He hesitates before doing exactly that, and she responds by vaulting over the top rope and just smirking at him. She then casually removes her jacket, tossing it into the corner before climbing the turnbuckles on the left camera side and looking out toward the camera.
Alexis Taylor was born to parents John and Marie Taylor on May 11th, 1990 and was the younger of two children, with an older brother Matthew born 1983. At a very young age Alexis became aware that she was more intelligent than others around her, and by age seven she found she was becoming bored with life in the small town of Hell, Michigan. Her parents attempted to acknowledge her intelligence, however could never do anything that could keep her entertained for long. A little before her eighth birthday her brother Matthew broke up with his long-time girlfriend, and he became increasingly depressed. Annoyed by the attention that he was getting and the fact that all he did was mope around, Alexis convinced him that he was right about his life not being worth living, and to kill himself. Matthew Taylor died April 2nd, 1998, leaving behind a suicide note that explained his reasons for killing himself, and explaining that Alexis had convinced him to do so. Two days later his ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Waterhouse, was found dead of a self-inflicted overdose, talking in her suicide note about the death of Matthew and how she blamed herself and couldn’t live with the guilt. In the two days prior to her death, Alexis was seen talking to her many times.
Being blamed for both the suicides of Matthew and Charlotte, Alexis was assessed by a doctor and her parents began to believe she didn’t have conscience. Even at such a young age Alexis was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder with a complete lack of remorse, reckless disregard for others safety, aggressive lashing out at others, deceitfulness and failure to conform to any of the social norms. When questioned by medical professionals about her actions, Alexis would simply tell them that she was bored and looking for something to entertain her. After an assessment by her doctor, Alexis was admitted to a mental institution in Detroit, Michigan where she spent the next eleven years of her life bouncing from doctor to doctor as most deemed her untreatable and unwilling to even attempt treatment.
After hitting her teenage years Alexis began to use her sexuality against her doctors, corrupting one to the point that he quit after she convinced him to touch her sexually. No charges were ever raised against him. Shortly before her nineteenth birthday however her most recent doctor, Nathan Webb, declared that Alexis was now mentally fit and able to re-enter society. Her parents were never found for comment; however the parents of Charlotte Waterhouse continue to believe that Alexis Taylor is evil and should be kept away from society for the rest of her life. During her early teens, after a lifelong obsession with the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, Alexis began referring to herself as “Ravyn”. She still responds to Alex and Alexis, along with Lexi which was the name her parents called her; however, the only name she actually seems to tolerate for any meaningful period of time is “Ravyn”.
After being released from the mental institution Alexis began an odd relationship with a masked man whose face has never been seen by anyone but her. She had also begun to show a great enjoyment for physical pain and a great affinity for the humiliation of others, leading her to begin a career in professional wrestling to make money for herself. This led to a short stint in a small company before a move to Majestic Wrestling, where she quickly manipulated her way in to contendership for the Valkyries Women’s Championship. She engaged in a short war with the Valkyries champion which ended when Ravyn beat her in a Last Woman Standing match to become Valkyries Women’s Champion. She went on to hold the title until the closure of the company, despite numerous suspensions and fines for her actions.
In late 2009 she began a friendship with SCW wrestler Zoe Sperling, known as Syren in the ring. After a few months of friendship, they formed a tag team, the Dark Fantasy, which saw Ravyn joining SCW alongside Syren, but not exactly fitting in with her new surroundings. She began speaking out against the SCW commissioner, leading to a war of words and actions. During this time, she also began a romantic relationship with Zoe and a stable alongside fellow women’s competitor Brittany Lohan, named the Dark Triad after the series of mental disorders which the trio seem to perfectly reflect. In late 2010 the Dark Triad was merged in to a new group of Ravyn’s forming alongside Ravyn’s former Majestic co-workers Lucas Knight and Christy Matthews. They were joined by veteran Pete Ebdon in a management role.
Her career continued to progress and in July 2010 at SCW’s biggest event of the year, Rise to Greatness, Ravyn became one half of the World Tag Team Champions alongside Zoe. In September 2010 Ravyn relocated from Las Vegas, Nevada to Malibu, California alongside girlfriend Zoe Sperling and new roommate Lucas Knight. Later that same month Ravyn proposed to Zoe and the two were married just two days later in Toronto, Ontario. Zoe’s increase in fame has meant more notoriety for Ravyn as a result, something that she is not overly fond of. The relationship with Zoe seems to have settled Ravyn down however as many of the traits she once possessed, while still evident, are perhaps less noticeable now.
Manager(s) Name:
Lexy Chapel
Relationship With Manager:
Neither is particularly happy about the arrangement - Lexy is there due to Ravyn's partnership with Syren and friendship with Autumn - and Ravyn seems to enjoy antagonising Lexy more than actually listening to her, but has absolutely no problem with using any distractions from Lexy, accidental or otherwise, to cheat behind the referee's back, even purposefully antagonising Lexy to get her to react to distract the referee.
Syren |
Posted by: Syren - 12-04-2018, 09:07 PM - Forum: Singles
- Replies (3)
Wrestler's Alias:
Wrestler's Real Name:
Zoe Rachel Sperling
Pic Base:
Penelope Ford
November 1st, 1989
Billed From:
Los Angeles, California
Birth Place:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Current Residence:
Malibu, California
Physical Description:
Zoe is a 5'4" blonde with breast implants. She has a number of tattoos including a tribal symbol around her arm, a rose tattoo on her lower back, a heart-based tattoo on her upper right back and Japanese symbols on her upper left back. She has heterochromia which affects her eyes, so she has one brown eye and one green eye. She also has her navel pierced. Outside of the ring, she wears engagement and wedding rings on the ring finger of both hands, or on a chain around her neck.
Ring Gear:
Inside the ring Syren wears a pink and black halter crop top and pink and either black hot-pants or short black tights, with her logo on the back of the pants. She wears knee-high boots and knee pads along with elbow pads, and often tapes her wrists. She normally wears a jacket to the ring which she removes before matches, and sometimes wears her own t-shirts out to the ring as well.
Clothing Outside the Ring:
At the arenas, when not in ring gear, Syren normally wears shirts with slogans across the front and if she has new merchandise on sale she’ll almost always be wearing that, along with mini-skirts, micro-skirts or sometimes jeans. She’ll wear either knee-high or thigh-high boots to complete the look.
Wrestling Style:
For years, Syren had a more rigid style of wrestling, always wrestling in the same style. Recently though, perhaps due to the influence of Lexy Chapel, her style has changed dramatically. More innovative, less rigid, more willing to adapt on the fly and listen to Lexy at ringside, Syren has been described online as "like a different person" in recent months.
Turned Pro:
August 19th, 2009
Primary Finishers:
1) Total Makeover
2) Blondeton Bomb
3) Bittersweet Dreams
Primary Finishers Descriptions:
1) Sit-Out Facebuster
2) Springboard Corkscrew High-Angle Senton Bomb
3) Running One-Legged Thrust Kick, similar in execution to CHBK’s variation of the Superkick
Secondary Finishers:
1) Bittersweet Ending
2) Beauty Spot
3) Malibu On Tap
Secondary Finishers Descriptions:
1) CHBK's version of the Superkick
2) 720 DDT
3) High-Angle Single-Leg Boston Crab With Necklock (Click here for an example)
Signature Moves:
1) Face Lift
2) Blonde Satisfaction
3) Syren’s Call
4) Syren Song
5) Golden Blonde
6) Beauty Mark
Signature Moves Descriptions:
1) Running Yakuza Kick
2) Discus Leg Drop
3) Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog
4) Straight Jacket Sit-Out Sleeper Slam
5) Inverted Lungblower
6) Springboard Flying Forearm Smash, followed by blowing a kiss to the fans
Common Moves:
- Dropkick
- Enzuigiri
- European uppercut
- Jawbreaker
- Knife Edge Chop
- Leg Lariat
- Rolling Wheel Kick
- School-Girl Rollup
- Standing Shooting Star Press
- Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors
- Various Moonsaults
-- Springboard Moonsault
-- Standing Moonsault
-- Top Rope Moonsault
Theme Song:
“Groupie” by Cassie Steele
- Very quick inside the ring
- Vast experience in big match situations
- Manager at ringside to help tactically when things get tough
- Very weak against larger opponents when hit and run tactics don’t work
- Has an incredible ability to hold a grudge against people who upset her
SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2019)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (122 days, 3 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (84 days, 2 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (98 days, 2 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (24 days, 0 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (224 days, 7 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (98 days, 2 defences)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (Interim, 107 days, 5 defences)
SCW Adrenaline Champion (177+ days, 3 defences, current)
SCW Women's Champion (406 days, 7 defences)
SCW Women's Champion (273 days, 6 defences)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (84 days, 2 defences)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (602 days, 14 defences)
SCW Television Champion (35 days, 3 defences)
Longest Reigning World Heavyweight Champion
Longest Reigning Women's Champion
Longest Reigning World Tag Team Champion
Trios Tournament 2011 Winner
Trios Tournament 2012 Winner
Trios Tournament 2014 Winner
2010 Female of the Year Winner
2011 Female of the Year Winner
2012 Female of the Year Winner
2014 Female of the Year Winner
2010 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2011 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2012 Tag Team of the Year Winner (Dark Fantasy)
2010 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
2011 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
2012 Stable of the Year Winner (Infamous)
Standard Match Entrance - Entering Through The Crowd:
Quote:The lights in the arena plunge into darkness. A pulsing sound akin to a heartbeat plays out across the PA system as the fans cheer. We cut to the backstage area we see Syren, in her full ring gear, complete with black ring jacket and pink halter-top/black tights, with the SCW Adrenaline Championship around her waist, making her way down a corridor, accompanied by Lexy Chapel dressed in a long skirt and t-shirt that reads ‘REJOICE, LEXY NATION’. She begins walking into the arena as we cut back to inside to see the fans reacting. “Groupie” by Cassie Steele then hits as we see one of the doors opening and Syren and Lexy walking through. She pauses to take in the atmosphere before walking down toward the ring.
Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
Syren and Lexy both walk down the walkway to the crowd barricade, occasionally slapping the hands of fans, before walking around and through the timekeeper’s area. Syren jumps up onto the apron before climbing the turnbuckles on the outside and waving her hands to get the fans fired up. As the camera gets closer to her, she shouts at the camera before pointing out at the fans. The camera switches to Lexy who yells about her client and the ‘Lexy Nation’ appreciating them.
Phillips: “Introducing, being accompanied by Lexy Chapel and representing LexyCorp International, hailing from Los Angeles, California, weighing one hundred and twenty-nine pounds, she is a seven-time SCW World Champion, she is an SCW Hall of Famer, and she is the current, reigning SCW Adrenaline Champion, this is SYREN!”
Syren smiles before leaping over the top rope and unclipping the title, dropping to her knees in the ring, posing with both her arms outstretched, palms facing up, and holding up the Adrenaline title with her right hand. Lexy rolls into the ring and stands over her, pointing down at her client. She offers both her hands to Syren, pulling her up. Syren hands her the Adrenaline title and takes off her ring jacket and hands that to Lexy before taking back the title. She climbs up on the middle rope, posing for a moment and then jumping back down and standing in her corner with Lexy, with the title across her shoulder, as her music fades out.
Match Entrance - Entering From The Back:
Quote:The lights in the arena plunge into darkness. A pulsing sound akin to a heartbeat plays out across the PA system as the fans cheer. The heartbeat gets faster before “Groupie” by Cassie Steele hits the PA system. After a few moments Syren comes through the curtain with the SCW Adrenaline Championship around her waist, accompanied by Lexy Chapel. Syren pauses on the stage, looking out at the fans cheering, as Lexy waves her arms, trying to get them to cheer even louder for her client.
Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
Syren walks down the ramp. She jumps up onto the apron before climbing the turnbuckles on the outside and waving her hands to get the fans fired up. As the camera gets closer to her, she shouts at the camera before pointing out at the fans. The camera switches to Lexy who yells about her client and the ‘Lexy Nation’ appreciating them.
Phillips: “Introducing, being accompanied by Lexy Chapel and representing LexyCorp International, hailing from Los Angeles, California, weighing one hundred and twenty-nine pounds, she is a seven-time SCW World Champion, she is an SCW Hall of Famer, and she is the current, reigning SCW Adrenaline Champion, this is SYREN!”
Syren smiles before leaping over the top rope and unclipping the title, dropping to her knees in the ring, posing with both her arms outstretched, palms facing up, and holding up the Adrenaline title with her right hand. Lexy rolls into the ring and stands over her, pointing down at her client. She offers both her hands to Syren, pulling her up. Syren hands her the Adrenaline title and takes off her ring jacket and hands that to Lexy before taking back the title. She climbs up on the middle rope, posing for a moment and then jumping back down and standing in her corner with Lexy, with the title across her shoulder, as her music fades out.
Shortened Entrance For Interruptions Etc:
Quote:The lights in the arena plunge into darkness. A pulsing sound plays out across the PA system as the fans cheer. “Groupie” by Cassie Steele then hits the PA system as we see Syren walking out from the back, accompanied by Lexy Chapel.
Sinfully Seductive
Captivatingly Corrupt
She begins walking down to the ring.
Zoe Rachel Sperling was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on November 1st, 1989, and managed to cause controversy before she was even born. The youngest but illegitimate child of renowned surgeon Jeremiah Sperling, Zoe was born only a few weeks after Jeremiah became a father for a third time with his wife Madeleine Sperling. Zoe’s birth came as a result of an affair between Jeremiah and a young student named Rachel Crawley. However, in part to maintain his public image, Zoe was adopted by Jeremiah and Madeleine and her real mother left her life. Before Zoe was two years old however the family relocated from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles, where Jeremiah established a practice and quickly rose to prominence as one of the top cosmetic surgeons in the country. She wouldn’t meet her mother until she was twenty years old and she finally found out about her mother, at which point she learned that her mother had a whole other family, including another daughter, Zoe’s younger sister Tamara.
Zoe grew up in a strongly devout Jewish environment and grew up in a very wealthy family. Her father, due to his work with so many of the country’s richest individuals, was able to provide everything that his family needed, and each of Zoe’s older brothers grew up to excel in academia. Two of her three older brothers have grown up to become doctors and follow in their father’s footsteps, while the other grew up to attend law school and begin a career as a litigator in Nevada. Zoe, however, struggled at school and was nothing more than an average student at best, never quite meeting with the same approval that her brothers received from her family. She did excel in athletics, gymnastics, dance and sport but wasn’t allowed to pursuit any such passions throughout junior and middle school with her father pressuring her to improve her grades. That never happened however, and finally in high school Zoe was allowed to join the cheerleaders and begin to pursue more of her own passions.
Growing up without ever meeting the expectations set by her older brothers however left Zoe with a desire to prove herself like few others have. She’d dreamt of a career in dance, music or acting, and alongside best friend Abigail Jackson she dreamt of achieving fame, but after almost failing to graduate from high school her father elected not to allow her to choose her own college but to choose for her. He enrolled her at a university in England and sent her there against her wishes. However, his plan to force her to pursue education backfired when she met wrestler Yvonne Knight while in England and Yvonne took her under her wing and trained her to compete. At first wrestling was just a way for Zoe to blow off some steam and it was her hope to gain the attention from producers or television executives, but as she competed more her passion for the wrestling business grew, and after a few years in the sport she stopped trying to make the jump in to acting and instead dedicated herself to pursuing the biggest challenges possible within professional wrestling.
After proving herself early in her career in Women’s wrestling establishing herself as the longest reigning champion in SCW history when she reached 406 days in her first reign as SCW Women’s Champion Zoe fought to prove herself not just against the top competitors in the Women’s division but the top competitors in the world. She, alongside long-time tag team partner Ravyn Taylor, formed the Dark Fantasy tag team who successfully won three World Tag Team Championships, and competed alongside then-boyfriend David Helms in Majestic Wrestling to win a fourth. After success against some of the biggest names in wrestling as one half of the longest reigning World Tag Team Champions in SCW history, Zoe cemented her spot in the upper tier of the company by winning a one-night tournament to find a new contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, defeating three former World Heavyweight Champions in the eight-person elimination tournament to do so. After an injury to the champion, Zoe was crowned interim World Champion and set about proving herself and accomplished that with a second reign as World Champion the following year.
Today Zoe attempts to define her career by her spirit and resilience in the ring, her willingness to take on any challenge no matter how big and her absolute desire to not only win every time she steps in to the ring but to put on the biggest match she possibly can and steal the show every time she competes. Her history however is marred with controversy, from the revelation of her affair with a married man, Lucas Knight, to her coming out as bi-sexual when she began dating, and later married, tag team partner Ravyn Taylor. The revelation of her relationship with David Helms turned both in to two of the most hated individuals in wrestling, but after a two-year relationship they have since separated as a result of David’s affair. A part of one of two of the biggest groups in SCW history - the Infamous and Pinnacle - Zoe’s name is cemented within the echelons of that promotion, but after many years being one of the most hated figures in the business, she’s recently turned that around, regaining much of her lost popularity now that she’s broken away from Infamous and stands on her own.
Manager(s) Name:
Lexy Chapel
Manager Style:
Loud. Lexy is always shouting things from ringside, banging on the ring apron, and trying to will her clients on but also happy to cause distractions to their opponents when needed. As a former wrestler (albeit never at the top level of SCW) she's no slouch to physicality, and was known to throw frequent superkicks prior to joining SCW as an interviewer and then manager, in what her and her former tag team partner used to call the "Superkick Soiree".
Manager Preferred Moves:
- Superkick, both regular and "Bittersweet Ending" style, adopted from her biological father CHBK
- Phoenix Splash, which on the independent scene used to be called "Raising The Standard"